
The truth is out there, if you know where to look.


Site-119's Department of Cyberanomalous Investigations and Security (DCIS) is currently investigating possible concerns with SCP-8359 after several changes in its anomalous properties were detected.

Until said investigations conclude, all information revealed by this anomaly is to be considered misinformation and all interactions with SCP-8359 must be prohibited indefinitely.

— Maria Jones, RAISA Director

ITEM #: SCP-8359

OBJECT CLASS: Keter/Thaumiel

SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: SCP-8359 is contained within an air-gapped Object Containment Unit (OCU) located in Sublevel 14 of Site-119. The anomaly remains physically quarantined on a web server owned by Homloch Web Hosting, as all attempts to migrate or clone SCP-8359 elsewhere have been unsuccessful thus far.

Automated programs are to continuously monitor SCP-8359 for irregular activity or sudden anomalous manifestations. In the event that said activity is detected, standard online containment procedures are to be enacted. Total deletion of SCP-8359-related phenomena is prioritized over isolating and/or discrediting the flagged postings. If none of the aforementioned can be completed successfully, then immediate escalation procedures, up to and including mass-amnesticization, has been authorized.

Additionally, all Site-119 IT-related equipment is to be inspected and updated regularly to prevent the likelihood of intrusion or cyberattack by potential threat actors.

The containment specialist of SCP-8359 is Senior Researcher Anderson Janssen.

DESCRIPTION: SCP-8359 is an internet forum loosely parodying found at the web address, established in November 2021. Any post made to the forum board between 03:00 to 04:00 local time will extensively detail the name, location, and description of a random anomaly, typically bearing the following message at the end:

The truth is out there if you know where to look.

— X.

There is no obvious source of SCP-8359’s information, nor any reason for its anomalous effects being limited to one hour per day. The anomalies described by SCP-8359 include those both unknown and known to the Foundation, often possessing greater detail than current database records. The anomalous effect manifests after a drafted post is submitted to the forum. The post is then immediately edited with the anomalous information, presumably by PoI-8359, "X."1

Prior to containment, the public nature of SCP-8359 led to several incidents in which the general public became aware of, and subsequently came into contact with, uncontained anomalous phenomena. Fortunately, the phrasing of SCP-8359 instances regarding Foundation-held anomalies did not contain enough information to trigger a ßK-Class "Lifted Veil" scenario. It is also believed that all information supplied by SCP-8359 is factual and useful to the Foundation, as all posts regarding currently documented anomalies have been found to be extremely accurate.

At Dr. Janssen's suggestion, SCP-8359 is pending Keter/Thaumiel secondary classification, due to its nature as a tool to detect anomalies.

ADDENDUM ONE — SCP-8359 POST: Described below is a summarized example of an SCP-8359 post, written on 06/02/2022 at roughly 3:19 A.M. The post itself quickly became popular and was subsequently shared throughout different social media platforms including Reddit and Twitter, prompting Foundation intervention and the amnesticization of ██,███ civilians. The post was later deleted by automated Foundation webscrubbers, after having been seen by 1.2k users, before shared posts and articles.

Good morning, fellow truthers.

The world may try to DECEIVE us, but we see with open eyes. Another paranormal discovery was made today. And she's quite the troublemaker too.

For all intents and purposes she is a ghost. Young, fearless, and quite the lonely little girl. Better be careful with this one my friends, lest she tries to kill you with her online charm. Big Gov thinks they have little miss Maddie UNDER CONTROL, but do you really think you can contain someone that doesn't truly exist?

Stay frosty, believers. And remember, we are always being lied to.

The truth is out there if you know where to look.

— X.

ADDENDUM TWO — RECOVERY: Following further postings on the UnXplainedXtranormal's message board, the immediate containment of SCP-8359 was escalated as an utmost priority. Initial attempts to bring the website offline through Denial-of-Service (DoS) and Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks were tried, although they were not successful in preventing SCP-8359 posts from manifesting.

Foundation personnel then attempted containment via seizure of the physical server hosting SCP-8359 from Homloch Web Hosting. However, upon bringing the server to Site-119 for testing, all attempts to connect or directly interface with SCP-8359 resulted in the following.

