Black Market Theme

rating: +46+x


Note: This is a Black Highlighter based theme. You will need to import the Black Highlighter theme as well in order to use this theme. To learn more go here.

To import this theme, add this to your page:

[[include :scp-wiki:theme:black-highlighter-theme]]
[[include :scp-wiki:theme:black-market]]

Table Demo
Header cells on the tables used in the MC&D format are recolored to be a light purple-grey color, as shown above and below.
Marshall, Carter and Dark, LLP

Theme Colors

Isabelline--pale-gray-monochrome(248, 230, 238)
Black Coffee--gray-monochrome(61, 43, 61)
Orchid--pale-accent(216, 39, 216)
Byzantine--bright-accent(180, 35, 180)
Royal--medium-accent(140, 20, 140)
Tyrian--dark-accent(100, 3, 100)

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