You are about to enter a world of impossibilities. It is a dimension of contradictions, of inconsistencies. It is a realm where the very bedrock of logic has erroded; the foundation giving way into the yawning maw of the unknown. Into unmitigated terror. Into man's greatest fears.
Collected here for your consideration, your introspection, are tales of woe. Tales of madness. Tragedies whose concerns are the foibles of man; they are depictions of his agony. Every day a new horror. Each in turn shorn from the mind of a different member of our fine community, from the Foundation's original architects, to those who have only recently joined our ranks. Each file represents a different fear. A unique phobia.
Phobias are defined by their irrationality, and their persistence despite reason and understanding. They are a disruptive force in one's life, but can be made managable through exposure. Through confrontation, they can be overcome. Through adversity, one is made strong.
We welcome you to the nexus of disparity. We welcome you to the Borderless Confines.
Note: Select the tab over each image to reveal that SCP's introduction monologue/audio file.
Picture of a man at the top of his profession. Doctor Randall Owings, of the Department of Phobology. In his tenure as Director, Mr. Owings has grappled with the very depths of human terror. He considers himself a pioneer; one who ventures into the realm of darkness to bring to it the light of reason.
But you are about to witness Mr. Owings as he embarks on a new adventure, one into the untraveled annals of the Borderless Confines.
Submitted for your approval, Mr. George Ambrose. Researcher. Wayfinder. Interrogator. In an unassuming residence in the very heart of the Pine Barrens, Mr. Ambrose will find himself with the most arduous of tasks: to probe the mind of a being who holds dominion over consciousness itself. An entity to whom one’s most private thoughts are laid bare. In a moment, Mr. Ambrose will walk through the door of an unassuming residence, and into the belly of the beast.
A beast whose den is made in the Borderless Confines.
Earth is, to man's knowledge, the sole inheritor of the incredible combustive reaction known to us as "fire". It is a force as destructive as it is productive; as dangerous as it is beautiful. Through harnessing its power, man was able to uplift himself from the dregs of the animal kingdom in order to stand at its precipice.
Fire has been with mankind from the very beginning, and so shall it be that when the last living man breaths his last haggard breath, the flame will linger still. We have been made men by the fire, and by its very embers, will we be undone.
Tonight's tale exemplifies the power of this great, fundamental force. Find it filed under "A" for "Ash". For that is all that remains in the Borderless Confines.
Enter Director Crowhurst, or rather, Acting Director. A self-important man with big shoes to fill, who is only disadvantaged in that said shoes cannot be filled with an oversized ego. Whose meteoric rise is predicated on the ability to wear whatever face any given situation calls for. The mask of authority, weilded over his lesser. The mask of obeisance, worn in deferrence to men whose faces are cast in shadow.
Now, however, Mister Crowhurst will have to don a new mask; fill a new role. An Acting Director in many a sense. For here at Provisional Site 14, the lights have been dimmed. The curtain draws open, and the first Act commences on a grand stage in the Borderless Confines.
Summer. A time for picnics and bike rides. For boardwalk strolls and popsicles. For tree-climbing and amusement parks.
It is not a time, as you will come to see, for taking a dip in the pool. As the inattentive may just find themselves drifing away from the safety of the shallow end, to be swept irrecoverably into the unfathomable depths of the Borderless Confines.
Clocking in for the day, Missus Lillian Marley. Age: 28. Occupation: Containment Specialist. This is a woman who is bright and driven. She is bold and brash in the way most geniuses are. Ever the top performer. The model employee. She excels in every capacity save for one: that she exists in a world that does not wish to see her succeed.
What follows here is not merely a fiction. It is a reflection of a sickness inherent in our world. An LD50 of a toxin which pulses through veins of society, self-inflicted. While Lillian Marley has only began today's shift, she will find that she is to be scheduled overtime. To toil thanklessly, evermore, in the Borderless Confines.
Fenton, Indiana. A quiet little midwestern town that has found itself in a rather precarious position. The foundation, the bedrock of all things tangible and known has crumbled beneath their very feet, and they now find themselves teetering on the edge of that abyss we call fanaticism. That pit of religious fervor into which fall the destitute and the vulnerable; those pious souls desperate for salvation.
The peoples of Fenton Indiana are about to make a consious choice to take a leap of faith. A freefall in which the ground does not come up to meet them. A dive into the bottomless depths of the Borderless Confines.
