SCP Foundation Secure Facility Dossier
Research and Containment Site-43
Official Designation: SCP Foundation Lake Huron Research and Containment Facility
Site Identification Code: CAONCI-Site-43
General Information
Site Function: Site-43 is a research hub for acroamatic abatement and historical analysis, and the Foundation's largest Canadian research and containment facility. Cover-up and monitoring efforts relating to the surrounding Briar-class Nexus-94 are coordinated from this location.
Founded: 1 April 1943
Founding Director: Dr. V. Lesley Scout
Location: Ipperwash Provincial Park, Lambton County, Ontario, Canada
Cover Story: Lake Huron Supply, Control and Purification (water distillation and delivery)
Size: 372 000 m2 (floor area, subterranean) / 56 hectares (interdiction range, surface)
Site Overview
Site-43 has a reputation within the SCP Foundation — not necessarily a positive one — for imaginative, adaptive responses to awkward containment challenges.
Multiple anomalies are only partially contained, and dozens in the surrounding area are not contained at all. One has hounded a Site employee for eighteen years, and the effects of another are ameliorated by the creation of even more uncontained anomalies by a Person of Interest allied with the Site executive. In each case these solutions are the most effective, most efficient, and least disruptive available. Visitors from other Sites frequently find the wandering mirror monster, the lake full of man-eating panther chimeras, the annual esoteric effluence explosion and the self-replicating subterranean refinery disconcerting. Variations of the following joke can be heard at almost every Foundation facility: "Is it actually uncontained, or is it just at Site-43?"
This jibe effaces a remarkable fact about the Lake Huron Research and Containment Facility: set against Sites of comparable size, its containment breach record is admirable. Sustainable, rational approaches to often-unruly subjects crafted by a creative and engaged academic community are the true foundation of this relative success.
Site-43's atypical containment philosophy is an artifact of its creation, the full story of which is told elsewhere. In brief: the need to uncover anomalies attested in historical sources which have not yet become Veil-piercing threats, and the need to handle the many thousands of tons of esoteric material produced by over five thousand SCP objects in containment, led to the establishment of a joint facility in a remote location with access to clean water. Ensconced in the bedrock under Ipperwash Provincial Park, the Archives and Revision Section has scoured history for anomalous events and the Acroamatic Abatement Section has scoured esoteric effluence of its harmful properties for over seventy years. The success of that collaboration led to an expanded academic network at Site-43, which in turn led to our present system of federated Theoretical and Practical Sections. The sense that Site-43, by virtue of its location in Canada, is the "backwater" of the Foundation's North American holdings has also contributed to its close-knit and informal collegiate atmosphere.
Academic Output (Selected)
Blank, Dr. Harold R. "Dead Dogs, Magic Mounties: CLIO-4, OSAT and Site-43." Praeterita, vol. 52 no. 2 (Summer 2020): 10-21.
Okorie, Dr. Udo A. "Everything You Need to Know About Acroamatic Abatement But Were Too Confused by the Name to Ask." Gunk: The Journal of the Acroamatic Abatement Group, vol. 81 no. 4: 18-29.
All Sections Chief. "Whose Lake Is It Anyway? Site-43 and the Ipperwash Crisis." Crossroads, vol. 17 (2020): 47-57.
Staffing Information
Site Director: Dr. Allan J. McInnis
All-Sections Chief: [EXPUNGED].The All-Sections Chief is a resident of Nexus-94 and a known public figure.
On-Site Personnel: 562
All activities at Site-43 are overseen by an Operational Section, either Theoretical or Practical. The Theoretical Sections behave as federated academic units, conducting research and colloquiums. The Practical Sections perform more technical work.
The "Chair" of each Theoretical Section is a staff member with PhD or MD qualifications; the "Chief" of each Practical Section is a staff member whose qualifications vary from field to field. The All-Sections Chief oversees all inter-Sectional interactions.
Per a request from the Records and Information Security Administration, to counter misinformation about Site-43 and encourage the growth of our academic community, the Chairs and Chiefs were asked to submit the informal "elevator pitch" descriptions of their Sections appearing below. For formal data, access the peer-reviewed publications appended above or contact the Hiring and Regulation Section via SCiPNET.