ERROR CODE #06494: "i never negotiate with terrorists"

The next day, another post was made by PoI-8359 on the forum board, at roughly 3:55 A.M. Despite the physical SCP-8359 server being offline, the post itself was seen by no less than 2.1k unique viewers, all of which are currently under investigation:

Fellow truthers, I bring forth a troubling message.

It seems that Big Gov has finally got to us. While we knew that such a day might come, I was hoping we would atleast have some more time together. They have already tried SILENCING us once earlier last night, but I have no doubt that they ran into some unforeseen trouble. Sorry about that, btw : )

Today, our paranormal discovery is a short one. Just a measly little Samsung brand TV remote. You'd think it was nothing if you merely glanced at it. But no, truthers, we ARE much smarter than that. For, you see, this remote allows the user to rewind, fast-forward, pause, and play with time itself. You can find it off the Eastern Coast, inside Big Gov facility number 15 on the second floor.

Good luck, my friends.

The truth is out there if you know where to look.

— X.

(P.S. I know you're reading this, Feds. I'd stop trying to control us if were you. <3)

ADDENDUM THREE — INVESTIGATION: Concluding the most recent SCP-8359 post, efforts to locate PoI-8359 were underway. As no information pinpointing the location of PoI-8359 was ever recovered from the SCP-8359 server, a subsequent raid of Homloch Web Hosting's headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska was performed under the guise of a bi-yearly health inspection, in an attempt to determine who had owned the server. During this time, the following error message appeared.

ERROR CODE #30114: "yeah, not gonna be that easy, Big Gov"

While evidence corroborating the identity of PoI-8359 wasn't found, another SCP-8359 post was made on the same day at approximately 3:23 A.M., resulting in 3.5k unique viewers before Foundation webscrubbers removed the posting.

Dear truthers, Big Gov has hit the BOTTOM of the FUCKING BARREL.

Of course WE knew this would happen! It shouldn't surprise ANY of us that these DEMON WORSHIPPERS and CULT LEADERS would do anything to keep their power. From stealing blood from OUR children to all the SATANIC rituals in our popular media, we can't even trust DISNEY to give us reliable content! But, we must take blame as well, truthers. We've also been blinded. Blinded by our ignorance, thinking that we are all IMMUNE to these so-called "officials."

We are NOT safe! Today Big Gov finally went after me — even trying to hunt me down at my old work for "health reasons." HEALTH??? The company does web hosting, for Christ's sake! No, my esteemed followers, this was a RAID. A raid targeted at YOURS TRULY.

We AREN'T asking much! We just want our ANSWERS, because Big Gov thinks they're allowed to keep SECRETS that could put the WORLD AT RISK!



— X.

A complete investigation into Homloch Web Hosting's past personnel was performed by Dr. Janssen, and after analyzing, a possible identity for PoI-8359 has been established as Emmet Parcaval, an employee of Homloch Web Hosting who had been let go for tampering with the company's electronics, and for 'overt disruptive' opinions. Parcaval was declared missing in late 2021.

ADDENDUM FOUR — INCIDENT: Following further attempts to breach the physical SCP-8359 server, Senior Researcher Janssen received the following warning message, shortly before the server promptly went down.

ERROR CODE #00001: "i found you, feds"

Later that day, at 23:11 PM, SCP-8359 went back online, and shortly after Foundation webcrawlers detected a post made at that same time in which a total of 5.4k unique viewers witnessed. Attempts to delete this post, and any post since, have failed.

NAME: Anderson "Andy" Janssen
AGE: 37
INTERESTS: Basketball, Reading, Anime, and Fanfiction
LOCATION: ███ ████████ ███., ███████, ██


— X.

The following day, Dr. Janssen was killed in his personal home by an unknown assailant at approx. 6am. The following image was taken from his home by Foundation staff.

SCP-8359 is now posting approx. every twenty-five minutes, and all posts since have since followed a similar format and theme, seemingly targeting Foundation, GOC, and UIU members indiscriminately regardless of rank, clearance, and relevance to SCP-8359 containment. Reclassified to Keter.

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