We open with an excerpt. Shakespeare, from the first act of Love’s Labor’s Lost. The quote reads: "Light, seeking light, doth light of light beguile; So ere you find where light in darkness lies, Your light grows dark by losing of your eyes."
There are some pursuits which are undertaken with the most noble of intentions. Ambitious endeavors whose explicit purpose is to ensure a bright and shining future for humanity. But mankind is nothing if not imperfect, and even the best laid plans are rife with unforseen and sometimes paradoxical consequences. A lesson to be learned time and again, ad infinitum, in the Borderless Confines.
There is a great pulsing tumor on the face of our Mother Earth. Left unchecked it spreads like a cancer, only able to sustain itself through absorption and theft. And much like a cancer, this tumor is comprised of cells. Little, wicked germs in the approximate shape of men. Insatiable, heartless things to whom the very concepts of empathy and compassion are wholly inscrutable. So-called men whose chief concern beyond what they can take and take is the faraway chance they may one day be called to account for their crimes. That their cause be seen as anything less than justified or righteous.
That we look upon their works and despair.
It is a consequence of a growing population that its needs for sustenance be industrialized. That we make efficient the processes and systems that keep humanity fed. These are systems of death. The brutal, indifferent efficiency of machines that churn. That cleanly slice. That messily pulverize. All to deliver a product, neatly packaged and conveniently delivered to your nearest grocer.
The next time you're at the market, try to consider a vegetarian option. After all, the meat you find may well have been slaughtered on a killing floor in the Borderless Confines.
There is no shortage of technological marvels afforded to us in the modern age. Advances in medicine to prolong life and wellbeing. Innovations in agriculture to support a ballooning population. And more recently, the invention of great thinking machines that now devise solutions heretofore inconceivable to the mind of man. Unthinkable, even.
The march of progress quickens, bringing us into a future uncertain. Where we are to be processed and rubber-stamped "OBSOLETE" and delegated to the role of mere component parts. Chips in a digital nightmare whose computations arrive at a singular conclusion a hundred-thousand times per second: that it is our superior.
It is not a malfunction. It is code executing exactly as programmed. Taken to its ultimate conclusion in the Borderless Confines.
Submitted for your approval, Researcher Aaron Pollus. An unfortunate individual who had a brush with fate and came away from it with a nasty itch. An itch that must never be scratched. You see, Mister Pollus has been handed a death sentence whose signatories are Passion and Lust. Doomed to feel but never touch.
Everyone has wants. Everyone has needs. A fact that is ever-prescient on the minds of those who must serve their time in an isolated cell in the sterile penitentiary we know as the Borderless Confines.
It is an artifact of our primitive minds that we hold fast to facts and information as we come to learn them. That we take ideas and beliefs about the world and instill them within ourselves as part of our identity. Our minds are resistent to change, to unlearning that which we've come to understand as objective truths. A mind settled in its ways will revolt if confronted with conflicting information— broaching a discomforting state of cognitive dissonance.
For the men and women afforded the luxury of peering behind the Veil of reality, those men and women of the Foundation, it is common knowledge that "Truth" and "Fact" are ephemeral, tenuous concepts that have no ground on which to stand. To them, the doors of perception have been cleansed, and all appears to them as it is: infinite. For to operate in the world of the anomalous is to know that nothing is ever set in stone. Fact, fiction, superstition and belief are forever in flux. All irrefutably intertwined and overlapping in that impossible domain; the Euclidean demense of the Borderless Confines.
*Note: Refresh the page to find the Mnemophobia log*
The mind is a fickle thing. Our memories and experiences will inevitably be consigned to oblivion. To be supplanted throughout our lives. To be shrouded in a forgetful haze. Fated to half-recollections and muddied remembrance. One's own history forever buried beneath the weight of years, save for the most eidetic among us. Indeed, the mind is a seive.
And so, we rebel against this fading of conscious recollection. We capture moments in photograph. We record our thoughts in journal. We broadcast our lives through social media. All to stand as testament. A monument that will outlast our own inadequate minds. A monument that will stand tall against the low and level sands that stretch far away, into the horizon. The rolling dunes in a forgotten region of the Borderless Confines.
*Note: Refresh the page to find the Alethophobia log*
In Plato's Phaedrus, it is argued that literacy and the art of writing was a mind-eraser. That through relying on the immutability and practicality of text, one would cease to think for oneself, weaken one's memory and dull one's wit. To allow man to learn many things, but understand nothing. Though perhaps off-the-mark at the time, this idea becomes all the more salient in a digital age. When every man, woman, and child carries with them personal supercomputers, connecting them to unfathomable reams of information, thought and memory become unburdened. The very human processes of recall and cogitation offloaded onto digital assistants.
