SCP-8156: We All Go Down to Deep Sea
Author: Pinoccappuccino
Inspiration and the only thing I listened to writing this:
- "When you are commanded to invade Atlanta but end up in Atlantis"
- @cosmothecreator, November 16, 2019
Sources of Research:
Disruption Class:
SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: Assets of Mobile Task Forces Gamma-6 "Deep Feeders" (Squad Atlantic-Eleven, 9 personnel) and Iota-10 "Damn Feds" (Squad India-Four, 16 personnel) are operating on field to ensure containment. SCP-8156 has been disclosed with additional staff stationed in the United States East Coast area and encouraged to report incidents with SCP-8156 to assigned personnel. Any isolated reports of persons riding whales or other marine fauna are to be forwarded to the current head of either MTF squads.
For naval deployment, MTF Gamma-6 ATL-11 is provided with two medium response boats (SCPS Angie II, SCPS Esspy Sea) and standard boating equipment, with addition of hydroponic microphones, deep-pressure suits, and physical and digital topographic maps of the North American Basin.
As of 3/11/2024, seventy-three (73) SCP-8156-A instances have been convinced into wearing geolocating tags and remain extant and located. Amphibious long-range tracking darts as an alternative are currently under development. (See Site-98 Project File: Taucherhund for further information.)
8156-Aphotic Protocol
During regular SCP-8156 migratory activity, one medium response boat is to be deployed for active tracking of SCP-8156 and its projected course. Vessels are to be staffed by three personnel minimum. Assigned personnel may be deployed for up to seven (7) days contiguously before change of shift with other response boat. New vessel and crew must assume position over SCP-8156 before the seceding vessel can be relieved of duty.
In addition to tracking, deployed ATL-11 vessels serve as escort for SCP-8156 with the purpose of avoiding encounter with civilian vessels. Recreational, transport, and naval vessels are to be redirected under the pretense of one or more scenarios detailed in Cover Stories Indices USCG§1 "Environmental Hazards", USCG§3 "Marine Wildlife", & USCG§4 "Marine Traffic" where deemed applicable. In event of noncompliance by addressed vessels, ATL-11 has preemptive authorization for forceful non-lethal seizure of the offending vessel and may request reinforcements by additional Gamma-6 squads if necessary.
If visual, auditory, or radio tracking of SCP-8156 is lost, both SCP-8156-assigned vessels are authorized simultaneous deployment to relocate SCP-8156.
8156-Dysphotic Protocol
In the event that SCP-8156 is found within 100 mi. (160.9 km) of the Eastern seaboard, MTF Gamma-6 ATL-11 is to inform MTF Iota-10 I-4 of potential incursion of SCP-8156. If in 24 hours (12 hours if seceding 8156-Euphotic Protocol) SCP-8156 has sufficiently redirected away from the Eastern seaboard, 8156-Aphotic Protocol is to resume.
If in 24 hours SCP-8156 continues inland, 8156-Euphotic Protocol is to be enacted. Coinciding with this MTF Iota-10 I-4 is to issue the necessary closure of urban ports and rural or suburban beaches in SCP-8156's projected path. Closure is to be publicly regarded under the pretense of one or more scenarios detailed in Cover Stories Indices USCG§1 "Environmental Hazards", USCG§2 "Body Recovery", & USCG§4 "Marine Traffic" where deemed applicable.
8156-Euphotic Protocol
For the duration SCP-8156 takes point on longshore, all civilians or unauthorized personnel are barred access to the coastline. Attempts to circumvent these restrictions on land or by water are to be countered by Iota-10 field agents and Gamma-6 ATL-11 crafts respectively. If a civilian is rendered a fatality by security or SCP-8156, their absence is to be suppressed or regarded under the pretense of being the subject of USCG§2 "Body Recovery" covers. Civilian fatalities will be subject to standard autopsy and disposed via cremation. Personnel fatalities are allowed internment in full accordance to their final testaments.
If SCP-8156 begins to retreat from the longshore, a potential lift notice for 8156-Euphotic Protocol will be addressed to all involved personnel. If SCP-8156 returns inland, 8156-Euphotic Protocol will be reaffirmed. If SCP-8156 has returned to being 120 mi. (193.1 km) or more away from the Eastern seaboard, a lift confirmation will be addressed and 8156-Dysphotic Protocol is to resume.
As of 7/9/2021, Dr. Candace Abraves (Lvl. 3 Clearance) is the Head of SCP-8156 Research and Containment. Concerns regarding SCP-8156, its handling, or its assigned staff are to be direct to her via complaint forms. Assigned personnel are allowed and encouraged to report discomfort at inappropriate behavior SCP-8156-A instances conduct with them.
DESCRIPTION: SCP-8156 is a series of marine phenomena broadly localized to the northwest Atlantic Ocean, primarily within the North American Basin, with infrequent incursions upon the United States' eastern seaboard.
