
VKTM is up to their old tricks, and kidnap Dr. Wettle to… marry him? Read for 8 episodes of Joy, Fear, and Media.

rating: +157+x
Item#: SCP-8889
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:




A still image taken from SCP-8889-B.

Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-8889 are to be held within High-Yield Data Storage Facility 3 at Site-43. Access to SCP-8889 can be granted upon approval by Dr. Lillian Lillihammer or Dr. William Wettle.

Description: SCP-8889 is a collection of anomalous media produced by Vikander-Kneed Technical Media (GoI-5889) related to Dr. Wettle's abduction from Site-43 on 1 February 2024 by said GoI. Though SCP-8889 has little to no harmful memetic effect (unusual for media produced by Vikander-Kneed), all SCP-8889 instances have demonstrated various minor anomalous qualities.

SCP-8889-A is a .mp4 file containing footage of Marian MacPhaerson, VP of Public Relations at Vikander-Kneed. While currently not possessing any anomalous traits, according to Dr. Wettle, upon originally viewing SCP-8889-A, it had:

  • Seized control of all operating systems and subroutines on Dr. Wettle's computer;
  • Sealed the door to his quarters;
  • Contained an individual unseen on replaying it;
  • Projected physical limbs out of the screen;
  • Functioned as a portal to an unknown location.

SCP-8889-B is an 8-episode season of a television show called "The Wondrous Wedding of William Wallace Wettle". According to Dr. Wettle, SCP-8889-B is an accurate depiction of his experiences while in the custody of Vikander-Kneed. Attempts to duplicate SCP-8889-B footage, either digitally or on physical media, will eventually result in the copy degrading into a still image of an anti-piracy screen.

Addendum 1: Discovery

On 1 February 2024, Dr. Wettle received an email with the subject "DO NOT WATCH" containing SCP-8889-A. Three minutes later, Dr. Wettle had downloaded and watched the file and vanished from his dormitory. His disappearance was not reported until ten hours later on the following day, as he was presumed to have overslept.

Following Dr. Wettle's disappearance, an investigation was launched. SCP-8889-A, having been left open on a still image of Dr. Wettle screaming, indicated Vikander-Kneed as the obvious culprit. Due to the lack of knowledge regarding Vikander-Kneed's operations, a rescue mission was deemed impractical. Given Vikander-Kneed had abducted Dr. Wettle before several times, only to return him a few hours or days later, the decision was made to wait for Dr. Wettle to be returned again.

On 15 February 2024, Dr. Wettle was discovered unconscious in the Site-43 mailroom. At the same time, copies of SCP-8889-B in multiple formats1 were found in his mailbox.

After his return, Dr. Wettle was offered psychological counselling. He attended one mandatory session, then refused to continue.

Addendum 2: Transcripts of SCP-8889

The following transcript was taken on 2 February 2024 by Dr. Lillian Lillihammer. Dr. Wettle's responses were added on 17 February 2024, and represent an incomplete memory of the conversation.

The following transcripts were taken on February 15 and 16 2024 by Dr. Lillihammer, following Dr. Wettle's return. As the DVD, Blu-Ray, and 4KUHD versions of SCP-8889 included episode titles and summaries, they have been included on the transcript.

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