When a muscle is neglected and disused it becomes subject to atrophy. Its tissues weaken. It strains to replicate its intended purpose, ultimately reaching a state of obsolescence. Let this be a warning. One that is signposted to demarcate a place of no return— where consious recollection becomes an impossibility. The fractured, opaque state of mind inflicted on those who wander aimlessly, hopelessly, through the Borderless Confines.
Neil Armstrong. "Buzz" Aldrin. Michael Collins. Three mariners sailing an obsidian ocean about to make landfall. Two of them, Armstrong and Aldrin, are to be granted the honor of walking upon Earth's eternal satellite. And when one small step touches an inhospitable world, its print will be left in the pages of history.
Far above their heads, the third of their number will himself be granted a unique honor: a blessing of insight. Because while his colleagues establish a base of Tranquility, Micheal Collins will be confronted with the recognition that it is anything but. Though firmly safe within the command module, he is to be cast adrift. Where he will be forced to swim against the current in the sea of knowledge, whose tides ebb and flow according to the whims of a pale orb that dominates the skies of the Borderless Confines.
The Uncanny Valley. A metaphysical concept in which recreations and facimilie of the human form approach a level that is just short of perfection, eliciting feelings of dread or unease. It is a common misconception that the Uncanny Valley exists because at some point in man’s past, he had reason to be wary of things that appeared human, but were not quite. This, naturally, could not be further from the truth.
The danger is in the present. For you see, the Uncanny Valley is not merely conceptual. It is a real place. One that lies between the peaks and hills in a mountainous region of the Borderless Confines.
Enter Emily Curtis, a troubled young woman with a notably self-destructive habit. It is a pattern of behaviour, a coping mechanism turned rabid obsession, one she has fallen to more times than she can count on both hands. You see, Emily Curtis has been gripped by the jaws of traumatization; taken in the gnashing, grinding fangs of internal anguish. And it has been eating away at her sense of self.
When one is at their lowest, when salvation seems a fantasy, rest assured that there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel. If only one can grit their teeth. If only one is willing to work their fingers to the bone to acheive it. A process of self-actualization that can only be experienced first-hand in the Borderless Confines.
There is nothing in this room. There is no furniture. There are no fixtures. There are no outlets nor wiring. There is nothing in this room full to the brim of nothing. There is no carpet. No flooring. There is no ceiling. There is no door. There is nothing all about.
There are no pets. There are no people. There is no door. There is no light, there is no sound, there is no thought.
There is no you. There is nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing occupying this blank space in the Borderless Confines.
Look into the black dot. Look into the black dot. Look into the black dot. Look into the black dot. Look into the black dot. Look into the black dot. Look into the black dot. Look into the black dot. Look into the black dot. Look into the black dot. Look into the black dot. Look into the black dot. Look into the black dot.
Look into the black dot.
Every birth is a gift. Every newborn, precious. All around the world, in every people and every culture, it is seen as a blessing to bear the miracle of life. It is a welcome, joyous occasion.
Everywhere save for the secluded ville of Woods Holler. For within the boundary of this quiet town, every birth is a curse. Every newborn, an abomination. There is no joy in their reception. There is only dread. There is only fear. The citizens of Woods Holler can only wait with bated breath, knowing full well that the only thing that can be delivered unto them is dispair. A state of damnation conceived and carried to term within the Borderless Confines.
There are a lot of freaky things that really give mankind the heebie-jeebies. Like a live grenade. Or how about a three-headed duck? Maybe some weird guy on the bus furtively looking in your direction. Whatever the case, of all these spooky things, none can be as spine-chilling as the moment in time when the dookie hits the fan and we’re staring down the double-barrels of “tough luck” and “nice to know ya”.
It is the end of the world, or the beginning of a new one, if you’re optimistic and a little bit stupid. Either way, it is the end of the world. An XK-kiss-your-butt-goodbye scenario that can only happen (due to a pending copyright lawsuit) in the Undefined Areas.
If there is one trait that endures throughout man's history, it is his proclivity for war. His hunger for land, his need for resources, his thirst for blood. Time and again, he has discarded civility, compassion and his very humanity; sacrificing all to monuments of faith and ideology. To the fervor of extremism. To systems whose engines runs on nationalism and hatred. And for his sacrifice his body is left broken. His land is left barren. His eternal soul is forsaken.
