SCP-8112-A: Are monsters real?
Guard: Yes.
SCP-8112-A: Hmm… are ghosts real?
Guard: Dunno. Above my clearance.
SCP-8112-A: Hmm… I see… are mummies real?
Guard: [Sigh] [Whisper] Why's the last job always a pain in the ass?
[SCP-8112-A is sitting on the bed, wearing SCP-8112. SCP-8112's arrow extends from his body, underneath in and out the door, and back to SCP-8112-A's feet. SCP-8112-A smirks, rises from the bed and is sidestepping wildly. The tip of the arrow relocates to his exact position. The guard forces them back on the bed.]
Guard: What did I say about leaving the chair?
SCP-8112-A: It's a bed!
Guard: Chair. Bed. It doesn't mat—
[The guard stops talking, and cringes as he rubs his left temple.]
SCP-8112-A: C'mon, man! I mean what am I supposed to do?
Guard: Nothing.
SCP-8112-A: Pfft. Boy and I thought prisons were bad. Still wanting for those Miranda rights—
Guard: Bobby. For everything that is holy. Stop. Talking… please.
SCP-8112-A: …But seriously. What's the hold up? Shouldn't that science guy be here now? I'm getting hungry.
Guard: I told you, I don't know. But I'm sure it's for a good reason.
[Two minutes late, the door opens. Dr. Kirby pushed a draped cart into the cell, dressed in a combination of approved attire and a circus clown outfit. Both SCP-8112-A and the guard are shocked.]
Guard: [Whisper] The hell? Dr. Kirby what are you—
[Dr. Kirby harshly hushes the guard and hastily shuts the door. SCP-8112-A prolongs a whistle while the guard remains quiet. Dr. Kirby removes the tablecloth. The cart is adorned with all items that SCP-8112 reacted to previously.]
[Dr. Kirby hovers a finger over a boombox. Dr. Kirby, though appearing pained, presses play then grabs several items from the cart.]
[The song "Hello! Ma Baby'' by Tin Pan Alley plays. Dr. Kirby performs the following actions simultaneously: stomping on an active Tickle Me Elmo doll with his right foot. Juggling a balloon with his left foot, playing tic-tac-toe by with his left hand, and swinging a multicolored-slinky with his right hand while chewing bubble gum.]
[The guard removes his helmet, shaking his head. SCP-8112-A snickers. The guard jabs SCP-8112-A in the ribs — the latter becomes quiet.]
[The theme song for the Goosebumps TV series (1995) plays; Dr. Kirby drops what he is holding and reaches for new items. Dr. Kirby performs the following actions simultaneously: stomping his right foot in a bowl of mayo, tapping his left foot to the beat of the song, closing his left fist while extending only his middle finger, and playing the harmonica. Dr. Kirby reaches towards the cart again with his right hand.]
[SCP-8112-A's laughter is cut short when a pie suddenly makes contact with his facial regions. The guard's helmet slides away from his grip. The guard stares at Dr. Kirby, his left eyelid twitching.]
[The song "Play That Funky Music" by Wild Cherry plays. Dr. Kirby drops what he is holding and reaches for new items. However, Dr. Kirby accidentally steps onto his own foot, causing him to crash into the cart. The cart's contents spill over; the boombox breaks during the fall. Dr. Kirby cringes in pain.]
Dr. Kirby: Goddammit! God… dammit.
[Dr. Kirby wipes away his facial make-up, then pulls out an unused cigarette and lighter. He lights the cigarette, breathing the smoke in. The guard rubs the bridge of his nose.]
[The guard nods extremely slowly. SCP-8112-A pulls away pie tin and wipes their eyes clean.]
Guard: Sir, with all due respect. Are you mental?
Dr. Kirby: I'll… get back to you on that.
Guard: Okay… so what's that?
[The guard gestures towards the cart. Dr. Kirby pulls off the clown wig.]
Dr. Kirby: …I tried them individually. Didn't work. So I tried them together. Bottom of the barrel.
Guard: …Why?
Dr. Kirby: 'Cause I really like my job.
Guard: I d-don't even—
[Loud smacking noises interrupt the guard. He turns to SCP-8112-A. SCP-8112-A has removed the pie tin from his face and is now consuming its contents. SCP-8112-A turns to the guard confused.]
SCP-8112-A: What? Free food.
Dr. Kirby: [Strained Whisper] Hmph. And to think I wondered why it chose you.
[Dr. Kirby abruptly stands up, emitting a sound between a growl and a groan. He is gripping tightly on his hair.]
Dr. Kirby: It's fine. It's fine. I still have more time to make this right. Just need more time. More time… and… a-and… what?
[Dr. Kirby notices SCP-8112's arrow is pointed to him instead of SCP-8112-A. Dr. Kirby freezes, then moves to remove SCP-8112 off from SCP-8112-A.]
Dr. Kirby: Stand still.
SCP-8112-A: Hey! What's the big deal—
Dr. Kirby: I said stand still!
[Dr. Kirby removes his coat and wears SCP-8112 over his undershirt. He looks down, SCP-8112's arrow is absent from the floor. SCP-8112's arrow is back to normal proportions but is pointed to Dr. Kirby's head. SCP-8112's phrasing reads "I'M STUPID."]
[All three individuals in the room stare at SCP-8112. Twenty seven seconds pass until the SCP-8112-A breaks the silence.]
SCP-8112-A: No joke. That shirt looks good on you.
SCP-8112's properties manifest when SCP-8112-A removes it fully from their person. SCP-8112's arrow will anomalously extend off the fabric it is plastered on to physically connect to SCP-8112-A. Attempts by SCP-8112-A to cover SCP-8112's phrasing will have the same effect. This connection is never straightforward, as SCP-8112's arrow will always take the most extensive, redundant, and illogical path to reach SCP-8112-A. This effect is instantly negated when SCP-8112-A readorns SCP-8112.
SCP-8112-A initially did not possess an anomalous relationship with SCP-8112. However, in the aftermath of their arbitrary and needless experiments performed on SCP-8112, the anomaly refocused its attention from the original SCP-8112-A to them instead. As SCP-8112 does not impede SCP-8112-A's duties as long as containment procedures are properly followed, they have been allowed to continue their employment at the Foundation, albeit under supervision.
SCP-8112-A complained SCP-8112 significantly hampered their personal lifestyle. Aside from being forced to wash SCP-8112-A while still wearing it, they have claimed personnel have been staring at them and/or made comments about SCP-8112-A's condition at their expense. This has remarkably diluted SCP-8112-A's reputation. As such, SCP-8112-A requested that they would be working from their office for now on.
Request was denied, as SCP-8112-A's disciplinary measures were currently active.