the intercedency (authorpage)
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(ˌɪntəˈsiːdənt )
intervening, or coming between or among


I am IntercedentIntercedent, alleged economist, former four-letter-federal-freak and current corporate ghoul. If you're here and your name isn't radian628radian628, AnorrackAnorrack, OblationOblation, Gelbsucht_IEGelbsucht_IE, or xexnoncoresxexnoncores, god save your soul. If it is, welcome in! I've been expecting you :D


the missile knows where it is (+175)

He has been alive for 22.56 seconds and this he knows.

This was my debut on the site and the obligatory one-hit-wonder that got me hooked on the path of ash and shame (tale author). I wrote it blackout drunk in 45 minutes while on the toilet, got great crit from A Random DayA Random Day and psychicprogrammerpsychicprogrammer and woke up to 40 upvotes, seventeen missed phone calls, and one new hobby. My soul has known no peace since.

The Last Wizard (+22)

The last wizard was stabbed to death yesterday morning in the alleyway behind the Denny’s on 4th and 5th.

Funny absurdist urban piece that was very much built entirely around the opening sentence. I wrote this one on a plane i think.

it is sweet and fitting to die for one's country (+23)

The last veteran of the Coldest War passed into history with the lowering of a sturdy oak coffin one winter morning, and few mourned at the loss.

In memory of my grandfather. May he rest in peace.

the gray tide (+26)

The name of the ship was Necessity.

AE for LightlessLanternLightlessLantern, written for the prompt of 'prison ship.' End of Death remains one of my favorite canons, and the tale There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Wishing Well remains one of the best works I've read on the wiki so far. I took a great deal of inspiration from TuftoTufto's piece, hopefully I did it, and the canon, justice.

To be King in the House of Dust (+10)





Strike Team Ivory Dagger tears into existence amidst a gentle misting of frozen elephant blood half a kilometer above the acropolis. There is a statistically significant amount of turbulence.

Borne out of the tripartite desires to make the Chaos Insurgency actually cool, to dissect the realistic shortcomings of teleporting power-armored shock trooper tactics (and also to write something longer than five paragraphs at a time), forged from smoke and flame and fourteen Speed Demon rereads, i brought unto the Wiki that greatest of banes.

Long form fiction.

Fortunately, everyone who actually read the damned thing seemed to like it.


“Mister President, fifteen minutes ago, the Foundation detonated a nuclear device on American soil.”

The second step in RED QUEEN'S RACE. An attempt to portray a realistic grand strategy style checkmate set in a very unrealistic universe. Military logistics, CONPLANs, and action prose that A Random DayA Random Day once called "adequate" abounds. OFFICIAL RECIPIENT OF THE MYTHICAL PedantiquePedantique UPVOTE.

GREENLIGHT (+32), co-authored with AnorrackAnorrack

Between them, two hundred and fifteen years of service, between them seven rifles, seven parachutes, seven shots of rum, between them one atomic bomb.

A companion story/vignette set during the events of FALLOUT. Massive thanks to my coauthor Annorack, who I once saw bench press a 2003 Toyota Camry before biking fifty four miles in sub-zero conditions (normal morning commute). One of many building blocks on my path to eventually write something even more coked out than hypervelocity.

GASLIGHT- Coming Soon

GUNSIGHT- Coming Soon

OUTCAST- Coming Soon


"Author most likely to have a planesona." - psychicprogrammerpsychicprogrammer, who will experience his own end of end of history soon

"Like Tom Clancy before the paranoia set in, or ARD but taller and less annoying." - AnorrackAnorrack, who once stole ARD's lunchbox and held it over his head for 20 minutes straight

"tom clancy if he was evil and fucked up and asian" - halcyon_dayshalcyon_days, who doesn't seem to know what synonyms are

"I'm jealous of how easy you make this look." - GreenWolfGreenWolf, who has clearly never seen the Anxiety Closet

"-wait he's not in this chat is he?" - A Random DayA Random Day, whom I will shortly defeat in a duel and assimilate

"your gateway drug into good military fiction." - xexnoncoresxexnoncores, who is awesome and also you all should read Adamantine Temptations NOW

"oh god please leave my house" - radian628radian628, who will keep giving me CSS tips if he knows what's good for him

"no 🖕" - Fish^12Fish^12, who is very mean to me :(

"INTERCEDENT MORE LIKE STINKERCEDENT" - winkwonkboiwinkwonkboi, who will violently explode in exactly thirteen days, seven hours, and four minutes

"people keep asking me for these and im really bad at them 😭" - RallistonRalliston, who will Never Escape Hell (poland)

"hedvig" - Miss LapisMiss Lapis, who once built a scale replica of amoni-ram from old circuit boards and paperclips

"once almost made me cry about a missile" - ch00bakkach00bakka, who was clearly cutting onions at the time

"Pretty cool guy" - Alexander245Alexander245, who is insanely cool. For a british person.

"Intercedent's writing is like the start of a Godzilla movie, when the big fella himself hasn't appeared yet. You already know how earth-shatteringly kickass it's going to be, so now you're just watching all the characters slowly move into place and getting increasingly hyped until the payoff comes with some of the best tactical action I've ever read." - IAmTheOogaIAmTheOoga, who is literally the only person on the wiki who knows how smoke grenades work.

"When this guy hits the top 100 I want everybody to know that I was there, having his back all along: You know your favorite Intercedent line? I probably suggested it…. or at least read it before you did." - Gelbsucht_IEGelbsucht_IE, who is STRIKEFALL's strongest soldier 🫡

"My god man, save some good description for the rest of us!" - DjoricDjoric, who i would really like to get a beer with sometime.

"sure lemme come up with something" - JackalRelatedJackalRelated, self explanatory

"hey, I never said this!" - EthagonEthagon, who should know that I have the recording

"total lack of goobers, what the fuck?" - Not NoodlesNot Noodles, who should look INTO A MIRROR

"CLEARLy this guy has never been in a microwave and it shows." - Diogene_sDiogene_s, who proceeded to rectify that by locking me in a microwave for 30 hours

"last against the wall when the revolution comes" - OblationOblation, who should really consider sending me to the uranium mines instead

"This quote was taken out of context." - ubergooberubergoober, who is actually quantifiably the funniest person alive rnow. in both meanings of the word.

"Has never done anything to directly hinder me" - DrYossarianDrYossarian, who should really check again >:)

Customary AA bio

Name: Ben D. Dover


Clearance: TS/SSCI


Gender: Male

CRV: 9999 (Currently comatose, formerly -394)

License to kill: Revoked following failure of annual PT requirement


Number of slidedecks made (lifetime): [ERR_INT_OVERFLOW]

Bio: Spontaneously lost all moral axes once the college fund ran out mid-junior year. Set new landspeed record on way to campus recruiter's office.


Latest projections evidence that the population of Amsterdam will not fully recover until the year 2092. Currently in induced medical coma pending trial.

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