
How do you deal with an anomalous virus that degrades you on an atomic level and is so contagious that just a touch transfers it? Like this…

  • rating: +22+x

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By Order of Site Director Harvey

The following file is classified under Level 4/8550 Clearance. Unauthorized access will be punished.


ITEM #: SCP-8550




Assigned Site


Site Director

Anna Harvey

Research Head

Dr. Hartley Graham

Assigned MTF


ITEM: SCP-8550




Assigned Site


Site Director

Anna Harvey

Research Head

Dr. Hartley Graham

Assigned MTF


Special Containment Procedures: Mobile Task Force Chi-7 (“Plague Tamers”) is to make all efforts to locate and capture reported instances of SCP-8550-2. Infected individuals are to be quarantined in a sealed standard humanoid containment cell, and immolated upon cessation of life signs. Any site personnel showcasing typical symptoms of early-stage infection are to be reported to Dr. Graham as soon as possible.

When interacting with SCP-8550-2 instances, a grade 3 hazmat suit must be worn at all times. Equipment is to be inspected daily for holes, or any other possible means of entry for infection. Should a hole be torn in a hazmat suit while interacting with SCP-8550-2 instances, affected personnel are to leave the area immediately, and submit themselves for quarantine.

Description: SCP-8550 is composed of three constituent parts.

SCP-8550 refers to the theoretical cause of SCP-8550. Proposed by Research Head Dr. Graham, it suggests that there's a sentient entity at the heart of SCP-8550-1. Further research into the validity of this proposal is ongoing. SCP-8550-1 refers to an anomalously altered circovirus. These alterations have granted it status as a new species, hereby designated Circovirus minimafrange. C. minimafrange appears to be extremely small, only about 0.8 nanometers across. SCP-8550 has displayed several odd traits, such as random periods of inactivity, despite possible hosts being nearby.

SCP-8550 has also displayed the ability to lay dormant for a period of up to 3 days, which would help transmit it.

The only currently known way to destroy SCP-8550-1 permanently within an area is immolation.

SCP-8550-1 refers to a process by which people slowly degrade on an atomic level. The amount of time this process takes varies, ranging from 3 to 24 hours. However, it has been universally observed to be extremely painful to the subject. There are no currently known ways of reversing the process once it has started. A document detailing typical symptoms and stages has been attached below.

SCP-8550-2 refers to individuals and objects infected with SCP-8550. They are extremely contagious, with even a touch allowing for communication of the disease.

Failure to contain SCP-8550 could lead to a DK-Class "Infected Earth" Scenario1.

Discovery: SCP-8550 was discovered on 17/02/22 when Foundation spies embedded within several hospitals across the United States started sending in reports of deaths caused by spontaneous degradation of the body's structure. SCP-8550 was officially designated as such soon after.

Addendum 8550.1: SCP-8550-2 Interview


DATE: 19/02/22

NOTE: The following log details an interview between Researcher Richards, from the Department of Microbiology, and James Howe2, an individual recently afflicted with SCP-8550, conducted at Site-10 The interview was conducted before anyone was aware of how contagious SCP-8550 was.


James Howe is sat down in a detainment cell. Researcher Richards enters and sits down opposite them.

Researcher Richards: Good evening, SCP-8550-2-1.

Howe: Where am I? And why does everyone keep calling me that? My name is James. James Howe.

Researcher Richards: We're aware of your real identity.

Howe: When can I go home?

Researcher Richards: I'm afraid that's not possible.

Howe: I want to go home! I'm not saying anything unless I can go home!

Researcher Richards sighs.

Researcher Richards: Will you tell me what I want to know if I promise to let you go after?

Howe: And I want you to call me by my real name, not that stupid number.

Researcher Richards: Very well. You have my word.

Researcher Richards: Now, why don't you explain to me what you've been feeling? Physical symptoms, that is.

Howe: Pain. It's in my legs and chest, mostly. Hurts like crazy. It's almost like someone's taking me apart bit by bit. I also ran my hand through my hair the other day when I was showering, and half of it came off.

James Howe shudders.

Howe: That's when I went to the hospital, where you guys kidnapped me.

