
"We're artists," I exclaimed. "Artists like us can do anything, be anyone, go anywhere at any time and no one can stop us."

rating: +73+x

    Foxtrot Sigma-9 Theme
    [2022 Wikidot Theme]
    By Liryn
/* FONTS */
@import url(',wght@0,800;1,800&display=swap');
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/* CONTENT > WORDS NO BROKEY. CROQ HAS SPOKEY. and other things */
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I remembered middle school like it was yesterday. I remembered being a writer, passionate in the craft of putting one and one together and making something out of nothing. I remembered creating pockets of worlds in my head, sculpting characters from my imagination, and telling tales of places far, far away for everyone to hear… well, for my tea party of critters to hear.

The day we met wasn't like any other story, though. Clouds crossed the ocean skies but the blue still persisted. No one else was in the classroom besides you and me, engaged in a life outside our own. Mine had hints of ink and sheets while yours had canvases bearing pastel hues. It was recess time, everyone else had already left.

We hadn't talked before, but glancing at the many pieces of eye candy stacked on your desk piqued my interest. It was only a matter of time till I opened my mouth and kickstarted the first of many memories. I got to see the beauty in your craftmanship—the love in every stroke, the layers of detail, the honest-to-god effort you put in that fish painting—and smiled, laughed even.

Though, I was probably laughing at the paint smothering your face.

I remembered feeling thrilled. I remembered hastily showcasing my works as well after keeping them to myself for the longest time. Stories of my pet toys on a wild west adventure with me and my adorable skunk Pete leading the gang. Skits of ruffian clowns on a getaway after stealing pies from the pie factory. I remembered a weight being lifted, finally finding someone else I can share my love of the arts to.

"We're artists," I exclaimed. "Artists like us can do anything, be anyone, go anywhere at any time and no one can stop us."

You couldn't help but agree, despite how shy you tend to be. It's like you understood me, like you knew how beautiful it is to express yourself through a kaleidoscopic lens. No dismissal, no disregard, you were the only person who even read my stories. And from the look of things, I was probably the only person who looked through your artwork.

Artists, I remembered being so passionate about being an artist. I remembered working hard day and night, thinking that once I stood on my own two feet, I could show the world my fictional journeys. Even when I had to move, we promised we'd make it and meet on the high point, catching up on old times.

If only you could see me with that promise in hand, Will.

If only it was different.

I can be an artist too, I promise you.

[Burntwood is sleeping on her office desk, her head resting in her arms. Her body jerks as she wakes up and groans.]

Burntwood: Ugh, fuck… coffee headache.

[She readjusts herself, dusting off her lab coat. Burntwood sighs.]

Burntwood: (Breathy) Alright, what was I doing.

[Noticing her open laptop, she wakes it up before scanning through the draft already present on screen.]

Burntwood: Ah…

Item#: SCP-8245
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:
Assigned Site
Site Director
Clayton Burgees
Research Head
Abigail Burntwood
Assigned Task Force


Fireworks which sparked across the western half of the United States, reported to have "rained from the clouds."

Special Containment Procedures: At present, SCP-8245 remains uncontained. Efforts are mainly focused on swaying the general populace's awareness of its anomalous nature through mass amnesticization, disinformation campaigns and cover-up stories. Entities and objects created by SCP-8245 should be relocated to any nearby facility.

Confinement of SCP-8245 is pending as of writing.


Civilian being granted the ability to fly

Description: SCP-8245 is William N. Knowles, an Asian-American male who possesses remarkably high levels of Aspect Radiation and Elan-Vital Energy (EVE). Because of this, it is capable of performing ontokinesis and thaumaturgy with ease. Limitations to this have yet to be determined.

Among the many abilities SCP-8245 has, notable examples of its effects include:

  • Instantaneous teleportation of itself and entities it is aware of to potentially any location;
  • Manifestation of various objects, organisms and areas, usually abnormal in nature;
  • Metamorphic capabilities, though the entity mostly utilizes this to change its clothing, and;
  • Causing inanimate objects to gain sentience, primarily drawings, paintings or any visual form of art.

From its initial discovery, SCP-8245 has constantly made attempts to disrupt the Veil by frequenting public spaces worldwide and presenting its anomalous properties. Each time, it has fled capture from Foundation operatives attempting to intervene, continuing its activities elsewhere instead. Due to its potential of instigating a BK-Class "Broken Masquerade" Scenario, the containment of SCP-8245 has been declared an Alpha-level priority.

Addendum: Example Logs

Below are a series of excerpts detailing events caused by SCP-8245.

