Special Containment Procedures: SCP-8558 is currently left uncontained as it is deemed safe in terms of effect on the local population, but its activity is under constant observation by the Foundation’s private geo-stationary observation satellites. SCP-8558 also serves as a little known local tourist destination which is a factor taken into account when making the decision.
Any on-location investigations into SCP-8558 must be conducted during road closures from 36.6447573, -5.0894631 on the A-███ to 36.5775617, -5.0682254 on the A-███. Whilst investigations are occurring, ██████ authorities are required to monitor all areas within a 2km radius of the specified section of road. Locals are to be informed not to enter within 500m of the investigation site by the authorities.
Description: In appearance, SCP-8558 is an incomplete abstract structure which consists of a solid concrete platform supporting multiple concrete pillars which hold up a concrete canopy, with two brick walls at either end of the structure. The entire complex is approximately 43m in length, 9m in width, and 9m in height. Graffiti can be found covering a portion of the surfaces, although after further examination, the graffiti hasn’t been identified as any known language, despite it’s resemblance to the Latin alphabet.
The primary anomalous aspect of SCP-8558 is its ability to spontaneously relocate its own position randomly to one of three locations along the A-███, ██████, ████. The coordinates of the three locations it can transfer to are as follows:
- 36.6394269, -5.0912106
- 36.6210999, -5.0695651
- 36.5862683, -5.0688252
SCP-8558 spontaneously relocates approximately once every 2 months, there currently being no known way to determine which location it will reposition to.
Additionally, leading inside the concrete platform are a series of somewhat randomly placed tunnels. These too are covered in graffiti, however, unlike the exterior of SCP-8558, the graffiti inside the tunnels shows the atomic numbers of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus, repeating all throughout the walls. The material used to write the graffiti has been found to be paint that has been composed of gold and copper.
Addendum: As of now, SCP-8558’s true origin is unknown, however it first came to the attention of the Foundation on the ██th ████ 20██ when a member of the administrative department of site-██ visited the area during a vacation and heard about the ‘moving building’ from the locals. It was first assumed to be an instance of mis-remembrance to the location of the structure. But after further research through reviewing of satellite photography over recent months, its anomalous activity was discovered.