— A.J. McInnis, Director, Site-43
Theoretical Sections
Archives and Revision |
Chair: Dr. Harold R. Blank The victors are written by history. If the SCP database is to be believed, the Foundation is perennially late to the party. The police, the papers, the government or the public at large find out about most anomalies first, and we react. We clean up the mess, we amnesticize the witnesses, and we capture the entity/take custody of the object/lock down the location. Archives and Revision exists to reverse that scenario: we comb over historical documents, identify trends, and thereby discover anomalies which have not yet caused a scene. And when the dust settles, we re-write the official story in case someone else follows in our footsteps and makes the same connections. |
Arms and Equipment |
Chair: Dr. Trevor Bremmel Use it or lose it. Flip a coin. Heads, we're allowed to use anomalies offensively. Tails, we're not. Flip it again tomorrow. That's how the Foundation has handled the issue for the past few decades. Training anomalies to be soldiers, training non-anomalous soldiers to use anomalous weapons, or simply employing anomalies for tactical advantage isn't always an option. Our job requires flexibility, so our rules are flexible too. What is always an option is learning enough about the items in our inventory to replicate some of their effects for our own purposes. That's what A&E does. |
Health and Pathology |
Chair: Dr. Helena R. Forsythe Sometimes an apple a day just doesn't cut it. Foundation staff still get the common cold. They get the flu, food poisoning, ear infections and the entire range of deadlier maladies. We at Health and Pathology handle that. Foundation staff also get consumed by sentient micro-organisms, transmogrified into household plants, de-aged and gender-swapped and turned inside out in some cases. We at Health and Pathology also handle that. |
Memetics and Countermemetics |
Chair: Dr. Lillian S. Lillihammer Let's put our heads together. And now you know. |
Psychology and Parapsychology |
Chair: Dr. Nhung T. Ngo And why does that make you feel? Being trapped in a strange, confined space is terrifying. You feel helpless, alone, unloved and unwanted. The walls close in, and you wonder if you'll ever be allowed to leave. If you'll ever see your loved ones again. At Psychology and Parapsychology, we help to ease those feelings of fear, guilt, worry and disgust. We offer the same service to our subjects in containment. |
Research and Experimentation |
Chair: Dr. Melissa Bradbury The theory of everything else. R&E is the backbone of Site-43. That means we do all the heavy lifting, and people only think about us when they think we're not working. We carry out tests, do replication studies, conduct autopsies, coordinate collaborative research projects, and generally do everything scientific that doesn't have a Theoretical Section dedicated to it. Only polymaths need apply. |
Spectrometry and Spectremetry |
Chair: Dr. Polyxeni Mataxas Coast to coast. No, we're not ghost chasers. We're ghost measurers. Before you start into us, please consider the nature of the scientific method. We have a toolkit of rational apparatus for understanding complex phenomena, and with enough rigour and evidence we can make sense of even the most seemingly arcane occurrences. We're not History Channel hacks in vans with cameras; we're scientists in vans with cameras. |
Practical Sections
Acroamatic Abatement |
When your plumbing breaks, your bathroom floods. When our plumbing breaks, the world becomes an uninhabitable wasteland. At Acroamatic Abatement, we turn the noxious goop that Applied Occultism can no longer stand to look at into gunk and goop which they don't have to. We can't always break it down, but we can at least turn it into something which won't reverse the flow of time or turn people into sentient semantics. |
Administration and Oversight |
Chief: Dr. Karen T. Elstrom Behind you all the way. The logistics of running a Site this large would be staggering on their own. Combined with the logistics of managing Nexus-94, they're well beyond Herculean. But we've got over a century of bureaucracy theory to fall back on, which takes our task from the realm of the impossible to the realm of the merely frustrating. |
Applied Occultism |
Chief: Dr. Udo A. Okorie Try, try, try to understand. We're not wizards at Applied Occultism, we're scientists practicing a very odd science. Every anomaly in Foundation custody breaks the rules of reality, and we want to know why. Sometimes that means banging them together. Sometimes it means tearing them apart. It always means, however, finding out what they mean. |
Emergent Threat Tactical Response Authority |
Chief: Dr. Daniil Sokolsky I meant to do that. In the wake of General George Bowe's unprecedented attack on the Foundation, using our own anomalous arsenal against us, Overwatch Command empowered ETTRA to explore alternative solutions to the problems posed by hostile Groups of Interest. We are now tasked with preparing proactive responses to situations which do not yet exist; we defeat ourselves in our own minds, so that nobody else will ever be able to. |
Hiring and Regulation / Habitation and Sustenance |
