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Assigned Site | Site Director | Research Head | Assigned Task Force |
Site-09 | Dir. Malcom Ritter | Dr. Abraham Wright | MTF Kappa- 10 ("Skynet") |
Attention: Subsequent events provided in this document may or may not have already occurred. Head Researcher Dr. Abraham Wright has been charged with keeping detailed and up-to-date logs on SCP-8709 following each programmed cycle. If Dr. Wright does not exist, the O5 council shall determine an appropriate replacement.
Special Containment Procedures: Since the permanent containment of SCP-8709 is currently impossible, tracking of the entity's black body radiation will be used to determine materialization points. A perimeter of 10 kilometers around each site is to be maintained and monitored at all times, with MTF Kappa- 10 ("Skynet") being ready to mobilize should the entity shift away from the area.
Updated: 12/12/1991
Due to the nature of SCP-8709 and the revelations of its purpose, the security level of this document has been elevated to clearance Level 5/8709. All unauthorized personnel and civilians will be administered Class C amnestics, with individual access to SCP-8709 to now be at the discretion of the O5 council. Future endeavors will be on efforts to protect and erase any information released.
Description: SCP-8709 is a emergent property of a supercomputer program, appearing as a 25 meter tall black, non-reflective structure. The composition of the entity is comparable to boids,1 stimulating a quantum entanglement state that fluctuates within reality. SCP-8709 uses this phenomena to trans-locate to any locale around the world, with primary functionality including monitoring system resources and scenario progression. These manifestations of SCP-8709 have caused significant destabilization at each site, generating powerful black body radiation2 detectable from up to 10 kilometers away. Constant tracking of these conditions has allowed for anticipation of the next materialization sites within the range of 24 hours.
Upon manifesting, SCP-8709 will enter an active state; turning on high-intensity light that emits brief omnidirectional flashing at 2 to 3 rotations per second that lasts for 4 hours. These long exposures subject large areas to ionizing radiation of 25 - 30 mSv3 per rotation, causing substantial physical and psychological phenomena. This intermittent photic simulation triggers a condition closely relating to photosensitive epilepsy, with subjects unable to recall their activities during the manifestation. Recovered recordings show individuals conducting normal activities while themselves and surrounding structures are continuously atomized then reconstructed from SCP-8709's photo-radiation. Further examination of these sites also exhibited extensive transformations of the locale, with several objects and occupants composed of abnormal matter, indicating reoccurring data reconstruction errors. These changes only occur within 10 kilometers of the SCP-8709 manifestation, showing a severe but limited effect on the immediate area.
During contact with SCP-8709, pronounced radio signals were captured matching coded transmissions to the Foundation. These signals were being transferred to a terminal at site-09, an underwater facility located in the Horizon Deep. The terminal, designated Y2K, is a Hewlett-Packard VT2640 that has been heavily retrofitted to perform complex quantum computations and P2P networking4, and was used for communication with the entity. Over the course of 72 hours, testing was conducted to isolate the signal, leading to the discovery of SCP-8709's wireless access point and the collection of various scenario data from SCP-8709. For security purposes, the terminal was secluded on a closed interoperable network with several Cerberus firewalls before connecting to SCP-8709's mainframe.
Addendum SCP-8709-1: Archive
Forward: Successful access to SCP-8709's database occurred on September 20, 1982, at site-09. This archive contains results generated by another reality's DEPTHS Project. Events described may or may not have already occurred.
SCP-8709 Archive
The following data is an archive of completed, non-sequential simulations produced by the DEPTHS project. The information provided is to be used strictly for formulating potential solutions or preventive measures for XK Class events. Head Researcher Dr. Abraham Wright is the designated contact for this project and should be contacted for any requests. Any unauthorized personnel found accessing this database will be reprimanded.
Scenario: 1
Location: N/A
Event: Atomic breakdown of digital matrix.
Diagnostic Analysis: Failure to construct scenario parameters. Implemented revised computational directives.
Scenario: 43
Location: N/A
Event: Simulated reality inconsistent with parameters.
