This Page Intentionally Left Blank

rating: +226+x
Harry bullies the wiki by posting a steady flow of quality.
PedagonPedagon speaking half-truths
people just really like 5-headed lesbian god dragon girlfriend, maybe
EstrellaYoshteEstrellaYoshte speaking full truths
Harrylvabk hust writes good s fyzg-8
RallistonRalliston speaking Rallistonese
Too wordy / Too coherent
GremlinGroupGremlinGroup speaking in verse
Despite what's in his name, his head is anything but blank. Trust me, I speak from experience
Nickthebrick1Nickthebrick1 speaking from experience
roasted by saying we good friend
Buddy speaking pseudocoherently
Get lost you turds
Grigori KarpinGrigori Karpin speaking


Portrait of the artist as a disembodied expression of generalized disapproval

Harry Blank is many things, to many people. To some he's an obscure internet writer they've never heard of, and they only know that much because they looked it up after you asked.

Aaaaaand I'm tapped.

In the real world, assuming it still exists, I'm a PhD student and occasional university course instructor. I'm an historian! That is probably evident in the stuff I've written. I'm also from Canada! (I guess you can't say "from" when you're almost never not there, though, can you? Then again, I just did!)

- actually looks himself up -

Oh, hey, I'm a politician from Québec apparently! That's cool, I hope I'm good at it.

I adore words. I think a well-crafted sentence, with proper flow and some bitchin' word choice, is a thing of almost pornographic beauty. For that reason my articles so far have absurdly-long edit histories as I keep thinking of better ways to say things which were already said perfectly acceptably weeks ago.

I also adore all of you. You are all cool, special, and good at what you do. Your differences are what make us as a species better, stronger, faster than it was before! What was I saying? Oh, right, don't let the 'ists and the 'phobes get you down. All the shitheels who can't stand people not being the same as them are gonna end up in the dustbin of history with the original Nazis, and you can trust me on that; I help write the history books.

…in Canada, admittedly, but Canada is at least partially real world-adjacent.

Oh, yeah, I've got OCD.1 So try not to be surprised when you notice how many hundreds of revisions my sandboxes and articles have.

I also have an art page and a canon!

My first SCP novel, Bury the Survivors, is available on Amazon in ebook and paperback format! It contains scenes of graphic violence and sexual situations inappropriate for younger readers.

Harry's Containment Class Tally!

Euclid.png Safe.png Keter.png Crass2.png Thaumiel2.png Ticonderoga2.png Archon2.png Apollyon2.png Cernunnos2.png Tiamat2.png Eparch2.png Explained2.png Pending2.png Antithesis2.png Maksur2.png Continua2.png Decommissioned2.png Uncontained.png Neutralized.png Anomalous.png Godel2.png Memet.png Kusum2.png Entos.png Conscientia.png Damballah.png Aegis.png Archived.png Simpatico.png FlorGalana.png Gevurah.png Ether.png Gleipnir.png Inimical.png Khonsu.png Argus.png Drygioni.png Sapientia.png Endeminis.png Nagi.png Absentia.png Vault.png Necropsar.png Hariti.png

Estrella's Cool Badges!

tsf.png tlt.png tbe.png apf.png gsa.png str.png clb.png dado.png ccc.png sek.png pdp.png chl.png mww.png pvr.png awb.png cda.png pbs.png egd.png cts.png srs.png


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