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On 2231/02/29, when returning from a mission, Foundation personnel picked up a weak distress signal broadcast on Foundation emergency frequencies, emanating from a single point below ground. Following confirmation, an exploration team was sent to investigate.

Excavation revealed the remains of an underground Foundation facility with external signage designating it as Bio Site-37. Investigations have found that all information on Bio Site-371 was hidden by an unknown authority approximately ███ years prior.

An active electrical generator was detected within the Site, providing power to the Site and the broadcasting device. Upon reception and appropriate encoded response, the following audio file played for 7.3 minutes.

The following documents are pending review. Refrain from citation or integration with existing databases until further notice.

Item #: 8113

Containment Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:
All instances of SCP-8113-1 are to be contained at Bio Site-37, with Stage 1 and 2 instances in Level-4 Biohazard Humanoid Containment Cells and Stage 3 instances in cryogenic stasis. Instances in earlier stages may be contained in cryogenic stasis upon request. Cells may contain up to 4 Stage 1 instances or 2 Stage 2 instances.

Stage 1 and 2 SCP-8113-1 instances may request items for personal use to be placed within their containment chamber. All requests must be approved by Bio Site-37 Director and SCP-8113 Research Lead Dr. Kaivalya Veritas. Instances may additionally request contact with a psychiatric specialist.

Further action such as the provision of medication must be withheld.

Any personnel handling SCP-8113 must adhere to Class-4 Biohazard procedures. Personnel with wounds deeper than their epidermis may not make contact with any surface that has been interacted with by an SCP-8113-1 instance for 48 hours. Individuals found breaching these procedures are to be quarantined for another 48 hours - after this time period, they must be medically assessed before returning to previous duties. If during their time in quarantine the individual shows signs of SCP-8113 infection, they are henceforth to be classified as an SCP-8113-1 instance regardless of previous standing in the Foundation. The purposeful infection of D-Class with SCP-8113 for further research purposes must be explicitly approved by a member of the O5 Council.

As SCP-8113-1 instances cannot be reverted back to their original state, containment of SCP-8113 instead focuses on preventing further spread. In the case of an outbreak, Mobile Task Force Beta-7 "Maz Hatters" are to be deployed to the affected location, taking SCP-8113-1 instances into Foundation custody and clearing affected areas of anomalous matter. Following this, deployed Task Force members are to be amnesticized.

SCP-8113 is a transmissible symbiont which spreads between humans upon contact of its pollen byproducts with any wound to the dermis or deeper tissue. Hosts of SCP-8113 are designated SCP-8113-1 and exhibit anomalous effects in three stages.

Stage 1 occurs immediately upon initial contact and lasts between 3-14 hours depending on the area, depth and location of the site of infection. Speed of progression increases with the host's bodily movement. SCP-8113-1 instances at this stage will not notice any changes. SCP-8113 vines begin to grow beneath the surface of the site of initial contact. In Stage 1 instances, SCP-8113 has an average growth rate of 5cm3/h, with the maximum rate recorded as 18cm3/h in SCP-8113-1-██. It follows a similar growth pattern to the nervous system, forming most prominently around large nerve structures. During this stage, SCP-8113-1 instances may still cease life function. In this case, the SCP-8113 matter within the deceased instance will be rendered inert.

The transition from Stage 1 to Stage 2 is considered the point where the vine structure has ceased to actively spread without damage to the SCP-8113-1 instance. At Stage 2, the site of initial contact produces a bud which takes from 1 - 3 days to flower. The inflorescence of SCP-8113 is a compound umbel arrangement, the individual flowers resembling Lycoris albiflora2. The vines themselves match no known species, possessing anomalously high tensile strength and a fibrous composition. SCP-8113-1 instances at this stage no longer distinguish between standard strength and what is known as 'hysterical' strength, often resulting in self-injury. When an SCP-8113-1 instance experiences injury or other dysfunction within bodily systems, SCP-8113 adapts to ensure the instance's optimum health by spreading vines to the affected area. SCP-8113 draws kinetic and thermal energy from both the body and surroundings as required, converting it for use via anomalous means.

Stage 3 is reached when upwards of 50% of the SCP-8113-1 instance's body mass is comprised of SCP-8113. By this stage, the mental state of the SCP-8113-1 instance will have deteriorated. Cryogenic stasis is recommended for instances at this stage to prevent further degradation in both mental and physical condition.

Upon initial discovery, the Site's life support systems were deactivated. Exploration teams were equipped accordingly.

The Site contains three wings adjoined to a central structure, with all architecture, equipment and resources consistent with that of a Foundation facility. An active access terminal is located two meters from the entrance. Exploration teams noted that it appears to have been re-located from a different region within the Site. Along with the Special Containment Procedures and Description documents, the following information was available.

UPDATE: 2001/03/16

At 08:03, Agent Alexis Rendira alerted the Foundation that he had become infected with SCP-8113. By this point, Agent Rendira had progressed to Stage 2 and was designated SCP-8113-1-BE. The abrasion it had received during initial contact was determined to be the cause of the infection. It was subsequently transferred to isolation within a Biohazard Humanoid Containment Cell.