Incident #: 012

Location: Venice, Italy

Description: SCP-8245 appeared above the city's center, snapping its fingers and causing civilians to either float into the sky or gain the ability to walk on water. Pieces of clothing also burst out of the doors of their houses as they playfully follow the citizens. During this event, statements of "viewing the world in a beautiful, tinted shade" have been derived from numerous interviews.

Incident #: 024

Location: Various, United Kingdom

Description: SCP-8245 has been seen leading a marching band down various streets located throughout the United Kingdom. Its members consist of himself and entities resembling musical notes playing cutely and uniquely-designed instruments. Nearby audiences cheer for their charming performance. Confetti rains from an unknown source above while numerous multicolored lights focus on the play throughout its duration.

Incident #: 036

Location: S.E.A. Aquarium, Sentosa Island, Singapore

Description: SCP-8245 manifests inside one of the aquarium's exhibitions, knocking on the window and alerting a nearby audience. As he smiles, he cracks the glass before shattering it. He rides on a water stream throughout the entire building accompanied by countless fish, painted with various pleasing hues. Everyone is astounded, bewildered by the show as his art dances across the halls. Beautiful, it's beautiful. They can't help but watch. Oh Will, shit i CANT evenr ejaodgww shb


Artist recreation of the fish from Incident 036

you've come so far fuck

why can't i just be like|

Burntwood: Right… him.

[Burntwood turns to her desk, blinking several times as she stares blankly at it. She is then startled by a sudden knock on the door across from her, as Director Burgees enters the room.]

Burgees: Ah, Ms. Burntwood. I hope I'm not disturbing you.

Burntwood: Director Burgees? Oh, no. You're not disturbing me at all. Is- is there something I can help you with?

[Burgees tilts his head.]

Burgees: Nothing much, I'm only here to give my thanks for your volunteering.

Burntwood: Volunteering?

Burgees: In researching the 8245 anomaly up close. I greatly appreciate your help in this considering the circumstances at hand. Not many people are willing to take the responsibility of standing within proximity of a reality bender, let alone interviewing them. They're quite the… unpredictable kind.

Burntwood: Yeah, well I would- I'd figure such a situation would put much stress on anyone. I'd rather not have anyone else putting their life on the line, so…

[Burgees clicks his tongue.]

Burgees: That's very commendable, Ms. Burntwood. It's good to know we have people like you.

Burntwood: Mhm, that's me. Miss Commendable, reporting for duty.

[Burntwood chuckles, followed by a brief silence.]

Burgees: (Inhales) Well, you did seem rather eager to take the position during our initial encounter with the anomaly. I may be skeptical asking this, but did you have some other motive in mind back then?

Burntwood: What?

Burgees: Is there any (gestures) personal reason why you wanted to study this particular anomaly?

Burntwood: Oh, no. Uh, I was just- I'm just curious, is all. I've never had the opportunity to look at someone- something like this firsthand. I'm sure it sounds odd to say, but it's the truth.

Burgees: Hm, well you know what they say about curiosity. Don't let that get to you, alright?

Burntwood: Of course, sir. There's no need to worry. Is there anything else I should know, or…?

Burgees: Apart from the email I've sent you, no. I'm sure you've already been briefed regarding your departure to 8245's current location, yes?

Burntwood: (Under breath) Email? Oh! Right, right. I'm aware, I already have everything prepared. Ready to face this… anomaly head-on.

Burgees: Perfect, you'll be out in 15. Don't be tardy.

Burntwood: (Scoffs) Please, anything beats sitting around all day.

Burgees: Well, where else would you rather be?

[A short pause.]

"Where else would I rather be?"

I don't want to be here.

I'd rather go somewhere else.

I'd rather be somewhere else.

Playing pretend between the pages,

Making voices only we can hear,

Living life by the pen.

I'd rather be there.

I'd rather be anywhere.

I'd rather be anywhere.

I'd rather be-


Burgees: Doesn't matter. Best of luck, Ms. Burntwood.

[Burgees leaves.]

Burntwood: Right…

[Burntwood takes a deep sigh before returning to her laptop and looking through the unread messages in her inbox. After a few minutes, she recovers the email recently sent by Burgees.]

Burntwood: (Reading aloud) "I've made comments on your latest submission. As informative as it is, the documents you sent include language unbefitting of our typical standards. Simply put, we're writing articles for other staff members to review and reference. We're not writing narratives. You'd do well to keep that in mind, Ms. Burntwood."

[Burntwood scrolls through as she skims its contents.]