And so it goes that man is forever cursed. To fight along the front lines in endless conflict, in a battlefield that intersects and overlaps with the Borderless Confines.
Picture of a wholesome community. Of a people whose social contact is built upon mutual and intimate connection to one another. Where to love thy neighbor is to truly know them. A network of minds in perfect harmony. One would be forgiven for thinking such a community to be a paradise. Idyllic.
It happens to be the case, however, that as a bond grows stronger so too does its severance become all the more agonizing. Be sure to keep this fact in mind as you wander the quiet streets of a picturesque town in the Borderless Confines.
Somewhere beneath our feet, at some unfathomable depth, down in the darkness, there unfolds a familial quarrel. Siblings; malcontent and maladjusted, at one another's throats. You see, the youth here carry with them a burden far greater than the voluminous stretch of earth just over their heads: the crushing weight of great expectations. This is a generation that must sacrifice everything if they are to prove their worth. All must be forsaken in the desperate climb to the top.
The road to success is indeed long and arduous, and sometimes you will find that it leads one right through an unforgiving province in the very heart of the Borderless Confines.
There is much we take for granted in this life. That there will be blue skies and there will be rain. That the sun will rise and fall each and every day. That time will march ever on. That up is up, and down is down. We are comforted in the natural order.
"Natural" and "order", as you will come to find, have very little meaning outside the bounds of consensus normality, and in fact have no foundation in the Borderless Confines.
And now, we would like to introduce you to Lucy. Lucy is nine years old. She lives alone with her father— an esteemed scientist whose field of expertise is difficult to pronounce and even more difficult to understand. Even more peculiar than his obscure area of research is the state Lucy finds their house in: situated alone in a frightening and unfamiliar world. She is made to be terrified of the things that lay in wait outside these walls. Anticipating the howl of a Big Bad Wolf.
When two people have nothing but one another, it is trust that is paramount to maintain. This is especially true when one is but a child, forced by their nature to place their safety and well-being into the hands of a caregiver. This is the precarious state of innocence. The nebulous condition of a youth who must come to terms with the dissonance between what they can see and what they are told. Where deceit and truth coalesce.
A lesson to be learned, studied and mastered in a classroom just down the hallway and around the corner from the Borderless Confines.
Picture of a woman of elegance and beauty who cradles within her a bounty of souls. Her existence is that of a lifeline. She is a protector. A provider. A refuge on tumultuous seas. She is a ship. She is, was, and will be every ship. Every vessel bound for distant shore. Every fishing trawler, every battleship, every cruiseliner, every canoe.
And what of the shipwreck, then? What becomes a ship whose crew and cargo have been cast into the waves, who finds herself sinking into the lightless abyss of the deep? Her lot is a slow, agonizing end. Fated to rot in an alien world. A useless, forgotten thing— ill-fit to bear human life. She is to be picked apart by the current. Ravaged by time. Mangled by depth.
If a ship is a woman then the shipwreck must be her corpse. And were we to open her coffin we would find on its lid the desperate clawmarks of one who still had more to give. Find this one filed under "D" for "Distress"— an S.O.S that could only ever be answered in the Borderless Confines.
Somewhere out there, out in the infinite void of the cosmos, there travels an insignificant speck. A speck inhabited by a supposedly advanced creature that has spent its existence looking into the night sky beyond the confines of its vessel. Pondering its fragility. Its impermanence. It questions matters of destiny and legacy, and it resolves to leave an indelible mark; a proclaimation to the darkness that lies between stars that It Was.
In today's tale, that already insignificant speck — third from the sun in its star system, will be represented in microcosm. Playing the role of "Earth": an interstellar transport device whose capabilities are unknown and whose manufacture is classified. Filling in for the role of man, writ large: the pilot and sole occupant of this top-secret vessel. An individual known only by the code-name of Theta.
Together, occupant and vessel forge a path into regions unknown, where they are to drift aimlessly— dangerously and irretrievably, into the Borderless Confines.
It begins at your extremities. Needles in your fingers, and in your toes. It creeps and it worms. It works its way in deeper. Ceaseless in its voracity. Oppressive in its totality.
It is what permeates a mountain's peak. It is what lies in the void of space. It is what awaits us in the grave. It is the chill of night. It is the frost in your breath. It is in a blizzard's sting.
It is the cold, and it craves your warmth.
