Decommissioning Dept. Theme
Info Rating Module:
This is a theme page made for the Decommissioning Department, created by Calibold
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How quaint.
This is a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is a blockquote, created by putting "> " at the start of each line.
More text
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Nested blockquotes
This is a | table |
You should know | how to make these |
already |
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Calibold's Mega Cool Author Page
— SCP Articles —
SCP-8421 — Ruler of Everything
SCP-8228 — Here's To You, Mrs. Robinson
SCP-7178 — A Thief In The Night
SCP-7179 — E is for Eternity
SCP-6469-D — A BABY?????
SCP-2082 — Elephas cryophilus
SCP-6156 — Oh, Doug!
SCP-6579-D — The Detective Killer
SCP-6900-D — The House of Stars
SCP-5277 — What Can Go Wrong
SCP-5363-D — Controlled Containment
SCP-3482 — fine mayor posters campaign by dado
SCP-5156 — monke
Director Bold's Proposal-J — "Guys, please don't read our SCPs 🥺"
SCP-2693 — Fell Into The Well, Fell Into The Well, Fell Into The Deep Dark Well
SCP-5559-D — The Great Ambrose Bake-Off!
SCP-3448-J — Should Have Taken Him Sleeping
SCP-4456-D — No One Expects The Spanish Decommission!
SCP-4745 — Spooky Scary Snowman
SCP-4645 — Blackmailing Computer
— Tales —
OpusConfidant Wiki - SCP-4645 - Threatini
Diary Of An Existential Kid
Responsible Promotion
Friends Of Us Never Die
Truth Lies
A Team You Can (Maybe) Trust
Happy Father's Day
Mission: Decommission
A Bold Choice
I Am Become Death
Ulysses B. Donkman and the Heinous Hitman
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Eldritch
Chapter One - The End
— GoI Formats —
Manifest 476: Vanishing Galleon
The Book Of Mathisi, Chapter 1: The Parable Of The Three Princes
UIU File: 2001-023
— Other —
Customizable ACS Add-On Ver. 1.8.0 Guide
Decommissioning Department Hub
Fortune Favors
Decommissioning Dept. Theme
Customizable ACS Add-On Ver. 1.8.0
Mega Cool Author Page Tool Ver. 1.4.0
Calibold's Mega Cool Alternate SCP Logos Page
Calibold's Mega Cool Art Page
— Co-Authored —
Taste The Rainbow (feat. Luxaiko)
Abraka David's Proposal — A Peak Behind the Curtain (feat. many other authors)
SCP-7400 — Your Honor, League of Legends (feat. Sherf)
I, Hub (feat. many other authors)
Resurrection: New Faces (feat. Grigori Karpin, Nagiros, and redredred)
SCP-5545 — 𝙰 𝙱 𝙽 𝙾 𝚁 𝙼 𝙰 𝙻 𝙸 𝚃 𝚈 (feat. Yossipossi)
SCP-194 — Thank You For Your Cooperation (feat. CityToast)
— Foreign —
Director Bold's Proposal — Language
SCP-LA-II — Fruit