Item #: SCP-276-ARC1
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-276 is contained on-site at Site-19 in the official evidence locker, pending classification and analysis. (Dated 04.JAN.1976.)
SCP-276 has been classified as a Safe-class anomaly2 and is contained within Low Priority Storage Locker #0281. (Dated 12.MAR.1976.)
SCP-276 has been relocated to Containment Locker-129F after Site-19's East Wing was rendered unusable due to mold damage. (Dated 03.MAY.1982.)
It has been determined that SCP-276 was one of the anomalous items lost in the 1990 renovation of Site-19. Cleaning crews assigned to the lower sublevels of the facility have been briefed on the appearance and properties of the anomaly. (Dated 12.FEB.1991. Current Revision.)
Description: SCP-276 designates the remains of the five members of the Kirk Lonwood Choir Club of 1976.3 The Kirk Lonwood Choir Club was a high school musical group and cult dedicated to the study and use of the group's singular grimoire, a heavily damaged Braithwhite-influenced 1934 printing of the Parsons translation of the Liber Mille Innominatam.4 The group discovered the book by unknown means and found several of its rituals efficacious. On 03.JAN.1976, the entire Kirk Lonwood Choir Club perished in the process of performing a variant of Ritual-034-BRAVO-DERLETH, gaining minor anomalous properties in the process. All five of the bodies show signs of heavy burn damage and do not decay. Descriptions as follows:
- Ryan Goldman: 18. Male. Caucasian. 2 bullet wounds in the head. Continually bleeds a viscious grey substance from the hands, eyes, and feet. Chemical analysis inconclusive;
- Elliot Craig: 17. Male. Caucasian. Broken neck. 1 bullet wound in the chest. Minor cognitohazardous property; when looked at from a certain angle, the head does not appear to be visible;
- Elizabeth Kent: 17. Female. Caucasian. Severe damage to her face. 6 bullet wounds in the back. Despite damage to the jaw, continually repeats a 30-second passage of an unknown language;
- David Sato: 18. Male. Asian. 17 stab wounds across the back. A stone ritual knife lodged firmly in the left eye socket. Levitates approximately a meter above the ground, shaking violently;
- Samantha Rees: 18. Female. Caucasian. 2 bullet wounds in the torso. 1 in the leg. Large chunks of the body are missing, as if bitten off by a large animal. Despite the lack of connective tissue, the remainder of the extremities behave as though they are still attached;
The Kirk Lonwood Choir Club has become the subject of urban legend among attendees of Kirk Lonwood High School. Sightings of paranormal activity in the area are common and the current Kirk Lonwood Choir Club5 is widely considered to be "cursed". It is unknown whether or not this is mere folklore or indicative of latent anomalous influence in the area.
Addendum — Operation DANDELION WINE
The following is a reproduced copy of the documentation for Operation DANDELION WINE, which took place on 03.JAN.1976.6 Please note that the document does not reflect the current formatting conventions, values, or methods of the modern Foundation.
Operation Designation: 238-401-9472 ("DANDELION WINE")
Introduction: Agent Samuel Fromme, in the course of his duties as 12th-grade Algebra teacher at Kirk Lonwood High School, noticed suspicious behavior among the members of the Kirk Lonwood Choir Club. On 26.DEC.1975, he followed the club's leader, Ryan Goldman, to his home and then later to an abandoned shack in the Braiton Forest. Agent Fromme witnessed the five members of Choir Club enter the shack, produce a single live housecat, and behead it while chanting from what he believed to be an anomalous grimoire. Once the chanting was concluded, a minor anomalous phenomenon was witnessed: the cat had disappeared entirely and was replaced by a single long amphibious blue-green tentacle of unknown species. The Choir Club celebrated their success, stayed for approximately an hour chatting and eating homemade cookies that Elizabeth Kent, a member of the Choir Club, had provided. Topics included their further plans for the grimoire, including winning their class' annual talent show and getting revenge on an unspecified classmate that had been bullying Goldman.
After returning home, Agent Fromme then notified the other members of his cell, Agents Benjamin Kondraki and Franklin Marullo. They sent a preliminary report of the situation to their handler, Dr. Lisa Bateman. However, the report was lost in Dr. Parsons' backlog and after 6 days of no reply, they elected to engage the group themselves.