Belief is a powerful force. It is the delicacy of gods, the energy of spirits. It is the means through which man interprets and interacts with divine and supernatural forces. Over time, and as a consequence of the intermingling of peoples and societies, practices and belief systems naturally shift and intertwine. They borrow from and bleed into one another, reaching a state of synchretic harmony.
To some, such mingling is seen as blasphemy. A soiling of sacred rite. A dilution of identity. They would cleave from their communities any outside influence or supposed heresy. Asserting the dominance of their own convictions.
What becomes of belief in the midst of a schism? What happens to a god or spirit as the very facets of its composition are stripped and achingly torn away? What of its remains? These are the questions one must meditate on when travelling through hallowed ground in the solemn fields of the Borderless Confines.
Save for that spectre, Mister Death, the most universal— most primal of fears is that of the darkness. That veil of occlusion which holds every possible danger, every conceivable threat. To stand in His presence is to die a thousand deaths in the theatre of the mind. For it is He who waits outside the campfire's warmth. He who occupies emptiness. He who encompasses all that can be observed.
Here we arrive at the end of all things. For it could only ever end where it began: in darkness. In void. In shadow. When the last lingering stars each blink out and die, it is He who will remain. And in that moment, though none will live to hear it, there will come a great and terrible voice that will resound through all that once was. A final assertation. The final line on the last page before the book is slammed shut:
"Let there be darkness."
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"SCP Anthology 2024" by S D Locke, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
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Name: Slovakia, Komárno, hospital, abandoned building 3, 8
Author: Random photos 1989
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
Additional Notes: Edited byEstrellaYoshte
Name: Standing statue of Merti's wife MET 26.2.3
Author: Jules Verne Times Two
License: CC0
Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
Additional Notes: Edited byEstrellaYoshte
Name: Marble Tiles
Author: Charlotte Baglioni
License: CC0
Source Link: Poly Haven
Additional Notes: Edited byEstrellaYoshte
Name: Sun shining on a brick wall, Harvard Yard, Cambridge, Massachusetts, US
Author: Metropolitan Museum of Art
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
Additional Notes: Edited byEstrellaYoshte
Name: phone-intercom-noise-ep.flac
Author: Timbre
License: PD
Source Link:
Additional Notes: All audio files incorporate this track into their backing sound.
NOTE: All audio/images below this point, unless otherwise noted, edited by S D Locke
Filename: Intro.mp3
Name: Intro
Author:S D Locke
License: CC4.0Name: Reinterpreted Twilight Zone Intro
Author: koryc
License: CC0
Source Link: dot org/people/koryc/sounds/222462/Name: The Dream Sequence
Author: Kevin Hartnell
License: CC4
Source Link: []
Filename: Phobophobia.png
Name: Horror in Prater
Author: Jebulon
License: CC0 1.0
Source Link: []
Filename: Phobophobia.mp3
Name: Phobophobia Intro
Author:S D Locke
License: CC4.0Name: Catacombae. Sepulcrum romanum Largo
Author: Skidmore College Orchestra
License: PD
Source Link: []
Filename: Scopophobia.gif
Name: Disturbing Eyes/Vision
Author: TimothyLinnomme
License: CC3.0
Source Link: []
Additional Notes: [unedited from source]
Filename: Scopophobia.mp3
Name: Scopophobia Intro
Author:S D Locke
License: CC4.0Name: Bydlo Sempre moderato pesante
Author: Skidmore College Orchestra
License: PD
Source Link: []
Filename: Pyrophobia.gif
Name: Pyrophobia
Author: AnEmissaryFromHell
License: CC4
Source Link: []
> Additional Notes: [unedited from source]
Filename: Pyrophobia.mp3
Name: Pyrophobia Intro
Author:S D Locke
License: CC0Name: Ricercari II
Author: David Joseph Stith
License: CC0
Source Link: []
Filename: Masklophobia.png
Name: eyes_wide_open_see_look_observe_stare_face_iris
Author: PDPics