Researcher Richards: We didn't… whatever. When did you start feeling all these symptoms?

Howe: About two days ago.

Researcher Richards: Very well. Guards, you can take him to his cell.

Howe: What?! You promised I could go home!

Researcher Richards: That's not up to me.

Howe: You bastard! You'll regret this!

Researcher Richards: This interview is concluded.


Closing Statement: Approximately six hours after the conclusion of this interview, SCP-8550-2-1 collapsed, in apparent agony. Medics sent in discovered it on the floor, seemingly shedding all their skin and muscles at a rapid rate. At roughly the same time, Researcher Richards and the guards involved in SCP-8550-2-1's interview also began displaying typical symptoms of SCP-8550. Contact with the site was lost soon after and the onsite nuclear warhead was detonated remotely.

Addendum 8550.1: SCP-8550 Typical Symptoms

Stage Symptoms
Stage 1 Excessive itching, particularly in the chest and thigh areas, theorized to be SCP-8550-3 targeting the areas of most mass. This stage typically lasts for 36 hours
Stage 2 Subjects begin to feel periods of immense pain, particularly in the chest and thigh regions. Over a period of 24 hours, this pain will begin to spread to other parts of the body. Hair loss is also typical.
Stage 3 Over the course of four to six hours, the subject will begin to rapidly shed skin, muscle, and other parts of the body. This causes immense pain and distress to the subject, typically causing them to collapse, unable to function properly.
Stage 4 Bodily fluids such as blood will start leaking out of orifices such as the eyes and ears. Coma's are also expected.
Stage 5 Vital organs like the heart, brain, and lungs begin degradation. Death follows shortly after.
Stage 6 The bodies will continue to degrade leaving no signs behind. This typically contaminates the area.

Addendum 8550.3: Site Director Patterson's Meeting with Dr. Graham


DATE: 22/02/22

NOTE: This log was recorded in Biological Site-234. It details a discussion between Dr. Hartley Graham and Site Director Patterson.


Dr. Graham enters the room and sits down opposite Site Director Harvey.

Site Director Patterson: Good evening, Dr. Graham.

Dr. Graham: Good evening.

Site Director Patterson: I imagine you're curious why I called you here.

Dr. Graham: A… a bit, yeah.

Site Director Patterson: I'm sure you've heard about SCP-8550 by now.

Dr. Graham: I have, yes.

Site Director Patterson: Excellent. I'm transferring you to that project as the research head.

Dr. Graham's eyes widen.

Dr. Graham: Me?! Why?

Site Director Patterson: You're the most experienced doctor available right now.

Dr. Graham: Really?

Site Director Patterson: Yes. The other candidates are tied up with other things right now. That leaves you.

Dr. Graham: Surely there's someone -

Site Director Patterson holds up his hand, silencing Dr. Graham.

Site Director Patterson: There isn't. Believe, me I don't like the idea either. I'd rather not transfer my best doctor to the site studying some highly volatile phenomenon that very painfully kills you. But alas, I do not have a choice. And neither do you.

Dr. Graham: There's always a choice, isn't there?

Site Director Patterson: Not in our line of work. You do not have a choice in whether or not you go. The only choice you do have is whether or not you go willingly. I wish it were otherwise, but it's not. So, what will it be?

Dr. Graham hesitates before answering.

Dr. Graham: Very well. I'll go willingly.

Site Director Patterson: Excellent. Then that means this meeting is adjourned.


Closing Statement: Dr. Graham was transferred to Biological Site-09 shortly after.

Addendum 8550.4: Site Director Patterson's email to Dr. Graham

Addendum 8550.5: Dr. Graham's Meeting with Site Director Harvey


DATE: 24/02/22

NOTE: The following log details Dr. Graham's meeting with Site Director Harvey.


At 11:00 AM, Dr. Graham enters Site Director Harvey's office.

Site Director Harvey: Ah, Dr. Graham. Our new transfer. Please, sit.

Dr. Graham sits opposite Site Director Harvey.

Site Director Harvey: I must say, you came very highly recommended by your previous Site Director. I'm impressed. We don't get that often.