Ⅱ-Appendix 8156.Phy.6
SCP-8156-A is the collective designation for approximately three hundred (300) humanoid entities ostensibly an infantry affiliating with the Union-era United States Army. Insignia and testimonies identify SCP-8156-A as the 3rd Eastern Shore Infantry Regiment, Army of the Potomac. Each instance is unique in appearance due to genetic traits, wardrobe, and physical trauma. Instances' clothing (consistent with United States Army uniform of 1860s) are of weathered quality, but the damage fared is lesser than what would be expected of their apparent age and exposure to the environment.
SCP-8156-A are considered reanimated life under the pretense that they are unimpacted by what would otherwise be hinderances to biological functions. All instances' lungs and respiratory tracts are full of water. Respiration is emulated to conduct speech, but oxygenation of the blood is either not performed or unnecessary. All instances experience palpitations of the heart, with arrhythmia prevalent in most instances. Instances circulate either blood or (in the case of several instances who have exsanguinated) ocean water drawn in from open wounds. Blood samples taken from SCP-8156-A are invariably contaminated. Wounds inflicted upon SCP-8156-A retaining blood heal and scar at a rate that is expected of non-anomalous humans when not irritated by ocean currents. In all instances, the tissue of open wounds are observed to not experience infection or necrosis. Instances commonly have some form of epibionts or parasites present on their bodies, clothing, and equipment.
It is presumed that if an SCP-8156-A instance is removed from water, animation of the instance will cease permanently. (See documents pertaining to Incident 8156-2017-R.)
Examples of instances
Below is an abridged list of notable SCP-8156-A instances.
(See SCP-8156-A Infantry Archive for full record.)
Designation |
Identification |
Distinguishing Features |
SCP-8156-A001 |
Col. Homer Brighton |
Cavalry. Coextensive with SCP-8156-D1. Tagged. |
SCP-8156-A002 |
Lt. Col. Joseph Yates |
Leather scabbard occupied by unidentified feather duster worm specimen (provisionally Eugladius yatesii). Tagged. |
SCP-8156-A003 |
Lt. Col. David Pullen |
Cavalry. Caretaker and "owner" of SCP-8156-E. MIA 11/25/1996. |
SCP-8156-A018 |
Maj. Herbert Nulty |
Germaphobe. Absent of epibionts. Skinned. Claims to "keep [him]self clean of ticks." MIA 11/25/1996. |
SCP-8156-A043 |
Mus. "Nephew Sam" |
Conductor. Blind in both eyes. Left eye scarred, apparently from prior parasitism from copepods. Right eye, cheekbone, corner of mouth covered by barnacles, preventing the mouth from fully opening. Tagged. |
SCP-8156-A076 |
2nd Lt. "Tack" |
Gruff voice and demeanor. Forbes sea star (Asterias forbesi) affixed to face, obscuring right eye. Possesses a very limited but notable comprehension of SCP-8156's nature. |
SCP-8156-A127 |
Mus. Henry Welldewitt |
Drummer. Upper left arm fused to torso by coralline algae. Bullet wound in forehead sustained by 8/30/1992. |
SCP-8156-A166 |
Unidentified |
Jacket unaccounted for. Mute. Right forearm dismembered. Tourniquet of dulse (Palmaria palmata). MIA 9/22/2004. |
SCP-8156-A182 |
Mus. Andy Guniss |
Left ring finger, right eye, cheekbone missing. Claimed he was bitten by a non-poisonous snake. Tagged. MIA 4/24/2003, last detected 8/1/2003 by ATL-2 in Mediterranean Sea. |
SCP-8156-A230 |
Pvt. Adam Batons |
Pair of Christmas tree worms (Spirobranchus giganteus) residing in both nostrils. Claims "[he] grew it out as a joke, but [his] company found that it suited [him]." |
SCP-8156-A243 |
Pvt. "President" |
Inconsistently identifies himself with the names of presidents and vice presidents preceding Andrew Johnson. Most commonly uses and responds to "Adams", "Dallas", and "Van Buren". Tagged. |
Ⅱ-Appendix 8156.Psy.6
All SCP-8156-A exhibit impairment of mental functioning. Testimonies indicate a shared psychosis that: SCP-8156 is on land in the southeast United States; the American Civil War (with focus on Maj. Gen. Sherman's Atlanta campaign) is ongoing; the 3rd ESIR is in active service and en route to regroup with the Army of the Tennessee; terrestrial wildlife is regularly encountered by SCP-8156 in travel. Most if not all instances also suffer from extreme dyschronometria, topographical disorientation, post-traumatic stress disorder, and anterograde amnesia. Further delusions and disorders vary by individual. (See SCP-8156-A Psychology Record Archive for detail.)