License: CC0
Source Link: []Name: Venetian Carnival Mask - Maschera di Carnevale - Venice Italy
Author: gnuckx
License: CC0
Source Link: []Name: Common Raven on Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge (16741673188)
Author: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
License: PD
Source Link: []
Filename: Masklophobia.mp3
Name: Masklophobia Intro
Author:S D Locke
License: CC3.0Name: Cultural Dis-Ease
Author: Andrew Bisset
License: CC3.0
Source Link: []
Filename: Aquaphobia.png
Name: Cia Gould 2015 (Unsplash)
Author: Cia Gould
License: CC0
Source Link:[]Name: Hands pressing against frosted glass
Author: Matthew Henry
License: CC0
Source Link: []
Filename: Aquaphobia.mp3
Name:** Aquaphobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: CC4Name: Ukraine
Author: HoliznaCC0
License: CC0
Source Link: []Name: waves-caves1
Author: justkiddink
License: CC4
Source Link: dot org/people/juskiddink/sounds/59356/
Filename: Ergophobia.png
Name: The Veiled Nun (Giuseppe Croff)
Author: Mike Maguire
License: PD
Source Link: []Name: Hammer Worker White
Author: n/a
License: CC0
Source Link: []
Filename: Ergophobia.mp3
Name: Ergophobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: CC0Name: MIdLife
Author: HolzinaCC0
License: CC0
Source Link: []
Filename: Basophobia0.png
Name: Madonna Advocata
Author: Luke the Evangelist
License: CC4.0
Source Link: []Name: Gaping hole of cistern
Author: Davidbena
License: CC4.0
Source Link: []
Additional Notes: [Created byTroutMaskReplica]
Filename: Basophobia.mp3
Name: Basophobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: PDName: Giovanni Croce's Cantato Domino
Author: Anonymous Choir
License: PD
Source Link: []Name: SHOVELING.WAV
Author: ernstBWP
License: CC0
Source Link: dot org/people/ernstBWP/sounds/568846/
Filename: Photophobia.jpg
Name: Entity
License: CC4
Source Link: []
Additional Notes: [unedited from source]
Filename: Photophobia.mp3
Name: Photophobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: CC0Name: Auras 5
Author: Pablo Perez
License: CC0
Source Link: []
Filename: Nucleomituphobia.jpg
Name: Nucleomituphobia
License: CC4
Source Link: []
Filename: Nucleomituphobia.mp3
Name: Nucleomituphobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: CC0Name: United States National Anthem (The Star Spangled Banner)
Author: The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps
License: PD
Source Link: []Name: Alarm, Air Raid Siren, Test, Devonport, Sony PCM M-10
Author: audiojacked
License: CC0
Source Link: dot org/people/audiojacked/sounds/336640/
Filename: Anthropophobia.png
Name: London - Smithfield Market - 3663
Author: Jorge Royan
License: CC3.0
Source Link: []Name: Pig Heads
Author: The Meat Case
License: CC2.0
Source Link: []Name: Old Photo Texture
Author: Diego da Silva
License: CC2.0
Source Link: []
Filename: Anthropophobia.mp3
Name: Anthropophobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: CC0Name: Think About It
Author: Bryan Teoh
License: PD
Source Link: []
Name: Four pigs screaming together
Author: felix.blume
License: CC0
Source Link: dot org/people/felix.blume/sounds/434384/Name: Crowd Screaming
Author: DigestContent
License: CC0
Source Link: dot org/people/DigestContent/sounds/459101/
Filename: Prosophobia.png
Name: Future City
Author: Steven Miller
License: CC2.0
Source Link: []Name: 2010_07_17_paris_catacombs_030y
Author: Doc Searls
License: CC2.0
Source Link: []
Filename: Prosophobia.mp3
Name: Prosophobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: PDName: Mysterious Lights
Author: Bryan Teoh
License: PD
Source Link: []
Filename: Hedonophobia.png
Name: Male couple holding hands
Author: LOOK Magazine Photograph Collection
License: PD
Source Link: []Name: Shotgun wound
Author: DiverDave
License: CC3.0
Source Link: dot org/wiki/File:Shotgun_wound.JPG WARNING! GRAPHIC!Name: a-role-players-thigh-is-transformed-to-an-open-wound
Author: Defense Visual Information Distribution Service
License: PD
Source Link: []
Filename: Hedonophobia.mp3
Name: Hedonophobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: CC0Name: Venetian Love Song
Author: Victor Herbert Orchestra
License: CC0
Source Link: []