Burntwood: Just great, just… (sighs) fuck, why can't I just…

[She groans as she hits her head repeatedly on her desk.]

Burntwood: Okay, y'know what. Let's get on with it. Actually-

[Burntwood presses down on the backspace key for a short moment before saving. She takes another deep breath.]

Burntwood: Alright, now it's go time. (Mumbles) It's gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be just fine.

Burntwood: Testing, testing.


Elfreth's Alley, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

[The Foundation-assigned van arrives by the entrance of Elfreth's Alley. Burntwood steps out as the door swings open, tampering with her recording device and reading the notes on her clipboard. She is visibly sweating.]

Burntwood: Okay, I think we're good.

Agent: You sure you wanna do this alone?

Burntwood: Wha-

[A number of agents also exit the vehicle, some carrying sizeable Scranton Reality Anchors (SRAs) and setting them down. The agent addressing Burntwood leans on the van's side.]

Agent: This ain't like any other anomaly under your purview, y'know. You sure you'll be alright?

Burntwood: Oh, uh- (clears throat) yes, it's better this way. The less people there are, the less alarming it'll be for him. It's best not to scare him off to a different part of the world.

Agent: "Him?"

Burntwood: It! "It," yes. That's what I- That's what I meant, sorry.

Agent: Nah, you're fine. Just holler if you need to. We'll be here setting the SRAs around the area, hope for the best… (mumbles) though who knows how long that thing will stick around for.

Burntwood: Will do, will do.

[Burntwood departs from the rest, taking deep breaths as she rereads her notes. She clicks her tongue, frowning.]

Burntwood: (Under breath) It'll work out, it'll work out… they're just notes-

Entity: Good day, ma'am.

Burntwood: Mhm, good-

[She stops in her tracks.]

Burntwood: Wait, I thought we already evacuated everyone-

[Burntwood turns to see a mass of bubbles, vaguely resembling a humanoid entity. It is wearing a fedora and a tie while holding a suitcase. She looks down to see a shallow stream of soap water beneath her feet.]

Burntwood: Heh, that's actually… wait, no.

[She continues marching forward.]

Burntwood: Can't get distracted now. Don't get distracted, Abby.

[Burntwood slaps her cheeks as bubbles start floating past her, each popping and producing a noise similar to that of a piano's. The buildings also begin to contort and change color as rubber ducks start sprouting from the brick road. She almost chuckles but holds back.]

Burntwood: God, you don't deserve…

[Her voice trails off as she notices a person (SCP-8245) in the distance hovering above, spinning in place while causing the soap water to rise and circle it.]

Burntwood: Is that…?

[Burntwood steps closer to confirm. The entity is wearing a purple cloak and a wide-brimmed hat with a pointed end. Its cloak is decorated with stars and appears almost transparent when nearing its shoes. It laughs as other miscellaneous objects orbit the specimen.]

Burntwood: It is. It's actually-

[She hesitates, looking over her lab coat and sighing. Burntwood eventually proceeds after shaking her head.]

Burntwood: Doesn't matter. Just keep it together.

[Burntwood approaches SCP-8245 who soon notices her and tilts its head, grinning widely. The entity becomes two-dimensional as it folds itself repeatedly before disappearing. She stops and looks around as SCP-8245 reappears behind Burntwood and yelps, startling her and causing her to stumble backward. The specimen laughs again.]

SCP-8245: I was wondering where the audience went. Nice to meet you, missy. Hope I didn't scare you too much.

[SCP-8245 turns itself upside down as it bows.]

SCP-8245: On the offside, though, let me introduce myself. The name's Will, a magician on a worldwide art show. It's a pleasure to meet you.

[SCP-8245 lends out a hand. Burntwood hesitantly shakes it as the anomaly quickly detaches its arm and backs away, leading her to drop the extremity on the ground in shock. It giggles as it grows another arm.]

Burntwood: (Clears throat) Hey, Will. It's… the pleasure's all mine.

[Burntwood pauses, turning away from the entity. It blinks several times before rubbing its chin.]

SCP-8245: Hm, a one-on-one performance. Ain't this quite the ghost town. Usually, you'd find folks roaming round these parts. Don't tell me I'm performing for a crowd of skeletons, haha!

[An accompanying laugh track plays from an unknown source.]

SCP-8245: Well, it's probably them hooligans again. (Sighs) Doesn't matter. One or a thousand, at least somebody's smiling. Now tell me, friend-o, what's your name?

[The specimen closes its eyes and opens its left one, revealing its pupil in the shape of a question mark. Burntwood takes another step back, smiling nervously.]