Instances are either ignorant or uncomprehending of the anomalous nature of their existence. Acknowledgements by SCP-8156-A of their situation indicates that instances perceive marine phenomena (including SCP-8156) as analogous to mundane terrestrial phenomena as understood by the 19th century. SCP-8156-A confronted with evidence to the contrary will respond with either mild acknowledgement, concern, amusement, defensive aggression, or complete disregard.
Notice: Instances may recant previous statements and agreements despite earnest shown in original testimony (ex. numerous instances have been known to remove their and others' geolocating tags, denying ever accepting them, and making disparaging comparisons to slave tags).
Notice: Several SCP-8156-A instances are prone to comment dated opinions and misconceptions regarding race and gender, including usage of slurs. Assigned personnel are allowed and encouraged to report discomfort at this behavior to supervisors.
SCP-8156 exhibits three patterns of activity which it switches between irregularly.
The Aphotic patterns (further divided as Aphotic-March and Aphotic-Camp) is the SCP-8156-A's docile phase and comprises the overwhelming majority of SCP-8156 activity.
- In Aphotic-March pattern, SCP-8156 will traverse ocean floor in military step. Organization of SCP-8156-A is roughly uniform with proper grouping of units and line formation, but inconsistent in positioning of unit types and leadership. Most commonly SCP-8156 will be lead by either SCP-8156-A001 or SCP-8156-A043 and the military band. If SCP-8156-A are separated from the main formation will attempt to rejoin formation. Disruptions in formation will often not be rectified. SCP-8156 will leave Aphotic-March pattern to enter either Aphotic-Camp or Euphotic patterns. These migrations can last anywhere from forty minutes (40 min.) to thirty-eight days (38 dy.)
- In Aphotic-Camp pattern, SCP-8156 will unload SCP-8156-C2 and settle in camp behavior. Majority of SCP-8156-A will stay at the encampment for the duration of the pattern. Despite no necessity to, teams of SCP-8156-A will: depart on excursions from the encampment to hunt marine wildlife for food and resources, with as many as 40% of SCP-8156-A departing; emulate sleep schedules with assignment of night watchmen, without coincidence with the day cycle. These settlements can last anywhere from five hours (5 hr.) to twelve days (12 dy.)
The Euphotic pattern is the SCP-8156-A's hostile phase, and provides the highest threat of civilian encounter.
- During a Euphotic event, SCP-8156 will position itself on the shoreface 200-300 meters from foreshore. SCP-8156-A will equip SCP-8156-B1 and assume line formations to perform volley fire, indiscriminately firing SCP-8156-B2 out of the water. SCP-8156-A will not attempt to advance on land, SCP-8156-A001 invariably decides to retreat and SCP-8156 may reengage separate points along coastline. These engagements can last anywhere from two to eighteen hours (2-18 hr.), and on average occur twenty to thirty times a year (x̄=20-30ε/yr.)
The SCP-8156-A band members will invariably use SCP-8156-C1 to perform during Aphotic-March pattern, and regularly performs during Aphotic-Camp and Euphotic patterns. A majority of performances consist of "Union Dixie" (1860s), but the band's repertoire includes additional pieces including "Lorena" (1856); "Battle Hymn of the Republic" (1861); "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground" (1863).
Ⅱ-Appendix 8156.Inv.5
Inventory (-B & -C)
SCP-8156-B and SCP-8156-C is the collective designation for SCP-8156-A's arsenal and miscellaneous inventory respectively. Objects are resistant to erosion, and almost all mechanisms retain function in spite of hinderances expected by SCP-8156's locale.
- SCP-8156-B1
- Various firearms, Union military issue. ≈200 musket rifles, ≈120 sidearms. Oldest weapon identified as Deringer M1817 rifle manufactured in 1839, and most recent weapons consisting of Allen & Wheelock M1861 revolvers. Customization is present in roughly 45% of rifles. Most apparent anomalous properties are the creation of SCP-8156-B2, and inability to function when outside of saltwater.
- SCP-8156-B2
- Ball projectiles fired from SCP-8156-B1. Created from debris loaded into chamber, most commonly cowrie shells or pebbles. Radiograph imaging of SCP-8156-B1 firing shows that creation of SCP-8156-B2 occurs within five milliseconds (5 ms). Topography of SCP-8156-B2 becomes spherical while accelerating down the barrel, and retains shape after fire.
- SCP-8156-B3
- Bladed weaponry. 12 swords, ≈80 bayonets, ≈300 Bowie knives and Arkansas toothpicks.
- SCP-8156-C1
- Military band equipment. 30 items; 23 wind, 7 percussion. All instruments constructed in early 1860s, Boston. Manufacturer identified, confirmed defunct and having no known association with paramusical congregations.
- SCP-8156-C2
- Wooden wagons, Studebaker manufacture. 2 canvased horse-drawn, 3 open-air hand-drawn. Utilized for transportation of supplies. Drawn by SCP-8156-D4 through D7; SCP-8156-A infantry. All tagged for ease of tracking central of SCP-8156.