Dr. Graham inclines her head.

Site Director Harvey: Right. Let's get down to business. I have prepared a document for you with everything we know about SCP-8550. And do be careful. I'd rather not lose such a valued researcher.

Dr. Graham: I'll do my best ma'am.

Site Director Harvey: Good. Oh, and I'd suggest introducing yourself to your new team before the end of the day. That'll be all.

Closing Statement: N/A


Addendum 8550.6: Dr. Graham's Meeting With Site-09 Staff


DATE: 24/02/22

NOTE: The following log details Dr. Grahams first interaction with the SCP-8550 research personnel.


Dr. Graham enters the room. The personnel present quickly quiet down.

Dr. Graham: Um, hello, everyone. In case you're unaware, my name is Dr. Hartley Graham. I was recently transferred in from Site-234 as the new project head.

Sr. Researcher Allen: Hi. I'm Russel Allen, and I'm one of the senior researchers here.

Sr. Researcher Hanson: My name's Annabelle Hanson, and I'm also a senior researcher.

Researcher Williams: My name's Duncan Williams, and I'm just a regular researcher, which, frankly, suits me much better than being a senior researcher.

Containment Specialist O'Reilly: I'm Adam O'Reilly, and I'm unfortunately the containment specialist who was assigned to SCP-8550.

Sr. Researcher Allen: What do you mean, unfortunately? Do we all suck that much?

Containment Specialist O'Reilly: Hate germs. Always have. Give me the shivers.

Researcher Williams: I know what I'm dressing up as for Halloween.

Dr. Graham: Guys, can we get back on topic?

Sr. Researcher Allen: Right. Sorry.

Security Officer Chance: I'm Robert Chance and I'm a security officer for the site. The, uh, rest of my guys are off somewhere else, so you'll get to meet a couple later. Well, I'd hope so. You never know, with all the anomalous microbes we have around.

Dr. Graham: Well, thanks for the introduction. I'll let you get back to what you were doing for a couple hours.

Closing Statement: Shortly after this introduction, a case of SCP-8550 infection was reported and MTF Chi-7 was mobilized.


Addendum 8550.7: MTF Chi-7's Mobilization

Mobilization Video Log Transcript

Notes: The following log details MTF Chi-7's response to reports of an infected individual spotted in nearby Cape May, New Jersey.

Date: 24/02/22

Responding Team: MTF Chi-7

Subject: SCP-8550

Mission Command: Dr. Graham

Team Lead: Squad Captain Hadyen

Team Members: Corporal Blackwell, Corporal Jansen, Corporal Meadows


The response helicopter touches down and Chi-7 quickly exits.

Dr. Graham: Alright, listen up. The entire town has been put under lockdown under threat of a cholera outbreak. But that ruse won't hold everyone up forever. So get in, get out, and make sure your hazmat suits are not breached. Understood?

Squad Captain Hayden: Understood.

Dr. Graham: And another thing. I want at least one infected taken in alive for study, yes?

Squad Captain Hayden: Consider it done. Squad, let's go.

Chi-7 begins sweeping the streets for signs of nearby infected, before reaching the Lower Cape May Regional High School. Signs of human presence are noted.

Squad Captain Hayden: Entering the high school area now. There's signs that someone's been around in the last hour.

Dr. Graham: The school's closed today. There shouldn't be anyone there. Enter the school, but be careful. Sick people are desperate people.

Squad Captain Hayden: Copy. Squad, spread out.

Chi-7 enters the school and carefully begins sweeping each room. Corporal Jansen's bodycam picks something up.

Dr. Graham: Jansen, to your right. Keep going… and stop!

On the floor are several long strands of hair.

Cpl. Jansen: Captain! Got something.

Squad Captain Hayden rushes over.

Cpl. Jansen: Hair. Looks human.

Before Squad Captain Hayden replies, another member of Chi-7 calls out.

Cpl. Blackwell: Got blood! It's fresh!

Dr. Graham: The subject has likely just entered stage 4. Find them! Quickly!

Cpl. Meadows: No need. I found them.

Corporal Meadows bodycam shows a human figure huddled under a table, clearly in pain. Despite this, the subject doesn't make a sound, presumed to be due to constriction of the vocal cords.