Burntwood: You- you don't remember me? (Inhales) Does "Abby" not ring any bells?

[Its pupil shifts to that of an exclamation mark before returning to normal. SCP-8245 hovers away for a moment, tilting its head and lowering its eyebrows.]

SCP-8245: You mean… Burntwood? Abigail "Abby" Burntwood?

Burntwood: That's right.

SCP-8245: Middle school Abby? The Abby from almost two decades ago?

[Burntwood waves her hand and nods. The anomaly's eyes lighten up.]

Burntwood: Uh, hi. It's me… you know, I'm surprised you even recognized me-

[SCP-8245 screams excitedly, closing the distance and lifting Burntwood off the ground. The entity tosses her in the air over and over again, with her reaching increasingly higher heights to the point of leveling the clouds. She screams as well, though out of fear. SCP-8245 then catches Burntwood, hugging her tightly as she tries to recuperate.]

Burntwood: (Panting) Holy sh- (coughs) what the f-

SCP-8245: I can't believe it! You're here, you're really here! I knew I'd find you eventually.

Burntwood: Yup, I'm here. Now put me down before I- urp.

[The specimen sets her down, dusting her off.]

SCP-8245: My apologies, Missus. I'm just thrilled to see your face again. (Gestures) Here you are, here I am. The two of us have finally reunited!

Burntwood: Mm, I'm glad you didn't forget about me, Will.

SCP-8245: How could I? You're the only person I ever talked to. Now, I get to talk to you again and it's just- it's just so-

[SCP-8245 raises its arms, shooting confetti from its wrists. Burntwood holds her breath, crossing her arms.]

Burntwood: Heh, it's great to see you after so long. It looks like you're sticking to your… artistry.

SCP-8245: No kidding. I've taken the time to refine my craftsmanship, expand my palette in ways no artists have seen before. Oh, but I'm sure you already knew that, eh?

Burntwood: It's hard not to notice. I mean, everything here looks so, uh (pause), bubbly?

[The entity chuckles, spinning backwards as it does so.]

SCP-8245: Looks like you haven't lost your touch, Abby. Clever wordplay as always. Say, how are things looking on your end?

Burntwood: What do you mean?

SCP-8245: Your tales, obviously! I'm sure you've made a name for yourself already what with your mountainous amount of experience with the pen. Maybe you're also on a worldwide tour, showcasing the beauty in the arts of literature! Am I right? Am I right?

Burntwood: No, no, I-

SCP-8245: Though, it's odd. I've been checking book stores left and right and I haven't heard any names even close to yours. Any troubles on the writing front?

[Burntwood looks back and turns to SCP-8245 again, holding her breath.]

Burntwood: Uh, I'm still working on my big debut. When you're sharing your works, it's best to start on the right foot. You know, um, give them a fine first impression. Does that-

[The specimen squints at her.]

Burntwood: (Quietly) Does that make any sense?

[A momentary silence passes.]

SCP-8245: Well, aren't you as admirable as always? Even now, you still persist with your creativity, your passion for the works. I'm sure whatever you're planning will rock the industry to its core.

Burntwood: You… you really think so?

SCP-8245: Of course I do! I wouldn't want it any other way. Just you and me, sitting on top of the world and reminiscing on old times like we promised all those years ago. I've been meaning to know what you'd been up to when you moved. I'm sure your skills have doubled, tripled- no, quadrupled since last time. Maybe I can even proofread your huge debut.

Burntwood: Um, maybe when I'm close to done. I don't know if you'd like it, though. I just have a lot to put together and I might not be as good as you say-

SCP-8245: Nonsense, what's with the impostor syndrome? The Abby I knew always showed off her stories whenever she got the chance.

Burntwood: That was back then, Will. Nowadays, I prefer to keep things to myself. I- y'know, I'm just not sure people would appreciate if I shoved a stack of papers in their faces. They might complain, they might… dislike it.

SCP-8245: (Inhales deeply) Hm, you've certainly grown more aware of your surroundings, that's for sure. I get it, though. Respecting their privacy and all that junk. Can't really complain about that.

[Burntwood stares at her feet.]

Burntwood: (Coughs) Sorry, Will.

SCP-8245: What're you apologizing for?

Burntwood: Um…


Burntwood: I should- I should probably go. I can see you're busy with your performance.

[Burntwood attempts to leave but SCP-8245 grabs her arm.]

SCP-8245: No, no, wait. It's been so long, Abby. Why're you suddenly packing up and leaving? Don't you wanna spend some more time with me?