Chief: Noor Zaman Herding half-cats. Academics are inherently disorganized and unsociable. They bicker, they feud, they hold grudges and symposia. At H&R, we develop the human resources equivalent of Special Containment Procedures to keep them in line: protocols, paperwork, training and performance reviews. Academics need to eat, sleep, and be merry. They don't always know when, or how, they should do those things. H&S is responsible for making sure our personnel don't fall down on the job, because if we do fall, the world falls with us. |
Identity and Technocryptography |
Chief: Maximilien Vroom Call us, we won't call you. A corporate information technology department has to deal with people stepping on their laptops, looking at pornography on their desktops, dropping their telephones in the toilet and leaving their tablets on the subway. The Identity and Technocryptography Section has to deal with all of that, with the additional burden of knowing that if we handle it poorly, the consequences will be much worse than a few angry end users. |
Janitorial and Maintenance |
Chief: Amelia O. Torosyan If it ain't broke, you're welcome. The average Foundation researcher encounters five computers, two tablets, one cellphone, four chairs, three tables, one desk, one vending machine, and fourteen things which will kill them if they break over the course of their work day. We're not responsible for compiling statistics like that; we're responsible for making sure those researchers don't become part of a much grimmer set of statistics, by keeping that machinery and furniture in good nick. |
Nexus Affairs |
Chief: All-Sections Chief Don't look, don't touch. As Site-43's primary interaction with Nexus-94 is consultation with local elders, Nexus Affairs personnel spend most of their time handling problem individuals: government employees and tourists. We like to wave at the anomalies as they pass by, except for the ones which treat that as an act of aggression. We hide from those. |
Pursuit and Suppression |
Chief: Delfina M. Ibanez Load and lock. Every addendum you've ever read about the acquisition of an anomaly has involved people like us, doing what we do. We're the folks in the unmarked helicopters and the black APCs, with the high-tech gear and the high-tech weapons and the high mortality rate. We bag 'em, you tag 'em. |
Security and Containment |
Chief: Hachiro Kuroki In front of closed doors. You know what we do. It's in the masthead. Those three words that are so familiar, you roll your eyes when someone says them out loud. Securing, containing, and protecting is such an obvious part of our lives, the background noise of our employment, that it's easy to lose sight of what it really means. And that's when people get hurt. We think about containment breaches every day, so you never have to see one. |
Anomalies Under the Jurisdiction of Site-43
ID Number | Object Class |
SCP-001 | Aegis |
SCP-2082 | Keter |
SCP-5054-EX | Explained |
SCP-5056 | Euclid/Memet |
SCP-5109 | Safe |
SCP-5162 | Pending |
SCP-5238 | Maksur |
SCP-5243 | Keter |
SCP-5281-D | Decommissioned |
SCP-5295 | Continua |
SCP-5358 | Euclid |
SCP-5379 | Uncontained |
SCP-5382 | Thaumiel |
SCP-5416 | Neutralized |
SCP-7128 | Safe |
SCP-5428 | Safe |
SCP-5479 | Keter |
SCP-5486 | Keter |
SCP-5488 | Euclid |
SCP-5494 | Ticonderoga |
SCP-5496 | Truculent |
SCP-5520 | Archon |
SCP-5524 | Anomalous |
SCP-5571 | Safe |
SCP-5583 | Euclid |
SCP-5616 | Euclid-Gödel |
SCP-5618 | Apollyon |
SCP-5681 | Safe |
SCP-5698 | Keter |
SCP-5729 | Kušum |
SCP-5751 | Cernunnos |
SCP-5756 | Safe |
SCP-5866 | Tiamat |
SCP-5883 | Entos |
SCP-5889 | Keter |
SCP-5897 | Keter |
SCP-5904 | Keter |
SCP-5956 | Antithesis |
SCP-5974 | Conscientia |
SCP-5977 | Eparch |
SCP-6029 | Keter |
SCP-6056 | Damballah |
SCP-6069 | Thaumiel |
SCP-6121 | Archived |
SCP-6122 | Safe |
SCP-6123 | Keter |
SCP-6263 | Simpatico |
SCP-6269 | Safe |
SCP-6301 | Safe |
SCP-6306 | Neutralized |
SCP-6358 | Keter |
SCP-6382 | Flor Galana |
SCP-6409 | Euclid |
SCP-6484 | Gevurah |
SCP-6495 | Safe |
SCP-6519 | Ether |
SCP-6591 | Safe |
SCP-6622 | Archon |
SCP-6643 | Gleipnir |
SCP-6645 | Pending |
SCP-6677 | Safe |
SCP-6721 | Khonsu |
SCP-6750 | Safe |
SCP-6780 | Neutralized |
SCP-6858 | Argus |
SCP-6862 | Archon |
SCP-6913 | Keter |
SCP-6965 | Drygioni |
SCP-7000 | Inimical |
SCP-7056 | Sapientia |
SCP-7128 | Safe |
SCP-7163 | Safe |
SCP-7165 | Nagi |
SCP-7643 | Memet |
SCP-7796 | Safe |
SCP-7806 | Safe |
SCP-7953 | Keter |
SCP-8228 | Safe |
SCP-8443 | Keter |
SCP-8650 | Safe |
SCP-8688 | Safe |
SCP-8889 | Safe |
SCP-8918 | Safe |
Notable Containment Incidents
8 September annually
SCP-5243: is a recurrent containment breach.
8 September 2020
SCP-5056, SCP-5243: An uncontained anomaly and one member of the Site-43 staff were present in Acroamatic Abatement Facility AAF-D during the annual cascade containment failure, for unknown reasons.
2 November 2020
SCP-5056, SCP-5382, SCP-5494, SCP-5520: An assault by multiple hostile Groups of Interest was inadvertently thwarted by the atypical containment solutions pursued at Site-43.
1 January 2021
SCP-5109: Multiple breaches, mostly intentional, during a sting operation by the Emergent Threat Tactical Response Authority.
22 January 2021
SCP-5866 breached containment with the apparent aid of Dr. Brenda Corbin of the Theology and Teleology Section. Despite a significant mustering of Foundation resources to combat the anticipated threat to the Veil, neither SCP-5866 nor Dr. Corbin have since been sighted.