Report: At 1928 hours, the team departed Agent Fromme's house in his 1974 Ford Pinto. As the most senior operative, Agent Fromme was given command of the mission.
At 2011 hours, the team exited the vehicle and agreed on a plan of action. They ascertained that their firearms were loaded before sending Agent Marullo to look through the shack's single unblocked window.
Agent Marullo saw that the Choir Club was gathered around a ritual circle, holding large ritual knives.7 A lamb, later determined to have been taken from the Craig family farm, was tied up in the center of the circle. As Goldman chanted, the other four members of the group stabbed and killed the lamb. A mass of unusually large red-green wasps in the rough shape of a large human protruded from the circle, quickly consuming the lamb as it buzzed loudly.
He rejoined the group and reported his findings. The members of the Choir Club then turned to face the team as the agents forcefully gained access to the building. Agent Fromme shouted that the Choir Club was under arrest, pretending to be a member of local law enforcement. Though Elliot Craig continued chanting, the remainder of the Choir Club slowly raised their hands in the air. Agent Kondraki then shot Goldman twice in the head.
Goldman fell to the ground, causing Elizabeth Kent to shriek hysterically. The mass of wasps began buzzing even more loudly before throwing itself towards the Agents. As Agents Marullo and Fromme gave covering fire, Agent Kondraki moved around the wasps and jumped onto Craig, breaking his neck after a brief tussle. He then shot him in the chest.
Meanwhile, Agents Marullo and Fromme were firing on the wasps, which was largely ineffective. They were eventually able to chase the wasps into the northern corner of the shack, where Kent was crouched, gibbering. The cloud of wasps flew into her face, forcing several insects down her throat and into her eyes. As they so, Kent stood up and began chanting in an unknown language. Her voice was guttural and vaguely masculine. Kent was unaffected by the bullets and her chanting was noted to have an adverse anomalous effect on the area. The shack's internal topography became non-euclidean and bent inwards towards the ritual circle as the sound of buzzing wasps became omnipresent. More wasps poured from the circle, joining the mass as it began forming into a vague humanoid shape.
Agent Kondraki snuck up behind Kent before forcefully shoving her to the ground and repeatedly stomping on her head. After approximately a minute, her face was reduced to a bloody unrecognizable pulp. The chanting stopped and the wasps fell to the floor, dissolving into a multicolored jelly-like substance. The room's internal topography reverted to its prior state.
Agent Kondraki then laughed and wiped blood off his hands and coat before approaching David Sato, who ran. After cornering him against the left wall of the shack, Agent Kondraki forcefully took the knife from Sato's hands, breaking two of Sato's fingers in the process. He then repeatedly stabbed him with the blade until it was firmly lodged in his left eye socket and Agent Kondraki could not remove it. He stood up and muttered several racial epithets before noticing Rees, the sole survivor.
Agent Fromme ordered Agent Kondraki to take her into custody so that they could learn more about the group's practices. Agent Kondraki responded by shooting her three times. Agent Fromme berated the other agent for his insubordination before Agent Marullo mentioned hearing both police sirens and a strange humming noise. The team evacuated.
After ascertaining that the grimoire was in possession, Agent Kondraki doused the building in kerosene. He then set it alight using his personal lighter.
At 2024 hours, the team departed in their vehicle.
Addenda: Agent Kondraki was called upon to explain his disobedience by Agent Fromme. Agent Kondraki argued that his actions were brought upon by him seeing a member of the Choir Club, of Vietnamese origin,8 brandish a large knife at him.9 He further argued that as the Choir Club posed an active anomalous threat, he was wholly justified in taking the actions that he did. Agent Fromme reluctantly agreed, but emphasized that such insurrection against his authority would not be tolerated in the future. Dr. Bateman settled the issue by reprimanding Agent Kondraki for his disobedience but praising his near-perfect record of efficiency in dispatching anomalous threats.
A follow-up sweep of the area the next morning determined that the shack had been entirely consumed by flame and that the bodies of the Choir Club exhibited anomalous properties. Their remains were taken into Foundation custody and the members of the Kirk Lonwood Choir Club were filed as missing persons shortly after.