[She turns to the entity as it immediately retracts its hand.]

SCP-8245: I don't want to push you or anything, but I just… I've been wanting to show you how far I've come. All the artworks I made, all the tricks I've learnt. I want you to see them. Personal performance, just for you.

Burntwood: Will…

[Burntwood ponders and looks back once again before sighing.]

Burntwood: To be honest, I'd love to take you up on your offer, Will.

[Sparkles appear surrounding the specimen's face.]

SCP-8245: Really?

Burntwood: But! But, I've been very, very busy lately. Busy with a lot of things, a lot of writing and all. I'm sure you understand that. Maybe some other time, maybe-

SCP-8245: C'mon, Abby. You can shave off a minute or two. Just take it as a lil' break from the pen and paper. Who knows? It could even bring in some inspiration, get you willing and ready to take the world. You look like you need a break, anyway.

Burntwood: I… I don't-

[SCP-8245 claps both its hands.]

SCP-8245: Pleeeeease?

Burntwood: Will, no-

[The anomaly closes the distance as its eyes notably widen. Stars of various hues are present within its pupils. Burntwood takes one last look behind herself before clicking her tongue and nodding.]

Burntwood: Alright, alright, fine. Just this once.

[SCP-8245 leaps backward, thrashing its limbs sporadically.]

SCP-8245: Now that's what I'm talking about! Woohoo!

Burntwood: (Under breath) Jeez, you can be so persistent sometimes… Okay, now how about that performance? What tricks do you have up your sleeve this time?

SCP-8245: Right, of course. Right this way, ma'am.

[The entity leads Burntwood to the front door of a residence. It is dark purple in color and heavily decorated with numerous stickers, hand-painted drawings, and other miscellaneous items. A faint string instrument can be heard from the other side. Burntwood is completely silent.]

SCP-8245: Let's take a ride through the arts, my arts.


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[SCP-8245 smirks as it knocks on the entrance and opens it, revealing an extradimensional space contained inside the building. The area consists of a forest surrounding an island where a castle resides. Burntwood gasps, leans in and observes the environment. Her mouth is agape.]

Burntwood: All of this, you- you did all of this?

SCP-8245: (Nods) Oh, you'd be surprised. I've been practicing ever since you left, Abby. You have no idea.

Burntwood: Still, this is just… it's a lot. Way better than…

[She holds her breath and lowers her eyebrows.]

SCP-8245: No need for the flattery. I'm sure you're just as great- no, you're even better than anything I've painted. Words can bring in their own fair share of details too. I know that, for sure. (Sharp inhale) Well, this is more than just paint and canvases, but still.

[A moment of silence passes as Burntwood continues to view the open space. SCP-8245 proceeds to dust off its cloak.]

SCP-8245: (Clears throat) Well, I think it's better to have a firsthand experience, don't you think?

Burntwood: I'm sorry?

SCP-8245: Make sure you keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times.

Burntwood: Wait, wha-

[SCP-8245 shoves Burntwood through the door, causing her to fall and scream. It stares at her as she does and shrugs.]

SCP-8245: Hm, she does like to scream.

[The specimen jumps inside, closing the entrance on its way down.]

[Burntwood falls in a spinning motion going forward. Her screaming is muffled by heavy winds. SCP-8245 soars toward her and grabs her by the arms. They float just above the trees.]

SCP-8245: You alright there, Abby?

[She is panting as she clutches onto her clipboard. Taking a deep breath, she composes herself as the anomaly lifts her back up.]

Burntwood: I'm alive, I'm alive.

SCP-8245: That's good to hear. Probably should've given you a parachute before dropping you off. Sorry about that.

[SCP-8245 embraces Burntwood and holds her at eye level.]

SCP-8245: Still, looks like you haven't been shown the ropes yet. I'm astonished.

Burntwood: (Turns away) No artist can just… draw themselves in flight, Will. How can you even do all this?

SCP-8245: How? You said it yourself, didn't you?

Burntwood: W-What're you-

[The entity jets itself higher into the sky.]

SCP-8245: We're artists. We can do anything, we can be anyone-

[SCP-8245 cycles through a number of attires while rising: A multi-colored suit with glasses of mismatched lens, a costume resembling that of a peacock with multiple hats stack on top of one another, a leprechaun suit with marshmallows stuck to it, among others.]

[Before long, the specimen switches back to its original clothing and ceases movement. Burntwood turns to see the castle in the distance.]

SCP-8245: -we can go anywhere at any time.

[She notices civilians within the castle's borders.]