Dr. Graham: Thank god. Take them and get out of there. We'll figure out what to do with the school later. Just don't let them bleed anymore on the floor.

Squad Captain Hayden: Copy that command. Prep the helicopter. We're on our way.


Closing Statement: The subject, later identified as 23 year old Elaine Page, was successfully recovered with no further complications.

Addendum 8550.8: Attempted Interview of SCP-8550-2-2


DATE: 24/02/22

NOTE: The following log was recorded in a sealed medical chamber holding the SCP-8550-2 instance recovered from Cape May.


A small argument can be heard outside the room, determined to be between Dr. Graham and an unknown doctor.

Doctor: Ma'am, I must insist you don't go in there.

Dr. Graham: I'm going in one way or another.

Doctor: There's a very distinct possibility that you get infected with this thing. I don't think you understand how contagious it is.

Dr. Graham: Then give me one of those suits you have on. I'm going in. Understood?

Doctor: But -

Unknown3: Let her in. And give her a suit.

Doctor: I - very well.

A few minutes pass before the doors open and Dr. Graham enters, who approaches SCP-8550-2-2 and kneels down.

Dr. Graham: Can you hear me SCP-8550-2-2?

A minute passes with no conversation.

Dr. Graham: SCP-8550-2-2?

Another few seconds pass before SCP-8550-2-2 speaks in a raspy, whispered voice.

SCP-8550-2-2: Hurts.

Dr. Graham: I know. But I need to ask you a few questions so I can make sure you get better.

SCP-8550-2-2: Home.

Dr. Graham: I'm sorry, but I can't do that. You don't want to get others sick, do you?

SCP-8550-2-2: No.

Dr. Graham: That's why I can't let you go until you get better. But I do need your help in preventing anyone else from getting sick. Can you do that?

SCP-8550-2-2: Yes.

Dr. Graham: I need to know, have you interacted with anyone who seemed sick in the past 3 weeks?

SCP-8550-2-2 collapses into a coughing fit for a few seconds before answering.

SCP-8550-2-2: Yes.

Dr. Graham: Where was that?

SCP-8550-2-2 has another coughing fit, and blood starts leaking out its ears.

SCP-8550-2-2: Home. Husband sick. Talking crazy. Said… said he worked for Founda…dation. Didn't believe. Believe now.

Dr. Graham: SCP-8550-2-2? Elaine?

Following this, SCP-8550-2-2 appeared to fall into a vegetative state.


Closing Statement: SCP-8550-2-2 has remained unresponsive since the interview.

Addendum 8550.9: SCP-8550 Discussion


DATE: 24/02/22

NOTE: The following meeting took place immediately following Dr. Grahams interview with SCP-8550-2-2


A series of indistinct conversations can be heard.

Dr. Graham: Alright everyone, settle down please. Everyone!

The noise settles down.

Dr. Graham: Thank you. Jesus, it's like working with a pack of starving hyenas. Anyway, yes, you heard correctly. I conducted an interview with a stage 4 infected.

Containment Specialist O'Reilly: Do you have any idea how foolish that was? I mean, this is a disease so contagious that -

Dr. Graham: That a single touch can infect you? Yes. I'm perfectly aware of that fact.

Sr. Researcher Allen: Then why take such a huge risk? You're far too valuable to risk losing.

Dr. Graham: Perhaps, but it was also a necessary risk.

Sr. Researcher Allen: Then why not let one of us do it?

Dr. Graham: Because I was available.

Researcher Williams attempts to speak before Dr. Graham interrupts.

Dr. Graham: Look, we're not going to get any information about SCP-8550 by skirting around it like frightened children. I did it, it's done, and I'm fine. So can we move on?

Security Officer Chance: Please do.

Dr. Graham: What I did learn was extremely valuable. It appears that one or more individuals may have escaped the destruction of Site-10. As we speak, a sub-division of MTF Chi-7 is hunting these individuals.

Sr. Researcher Hanson: Good. Then we can finally end this.

Dr. Graham: However, as valuable as that information may have been, it does not help us end this infection. What we need is a closer look.