- SCP-8156-C3
- Camping supplies and other equipment. Either Union Army issue or resourced from Atlantic flora and fauna.
(For a more comprehensive list of SCP-8156 inventory, consult documents in SCP-8156-B Inventory Archive and SCP-8156-C Inventory Archive. For extensive study of SCP-8156-B2, consult SCP-8156-B Ammunition Records.)
Cavalry (-D & -E)
SCP-8156-D is the collective designation for seven equine entities utilized by SCP-8156-A for cavalry and cargo transportation. Instances' morphologies are identical to that of standard domesticated horses (Equus ferus caballus, Morgan breed) aside from the shared mutation of all instance's hooves being reversed at the pastern, the toes facing the posterior. The healing of wounds found in SCP-8156-D are for all intents and purposes identical to that seen in SCP-8156-A. All instances have a history of leg injuries, but have not experienced infection or been rendered immobile due to discomfort expected by faring such injuries.
Of note are two SCP-8156-D instances:
SCP-8156-D1 : "Chesapeake", male, cavalry. Specimen is coextensive with SCP-8156-A001 due to overwhelming epibiont presence [DATA EXPUNGED] unable to dismount.
SCP-8156-D5 : "Pallbearer", male, transport. Only exsanguinated SCP-8156-D instance. Open shark bite wound, right barrel; fractured proximal phalanx, front right; fractured medial phalanx, back right. If further injury renders the specimen immobile, preemptive authorization has stated SCP-8156-D5 be remanded for autopsy.
The designation SCP-8156-D8 is reserved for the referral of a hypothetical SCP-8156-D instance separate from SCP-8156-E. Use of this designation in reference to SCP-8156-E is discouraged for sake of clarity and must not be used in documents. (See SCP-8156-D Cavalry Archive for full record.)
SCP-8156-E is an female whale shark (Rhincodon typus), presently considered non-anomalous. SCP-8156-A identify SCP-8156-E as a horse of notably docile temperament, despite the evidence to the contrary. SCP-8156-A003, the rider of SCP-8156-E, specifically identifies the specimen as "Radishes", a mare he had raised from foalhood. Whether there was an SCP-8156-D instance named "Radishes" prior to discovery of SCP-8156 has not been ascertained. While under observation, personnel had described SCP-8156-E's behavior as "tamed" or "domesticated". As of 11/25/1996, SCP-8156-E and SCP-8156-A003 are uncontained. (See documents pertaining to Incident 8156-1996-B.)
HISTORY: The 3rd Eastern Shore Infantry Regiment (3rd ESIR, officially the 3rd Regiment Eastern Shore Maryland Volunteer Infantry) was organized November 1861 in Salisbury, Maryland. Along with the 1st and 2nd ESIRs, the 3rd ESIR was attached to the Army of the Potomac initially under the division of Maj. Gen. John Adams Dix. Position of colonel was appointed to Homer Brighton, who had served in Salisbury as a firefighter since 1853. The 3rd ESIR saw several transfers during the American Civil War, including transfer to the Army of the Tennessee for the Atlanta campaign.
The entirety of the regiment was last seen May 10th, 1864, departing to regroup with the XVI Corps in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The regiment's failure to report under Brig. Gen. James C. Veatch led the regiment to be declared deserters by Maj. Gen. James B. McPherson. Due to the circumstances of their absence, President Abraham Lincoln pardoned the regiment and issued the Pinkerton Detective Agency to launch an investigation into the 3rd ESIR's disappearance, which was closed in 1867 without any findings. All members of the 3rd ESIR have officially been ruled dead in absentia by the United States federal government. (See PNDA Case#1259 "Disappearance of 3rd Eastern Shore Infantry Regiment" for further detail.)
When SCP-8156 became active or if it definitively is the 3rd ESIR is unverifiable. The earliest activity of SCP-8156 is presumed to have been the "Cowrie Boys killing"; a 1901 murder case wherein two children from Yarmouth, Nova Scotia were found dead on a beach. Local media and coroners reported several wounds that had the bullets removed and replaced with cowrie shells. Across the following fifty years, at least five newspaper mentions were made of similar incidents across the eastern seaboard involving the death of seabirds, and in one instance, a vagrant in Georgia.
SCP-8156 was not recognized by the SCP Foundation or given SCP designation until 1963. On June 27th, 1963, a squad of Mobile Task Force Gamma-6 was dispatched 40 miles off the coast of Wilmington, Virginia, to investigate claims from civilian scuba divers of finding underwater footprints. SCP-8156 was encountered without casualty. (See Incident Report IR-8156-1963-A and related documentation for further detail.)
The SCP-8156 pattern of activity was adequately identified following a three-year observation period, prolonged due to limited maritime resources by the Foundation and now antiquated technology from the era. SCP-8156 has retained classification as Keter since assignment on October 1st, 1963, as well as Caution Disruption and Vlam Risk since the implementation of the ACS System.