SCP-8245: If I wanted to fly, I can just take a brush and paint a step into the clouds. If I wanted to dress up in frilly costumes, I can sketch and draw like any other design… And if I wanted to make worlds beyond our own-

[They approach the island and look over the citizens. At a closer distance, they appear to be puppets, stitched and autonomous. Burntwood tilts her head.]

SCP-8245: -well, I'm sure you can guess. Though, I should work on my anatomy. Not really good with humans.

Burntwood: Heh, that makes two of us. (Sighs) I just- I'm not sure if it's really that simple.

SCP-8245: Well, have you ever tried it?

Burntwood: Of course I haven't. That's ridiculous.

SCP-8245: It's only a matter of visualizing what you think. That's the first step to making anything: simply pinpoint what it is you want to convey. Doesn't need to be art, you can just write yourself in the air. With me!

Burntwood: Really? A pen to paper, that's what you're suggesting?

SCP-8245: You're the writer here. Show me your prose.

[Burntwood pauses before staring at her feet. She closes her eyes and holds her breath, muttering something under her breath. Her body abruptly starts to lift by itself, leading her to open her eyes immediately and jolting her limbs out of confusion.]

Burntwood: Woah, what the-

[The anomaly chuckles as it gradually lets go of her.]

SCP-8245: See? Told you.

Burntwood: It- It actually worked?!

SCP-8245: From the look of things, yeah.

[SCP-8245 puts its hands behind its head as Burntwood struggles to balance herself.]

Burntwood: Wait, how do I know you're not pulling the strings here? Didn't you create this world?

SCP-8245: Oh, come on. You're acting like you could never pull this off, Abby. You're an artist too, aren't you?

Burntwood: Yeah, I… I am.

[She checks her lab coat.]

Burntwood: (Mutters) I'm still an artist…

[Both remain suspended in the air for a moment.]

SCP-8245: Well, with that out of the way, we should get going.

Burntwood: Okay… where?

SCP-8245: Anywhere, I suppose. I have a wide range of pieces I want us to explore. So many to choose from, it's hard to pick.

[Gears manifest above SCP-8245, turning before quickly dissipating. A lightbulb appears in their place followed by the sound of a bell.]

SCP-8245: Oh, I know someone who can help. (Whistles) Oh, Betty!

[A clump of red and orange papier-mâché dives from above, immediately unraveling itself to resemble a large dragon. It lets out a heap of smoke through its nose. The entity claps, putting its hands to its hips.]

SCP-8245: Send us off, will you? Preferably somewhere nice on the eyes.

[The dragon nods and begins to inhale, causing its chest area to expand and grow in brightness. Burntwood floats back in caution before her hand is grabbed by SCP-8245. She tries to pull away.]

SCP-8245: Many thanks, Betty.

Burntwood: W-Will, what is this?

SCP-8245: Just another way to travel. It's perfectly safe.

Burntwood: Mm, I think there are better ways to travel than-

SCP-8245: (Chuckles) Too late!

[It lets out a burst of flames, obscuring both SCP-8245 and Burntwood. The latter yelps once more, covering herself while the specimen laughs.]

[A brief period of silence follows as Burntwood pants. She eventually opens her eyes and notices the change in scenery.]

SCP-8245: Here we are.

[The two are in the middle of the ocean, consisting of a wide variety of sea creatures. A large majority of species have yet to be discovered.]


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Burntwood: Holy sh…

[Both individuals appear completely dry and are capable of breathing underwater. SCP-8245's hat sprouts a cord that it pulls, causing the object to brighten their immediate surroundings. They slowly drift through the water, observing the area.]

SCP-8245: Man, I remember painting this one. Used a lot of blue for this one, heh.

Burntwood: (Smirks) It's- it's so beautiful.

SCP-8245: I like to think it is.

Burntwood: No, seriously. It's pleasing to see you tapping into your old aquatic pictures. Reminds me of that fish you showed me way back when.

[The anomaly turns to her.]

SCP-8245: You remembered?

Burntwood: Oh, please. How could I forget? It's the reason we even talked to begin with. I still remember it's cute little smile.

SCP-8245: Well, that makes two of us.

[Both persons "walk" down to the ocean floor, appearing as though they are climbing down a flight of transparent stairs. Every step they take suddenly causes a light to appear from below their feet, each instance being a different color. Soon, they reach the ground and hear a ringing from above.]

SCP-8245: Oh, hey!