Sr. Researcher Allen: What are you saying?

Dr. Graham: Let me put it this way. Have either of you seen the ending of Men in Black, the first one?


Closing Statement: Preparations for an excursion into SCP-8550 territory began shortly following this meeting.

Addendum 8550.10: SCP-8550 Entry Attempt Preparation


Date: 24/02/22

NOTE: The following log details MTF Chi-7's preparation for entry into SCP-8550.


MTF Chi-7 can be seen strapping on several strange looking machines.

Cpl. Meadows: So let me get this straight. You're strapping experimental tech onto us with names we've never heard of.

Dr. Graham: Correct.

Cpl. Jansen: Then you're sending us through an experimental Way you generated.

Dr. Graham: Indeed.

Cpl. Blackwell: And then you're going to send us into an atom, and just hope something is there?

Sr. Researcher Allen: Our research suggests there is. So yes.

Cpl. Meadows: And this also happens to be inside the body of a person infected with a highly contagious disease that has a 100% fatality rate?

Dr. Graham: You missed a couple parts, but essentially, yes.

Cpl. Jansen: And you're sure this is safe.

Sr. Researcher Hanson: Mostly.

Cpl. Meadows: What does that even -

Squad Captain Hayden: Can you just be quiet please? I have a headache already.

Cpl. Jansen: Look, can't we just, I don't know, shrink there or something? It's an atom, right?

Researcher Williams: This isn't Ant-Man. You can't get to another universe by shrinking into it anymore than you can reach another universe by speed-walking. The only way for normal people like us to reach said universes is through the use of Way's or some other form of anomalous transportation.

Cpl. Blackwell: Can you at least tell us if we'll live.

Dr. Graham: 90% sure.

Cpl. Meadows: Wait, what?

Sr. Researcher Hanson: Oh, and one more thing to keep in mind. Time is going to move a lot differently down there, simply because you'll be in another universe. So we'll be out of most forms of contact. Just try and stay alive. And if you need to come back, press this.

Senior Researcher Hanson hands Squad Captain Hayden a device.

Sr. Researcher Hanson: This is the one device we have that we've found can reliably reach other universes with its signal. Good luck.

All the researchers leave the room.


Closing Statement: Shortly after the room was emptied of researchers, there was a flash of light, presumed to be Way being activated and Chi-7 entering it.

Exploration Video Log Transcript

Notes: The following log was recorded by the bodycams placed on MTF Chi-7's outfits upon entry into SCP-8550.

Date: 24/02/22

Responding Team: MTF Chi-7

Subject: SCP-8550

Mission Command: N/A

Team Lead: Squad Captain Hadyen

Team Members: Corporal Blackwell, Corporal Jansen, Corporal Meadows


The camera opens up on what appears to be some sort of city, though not one of Earth.

Cpl. Blackwell: Holy shit.

Cpl. Jansen: Graham was right, it would seem.

Squad Captain Hayden: Indeed. Alright, mission report. From what I can tell, we've been "teleported" into some sort of city. However the structure here is… baffling at best.

Cpl. Meadows: The geometry is all off. It's like this entire universe runs off of some form of geometry I've never seen before. I'm not sure what to make of it. What I can see is that it looks…

Squad Captain Hayden: Dead. Or dying. I don't see any living things around.

Cpl. Jansen: It's kind of freaky.

Squad Captain Hayden: Alright, let's move. See if we can find anything.

Chi-7 begins rapidly sweeping the streets, until they come across a vaguely familiar building, despite the vast differences in geometrical structure.

Cpl. Jansen: Is that…

Cpl. Blackwell: Yeah. That's Site-09.

Squad Captain Hayden: For the record, it appears that this universe had its own Foundation as well. Let's go. Perhaps we can find something about SCP-8550 in here.

Cpl. Blackwell: Are we sure that's a good idea? I'd be willing to bet the geometry in there is just as confusing as it is out here. And I'd rather not knock over a jar of… atomic smallpox, and die.

Squad Captain Hayden looks at Corporal Blackwell sternly.

Cpl. Blackwell: You know what, fair enough. Onwards, I say.