Use of geopostioning technology for tracking SCP-8156 began in 1978 following the launch of the CLS/Argos satellite system. While quality of tracking devices have improved over time, difficulties in keeping SCP-8156-A from removing trackers off their persons have been constant. Development of trackers for SCP-8156 has prioritized being of reliable range, unintrusive for SCP-8156-A, and cost effective. Use of darts in other Special Containment Procedures show prospect, but have not been conducted for SCP-8156 outside of tracking for SCP-8156-C2; there are recognized challenges of isolating and embedding darts into SCP-8156-A so as to not draw hostility from numbers that could overwhelm personnel or ruin relations with SCP-8156-A as a whole.
Since cataloging of SCP-8156-A began, a total of 34 instances have been lost and not recovered in an extant state. Only one neutralized instance has ever been recovered. (See Incident Report IR-8156-2017-R and related documentation for further detail.)
Preface: The following is a field report by Γ-6 Cpt. Joseph Cavell regarding service on 7/27/1963. Cavell was the field captain in command of a detachment of Mobile Task Force Gamma-6 "Dry Docks" operating from a Point-class cutter. Cavell was accompanied by by Γ-6 Sgt. Orville Greene; Γ-6 Pvt. Bastien Babin; Γ-6 Pvt. Walt Brenner; Jr. Res. Ivan Kovacic.
Transcribed from original document sic erat scriptum.
Sat. July 7, 1963
This is Captain Joe Cavell writing. For today's mission I was called in to take Junior Researcher Kovacic to check reports by a civilian diving tour. Divers said since Wed. they found footprints in the sand. Some saw people walking around Friday.
I took Orville and two of the new boys, Brenner and Babin, and we set out from Wilmington at 0800 to the tour route.
At 50 mi. out, Brenner, Babin and I suited up for searching the sea bed 20 ft. Orville and Kovacick stayed on board to keep eyes and ears. Sand was empty escept for dinky little kelp patches novices would throw money to look at.
It was nothing until Orville picked up something on the boom mike coming north. It was too muddy for Kovacick, but Virginia boy he is, he recognized it as Dixie right away. I called us back on board to start boating after it and yup it was Dixie alright. It could've been a cognitive hazard, but it seemed we were getting closer to something as it got all clear on the tape the sound of the chorus, brass, drums, all singing about Uncle Sam. It was a few miles more until we found our skip. The J.R. was so caught up in the song, when we picked up talking, not singing, the kid almost ripped his head off throwing his headpiece away.
Sounded like there were several of them, so I flicked sonar on. Counted eight human-sized entities walking on the sea bed, two on horseback from the looks of it. We grabbed our gyrojets and went down when the leader was telling the others to "help them tie down" and they went under the cutter.
We made visual and it matched the sonar. They were all dressed Civil War era like the North, blue suits but filthy. Two were on horses, both fairly decorated. All of those things were going around like they werent 40 feet below ocean. The ones that weren't trying to grab the mike saw us too, and started talking to me. I knew we were dealing with morons when they were saying our boat was a hot air balloon. One of the horsemen (a colonel it said) expected we were "The Ballooners" or other. If these things are trying to be people and think scuba men falling from the sky is normal, they either know the veil's a sham or they don't know what the veil is.
Each of the anomalies were armed with one of those old powder rifles. I figured there was a good chance they might work in this craziness and we would be out numbered, so I authorized Kovacick to call for extraction and tried to keep the anomaly passive. The colonel invited Brenner, Babin and I back to their camp in what looking back seems to have been a genuine act of hospitality but regarded then as a potential demand. We complied until backup's arrival, and provided our names in part as "Joe, Bass, and Wally" when prompted.
The anomalies escorted our team just under two miles east to a camp of about a hundred or two of similar entities. They had tents and even some horse drawn carriages A military band was siting on a bunch of rocks playing Dixie the whole time were were there. Had to stop the footmen from trying to tie the boat down with their horses. Brenner made quick thinking saying we had it roped with our air tubes and the morons bought it.
The colonel and his lieutenant called us over around a campfire that sure as shit wasn't burning. Coral, not firewood. The lieutenant got off its horse, but the colonel didn't. Don't think they could it had a bunch of coral growing on the both of them. The thing just sat down. They seemed to recognize that I was the head of our group. Made some chat and threw some questions at each other.
The colonel asked if where we set off from and where the nearest settlement was. I provided them with a fake name for an Appalachian town because didn't want to send them over to Wilmington.
Twice the colonel asked which way the Savanna goes, and I pointed due east both times. The first time it took the answer, but muttered about getting turned around the second time. This and how they wobbled to their camp, I don't think these things have a good sense of direction.