[Looking up, a number of sizeable ships pass Burntwood and SCP-8245. Although, they are floating on the surface of the water upside down. One of the vessels are larger than the rest, bearing a flag printed with a skull and crossbones. Various sea creatures wearing pirate costumes are on board. They seem to be waving at the pair.]

SCP-8245: Would you look at that? I thought they were still out sailing away.

Burntwood: Yeah, it's- god, it's only getting more overwhelming by the second.

SCP-8245: Welcome to the moment, Abby. Every artist's pocket of creativity, all wrapped up in a bundle of… eh, I'm sure you can come up with something better.

Burntwood: Come on, Will. You had something there.

SCP-8245: (Scoffs) You're the writer here. I'm just grasping at straws.

[The entity skips along the sand, kicking nearby pebbles. Burntwood sighs.]

Burntwood: (Mutters) Well, that makes two of us…

[The two continue to stroll through, encountering numerous specimens greeting them before stopping in front of a cave.]

Burntwood: I'm guessing this is the next part of our adven-tour?

SCP-8245: Haha, nice pun. (Clears throat) But yes, we're here. I think you'll find this mighty cool, if you catch my drift.

[SCP-8245 bows as it gestures to the cave's entrance.]

Burntwood: Alright, then.

[Burntwood takes a deep breath, closing her eyes and running straight inside. The anomaly follows suit.]

[After a short period of running, Burntwood exits the cave and freezes in place. She opens her eyes, observing the shifted environment.]


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[She stands in the middle of a snowy area, her legs noticeably buried in a deep layer of snow. Despite the abrupt drop in temperature, Burntwood does not appear to react. The anomaly soon arrives behind her, its cloak replaced by a wooly coat and scarf.]

SCP-8245: You seem used to the cold, eh?

Burntwood: Sure I do.

[Rubbing its hands together, SCP-8245 exhales. Its breath turns to ice cubes which fall to the ground.]

Burntwood: You're not looking too hot yourself, though.

SCP-8245: Heh, you can say that again. Well, anyways-

[The entity walks past Burntwood. She follows it as snowmen start forming nearby from the waist-up. They quickly gain sentience and autonomous movement, some conversing with one another while others playing in the snow. Some of them greet the pair.]

SCP-8245: I figured I should have my own winter wonderland. Nothing like the cozy feel of white Christmas on a canvas. Though, it does feel really cold.

Burntwood: Guess I'm just used to it…

[Birds fly overhead. They appear to be made from ice.]

Burntwood: (Sharp inhale) Reminds me of those winter breaks.

SCP-8245: Hm?

Burntwood: We'd play in the snow, making snowmen and-

[Burntwood picks up a ball of a snow and throws it at SCP-8245, causing the specimen to flinch.]

Burntwood: -having snowball fights.

SCP-8245: Oh, you think you're so sly?

Burntwood: Try me, Will.

[SCP-8245 stands in place smirking as Burntwood is suddenly struck from the back with another snowball. Turning around, she sees the anomaly behind her. It chuckles, throwing its fists into the air.]

SCP-8245: That's what you get!

Burntwood: Whatever, whatever. You win this time.

[The two of them laugh as they pile more snowballs to throw at each other. This continues for the following few minutes.]

Burntwood: (Sighs) Ugh, I missed this.

SCP-8245: It's certainly been a while. At least we get to catch up now.

Burntwood: That's not what-

[Burntwood stares at SCP-8245 who tilts its head.]

Burntwood: Nevermind, I'm just tuckered out at the moment.

SCP-8245: Ah, I see. How about we take a little break then?

Burntwood: (Pause) That would be lovely.

[They both turn in the opposite direction, being met with another change in scenery.]


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[A bench sits on a patch of pink grass beside a cherry tree. It is overlooking a massive lake where bubbles sprout from the water's surface and rise into the sky. Burntwood and SCP-8245 approach the bench and take a seat, taking in the view.]

SCP-8245: (Clears throat) I'm feeling rather famished.

Burntwood: Is that so?

SCP-8245: Yeah, maybe some ice cream will do the trick.

Burntwood: Ice cream? After the hoard of snowballs, that's what you're in the mood for?

SCP-8245: No, I'm just… feeling nostalgic. We used to buy ice cream after class, remember?

Burntwood: Oh, you mean that ice cream truck?

SCP-8245: Yeah!

Burntwood: The one always by the parking lot?

SCP-8245: Mm, they had those chocolate ones that tasted really good.

Burntwood: And a lot of toppings, too. You always overload it with sprinkles and syrup. It's honestly ridiculous.

SCP-8245: That's how tasty it was! Couldn't help myself.

