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Sample location of SCP-8073 event.

Item #: SCP-8073

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the widespread and random manifestation of SCP-8073 phenomena, physical containment of SCP-8073 has been deemed impractical. Internet traffic and keyphrase monitoring, as well as incident inquiry and response authorisation, are to be handled by MTF-Kappa-17 ("Yellow Anorak"). Video surveillance of frequently affected sites is ongoing.

A modified HODUR [Σ-Yellow Press] counterpropaganda protocol is authorised for publication relating to SCP-8073 and/or related injuries/deaths. HODUR protocol has proven effective at severely limiting the impact of SCP-8073 events, and is preferred over deployment of amnestics in all but the most extreme cases.

Hi team - just to let you know, as of this Friday we're rescinding authority for SCP-8073 inquiry budget claims for anyone below department heads. We see a lot of zebras, I get it, but we look in the zebra's mouth. If you seriously think a sighting warrants attachment to SCP-8073, crack out powerpoint (like the Sites with the guns have to) and bring it to me.

In the meantime, you're going to notice a new face having a look around - that's Miriam Stout and she's our new HODUR liaison. She'll be here for a week taking a look at what we refer and giving advice, and then she'll be on tap remotely from Site-██. A great use for false alarms would be to pass them on to her so she can get them to our media partners.

- Dan

Description: SCP-8073 is a repeating phenomenon affecting disparate sites in England, Wales and southern Scotland. SCP-8073 primarily manifests close to areas of religious or political significance during the period preceding the Norman conquest of England, including but not limited to: Sutton Hoo in Suffolk, Crowland Abbey, the isle of Ely, specific zones of the city of Winchester, hotspots along the eastern flank of Offa's Dyke, Durham Cathedral and the island of Lindisfarne.1 MTF-Kappa-17's current working hypothesis is that phenomena at other locations may represent areas of Saxon significance currently unknown to archaeologists.

SCP-8073 is among the oldest extant SCP archives initially recorded under something approximating modern scientific standards of observation. The archive survived [REDACTED], which compromised the majority of the records maintained by HMFSCP (Her Majesty's Foundation for the Secure Containment of the Paranormal), and was subsequently passed onto the modern Foundation. Approximately 1,100 SCP-8073 events were documented prior to Foundation acquisition. The reliability of many of these accounts is in question, as SCP-8073 identifications are prone to false positives and even HMFSCP themselves appear to have partially acquired their records from a previous source2, and copied these records into their own format.3 The older HMFSCP case notes claim records as far back as the thirteenth century.


what do we know about HMFSCP collection standards anyway? ik HMFSCP stuff is all redacted, but how do we know we can trust anything prior to ████ if it was done by the same guys who spent their gap years ripping up knossos & using mummy dust as paint??


Hi Zorah,

We know that they're usually not pulling this stuff completely out of their arses. I hear what you're saying, but you and I will both get stonewalled on anything like this. Even ████ is a best guess working from the documents we've gotten. SOP right now is to accept black ink as valid data and create second lower-certainty models using the earlier green ink stuff. Just show your working and you'll be fine.

- Dan

SCP-8073 manifests to witnesses as a light or flame, appearing at moderate distance. Reliable measurement and description of SCP-8073 is made very difficult by a low report rate and the existence of several superficially similar mundane and anomalous phenomena, as well as the apparent lack of a consistent trigger. SCP-8073 appears exclusively in low light conditions and will demanifest under concentrated artificial light or with the sunrise.

SCP-8073 has a simple cognitohazardous effect on humans, compelling interest. Those affected by SCP-8073 display a wide range of behaviours, including but not limited to: feeling compelled to ''find'' or ''walk to'' SCP-8073; expressing at length the appeal and beauty of SCP-8073; writing or recording feelings about SCP-8073; expressing exaggerated fear of SCP-8073; taking photographs of or 'selfies' with SCP-8073.

SCP-8073 does not directly interact with humans beyond its cognitohazardous effect. Injury/death related to SCP-8073 is rare and incidental to the act of interacting with or following it. It appears to be impossible to ''catch up'' to SCP-8073, which will recede when chased. The subset of people who feel compelled to follow SCP-8073 display reckless determination and will cross property boundaries, traffic or bodies of water in so doing, sometimes at risk to their wellbeing. SCP-8073's effect seems to continue until it demanifests.

SCP-8073's cognitohazardous effect is by no means insurmountable; both specific personality traits4 and/or prior warning appear to be effective countermeasures. Further data is pending, as SCP-8073's inconsistency and low threat level have delayed organised testing with cognitoresistance-trained personnel.

Hi Miriam,

Please find the HODUR stuff attached going back to 1946. Before that the Foundation was collaborating with the OSS on stuff like this, which is redacted for me but not for you, so you'll have to find that yourself. =p

- Dan



Investigation into the specific extent of SCP-8073's cognitohazardous effect is ongoing. It appears to be ego-syntonic - the anomalous interest in SCP-8073 is not perceived as a command or separate impulse from the self, even if the subject is later informed of the nature of the phenomenon. People affected by SCP-8073 report a range of emotions, from embarassment at having abandoned their previous activity to a lingering meta-interest in their own intense fascination.

SCP-8073's cognitohazardous effect does not appear to linger after it demanifests, although the strangeness of the event can lead to preoccupation on the part of the subject. As this preoccupation poses a low risk to containment, online keyword monitoring is preferred to amnestic deployment and the concommitant resource expenditure.

Hi Zorah,

I got back your request for field funding related to 8073 and unfortunately it's a no. If we get a week soon when Anna seems comparatively unstressed, I'll try again then, but I wouldn't be too optimistic.

- Dan


yeah I assumed. thanks anyway.


Personnel Incident MTF-κ17-036 Documentation:

See attached my request for a change of HODUR liaison. Sincerely no hard feelings - you're not the first to assume that they pull the Directors for boring Sites out their arses. Learning opportunity =)

- Dan

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