rating: +83+x

Item #: SCP-(-1)-J

Containment Class: Safe Thaumiel Neutralized

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-(-1)-J was to have been kept in a containment cell approximately 5 meters on all sides and protected by 20 members of MTF-Nabla-24 "Ice Behrs" at all times.

Description: SCP-(-1)-J designated a Krylon-brand aerosol can, containing approximately a half litre of a paint-like substance, designated SCP-(-1)-J-β. This paint-like substance was approximately 20% the mass of ordinary paint. In coloration, the SCP-(-1)-J-β substance was colorless and odorless. It was approximately 100% transparent. When applied to a surface or mixed into a substance, the object was able to be seen clearly through, with the same diffraction as the surrounding environment (be it air, water, or vacuum) as if it didn't exist at all. How this process occurred is not known.

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