It was Babin who started to address the elephant in the room and asked what it thought of the ocean. The colonel then began to talk about growing up at the coast outside Salisbury and it loved to fish as a kid. Said it missed it and wanted to come back after the war. We eased it into furthering upon the war, and it seamed to be Civil War it was talking about. Said they're headed to Atlanta to group under someone named Veech.
From the sound of it, they were a part of General Sherman's campaign in the south. Told some other accounts of "the war so far", from somewhere in the Seven Day Battles to claiming to have just fought under Meade and Grant in the Wilderness. The story telling was a bit messy, but accurate to what I remember, minus the Indians.
Luckily extraction came at supper time, and better yet they didn't force us to stay. Drowning aside, I don't think I would've survived if those things made me eat from their supply of God knows what. Their "beans" was an open tin can of rot with a small fry picking at it. I think the sight of that one-eyed kid taking a spoonful will stick with me until the weekend.
Incident Report - IR8156-1965V
Date: June 8th, 1965
Time: EST
Location: Atlantic Ocean; ≈15 mi. east of City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA
(Circa. 36.80 °N × -75.70 °W)
Involved Team(s):
- Mobile Task Force Gamma-6 "Dry Docks"
Preface: Profile of SCP-8156-A's behavior was under development, and SCP-8156 was regarded as a poorly-documented anomaly with need for caution and distancing.
Summary: Point-class cutter #65054 (Γ-6 Hudson, Γ-6 Peterson, Γ-6 Strew) intercepted and attempted redirecting civilian private yacht Aquamarine from course towards SCP-8156. Yacht owner Jacob Samms (62, M) was uncooperative with Gamma-6's orders, making issue with unfulfillment of USCG procedure by agents. Γ-6 Hudson and Γ-6 Strew boarded the Aquamarine, subduing the seven (7) civilians onboard and redirecting vessel towards shore. Passenger Cotter Nest (36) was wounded attempting to prevent boarding using a handgun. Nest was provided surgery, Class-C amnestics; instilled with memory of sustaining injury in a mugging. Class-A amnestics were administered to other witnesses.
Notes: Special Containment Procedures were extensively revised post incident in February 1966, with I8156-1965V among cited concerns.
Incident Report - IR8156-1979
Date: May ██th, 1979
Time: 10:51 EST
Location: Atlantic Ocean, ≈230 mi. northeast of Abaco Islands, Bahamas, US Terr.
(Circa. 28.01 °N × -73.57 °W)
Involved Team(s):
- Mobile Task Force Gamma-6 "Dry Docks"
Preface: A squad of MTF Gamma-6 agents (Squad "B. Mama"; Γ-6 Clark, Γ-6 Munoz, Γ-6 Shrew, Γ-6 Turner) was dispatched to interview SCP-8156-A on recently acquired records on the 3rd ESIR. Γ-6 Pvt. Albert Turner's great-grandfather reportedly served in the Confederate States Navy on the CSS Shenandoah. (See Mission Report 8156/Gamma-6 05/██/1979 for further information.)
Summary: Γ-6 Turner was fatally shot by four (4) SCP-8156-A instances, declared killed in action at 10:51 EST by Γ-6 Munoz. Questioning of instances provided testimony of Γ-6 Turner getting in an altercation with SCP-8156-A101, aiming his gyrojet at the instance, in which all four acted in defense. SCP-8156-A101 claimed the altercation had started because Γ-6 Turner was a "southerner suck-up". Γ-6 Turner's opinion on the Confederates States was unknown and remains unverifiable. (See Autopsy Report FPA-120044 for related autopsy.)
Notes: This has been the only personnel fatality from SCP-8156 outside of D-Class testing. (See 8156-Experiment ██/██/20██ "War Reenactment".)
Incident Report - IR8156-1992G
Date: August 26th, 1992
Time: 06:20 – 09:45 EST
Location: Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States
Involved Team(s):
- Mobile Task Force Gamma-6 "Deep Feeders"
- Mobile Task Force Iota-10 "Damn Feds"
Preface: Evacuations were enacted across Miami-Dade County in anticipation of Hurricane Andrew. Mobile Task Force Gamma-6 Atlantic-11 were forced to abandon surveillance of SCP-8156 due to evacuation. SCP-8156 was last detected 80 miles from the coast, heading westbound.
Summary: Cadaver of an adult male was found by civilians on beachfront upon reentry to Miami Beach. Assets from Mobile Task Forces Gamma-6 and Iota-10 were dispatched due to proximity to SCP-8156's last known location. Decedent was identified as Bill Gantry (53, M), whose family members stated him to have refused evacuation to weather out the storm. Gantry's cause of death was attributed to blood loss from SCP-8156-B2 bullet wounds. Signs of struggle were apparent. Gantry was in possession of a modified Ithaca 37 shotgun and a cooler containing several alcoholic and carbonated beverages. (See Autopsy Report CFA-2939821 for related autopsy.)