Chi-7 enters the building and begins to navigate through, despite the inherent difficulties present, and successfully reach where SCP-8550 research chamber is on Earth.

Squad Captain Hayden: Hm. Important to note. Despite the differences in geometry between here and Earth, computers appear to be able to be used just like our computers, albeit with some visual changes. Meadows, see if you can get in.

Cpl. Meadows: I dunno. Might as well try the same password as usual. Oh, it works. That's… oddly disconcerting. And here's SCP-8550 file.

The file has been transcribed below, though most of it was illegible due to the state of the computer.

Item #: SCP-8550

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-8550 is to have a blood sacrifice every day at noon. This sacrifice is to be public. No further containment procedures necessary.

Description: SCP-8550 is an Apex Tier Pluripotent Entity currently existing beyond this reality. [OBSCURED] has been known to enter other universes, inevitably leading to [OBSCURED] Evidence suggests that this has happened to octillions of other universes. [OBSCURED] all efforts [OBSCURED] diverted [OBSCURED] [OBSCURED].

The file soon became illegible due to several issues with software and dirt.

Cpl. Jansen: Well that raises several implications for our reality.

Squad Captain Hayden: Download the file, but quickly.

Several minutes pass before the file finishes download.

Cpl. Meadows: Done. Now can we get out of here?

Cpl. Blackwell: And, uh, can we do it fast?

Corporal Blackwell points at the sun, which is in the process of turning black. The city Chi-7 arrived in also begins to flake and vanish, presumed to be a result of SCP-8550-3 arriving.

Squad Captain Hayden: Oh shit.

The flaking effect begins to spread at a rapid pace towards Chi-7, who escape via the device given to Squad Captain Hayden by Dr. Graham.


Closing Statement: MTF Chi-7 reappeared in the testing chamber 3 minutes after they left, physically unharmed. All data was collected and screened for memetic hazards, before being viewed. All necessary biohazard protocols were enacted upon Chi-7.

Addendum 8550.11: SCP-8550 Data Discussion


DATE: 24/02/22

NOTE: The following log details a discussion of the data recovered by MTF Chi-7 following their arrival back on Earth.


All members of the SCP-8550 project team are seated in a circle with documents in front of them.

Researcher Williams: Why don't I start and say that that sucked.

Sr. Researcher Allen: Why? We still learned valuable information, even if it isn't necessarily going to help us contain SCP-8550 more effectively, or cure it even.

Researcher Williams: And that's the point. This info is useless to our containment efforts. I'm beginning to think that -

Dr. Graham: Peace, Duncan.

Researcher Williams: Yes, my apologies. But regardless, my point stands. We did not learn anything beyond the fact that gods may be germs.

Containment Specialist O'Reilly: Perhaps it doesn't bring us closer to curing this. But that doesn't make the information useless.

Researcher Williams attempts to talk before Security Officer Chance enters the room.

Security Officer Chance: SCP-8550-2-2 is dead.

Dr. Graham: I wish it hadn't had to happen that way.

Researcher Williams: And that just proves my point. What has this little excursion of ours shown? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. We are no closer to curing this disease than we are to changing species 100% reliably.

Senior Researcher Hanson snorts

Sr. Researcher Hanson: We're closer to that than you might think.

Dr. Graham: Wait, what was that?

Sr. Researcher Hanson: What, that we're closer to being able to change species than Williams thinks?

Dr. Graham laughs.

Dr. Graham: That's how we'll deal with it. Alter the atomic structure of humanity! This is a virus that breaks down atoms, so we'll teach the body how to build them back up, allowing time for antibody formation! Good job, Hanson.

Sr. Researcher Hanson: I, er, you're welcome?

Researcher Williams: Wait a second. How do you even plan on changing the atomic structure of every human on Earth? Even ignoring that, how do we even do that with one person?

Dr. Graham: We could use vaccines? Most people tend to get them anyway. And the resistant few could be convinced to through use of an artificial meme. Simple.

Sr. Researcher Allen: Right. Simple.

Dr. Graham: As for how to do it at all, we will be using the same technology Hanson mentioned, just repurposed.

