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Item #: SCP-8039

Object Class: Euclid

Containment Client: West California Government, a subsidiary of the FunBob Soft Drink Corporation.

Containment Package: Deluxe Containment

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-8039 is currently contained on Floor 28 of Site-277, located in the Gradient District of MacroCity 11 (“Lutetia Parisiorum”).

SCP-8039 is to be fed a synthetic bovine three two times a day in accordance with Nutritional Chart 8039-3. Due to SCP-8039’s hostility, these feedings are to be performed via crane — or, in the event that this is not possible, a member of D-Class personnel. Any eggs produced following feeding sessions are to be incinerated using the modules built into the containment chamber's floor.

In accordance with the Deluxe Containment Package, research on SCP-8039 that does not directly pertain to its containment is currently forbidden.

Please note that the SCP Corporation is currently pursuing missed payments from the Containment Client regarding this anomaly. As such, these containment procedures are liable to change in the near future.

Description: SCP-8039 is a mollusk of abnormal size, approximately eight feet tall and six feet wide.

It is superficially similar in appearance to a common nutrition-snail, with the exception of an engorged human face protruding from the head region and a mechanical structure fused with its back. While SCP-8039 originally possessed a natural shell, this appears to have been replaced at some point with the wreckage of a Ford Swan, which it has crudely incorporated into its anatomy. The means by which this was accomplished is as-of-yet unclear.

SCP-8039 has demonstrated mild telepathic capabilities — namely, the ability to detect emotional states over long distances. It primarily uses this as a means of locating food sources, or avoiding potential predators. When agitated, the strength of this telepathy increases considerably: it has been observed inducing violent rage and self-destructive despair in others when it feels it is under threat.

Despite its size and bulk, SCP-8039 has proven to be surprisingly fast, capable of moving at speeds of 40km/h over short distances to devour prey. SCP-8039 is carnivorous and seems to prefer a human food source — this is believed to be an acquired taste following its initial escape from the site of its creation. Following feeding, SCP-8039 will lay eight to ten eggs, which will gestate and hatch over a twelve-hour period.

While procedure dictates that these eggs be incinerated before they hatch, evidence suggests that the offspring produced by them would possess the same anomalous properties as SCP-8039.

It is believed that SCP-8039 originated from genetic engineering experiments on the part of our client, presumably to create larger and more pleasant-tasting nutrition snails. Per the Deluxe Containment Package's discretion guarantee, this has not been confirmed. Following SCP-8039's escape from its original site of origin, the SCP Corporation were brought in to provide containment.

Addendum 8039-1 (Lack of Payment)

Please note that the Corporation has not received payment for the client for six months at the time of writing — as such, the continued containment of SCP-8039 is in question. The SCP Financial Department is currently chasing payment from the client. Please refer to the documentation below for the present situation.


To our valued client,

It appears that we are yet to receive the agreed upon payment for your last three months of containment services. This is in reference to Case 2920-8039, currently in contract under our Deluxe Containment Package. If I may be so bold, could I inquire if your containment needs with this anomaly have changed?

The Corporation understands that situations may arise where meeting payments may not always be easy. If you'd like to call in and speak to one of our Pseudo-Human Customer Representatives, I'm sure they'd be happy to discuss options for alternative payment plans with you. Please contact us at your earliest convenience.

Hoping to hear from you soon,

Sadie from SCP


To our valued client,

Please be aware that we are yet to receive payment for the last three months of containment for Case 2920-8039. We can only provide these services if you meet your financial requirements per the contract. Your contributions help us keep our range of containment packages up-to-date and top-of-the-line.

If you are having difficulties making the payments for our Deluxe Containment Package, might I suggest downgrading to our Standard Containment Package? Given SCP-8039's generally docile nature, this may be a better fit for your needs. Our science team have proposed the following avenues for research under the Standard Containment Package:

  • SCP-8039's emotional radar, if reverse-engineered, could prove an effective form of surveillance. Accompanied by other forms of paratech, we are confident in our ability to develop a dynamic 'humanity tracker' that could assist with security concerns worldwide.
  • The means by which SCP-8039 has bonded with the car on its back is extremely interesting. Despite the rudimentary nature of the connection, it has proven able to activate the car's headlights to help it navigate darkened areas. If given permission under the Standard Containment Package, we can harvest SCP-8039's gel — if utilized properly, it could help to reduce rejection syndrome with cybernetic implants.
  • Gene-splicing from SCP-8039 can open up new possibilities for alternative human reproduction in areas suffering from sterility plagues.

We would be happy to consider further discounts based on your response to the above. One of our Pseudo-Human Customer Representatives will be in contact later this week to discuss options with you.

Hoping to hear you soon,

Sadie from SCP


This is your final warning.

You have failed to fulfill payment requirements for five months. As such, your containment contract for SCP-8039 is now being terminated. Please be aware the early termination charge for this amounts to a total of £113,372,550.29.

Per the agreed upon contract, if we do not receive outstanding payments for the last five months, we will have no choice but to release SCP-8039 onto your property at a time and place of our convenience. In order to avoid damage or injury, we urge you to contact one of our Pseudo-Human Customer Representatives immediately.

Please keep in mind that — if your early termination charge is not paid — we are authorized to pursue lost value via asset seizure and our Debtor-Class program.

Hoping to hear from you soon,

Sadie from SCP

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