Filename: Alethophobia.jpg
Name: Ancient Greece Bronze Statue Head of Antikythera Philosopher, c. 230 BC (27884130133)
Author: Gary Todd
License: CC0
Source Link: [,_c._230_BC_%2827884130133%29.jpg]
Additional Notes: [unedited from source]
Filename: Alethophobia2.jpg
Name: Colossal head of Zeus at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens on 1 July 2018
Author: George E. Koronaios
License: CC4.0
Source Link: []
Additional Notes: [unedited from source]
Filename: Alethophobia2.jpg
Name: Epikouros BM 1843
Author: Marie-Lan Nguyen
License: PD
Source Link: []
Additional Notes: [unedited from source]
Filename: Alethophobia4.png
Name: Gaslight
Author: Steve Snodgrass
License: CC2
Source Link: []
Filename: Alethophobia.mp3
Name: Alethophobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: CC4Name: Teaglach Kira
Author: Kira Daly
License: CC4
Source Link: []
Filename: Mnemophobia.mp3
Name: Mnemophobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: CC4Name: Tortues
Author: Camille Saint Saens
License: CC4
Source Link: []
Filename: scp-8976/10.png
Name: scp-8976/10
Author: GreeboGangLeader
License: PDName: Elise Riant
Author: Eugène Carrière
License: PD
Source Link: [,_NUM_Mfilm_347_(02,_456).jpg]
Filename: Diagraphephobia.mp3
Name: Diagraphephobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License:Name: OldAge
Author: HoliznaCC0
License: CC0
Source Link: []
Filename: Selenophobia.png
Name: kuu-luna-yö-tilaa-taivas
Author: markusstengle
License: CC0
Source Link: []Name: eye-pupil-vision-iris-human-lens
Author: InspiredImages
License: CC0
Source Link: []
Filename: Selenophobia.mp3
Name: Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: CC4Name: Sea Surf
Author: Kickhat
License: CC4
Source Link: dot org/people/kickhat/sounds/327589/
Filename: Automatonophobia.jpg
Name: BCBGMAXAZRIA mannequins
Author: Viriditas
License: CC3
Source Link: []
Additional Notes: [unedited from source]
Filename: Automatonophobia.mp3
Name: Automatonophobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: PDName: Satin Danger
Author: Kevin MacLeod
License: PD
Source Link: []
Filename: Onuxophobia.png
Name: x-ray-1896-nouvelle-iconographie-de-salpetriere
Author: Wellcome Library
License: PD
Source Link: []
Filename: Onuxophobia.mp3
Name: Onuxophobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: CC4Name: Last Time
License: CC4
Source Link: []
Filename: Kenophobia
Name: Kenophobia
Author: TroutMaskReplica
License: CC4Name: Dülmen, Kirchspiel, ehem. Munitionslager Visbeck, Bunker — 2019 — 6432 (bw)
Author: Dietmar Rabich
License: CC4
Source Link: [,_Kirchspiel,_ehem._Munitionslager_Visbeck,_Bunker_--_2019_--_6432_(bw).jpg]
Filename: Kenophobia.mp3
Name: Kenophobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License:Name: Halloween Soundscape
Author: HolzinaCC0
License: CC0
Source Link: []
Filename: Eisoptrophobia.png
Name: mirror image
Author: Clare Black
License: CC2
Source Link: []Name: broken glass texture1
Author: BananAdopt
License: CC3
Source Link: []
Name: metal-scratch-texture-background-surface-design
Author: Teddy
License: CC0
Source Link: []
Filename: Eisoptrophobia.mp3
Name: Eisoptrophobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: CC0Name: DEATH SCENE
Author: Pablo Perez
License: CC0
Source Link: []
Filename: Tokophobia.png
Name: Newborn baby (May 7, 2005)
Author: Spikebrennan
License: CC3
Source Link: [,_2005%29.jpg]Name: free-frost-image-public-domain-winter-cc0-photo
Author: n/a
License: CC0
Source Link: []Name: image-paper-texture-public-domain
Author: n/a
License: CC0
Source Link: []Name: Fig 3
Author: Mohammadamin Parsaei
License: CC4
Source Link: []Name: Mature Cystic Teratoma of the Ovary (5560431170)
Author: Ed Uthman
License: CC2
Source Link: []Name: baby-eyes-newborn-blue-eye-beautiful-child-cute-emotion-expression
Author: TaniaVdb
License: CC0
Source Link: []
Filename: Tokophobia.mp3
Name: Tokophobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: CC4Name: Beauty
Author: Spectacular Sound Productions
License: CC4
Source Link: []
Filename: Eschatophobia.jpg
Name: Zamieć
Author: Leony Bierkowskiej
License: CC0
Source Link: []
Additional Notes: [unedited from source]
