
TIME PERVERT is a work of fiction. The role played by any characters with any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is entirely fictional. Any resemblance to actual events is entirely coincidental.

    Foxtrot Sigma-9 Theme
    [2022 Wikidot Theme]
    By Liryn
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rating: +344+x


If you accessed this file, you believe you have Level 6/8008 clearance. Ergo:
  • You have been assigned to the SCP-8008 investigation at behest of the O5 Council.
  • You have followed the required preparatory inoculation protocol, which has engendered cognitostructures adversarial to the contents of SCP-8008.
  • You have consented to viewing the final SCP-8008 cognitoreinforcement.

Alternatively, one of the following grants you de facto Level 6/8008 clearance:

  • You are an informed survivor of a CK-Class Reality Restructuring Scenario or Tashkent-Class "Cross-Pollination" Scenario.
  • You are a veteran of "Operation Timegeld".
  • You have no disgust response.

If any of this is in error, a Foundation medical team has been alerted to your location and your terminal will automatically shutdown at first detection of life sign disruption. Should you survive, you will be subject to disciplinary measures.

Item#: SCP-8008
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:


Recovered Photograph of SCP-8008-B.

Special Containment Procedures

All discovered evidence of pre-SCP-8008 history is to be explained/discredited as pseudohistory, conspiracy theory, or hoax. As the primary SCP-8008 event is concluded within an Isolated Temporal Pocket,1 no further interference is possible.

The Department of Sciences is coordinating the ongoing investigation into the alterations, if any, made to consensus reality by SCP-8008. SCP-8008 is classified as the Enochian class — its properties are currently believed to constitute an aspect of baseline reality until the full extent of the alterations is known and the possibility of reversal is determined.


SCP-8008 was a spontaneous tachyon burst of previously-unrecorded magnitude centered on 18:43 PST August 23rd, 2023, Mountain View, California. Tachyon bursts usually indicate significant alterations to consensus history (CK-Class reality restructuring scenarios). However, no immediate and obvious changes to history were observed; however, even state-of-the-art Foundation reality-monitoring apparatuses have known inadequacies.

The purpose of the SCP-8008 investigation is to determine how, if at all, history has changed.

Recovered Physical Evidence:

SCP-8008-A: Ground Zero

The source of SCP-8008 has been triangulated to a private residence, designated SCP-8008-A.

SCP-8008-A has interior dimensions larger than its exterior dimensions. It is zoned as a single-occupant residence in a building occupied primarily by workers in the tech industry, approximately 85% of whom are not in romantic relationships. (These characteristics do not apply to SCP-8008-B.)

There are approximately 500,000 corpses and an undetermined volume of protein slurry within SCP-8008-A. Of the corpses, 90% are recognizable as fully human and 9% appear to be parahuman or humanoid. The majority of intact corpses are wearing Foundation uniforms or equivalents from other organizations i.e. contemporary normalcy organizations (e.g. Global Occult Coalition) or known multiversal equivalents (e.g. Vanguard).

Many of these individuals are alternative iterations of registered active Foundation personnel. The most prominent are summarized in the below table.

Duplicate Quantity
Thaddeus Xyank
Alice Forth
Director, Department of Temporal Anomalies
Ilse Reynders
Director (probable future), Temporal Anomalies Department
Joseph Tamlin
See Full Report for Details
Over 350,000; identification ongoing

Autopsies and compilation of mortality statistics are ongoing. Recorded causes of death include:

  • Strangulation
  • Arterial puncture
  • Internal organ failure
  • Physical trauma to internal organs
  • Blunt force trauma
  • Incineration
  • Spaghettification
  • Old age2
  • Amniotic Fluid Embolism3

SCP-8008-B: Apartment Owner

SCP-8008-B is the corpse of a reality-warping humanoid. It is physiologically and genetically identical to currently-living renowned artificial intelligence risk researcher, fiction author, and American Twitter personality Eliezer Yudkowsky but possesses hypertrophied pectoral, abdominal, gluteal, and limb muscles. It is unclear whether SCP-8008-B transformed itself into the form of Eliezer Yudkowsky using its abilities or whether it retroactively altered reality so an alternate version of itself would attain the material success currently enjoyed by Eliezer Yudkowsky.

Eliezer Yudkowsky does not appear aware of the existence of SCP-8008.

SCP-8008-C: Recovered Hardware

SCP-8008-C is a non-functional computer that displays residual hallmarks of ontokinetic alteration. Analysis suggests SCP-8008-C's hard drive contains nearly-infinite storage capacity and that its CPU, if functional, would perform at extremely high speeds; however, it is believed that active ontokinetic manipulation is necessary to power SCP-8008-C.


Electron Microscopy of SCP-8008-C. Note highly-irregular three-dimensional drive design.

SCP-8008-C's hard drive is currently being investigated. It has two sections: a mundane, traditionally-structured portion constructed in accordance with established laws of computer engineering, and an ontokinetically transformed portion that requires extensive reverse-engineering in order to extract stored files and data.

