
A grain of time, that's the distance of me to the world.

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Item #: SCP-8033

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Due to its nature, SCP-8033 is self-contained within the shared knowledge of SCP-8033-1 individuals, making it easy to be restricted by research programs via confidentiality agreements.

However, regarding recent approaches to assimilate SCP-8033-1 into the consensus society, containing practices should focus on ways to justify SCP-8033 by known science, or to dismiss its impact on human civilization.

Description: SCP-8033 is an intangible entity that can be perceived by certain individuals of humans and other animal species possessing a high level of sapience1, and have undergone the experimental process that has intensively enhanced their subjective perception of time.

The experimental program, which led to the discovery of SCP-8033, is attempting to improve the accuracy and minimum extent of humans' ability to sense time. Preliminary tests were performed upon animals with high cognitive capacities, eg. dolphins and chimpanzees, by either genetic modifications or intrusive neurological reconstructions. Most of these experiments were carried out by civilian science institutions. Later, human volunteering was approved by ethics review in a small range. Subjects reported strong time estimation and measurement abilities as ideal, that perfectly accorded with objective means of chronography, like clocks and other timers. The resulting minimum discernible time interval is on the level of milliseconds, and was proven by high-precision atomic clocks.

SCP-8033 was described by human subjects, often during the later stages of such experiments, as a cloud of white translucent particles that occasionally glitter iridescently and constantly float in the air, mildly encompassing the scope of vision of the subject (designated SCP-8033-1). SCP-8033 is not touchable, nor detectable by video recorders, nor seems to be affected by gravity, and also not responds to other forces applied to it, though in some cases, SCP-8033-1 individuals stated they could somehow manipulate it by free will, either by physical touch or mental imagination. None of these SCP-8033-1 subjects has yet shown any signs of reality-bending ability.

SCP-8033 is spotted by numerous SCP-8033-1 individuals, but should be considered as separate occurrences of a same entity, since all occurrences do not seem to interfere with each other, even when more than one of SCP-8033-1 individuals were in a relatively short distance that their different perceived location of SCP-8033 should overlap and collide with each other. All manifestations of SCP-8033 are unique and vary among cases.

The particle fog that composed SCP-8033 resembles a cluster of crystallic sands, with the single particles merely discernible, continuously moving randomly as a Brownian motion within the scope of vision. It diminishes and rarely disappears when SCP-8033-1 is asleep or in other statuses of lower wakefulness.

Despite that SCP-8033 can obscure the vision of SCP-8033-1, it does not appear to hinder their ability to see things as compared to when it hasn't emerged in their perception. On the contrary, it is suspected to have granted them a greater capability to visually capture objects in their surroundings, to notice subtle movements, and to be aware of random incidents.

SCP-8033 consists of limited numbers of its particles, and the definite number will change over time. Some of SCP-8033-1 individuals are able to count its total number and notice the change in its quantity without any assistance of calculation or recording methods, though this is not confirmable by oher people. The number seems to vary when the subject that SCP-8033-1 is concentrating on change, move, or transform. For instance, if they are trying to measure the duration of a visible physical motion, it's reported that SCP-8033 accumulates from little to a rather huge mass, while getting denser in the view, then decrease when the motion ends or SCP-8033-1 shifts their perception away. This indicates that SCP-8033 might serve as a tool or benchmark for the advanced timing ability of SCP-8033-1.

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