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Item#: 8150
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

Item #: SCP-8150


SCP-8150-1 instance approaching Stratford, Texas in 1935

Object Class: Kušum1

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-8150, and the catastrophic failure of prior containment attempts, further efforts have been abandoned. Any deaths caused by SCP-8150 are to be reported as casualties of the publicly-accepted concept of "dust storms". research efforts are also postponed indefinitely, due to the high amounts of casualties taken during Incident SCP-8150-I. The publicly-perceived notion of the Dust Storm is to be upheld, as to avoid the true nature of SCP-8150 from being discovered. While containment efforts have been abandoned, damage control and evacuation efforts related to SCP-8150-1 instances are to be handled by MTF-Rho-10 "Dust Devils".

Description: SCP-8150 is the collective name for the phenomena publicly known and accepted as "Dust Storms". In reality, "Dust storms" are an anomalous species of sentient storm systems, hereby referred to as SCP-8150-1. SCP-8150-1 instances vary widely in size, depending on the amount of Elan Vital Energy (EVE) absorbed. The largest documented SCP-8150-1 instance, publicly known as the "Black Sunday Storm" reached 800 miles long and 400 miles wide. The exact method and reasoning to how SCP-8150-1 instances form is unknown, as it is impossible to predict when and where they will, and there is a lack of living witnesses to SCP-8150-1 forming events. SCP-8150-1 instances "pull" the EVE out of an organism before dispersing it into its cloud. Fatalities from SCP-8150-1 instances can only be avoided by donning protective equipment with full CBRNA protection.

A full log of notable SCP-8150 related incidents can be found below.

Incident SCP-8150-A: Publicly known as the "Dust Bowl", a large uptick in SCP-8150-1 activity during the 1930s led to severe ecological devastation, along with over 7,000 dead. These included several Foundation researchers and agents, but consisted mostly of civilians. The largest of these instances was the Black Sunday storm, or SCP-8150-1C. The size of SCP-8150-1C was due to the amounts of EVE absorbed by it and its contributing storms. Over its lifespan, multiple people were killed, but due to the lack of Foundation resources at the time, containment efforts were not pursued.

Incident SCP-8150-D: Publicly known as the "Great Bakersfield Dust Storm", in 1977 an SCP-8150-1 instance manifested near Bakersfield, California, before moving into the area to harvest EVE. In total, 25 people died, however Foundation agents were able to suppress the knowledge of 20 of these deaths, leaving the publicly accepted tally at 5. While not a particularly significant event, this incident directly lead to the founding of MTF-Rho-10.

Incident SCP-8150-H: On January 4th, 2002, an SCP-8150-1 instance manifested several miles west of Las Vegas, Nevada. MTF-Rho-10 was scrambled under personal orders from then Captain Arnold Holmes, and they successfully prevented the instance from growing by terminating wildlife in the area and preventing any civilian entry. Due to their professionalism and efficiency in this mission, Captain Holmes was promoted to Task Force command, with Lieutenant Barry Keyestone now taking command of Rho-10. Due to the lack of casualties, this incident was hidden from the public.

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