Diagnostic Analysis: Failure to simulate accurate scenario. Different degrees of impartial combination of biological and synthetic objects. Rework of examinations done by digital network.
Scenario: 55
Location: N/A
Event: Unsatisfactory simulation of human sentience resulting in mass suicide, starvation and violence.
Diagnostic Analysis: Failure to simulate accurate replicas. Integration of lead researcher Dr. Abraham Wright 's brain scans provided as a foundational template for random generation of the human consciousness.
Scenario: 101
Location: Brazil
Event: CK Class: Detection of a mutated form of the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum was found in various Brazilian freshwater sources, leading to the infection of nearby wildlife and human populations. The fungal infection spread quickly throughout the county with scans showing extreme cases of hepatosplenomegaly5, lymphadenopathy6, and development of lesions. Within 4 days, infected individuals congregated in abandoned buildings, combining biological matter of the fungus. A month after detection, massive fungi stalks populated major metropolitan areas polluting the atmosphere by expelling 958 trillion fungal spores per day.
Extinction: 352 days
Diagnostic Analysis: Failure of SCP Foundation to combat air and water contamination of a bio-hazard. Advise: Development of fungal treatment and decentralization of water resources.
Scenario: 582
Location: N. Broadway, Chicago
Event: DW-K Class: The consumption of the Doctor Wondertainment product "Candied Sweetbread" caused changes of human physiology near N. Broadway, Chicago. Composition of subjects matched various forms of confection such as jelly, cocoa and various disaccharide sugars. Multiple subjects were detected to become partially transformed within 48 hours, with most of the skin turning before the organs. During this time, a small group of individuals both human and animal were evaluated consuming affected subjects. Once an individual was consumed, the effects were passed on to the consumer with various shedding of skin and waste spreading rapidly throughout the area. Contamination of water sources and the consumption of infected individuals resulted in systematic break down in world resources.
Extinction: 1400 days
Diagnostic Analysis: Failure of SCP Foundation to adequately combat GOI projects or activities. Advise: A monthly sweep of departments in the Chicago area. Aggressive restriction of GOI resources.
Scenario: 882
Location: N/A
Event: Simulation interrupted due to incomplete information.
Diagnostic Analysis: Failure to simulate scenario. Initiated update of protocols and subroutines. Beginning process to generate physical structure in current simulation to assist with synchronization of branched program.
Scenario: 1033
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Event: BK Class: Formation of cumulonimbus clouds composed of mutated Milnesium tardigradum spread the microorganisms over the cities of Cairo, Alexandria and Sinai. Upon rainfall, the parasites were able to infect the local population and reproduce within the body’s natural water reserves. Larval progression of the entities resulted in internal bleeding, vomiting and diarrhea. The parasite spread from host to host via air transmission or direct interaction to compromised rainwater leading to world wide infection in 88 days. The expulsion of massive amounts of bodily fluid added to the atmosphere caused 52% of the cloud formations to be composed of tissue, fecal material, and blood, generating extreme climate change.
Extinction: 442 days
Diagnostic Analysis: Failure of SCP Foundation to combat air and water contamination of a bio-hazard. Advise: Resource allocation for sanitizing large water sources and eradication of specific microorganisms.
Scenario: 3221
Location: N/A
Event: Corruption of scenario due to incomplete reboot. Subsequent XK event carried over to new simulation resulting in assimilation of the current event.
Diagnostic Analysis: Failed reset of scenario. Increasing progress to transfer over data between generated simulations.
Scenario: N/A
Location: N/A
Event: Unauthorized command detected. Viral load distributed. Please wait….
