This is an older version of the document. We need to keep this here, otherwise we'll forget about it. Again. Don't worry about it.
You're also going to see email correspondence between Heather Garrison and I included in both versions of the document. These are, unfortunately, needed for containment. Something about context helping 'fix' it in our minds. And again, don't worry about it.
— Dr. Lillian Lillihammer, Chair of Memetics and Countermemetics, Site-43
Item #: AO-8688
Object Class: Unknown
Special Containment Procedures: AO-8688 is in Site-43's I&T Isolation and Storage area, kept within containment chamber IT-8688.
Description: AO-8688 is a set of anomalous objects consisting of a desktop computer, monitor, peripherals and assorted unknown components. AO-8688 has undetermined anomalous properties - the Foundation is, however, positive that containment should be continued. I'm sure it's important, I'll get to it once I can get Eileen off my ass.
Addendum: Hey, this is Lillihammer — I swear I'm going to get back to this eventually, so NOBODY ELSE TOUCH IT, okay?
Really Lillian? You thought that this might help me?
I haven't looked at it in a while, alright? What does the file say?
You still haven't looked at it? It explains why nobody else worked on this file, they're all too scared of you and your threatening addendum.
I'll show you my threatening addendum.
Following this email correspondence, Researcher Garrison attempted to locate AO-8688, to begin further research.
DATE: 11/19/2018
NOTE: Footage is from Foundation security cameras within Site-43's I&T AO containment archive, inside of Chamber IT-8688. Heather Garrison was the only researcher in attendance.
Heather Garrison enters the chamber, placing a pad and pen on the desk, as well as setting a tape recorder down. She presses "record".
Heather Garrison: This is Heather Garrison, taking care of Lilli's messes. I mean, examining AO-8688. AO-8688 appears to be some old computer covered in a thick layer of dust. I don't think the dust is anomalous.
Heather wipes her finger over the keyboard, and the monitor turns on. Current information suggests that AO-8688 has been plugged in to a power source for the entire span since last worked on by Dr. Lillihammer
Heather Garrison: It's still plugged in? Lillian, don't you know you should always power down your electronics? Now let's see—
Dr. Garrison looks at the monitor — an unlock screen for a currently unidentified operating system is displayed. The image stutters, glitching and being replaced with a minor cognitohazard for 5 milliseconds. Heater winces, and looks away.
Heather Garrison: Well. That's definitely Lil's work — I'd recognize it anywhere at this point. It feels like her.
Heather begins to write on the page. As she does, she dictates to the tape recorder as well.
Heather Garrison: I am now transcribing this with pen and paper, as I record it into a vocal recorder. I believe that I have been exposed to a minor cognitohazard designed to induce forgetfulness or lack of interest in this anomalous object.
I believe that this is the result of Lillian's possessiveness, and not related to the anomaly. However, due to the fact that the anomalous effect may be more than just one of Lillihammer's creations, I am recording this across multiple media forms, in an attempt to avoid any antimemetic effects.
Heather puts down her pen and stops the recording. She releases a frustrated, but subdued yell of frustration.
Heather Garrison: Thanks Lils. Guess you have to help me out here.
NOTE: Dr. Garrison exited the containment chamber, and appeared to pause for a second. After a beat, she resumed walking, exhibiting only slight symptoms of disorientation. After Dr. Garrison examined her notepad, it is noted that she reacted in surprise and frustration based on the contents.
Okay, in my defense - it's really funny. Like it's so rough and a complete hack job of a meme? I can't believe I made this.
I can't believe you work-roofied me, from something you did over two decades ago. Can you please fix this?
Huh. Two decades?
Yes Lillian, time unfortunately, marches ever onwards.
I don't think that's right.
Lilli, it doesn't matter how many times you blow up the site, time is still passing.
Hmm. Doubtful.
After Dr. Lillihammer was alerted to the existence of a cognitohazard limiting research into AO-8688, a countermeme was developed that negated the effect, allowing Dr. Garrison to continue research into the anomaly. After beginning research into the AO, Dr. Garrison moved for the object to be reclassified as a full SCP. Reclassification is pending.