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Item #: SCP-8078

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-8078 is to be kept at Site 83 in a standard containment cell equipped with airtight seals; the only furniture required is the ceramic bathtub in which it rests.

Personnel are not to make any requests of SCP-8078 beyond official matters. Interviewers and researchers are strongly cautioned not to make use of jokes, sarcasm, or any potentially ambiguous statements in its presence. Any attempts by SCP-8078 to offer aid in any non-official capacity are to be politely refused.

All personnel are to be reminded that though SCP-8078 cannot easily detect lies, it is not incapable of lying in order to appease its masters, especially if it feels threatened or coerced. Personnel are therefore strongly discouraged from attempting to impose any subjective beliefs they may have concerning 8078's identity or behavior on it, as 8078 will readily agree with them if it feels pressured to do so.

Staff members suspected of any inclination to use SCP-8078 for personal reasons or recreational purposes are to be shown video file MPT-101 as a first and final warning, with any actual offenders to be punished with reassignment or demotion, depending on the severity of the offence.

Description: In its default state, SCP-8078 is a 200-litre mass of viscous black fluid, similar to molten tar in consistency and striated with luminous metallic gold veins. SCP-8078 commonly shapes this matter into an abstract humanoid figure when it wishes to communicate.

SCP-8078 is polymorphic in nature and can perfectly replicate human beings, animals, objects, and other liquids after sufficient observation. However, SCP-8078 reports that becoming smaller than five millimetres or taller than three metres in height is extremely painful, and testing has determined that it cannot mimic gasses or combustible substances.

SCP-8078 is difficult to permanently damage, as its body reforms as soon as it is disrupted. Extreme heat temporarily disables its regenerative properties, making fire the most viable form of deterrence in the event of critical miscommunications.

SCP-8078 is sapient, but intellectually limited. It has demonstrated a general intelligence roughly comparable to a child, most prominently in its inability to comprehend the notion of permanent harm or death, as it cannot understand why deceased test subjects have stopped moving and are never seen again after being removed from its presence. It also interprets any information it receives literally, and therefore cannot process sarcasm, humour, irony, satire, innuendo, or obvious lies, and can only recognize fiction with prior coaching.

In addition to its dysfunctional initiative, SCP-8078 also exhibits compulsive obedience: whenever provided with an order, it will obey without question. Combined with its literal-mindedness, this has resulted in numerous attempts to accommodate any desire voiced in its presence, no matter how vague.

Psychological analysis suggests that SCP-8078 was subjected to extensive psychological conditioning during its earliest stages of development, indicating that its obedience is not an intrinsic trait, but was instead deliberately engineered in order to ensure it would remain cooperative with its previous keepers.

Discovery Log: SCP-8078 was first discovered on 01/10/2022 at Site 83, following a month-long period of unexplained thefts and gifts in the administrative offices, presumably its attempts to accommodate the conflicting desires of the staff.

As a result of its polymorphic traits, it was not revealed to Foundation staff until a frustrated secretary loudly demanded that whoever stole her stapler “stand up and confess to it.” Capture and containment followed immediately thereafter, which SCP-8078 made no attempt to resist.

SCP-8078 claims to not remember anything prior to gaining full consciousness at Site 83. As no signs of gestation were found in the facility and no perimeter breaches were reported, it is currently unknown how SCP-8078 gained access to the facility, though it is theorized that it was either unwittingly brought to the Site by a staff member before it achieved consciousness or was created there in secret.

Interviewed: SCP-8078

Interviewer: Dr Lina Raznakovic

Foreword: This was the first interview of SCP-8078 once it was properly contained. Though it had already been interrogated after capture, it was hoped that additional questioning could uncover any information it had not previously included, but SCP-8078's compulsive need to appease its keepers by any means (including lying) prompted an end to further interviews.

<Begin Log, 01:00 PM, 01/02/23)>

Dr Raznakovic: Good afternoon, 8078. How are you?

SCP-8078: I’m fine, Dr Raznakovic. I’ve been learning a lot today and making myself extra helpful. Security Officer Lin has been teaching me about clothes.

Dr Raznakovic: (pause) How so?

SCP-8078: I used to think that people just had fur and scales like other animals, but then I saw Security Officer Lin take off his jacket this morning. I was so scared – I thought he’d hurt himself! But he showed me he was okay, and it’s not really fur or scales. So now I’m learning how to make real clothing when I make myself into people. This is my scarf. Do you like it?

Dr Raznakovic: Where did you copy that from?

SCP-8078: I saw Research Assistant Pelion wearing it a little while ago.

Dr Raznakovic: Remind me to have a word with him about uniform regulations: he’s not supposed to wear that in the lab.

SCP-8078: You’re to have a word with Research Assistant Pelion about unif-

Dr Raznakovic: Not now, 8078, later.

SCP-8078: Sorry. Um, is there anything else I can do for you?

Dr Raznakovic: I have a few official questions for concerning your personal knowledge. First, what are you? How do you see yourself?

SCP-8078: Well, I learned how to make a mirror from my arm last week, so I guess I can just loo-

Dr Raznakovic: (sighs) What do you think you are? What do you believe yourself to be compared to human beings?

SCP-8078: I’m not sure, ma’am. I’m whatever anyone needs me to be, though.

Dr Raznakovic: Do you recall how you arrived in Site 83‘s offices?

SCP-8078: No. I think I woke up in one of the air vents, so I might have gotten in that way, but I don't remember anything before that.

Dr Raznakovic: Very well, then. Onto the next question: do you know how you shapeshift?

SCP-8078: Yes, Dr Raznakovic, like this. (audibly transforms, producing sounds of flowing water)

Dr Raznakovic: No, no, I mean… (under breath) Who the hell wrote these? (aloud) How does your shapeshifting ability actually work? do you understand how you spontaneously generate and subtract mass - if that's what you actually do? Or are you drawing it in from another dimension?

SCP-8078: Don't you already know? You change every time you move, so you must be shapeshifting too.

Dr Raznakovic: (confused) …8078, I don't shapeshift.

SCP-8078: Then how do you walk? Your legs don't stay exactly the same shape when they move, so they have to change so they can move. Isn't that how that works?

Dr Raznakovic: …well, yes - technically. Muscles do have to change shape in order to move, but not in the same way that you change.

SCP-8078: Oh. Is there anything else you'd like to ask me?

Dr Raznakovic: (audibly leafing through papers) Nothing for now, thank you. I think it might be for the best if we postpone this interview while I edit these questions for clearer syntax…

<End Log>

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