Sr. Researcher Hanson: I shouldn't have spoken.


Closing Statement: Tests were shortly undergone regarding atomic restructuring and their impact on SCP-8550 infection.

Addendum 8550.12: Atomic Restructuring Tests

Attempt Number Results
1 Subject exposed to SCP-8550. Rapid advancement to stage 4 infection within 20 minutes is observed. Body immolated.
2 Infection successfully slowed. Subject remains within stage 1 for approximately 4.3 days before rapidly advancing through 3 more stages.Body immolated.
4 No notable changes to infection progress. SCP-8550 continues as normal. Body immolated.
10 No notable changes to infection progress. SCP-8550 continues as normal. Body immolated.
21 Rapid advancement to stage 4 infection observed. Body immolated.
21 Rapid advancement to stage 3 infection observed. Total cessation of viral activity for approximately 12.6 hours occurs before activity starts up again. Body immolated.
56 Subject remains in stage 2 for approximately 15.7 minutes before regressing back to stage 1 for 17 hours. Advancement to stage 4 occurs after this period. Body immolated.
117 Subject advances to stage 2 before symptoms halt entirely. Regression to a non-viral state noted. Subject currently remains in that state. Further observation required.

Addendum 8550.13: Further Testing


DATE: 30/02/22

NOTE: The following log details the final test of atomic restructuring as a cure for SCP-8550.


The SCP-8550 research team can be seen observing test subject 117 through a 1 way mirror.

Dr. Graham: Well that was oddly successful. And it only took, what, 117 tries?

Researcher Williams: My suggestion would be to try this on someone else, preferably someone with a weaker immune system. We still don't know what the relation is between SCP-8550 and the immune system.

Sr. Researcher Allen: I'd suggest just doing it on a sample of blood. That way we can observe the effects in real time.

Dr. Graham: I concur. Hanson? Can you get a blood sample from storage please?

Sr. Researcher Hanson: On it.

Containment Specialist O'Reilly: I can start the machine up, if you want?

Dr. Graham: Do it. Allen? You know how to work the Alteration Engine4, yes?

Sr. Researcher Allen: That I do. I'll get on it.


Dr. Graham: And we have our altered sample. Does anyone have a sample of SCP-8550-3?

Security Officer Chance: I got one from cold storage.

Dr. Graham: Oh, thanks.

A drop of SCP-8550-3 is added to the altered blood sample and the microscope view is brought up on the large screen.

Sr. Researcher Hanson: Well that is fascinating.

As the SCP-8550 research team watches, SCP-8550-3 starts breaking down the atomic structure of the blood sample. Just as quickly, the atoms start building themselves up again. White blood cell production ramps up. SCP-8550-3 is quickly overwhelmed and destroyed.

Dr. Graham: We did it.

Sr. Researcher Hanson: Sure. All we need to do now is make it portable enough to, what was it? Right, vaccinate the entire planet.

Researcher Williams: I'm sure that won't be difficult. I can send the data we have to a friend in another department. They can have a go at it.

Dr. Graham: That would be excellent, thank you.

Researcher Williams: I'll get right on that then.


Closing Statement: Researcher Williams sent the data to the Department of Medicine5, where the cure for SCP-8550 was successfully made portable.

Addendum 8550.14: Dr. Graham's Notes


We did it. We cured the entire planet of SCP-8550. Oh, that meme worked flawlessly. By the end of the week, there wasn't a person on the planet who hadn't received that vaccine. But alas, as with all things, there were consequences.

The cure was designed to shift a persons atomic structure slightly, make their body be able to build itself back up as SCP-8550 tried to break it down. And of course, this was very effective at stopping SCP-8550 in its tracks. The only sample of SCP-8550-3 left on Earth is in Cold Storage two floors down.

What we failed to consider is that every disease involves some sort of breakdown. Cancer breaks down normal cells and tissue. A cold virus breaks down regular cells to replicate itself. HIV attacks white blood cells. And that cure, that godforsaken cure, it sees this and repairs it. Endless, eternally, repairs it. We didn't just eradicate SCP-8550. We eradicated every disease on Earth. And the Earth noticed.

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