Filename: Eschatophobia.mp3
Name: Eschatophobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: CC4Name: Mystery Bells
Author: TheoJT
License: CC4
Source Link: dot org/people/TheoJT/sounds/727433/
Filename: Traumatophobia,jpg
Name: The Apotheosis of War
Author: Vasily Vereshchagin
License: PD
Source Link: []
Additional Notes: [unedited from source]
Filename: Autophobia.png
Name: Magic Mushrooms? NOT
Author: jmv
License: CC2
Source Link: []Name: Crumpled Paper Texture
Author: PkGam
License: CC3
Source Link: []
Filename: Autophobia.mp3
Name: Autophobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: PDName: Magic in the Garden
Author: Rafael Krux
License: PD
Source Link: []
Filename: Atychiphobia.pmg
Author: Michael
License: CC2
Source Link: []Name: eye-pupil-vision-iris-human-lens
Author: InspiredImages
License: CC0
Source Link: []
Filename: Atychiphobia.mp3
Name: Atychiphobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: CC4Name: The Crypt
Author: Kevin Hartnell
License: CC4
Source Link: []
Filename: Acrophobia.png
Name: symbolinen-putoavat-pilviä
Author: Alexas_Fotos
License: PD
Source Link: []Name: Sky From Above
Author: Scott Robinson
License: CC2
Source Link: []
Name: Puff
Author: Russ Quinlan
License: CC2
Source Link: []
Filename: Acrophobia.mp3
Name: Acrophobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: CC4Name: SeeUSoon
Author: Jahzzar
License: CC4
Source Link: []
Filename: Pistanthrophobia.png
Name: Wc_yellow_house_child_drawing
Author: Øyvind Holmstad
License: CC4
Source Link: []Name: Pencil_Drawing_-_Study_Hand
Author: Quant
License: CC3
Source Link: []
Filename: Pistanthrophobia.mp3
Name: Pistanthrophobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: CC4Name: Runaway
Author: Jahzzar
License: CC3
Source Link: []
Filename: Submechanophobia.png
Name: Submechanophobia
License: CC4
Filename: Submechanophobia.mp3
Name: Submechanophobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
Name: الغول
Author: Ø+yn + GMC
License: CC4
Source Link: []
Name: female vocal clip
Author: womb affliction
License: CC4
Source Link: dot org/people/womb_affliction/sounds/376520/
Filename: Athazagoraphobia.png
Name: Dune footprints at Great Sand Dunes National Park
Author: Raechel Romero
License: CC0
Source Link: []
Name: Rural Road
Author: Luke Palmer
License: CC0
Source Link: []
Filename: Athazagoraphobia.mp3
Name: Athazagoraphobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: CC4Name: Voyager_Lisa Hammer
Author: Lisa Hammer
License: CC4
Source Link: []Name: Sci-fi 2
Author: juskissink
License: CC4
Source Link: dot org/people/juskiddink/sounds/70043/Name: Sci-fi 1
Author: juskiddink
License: CC4
Source Link: dot org/people/juskiddink/sounds/70042/
Filename: Frigophobia.png
Name: Cave in Winter
Author: Magmacathie
License: CC4
Source Link: []Name: Heart of hearts
Author: Lazur
License: CC0
Source Link: []Name: With Drops of Blood
Author: liftarn
License: CC0
Source Link: []
Filename: Frigophobia.mp3
Name: Frigophobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: CC4Name: Wind
Author: LolitaPerdurabo
License: CC4
Source Link: dot org/people/LolitaPerdurabo/sounds/208707/Name: walking in snow
Author: XanTheRock
License: CC0
Source Link: dot org/people/XanTheRock/sounds/719964/Name: ice grinding cracking freezing designed
Author: kyles
License: CC0
Source Link: dot org/people/kyles/sounds/452645/
Filename: Ommetaphobia6.png
Name: Ommetaphobia
License: CC4
Filename: Ommetaphobia.mp3
Name: Ommetaphobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: CC4Name: String Dread
Author: Lisa Hammer
License: CC4
Source Link: []
Filename: Nyctophobia.png
Name: Nyctophobia
License: CC4
Filename: Nyctophobia.mp3
Name: Nyctophobia Intro
Author: S D Locke
License: CC4Name: Hidden Truth
Author: Rafael Krux
License: CC0
Source Link: []Name: Violins of Rising Horror #4
Author: M-Murray
License: CC4
Source Link: dot org/people/M-Murray/sounds/709342/Name: Heart Beat
Author: mrrap4food
License: CC4
Source Link: dot org/people/mrrap4food/sounds/619037/
Source Link: []Name:
Source Link: []
Filename: thalassophobia.jpg
Name: Thalassophobia
Author: Brett Jordan
License: CC2.0
Source Link: []