Medical Records - CFA-2939821
Autopsy Report (Civilian Fatality)
— □ Biohazard — □ Cognitohazard — □ Infohazard — □ Radiohazard —
Date of procedure(s): August 26th, 1992
Location: Mount Sinai Medical Center (4300 Alton Road), Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States
- Dr. Jacob Green
- RN Duke Wyatts
Preface: Cadaver of an adult male was found by civilians on beach front in Miami Beach, Florida, USA. Due to proximity to SCP-6815's last known location, decedent was flagged as a possible fatality of SCP-8156-B.
Summary: Complete remains of human male. Height 5' 4". Weight 174 lbs. Caucasian. Black hair. Brown eyes. Decedent was in declining stage of rigor mortis, putrefaction had not yet begun. Time of death estimated between 15:00 – 18:00 local time, August 25th, 1992.
Decedent was lying prone upon discovery, directed away from the ocean. Positioning, muscle strain, and footprints indicate he was retreating from assailants before receiving fatal injury. Fatal and non-fatal injuries sustained by in the form five (5) gunshot wounds, produced by SCP-8156-B2. Summary of gunshot wounds in rough order of recipience is as follows.
- Anterior of left bicep. Entering at 80° angle to humerus, wound was inflicted while arm was held perpendicular to the body. Non fatal.
- Right of skull, above squamosal suture. Impacted at 5° angle before ricocheting, producing horizontal cut. Non fatal, but contusion resulted post mortem.
- Left of ribcage. Bullet broke through 7th rib, resulting in shrapnel. Shrapnel tore through intestines and mesentery, resulting in heavy internal bleeding. Ruled cause of death with GSW 5.
- Posterior of right shoulder. Bullet embedded in shoulder joint. Non fatal.
- Right posterior, distal to spine. Entered between 4th and 5th ribs, stopping when hitting the sternum. Decedent was prone when receiving injury. Right lung was punctured through. Ruled cause of death with GSW 3.
Cause of death was internal bleeding within the abdominal cavity, compounded by hemoptysis of the lungs.
Gantry was clothed with the following.
- Sleeveless shirt. Azure blue, A-shirt style. Merchandise from Disney's Typhoon Lagoon water park. Front stained with blood around bullet holes.
- Cargo pants. Olive, Banana Republic brand.
- Boxers. Beige and brown checkered, Banana Republic brand.
- Sandals. Black, Teva brand.
The following items were on and in the immediate vicinity of Gantry's person.
- Pump-action shotgun. Ithaca Model 37, customized. Manufactured 1990, barrel sawed short. Rifle had been fired. Found beside body.
- Shotgun shell casings. 20 gauge, Winchester brand. Sixteen (16) in total; five (5) spent, eleven (11) unspent. Found across 70 sq.ft. area.
- Ice cooler. Black, metal, Coleman brand. Contained stagnant water; miscellaneous alcoholic, carbonated canned beverages; one (1) SCP-8156-B2. Found open, 48 ft. from body.
- Lighter. Metal, unknown brand, customized. Engraved with coat of arms for 17th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army. Found in front right pants pocket.
- Metal key clip, twelve (12) keys. Keys corresponded to Gentry's household; 1987 Chevrolet C/K; PO box; other unidentified. Found in rear right pants pocket.
Incident Report - IR8156-1996B
Date: November 25th, 1996
Time: 02:00 – 05:00 EST
Location: , Atlantic Ocean
Involved Team(s):
- Mobile Task Force Gamma-6 "Deep Feeders"
Preface SCP-8156 was in Aphotic-Camp pattern for duration of event. SCP-8156-A003 had a history of comments regarding disobedience in SCP-8156-E around the December solstice, but the significance of these claims or their pattern of occurrence were overlooked until after incident. SCP-8156 containment had been without any reported incident for nine months, and no breach of containment since August 1992. (See Incident Report IR-8156-1992-G)
Summary: Deployed agents Γ-6 Brown and Γ-6 Johns concurrently fell asleep while on post aboard SCPS Angie. Agents reported error to supervisors and assessment of SCP-8156 was conducted. Four SCP-8156-A instances (determined to have been -A003, -A018, -A042, -A103) and SCP-8156-E were unaccounted for and searched for by reinforcements. SCP-8156-A042 and -A103 were successfully recovered 4.5 nautical miles away at 12:29 EST. Both instances corroborated that SCP-8156-E with -A003 riding had swam away from SCP-8156, the former refusing the latter's directions. They and -A018 followed after their commanding officer until, in an unknown order, they were separated from -A003 and -A018; both provided different directions and series of events in how they lost the other instances. SCP-8156-A003, -A018, and -E were never recovered.
Notes: On 2/1/2002, SCP-8156-A103 made a brief statement of "that time [he] saw Major Nulty get eaten by a bear", but was unable to elaborate anything coherent upon questioning.