Burntwood: (Scoffs) Well, you could help yourself to some napkins, though.

SCP-8245: Oh, shut up!

[Both burst into laughter.]

SCP-8245: (Coughs) Still, though. Might as well get myself-

[The entity spins its hand, manifesting a chocolate ice cream cone coated with sprinkles, marshmallows and chocolate syrup.]

SCP-8245: -a scoop or two.

Burntwood: You mind making one for me too?

SCP-8245: C'mon, Abby. I'm sure you can do it yourself.

Burntwood: Really?

SCP-8245: If you can learn how to fly that easily, I'm confident you can write yourself a cone in hand. You're an artist, through and through.

Burntwood: (Exhales) I can certainly try.

[Burntwood holds out her hand and closes it into a fist. She squints, taking deep breaths before focusing. After a moment of struggling, a cone is seen forming from the bottom-up. Eventually, a scoop of vanilla ice cream fills the cone as Burntwood exhales.]

SCP-8245: (Clapping) There we go! Although…

Burntwood: Something wrong?

SCP-8245: Uh, I don't see any toppings. No sprinkles, no nothing.

[SCP-8245 inspects her ice cream.]

SCP-8245: It's not even strawberry flavored. Isn't that your favorite?

Burntwood: Oh… I mean, I guess you could say my tastes have shifted.

[The specimen pauses, blinking several times.]

SCP-8245: Hm, okay. Sorry, don't mean to judge.

Burntwood: It's alright, it's alright.

[They both proceed to eat their ice creams. Burntwood sighs.]

SCP-8245: What's with the sigh?

Burntwood: Nothing.

SCP-8245: Sure it's nothing.

Burntwood: No, it's just- uh, how do I say this… I'm amazed. All of this, everything you made here, it's just brimming with love and care and it's all so much to take in. The fact you've gotten so far with your arts, I can't help but feel… relieved.

SCP-8245: Relieved? That's one way of wording it.

Burntwood: Well, it's… you know, it's been pretty hard on my end lately.

SCP-8245: (Frowns) How so?

[Burntwood pauses then gulps.]

Burntwood: I've been stuck in a slump, you could say. Down in the dumps, the days feel slow, you get the gist. Every time I pick up the pen, when I want to pour every word onto a page, every idea in my mind…


Burntwood: …nothing. Restrained, chains on my wrists. I don't- I'm not sure how to put it into words, but it's like I'm dragging my feet through the mud every time I want to write. Thinking about everything, everyone… what they think. Almost as if it's better not to say anything at all, huh?

SCP-8245: I never thought I'd hear those words from you, Abby.

Burntwood: I have my doubts too, Will. I'm not as confident as you think.

SCP-8245: Well, the Abby I knew would never hesitate to show me what wonders the pen can hold. I still recall those adventures you had with your main man Pete, as well as the rest of the critters.

Burntwood: Oh, Pete… man, I really liked skunks back then.

SCP-8245: Yeah, it was weird.

Burntwood: Hey!

SCP-8245: I'm just joking. It's really charming, honest.

Burntwood: Ah, whatever. Either way, I'm glad those memories are intact.

SCP-8245: Mm, right back at you. But it sucks knowing the writer's block you're in. I guess even you have your own issues to deal with. I thought you wouldn't have any trouble making a name for yourself.

Burntwood: Please, it's not that easy.

[SCP-8245 stares at her, squinting and appearing visibly concerned. Burntwood clutches her clipboard to her chest.]

SCP-8245: Tell you what.

[It stands up, dusting off its cloak.]

SCP-8245: There's one last place I want to show you. Somewhere that can, I don't know, help you out of your predicament.

Burntwood: Hm?

SCP-8245: Look, this is all about passion. It's about how people like us can make a dent, how we can leave our mark on the world. And when it comes to the arts, it all begins with a little inspiration. That being said, I think it's time I return the favor.

Burntwood: Return the favor? What does that-

[The entity grabs Burntwood's hand and pulls her from the bench, leading her to the lake's edge. They both look down and see their reflection.]

Burntwood: What, do you want us to jump in here?

SCP-8245: Don't worry, it's just soda.

Burntwood: No, but… where are we going this time?

SCP-8245: Relax. Simply close your eyes and follow my lead.

[Pause. Burntwood hesitates at first before doing so, inhaling deeply.]

SCP-8245: Alright, on the count of three: One, two-

[Both leap forward.]

SCP-8245: -three!

[They fall into the lake, being submerged immediatellfwiuyvv ????!!^$&*(*$!!






rating: +73+x
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