Initial psychiatric evaluations by Dr. Stoker lacked notable content. BE appears to be satisfied with updated containment procedures, stating the importance of biohazard protocols. It retains the notion that containment, as stated, "is not as bad as it could be," and cites other Mobile Task Force members' experiences when queried.

Following further discovery regarding the nature of the anomaly, remaining members of Mobile Task Force Theta-4 "Gardeners" were checked for wounds to their epidermis and released from quarantine.

UPDATE: 2002/08/02

At 15:02, numerous containment cells within Bio Site-37 were compromised due to a detonation of larger scope than intended during testing. BE's containment cell sustained significant damage, along with BE itself. Due to the nature of SCP-8113, BE's condition remains stable with approximately 16% of its bodily mass comprised of SCP-8113. Its right arm was severely damaged, resulting in almost complete loss of function. Surgery was performed to remove bone fragments in order to minimize pain and enable SCP-8113 to replace the missing tissue.

UPDATE: 2008/12/19

Bio Site-37 experienced a major containment breach of 8 Stage 2, now Stage 3 SCP-8113-1 instances. The instances, which had been contained together whilst the Site was expanded to increase capacity, assaulted security personnel when the door to their containment cell was opened. Involved personnel were forced to retreat when engaged in close-quarters combat to mitigate the spread of the anomaly. At this time, BE was outside of its containment cell with Dr. Wilkinson on a scheduled appointment.

After approximately 9 minutes, the SCP-8113-1 instances intercepted BE and Dr. Wilkinson. Dr. Wilkinson successfully incapacitated an SCP-8113-1 instance with her handgun, receiving severe injuries in the process. Due to the damage to her dermis and therefore high likelihood of contamination with SCP-8113, Dr. Wilkinson proceeded to self-terminate. BE utilized her weapon to incapacitate 4 more instances and resorted to hand-to-hand combat to immobilize two others. Security personnel arrived soon after, subduing the last SCP-8113-1 instance with no further incident.

Containment procedures have been revised accordingly to mitigate the risks associated with SCP-8113-1 instances acting as a group.

Upon accessing the terminal, a site-wide alert was heard over the integrated PA system. This alert consisted of a male voice repeating the phrase "Hello and welcome. Please [UNINTELLIGIBLE] take care of yourself, and seal [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. Thank you in advance!" for 5 minutes. After no further activity was confirmed within the facility, exploration teams proceeded with their mission.

180 outdated cryogenic stasis pods3 are located within the rightmost wing. 129 of these pods remain active, storing anomalous humanoids within. Almost all power from the on-Site generator is rerouted to sustain these systems. All humanoids contained match descriptions of SCP-8113-1 instances in Stage 3 of progression.

A single humanoid of the same nature is positioned at the control panel for the stasis pods with a stack of printed documents nearby. Automated transcription processes have commenced.

SCP-8113 was originally brought to Foundation attention through local news outlets in 2001. All sources linked the appearance of the anomaly to the rural town of ███████, Nebrask[UNABLE TO TRANSCRIBE]

A unit from Mobile Task Force Theta-4 "Gardeners" was dispatched, consisting of Team Lead θ4-Rendira and Team Members θ4-Mero, θ4-Ward, θ4-Davis and θ4-Zion. Their mission was to investigate the SCP-8113-1 instances and locate remaining non-anomalous civilians. [UNABLE TO TRANSCRIBE]ded without incident.

Upon further assessment, Mobile Task Force Beta-7 "Maz Hatters" was dispatched to retrieve remaining SCP-8113-1 instances. The town of ███████, Nebraska was incinerated and witnesses amnesticized without incident. 17 Stage 2 instances and 29 Stage 3 instances were transferred to Site-██.

The last lightbulb in the hall blew. I cut myself trying to clean the glass up, but hey, mood lighting.


BE: Beta-7? Really?

Agt. Zion: I know, they-

Agt. Mero: -can't touch some dirt without a HAZMAT suit-

Agt. Davis: -couldn't even tell their Short's Goldenrod from their Canadian Goldenrod-

Zion: -met someone who thought all carnivorous plants are Venus Flytraps-

Mero: -ain't got nothing on you.

Zion: That's for sure.


Zion: You know, I had a transfer from there once.

Zion: The first thing she did after putting her stuff down was wipe down the bedframe.

Mero: Ah, well, what can you do.

Zion: She kept sanitizing her phone, and put a cap on her toothbrush-

Davis: Rana has a cap on her toothbrush.

Zion: God forbid a particle gets on it.

Mero: It was eight bucks for five on Foundation Amazon, and Ren used Viv's on accident once 'cause they're all the same otherwise-

BE: That's supposed to be a secret.

Mero: Ah, shit.


Zion: Oh, right, she told me to tell you she's sorry she couldn't come.

BE: That's okay.

BE: I don't expect her to. Or you, for that matter.

Zion: You're going to see so much of me that-

BE: No. You've all got your own lives, right?


BE: People transfer all the time. You'll get used to it.

Mero: We're still going to come.