Incident Report - IR8156-2017R
Date: October 16th, 2017
Time: 06:00 EST
Location: █████ ████, Lincoln County, Maine, United States
Involved Team(s):
- Mobile Task Force Iota-10 "Damn Feds"
Preface: █████ ████ has a notable fishing industry, and a civilian fishing trawler had set sail ≈03:00 EST that morning. SCP-8156 was ≈700 miles away, east of North Carolina during incident.
Summary: A neutralized SCP-8156-A instance (designated SCP-8156-A302 post-autopsy) was acquired by local fishermen. SCP-8156-A302 was caught in a fishing net 3 mi. south of Monhegan Island. Despite the specimen reportedly being deceased and heavily decayed upon discovery, damage to the fishing net and caught fish indicated attempts to cut the net from the inside with a knife. The fishermen reported the body to the local sheriff, describing an apparent homicide of a war reenactor. An agent from Mobile Task Force Iota-10 Foxtrot-4 was dispatched in response to secure the scene. Amnestics were administered to witnesses, and SCP-8156-A302 was remanded for autopsy. (See Autopsy Report AEA-928710 for related autopsy.)
Medical Records - AEA-928710
Autopsy Report (Anomalous Entity)
— ▣ Biohazard — □ Cognitohazard — □ Infohazard — □ Radiohazard —
Date of procedure(s): October 16th, 2017
Location: Site-184 (Medical Ward), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Dr. Betsy Coldenhoff
- Dr. Glen Rutgers
Preface: Cadaver of a neutralized SCP-8156-A was recovered from fishing vessel in █████ ████, Maine, USA. Upon recovery, specimen was tentatively designated "8156 Doe."
Summary: Partial remains of human male, 1.85 m, pertaining to SCP-8156 phenomena. 67.4 kg upon recovery, between 72 to 80 kg in life. Caucasian with brown hair and hazel eye color. Decedent was in advanced state of decomposition, most apparent being the rupture of abdominal cavity and near total maceration of the skin.
Decedent was recovered from a fishing net at approximately 06:00 EST, pulled from ocean water with a load of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Physical observation of decedent indicates he has been deceased for six (6) to eighteen (18), but was animate upon capture in the net. Extensive injury and degradation of the body has occurred, including but not limited to:
- Abrasions from fish scales and fins.
- Disembowelment through hole in abdomen. Majority of intestinal tract eviscerated, remnants and mesentery putrefied. Eighth through tenth ribs exposed.
- Perforations to chest. Second and third ribs exposed under right armpit. Fifth right rib broken in posterior, exposed in wound lateral to the spine
- Left forearm severed, majority recovered alongside main cadaver. Fourth and fifth fingers not recovered. Carpal bones, radius, and ulna exposed.
- Right arm heavily necrotized. Half of phalanges absent, remaining partially exposed.
- Penis and scrotum absent from decay. Portions of bulbospongiosus muscle and urethra intact.
- Heart, bladder, stomach host to extensive bacterial colonies. All species identified have been marine microorganisms endemic the Atlantic Ocean.
- Lower jaw detached during recovery. Mild malocclusion prevalent, all wisdom teeth and lower incisors absent.
In isolation, the cause of death could not be conclusively attributed to any injury or illness. When considering the circumstances of recovery, spontaneous death and rapid decomposition upon removal from the water is the prevailing theory.
SCP-8156-A302 was clothed with the following
- Kepi hat, customized. Originally Prussian Blue, stained black. 40cm deceased sea cucumber affixed over kepi, bound and styled in manner reminiscent of coonskin hat.
- Dress shirt. Originally white, dirtied. Button, tears in armscye; lateral of spine, repaired with red thread.
- Frock coat. Prussian Blue, majority stained to some extent by various biological substances. Absent of ranking chevrons or epaulettes. Five buttons missing (1 torso, 1 left cuff, 3 right cuff), remaining buttons corroded with embossing illegible. Wool threads used in repair. Right cuff, left lapel, threading frayed. Small hole in left breast pocket; right sleeve; lateral of spine.
- Sword belt. Belt buckle frame warped, prong rusted in place. Scabbards for Bowie knife and light artillery sword. Stitching repaired with linen thread.
- Trousers. Sky blue, faded and muddied. Holes worn into knees, pant cuffs frayed.
- "Jefferson Davis" boots. Faded black, rough-side-out. Hobnails and heel irons heavily rusted, remain intact. Most heavily worn at soles and toes.
The following items were found on SCP-8156-A302's person.
- Bowie knife. Scabbard included. Blade dulled.
- Enfield P1853 rifled musket. Bayonet included. Seaweed wrapped several times around barrel, forearm and bayonet. Ramrod unrecovered.
- Circular canteen. Wool cushioning muddied. Cap sealed by coralline algae. Contents identified as freshwater.
- Sewing kit. Fabric pouch, civilian issue, dated circa 1910s. Three needles; scissors; five spools (4 empty, 1 silk); thimble.