S. D. Locke's Proposal
rating: +2646+x

You find the access tunnel, hidden within a natural cave a mile off the main road.

You don't need the keycard. The door is ajar.

It smells here. It smells like them. Hopefully, they've moved on. You've come so far already. You can't turn back now.

There is a slick trail that leads from the cave entrance and into the depths of the site. If it's blood or shit - or something that smeared off one of those things, you cannot tell. You make a point to avoid it.

You're still receiving the distress signal. It only started broadcasting yesterday. Whoever it is - you pray they're still alive.

Your footsteps echo throughout empty corridors. Each footfall sounds for all the world like a dozen, as if you're not treading through the dark alone.

Elevator is down - so you take the stairs, ending on floor B5: Keter Holding. You pass several empty containment chambers. The horrors they once held are long gone.

If you're lucky.

The trail takes you to an office branching off the main hall - the source of the signal. The door is cracked open, but stuck. You plant your feet, push with all your might.

Something skitters out of one of the rooms to your left and around the corner before you can get a good look at it. Your first thought is 'dog'.

It was on the ceiling, though.

You take refuge in the room, slam the door behind you. It's dark here. You're safe. You take off your jacket and head wrap. It'd be a damn shame to die from something like hyperthermia after all that's happened.

The sole operating emergency light rotates in its casing - casting a pale orange glow across the room every other second.

As if the room itself had a pulse.

There's shelving haphazardly placed behind the door - a barricade. You scan the room. Soiled clothes, half eaten food. Despite the presence of an adjoining restroom, there is excrement in a bucket in the corner. A pneumatic chamber on the Northern wall would have been delivering consumables to the occupant.

The trail terminates in the corner of the room, forming a sick puddle. You spot three pharmacy bottles - further inspection reveals them to be various opioids. They're all empty.

There's a desk with a computer atop it. Approaching the terminal, you can clearly see the blinking light of the power button.

You take a seat. Turn it on.

Emergency Protocol Activated. Clearance Level Safeguards Removed. Full Access Granted.

Secure. Contain. Protect.







You hear footsteps just outside the door. Every first step comes down heavy, the second drags behind it.













A dark shape blots out the light streaming in through the slit between the floor and the doorway.













You tense up, waiting with bated breath, praying it will pass. You damn the deafening thumping of your heart for betraying your position.

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The shadow recedes. You breathe a sigh of relief just as the screen comes to life…

Opening File


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