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Item#: 8101
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

Special Containment Procedures: Currently SCP-8101 is contained in a 98 square meter hangar located at Site 09. Due to the events surrounding SCP-8101-3 testing has been permanently suspended. Personnel are not to attempt to use SCP-8101 without the express consent of Dir. Clarkson acting Dir. Stanhope. Items dispensed by SCP-8101 currently in containment are to remain in standard non-humanoid hermetically sealed containers. Personnel experiencing feelings of regret, longing, or remorse, especially in regard to deceased family members, are not to interact with SCP-8101 under any circumstances, and are to instead report for full psychological evaluations.

Description: SCP-8101 is the current designation for a standard 243 cm by 259 cm, red titanium storage container. SCP-8101 appears to be worn, with the paint having been roughly peeled off on the upper left, lower right, and center left corners. Although SCP-8101 seems to be heavily battered, it is otherwise structurally sound. The upper portion of SCP-8101 bears markings similar to symbols used by the Oneiroi Collective, although they appear to have been crudely painted on. Unless SCP-8101-2's requirements have been met, SCP-8101 cannot be opened. Furthermore, recording devices do not function upon being placed inside of it.

Attached to the rear of SCP-8101 are a series of twenty-four electrical cables, all but six of which are connected to the left, right, and top of SCP-8101. The rest of the cables are attached to what appears to be a modified EEG cap, henceforth referred to as SCP-8101-1. Although a wooden bed frame was initially attached to SCP-8101, it was determined that as long as SCP-8101-1 is used by the subject, where they sleep is irrelevant, provided that the majority of the electrodes remain attached to the subject's head. If the subject successfully enters R.E.M sleep while wearing SCP-8101-1, they will be immediately presented with an Apple II computer henceforth known as SCP-8101-2. SCP-8101-2 will only manifest within the affected subject's dream, and manifestation will interrupt any dream currently in progress.

SCP-8101-2 itself displays only one command, the word "Request?" Upon entering their requested item, the subject will proceed to dream normally and will receive their item upon awakening. However, it is theorized that the subject will not receive an item if it is too large to fit inside of SCP-8101. Furthermore, SCP-8101-2 will not manifest before subjects who do not or are not experiencing intense feelings of regret, or remorse. Due to this, instances dispensed by SCP-8101 are usually of a personal and/or meaningful nature to the subject(s) in question. However, subjects not experiencing regret(s), or subjects who ask for an item unrelated to their regret(s), will instead receive an error message asking them to "try asking again later."


SCP-8101 was first brought to the Foundation's attention after a pamphlet for the "Irio-Neo clinic" was discovered on the windshield of Dir. Clarkson's car.1 It is currently unknown as to the origins of the pamphlet, nor if its original owner had any knowledge of Dir. Clarkson's involvement with the Foundation. Below is a transcript of the pamphlet.

Notably prior to the pamphlet being discovered, Dir. Clarkson mentioned dreaming of his deceased daughter during a routine therapy, several concepts related to the Oneiroi Collective, as well as him admitting that he was planning on being at the cemetery on the same day as the pamphlet's discovery. Whether or not these events are related is currently unknown, however investigations are ongoing to determine a possible link. A partial transcription of Dir. Clarkson's therapy session can be found below:

Following the discovery of the pamphlet, the Foundation investigated the listed location of the Irio-Neo clinic, and discovered an office space, which was theorized to have not been used since the late 1970s. Furthermore; despite finding several more pamphlets for the clinic, as well as miscellaneous patient records, no other anomalies were discovered. SCP-8101 was found in the loading dock with a large tarp placed over it, and was recovered with no issues. Following recovery, testing commenced, and was overseen by Dir. Clarkson.

Shortly after the last interview Dir. Clarkson viewed the tape, henceforth referred to as SCP-8101-3, in order to ascertain its contents.


Following his viewing of SCP-8101-3 Dir. Clarkson instructed personnel to deliver the following written message to the site of SCP-8101's discovery.

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