Davis: Unless we get thrown in a different cell. Shit happens.

Mero: Yeah, unless that.


BE: And here I thought all this would help keep my hair black 'till 60.

Zion: We'll bring you dye.


I think I've finally figured out what all these buttons do. Nobody thought to leave an instruction manual, did they…



Dr. Stoker: I believe that you're aware of why I've called you in here. Am I correct?

BE: Yeah, you are.

Dr. Stoker: Very well. Then- ah, to put it bluntly, as we do, why?


Dr. Stoker: Surely you knew that any self-destructive behavior would make us re-think your privileges.

BE: Right.

Dr. Stoker: Right.

BE: I guess I was just… impulsive. I- I just didn't think, it was more like, 'what if,' you know? Everything's padded around here. These joints long for field work.

Dr. Stoker: Go on.

BE: I don't know. The bedding here, it's real plush. More than you'd give a lowly agent. And- and I miss cheap polyester, yeah?

Dr. Stoker: You requested sheets with a thousand thread count, Alexis.

BE: [Laughs.] That- yeah, that was hilarious. Sorry, uh, you can take 'em back, I'm sure Rana'd have the best sleep of her life on those. Apparently whatever washing machine you use 'round here struggles to get rid of splinters.


BE: Sorry. I know you'd have to incinerate them anyway. Biohazard, and all that.

Dr. Stoker: Eh, well, it would be pushing it, but- oh, you don't have a copy of the 8113 documentation. Surfaces you touch are only contaminated for 48 hours or so, I think.

BE: Hah, that- that's nice to know.

Dr. Stoker: [Sighs.] So you were merely… seeking stimulation? That kind of, let's say, exposure to the elements, if I may?

BE: Let's go with that.


Dr. Stoker: While it is common for containment to induce a sense of ennui, I must say… I don't believe you.


BE: [Laughs.] Shit, alright. And why is that-?

Dr. Stoker: Because your surgery ensured that there would be no sensation in your arm at all. If you did indeed find yourself lacking stimulus, you would cut elsewhere to feel it, and yet you don't. Miserable people in containment are my specialt[UNABLE TO TRANSCRIBE]ow what you are and what you aren't.

BE: [Takes a deep breath.] 'Kay. But man, I almost miss running for my life.

Dr. Stoker: And?

BE: And.


Dr. Stoker: I'm paid by the hour, so I don't mind, but our higher-ups do. Just… tell me the truth, eventually.


BE: I'm tired.

Dr. Stoker: I know. I want to help, Alexis.

BE: I bet I'm still SCP-8113-1-BE on the logs.

Dr. Stoker: [Laughs.] We've cut it to just 'BE'. For brevity.


I think it's winter now. Rana's birthday was in winter. They didn't even leave enough to make a decent cake.

BE: Enough about me, what news of… the outside world, and all? Zion behaving himself?

Mero: He's swamped with paperwork, so he's been kept kinda busy.

BE: I suspected he'd be a little pissed that I assigned you after me, is all. No?

Mero: Oh, right, about that- uhm, I-

BE cuts her off, sighing.

BE: You didn't take it.

Mero: Ren, I'm sorry. I- you know, I went up there, saw my name as squad leader, and it felt, well, wrong.

BE: Go on.

Mero: Ugh, it doesn't feel right that I'm the one ranting, and you're just sitting here-

BE: Rana.

Mero: Yeah?

BE: Don't stress. It's actually nice to hear someone else's voice.

Mero: Right, right.


Mero: It was just our squad, a simple retrieval mission - and I was supposed to give the brief, but in the end I just gave the papers to Zi… I brought the papers, Ren, I had it all written out, and I couldn't so much as read them.


Mero: Ugh, I'm fogging up the visor. I hate this suit.

BE: [Sighs.] Ain't much to see here anyway.

Mero: So I just let Zi brief 'em, be- because I'm supposed to keep my emotions out of it, and prioritize and choose who lives and who's walking head-first into it all and be the one who's still alive at the end of things. And- well, that's… that's your job.

BE: That's not true.

Mero: What?

BE: Don't let me be your example. You can be so much more. Don't let me be a model - or a model of the consequences, for that matter.

Mero: I…

BE: Hm?

Mero: Oh, nothing. It's just strange, all of it… you know, with Zi in charge, and Remplis, too-

BE: Who?

Mero: They didn't tell you? She's… your replacement, Bronwyn Remplis. 'Cause there's supposed to be five of us, so she transferred from a different squad after the other four were KIA. She's a poisons expert. I think you'd like her.

BE: Oh. Right.


BE: Is she alright? Taking it well…?

Mero: Yeah, yeah. Ward talks with her a lot. Seems he's found a match in identifying exotic species. She's kinda quiet, otherwise, I mean it's hard, but… we're all managing.

BE: That's good.

Mero: We miss you.

BE: [Laughs.] Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere.

Attempts to remove the humanoid from its place are met with resistance, but never aggression. Unless this is attempted, it remains inert. Personnel are advised to refrain from interaction.

A perimeter has been established around the buried Site, and re-containment of possible SCP-8113-1 instances is pending.

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