Diagnostic Analysis: WARNING: Separation incomplete, destabilization at 89%. Virus spreading to simulation branches: 4905, 4904, 4903, 4902, 4901, 4900
Addendum SCP-8709-2: The DEPTHS Project
Upon gaining access to the mainframe, multiple mentions of the DEPTHS Project were uncovered, initiating an inquiry into the project's ongoing activities at Site-09. The project was developed in the early 1980s , initiated by the increasing frequency and severity of anomalous disasters, particularly the "White Fire" event in 1978. Prompting the need for a comprehensive multi-level evaluation, a quantum computational matrix was engineered for simulating and analyzing hypothetical XK class scenarios. The onboard artificial intelligence , Aeon, oversees the analytics, pinpointing potential hypo-centers for each simulated event. As outlined in DEPTHS documentation, failure to manage an event triggers a system reboot, reverting the simulation to a prior state to initiate a new cycle under comparable conditions. Each cycle has the potential for a branch to form. Known as "branching," this phenomenon occurs when a DEPTHS simulation successfully integrates into an existing computational framework. This process results in a layered or nested simulation environment, facilitating the coalescence and interaction of multiple simulated realities within a singular matrix.
The branching mechanism is intricate and dynamic, drawing upon advanced quantum computing principles, algorithms, and predictive analytics to coordinate the interconnected layers. Each branch presents a unique scenario, creating an expansive platform for various XK class simulations and their prospective outcomes across a potentially infinite continuum. The "depth" of these branches signifies their positioning relative to the baseline reality, encapsulating layers of interlinked simulations, each characterized by its distinct parameters and outcomes. Each subsequent branch serves as a pivotal nexus within these groupings and should a preceding branch fail or be terminated (KUT)7, it would trigger a collapse of the associated realities, setting off a chain reaction throughout the simulated framework.
SCP-8709's designation will vary based on a realities progression, alternatively recognized as SCP-001, the Avatar of a Broken God, or the Tower. These deviations seen within SCP-8709’s archive suggest accumulating differences leading to significant historical deviations, alterations in the laws of physics, or the emergence of fantastical elements, among other possibilities. Given the inherent unpredictability of quantum mechanics, the simulations archived within SCP-8709 display intrinsic instability, presenting as inconsistencies or "glitches” within the computational matrix.
The program has encountered significant setbacks, with 56% of scenarios failing to complete due to state fidelity issues or quantum decoherence. To address these issues, SCP-8709 has integrated synchronized error correction, utilizing scans from alternate realities to provide real-time updates to its simulated counterpart. Since the discovery of SCP-8709, a consistent frequency decline of 2.8Hz per synchronization attempt has been observed, with the universe's frequency dropping from 963Hz to 837Hz, signaling progressive deterioration. Drawing parallels between the project's AI, SCP-8709's operations, and the connection to terminal Y2K, it is speculated that SCP-8709 is a manifestation of an ongoing simulation of the baseline reality. Efforts to halt the synchronization process and maintain the current simulated state are currently in progress under the supervision of Dr. Abraham Wright.
Addendum SCP-8709-3: Infection
On December 1, 1998, SCP-8709 contracted the c-(kenoma) virus following an extra-dimensional incursion of a arboreal instance of SCP-8709. This event resulted in both entities becoming spatially locked off the coast of Hilton Head, South Carolina. Subsequently, these instances have been reclassified as SCP-8709-1 and SCP-8709-2.
The infection has induced a conjoining between SCP-8709-1 and SCP-8709-2, leading to the development of branchial growths at a rate of 0.9 meters per day. Significant mutation of the boids have coalesced into a fractal-like structure, spreading across the surface and subsurface of both instances. As it progresses, subsequent simulations have been observed undergoing a similar conversion, suggesting the consolidation of multiple scenarios infected by the c-(kenoma) virus. This is indicative of a systemic failure within the interconnected virtual environments, resulting in the merger of multiple SCP-8709 and simulations into a single, corrupted matrix.
Due to this, SCP-8709-1’s data reconstruction capabilities have been severely compromised, with the affected locale exhibiting non-Euclidean spaces, conceptual cross-contamination, temporal paradoxes, and overlapping XK-class events. Attempts to correct systematic errors through the synchronization process have resulted in computational feedback loops, accelerating the destabilization of SCP-8709-1 and SCP-8709-2. These feedback loops have increased the spread of branchial growths and associated anomalies, leading to minor aberrations escalating into major breaches of containment.
Current systemic collapse estimated in 428 days.
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"SCP-8709" by Petdoc1991, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-8709. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
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