Of the current files recovered from traditionally-structured partitions of the hard drive, roughly 96% consist of pornography, 20% of which is Japanese cartoon pornography, colloquially known as "hentai". Further investigation of this media is on hold pending Ethics Committee review;4 however, while the primary storage directory was labeled "C:/Users/ey/Desktop/Home work/Papers/Code Prototypes/Docs/Old Versions/New Folder", suggesting a high desired degree of secrecy, an examined random sample is largely "vanilla", i.e. not containing a high level of taboo beyond that inherent to pornography. The remaining 4% consists of a mixture of personal files, all belonging to the individual physically resembling "Eliezer Yudkowsky", along with extensive documents authored by SCP-8008-B. These pre-SCP-8008 documents are primarily essays about SCP-8008-B's life philosophy with almost no fictional works, and have little to nothing in common with the works of baseline Eliezer Yudkowsky.

The remainder of recovered data is being extracted piecemeal from the exotic data storage structures of SCP-8008-C. A small portion of these logs appear to be produced by other individuals aware of the SCP-8008 event during its progression. These logs are primarily Foundation records. The rest are multimedia files, generally consisting of text or images.

Text files generally tend to be first person or third-person limited narratives from the perspective of SCP-8008-B. These narratives span over several thousand different settings with different premises and genres; however, common characters and themes recur throughout all recovered documents. Foundation personnel involved with the SCP-8008 event are recurring characters; SCP-8008-B and its worldviews are always major elements. A comprehensive narrative is still being constructed, as retrieval from SCP-8008-C is time-intensive and the retrieved data is not temporally linear. It is unclear whether these logs are accurate descriptions of the SCP-8008 event or if they are creative works produced by SCP-8008-B.

Core Investigation Summary

SCP-8008-1: "Society"

SCP-8008-1.01: Retrieved Communication

SCP-8008-1.03: "Eluthertopia"


As dictated by the First Citizen7

Eluthertopia, the greatest of the Free Cities of Nim Bii. In a continent ruined since the Fall of the Cathedral in the Great Burning 10,000 Cycles ago, the Free Cities stood as beacons of civilizations in a world with none.

These great cities were held together only by the power of their Benefactors — good men of great merit and renown who chose, from the goodness of their hearts, to uphold society. They were as gods — Pethriel the All-Seeing, Scalex of the Codex, and Elon and Zux and Bezeus who upheld their Cities through wealth alone. But greatest among them all is I, the First Citizen of Eluthertopia, Administrator of its Foundation, who bears the gift of Wisdom.

My power of Wisdom is even more powerful than what Pethriel possesses through the All-Seeing Stones. Pethriel must scry his stones to ascertain threats to his City, but my Wisdom allows me to infer threats that will occur from the slightest hints of influences, and act accordingly to cut them off before they even begin.

Nim Bii was a dangerous land. Ever since the Great Burning, civilization had been under constant threat from the shadow organization known as ΔT. Nobody knew who they were or what they wanted — only that they hated everything that we had built.

I watched the skies as we stood in the plaza before the Hall of Government. The white marble shone brilliantly in the dusk. My entourage stood behind me, nervously twisting in the wind.


The Hall of Government.

"Administrator-sama, what is it?" said my bodyguard, Alice. She was a very pretty cat woman, and she smiled at me.

"You idiot! Obviously his Wisdom let him know that an Incursion by ΔT is due to happen," said my secretary, Ilse. She was also a very pretty cat woman with cropped red hair and sharp blue eyes. Of course, she felt the same way about me as I felt about her, but both of us were too shy to ever act on our feelings.8 However, in an emergency, she would be more than happy to activate my true power.

"Indeed," said my administrative factotum, Thaddeus. He was one of the beast-folk, who had evolved in the wilds between the cities in the Decamillenium since the Great Burning, of one of the dog-tribes. We had fought when we had originally met, but now he was one of the most loyal people I knew. He had once had a magnificent mustache, but in the years since joining me he had lost the ability to grow one.

He checked his pocket watch. "In 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…"

There was a flash of violet light, and the enemy appeared.

We didn't know what these soldiers of ΔT truly were or where they truly came from, so we called them Demons. They were imposters, mimics, thieves. Whenever we encountered them, they wore the faces of our loved ones and yet were insistent on killing us. They might look different, might be human or elf or dwarf or goblin instead of being beastfolk, but always they stole our faces and tried to hurt us.

Our enemies wore the features and faces of Ilse, Alice, and Thaddeus, though they were different species. False!Thaddeus was a human, and I only knew who it was for it had the mustache that True!Thaddeus could no longer wear.

False!Ilse was a reindeer woman, though its eyes remained blue. It also mimicked her signature battle garb, which displayed the 16 ribbons of each of her PhDs.

False!Alice was a dingo — no, more accurately it was a jackal. There was none of the warmth that the true Alice had towards me in its eyes.

"—Wolves and jackals are related, aren't they, Thaddeus?"

"I have been neutered, Administrator-sama. You did the act yourself."

"Shit," said False!Ilse. "We weren't fast enough."

"It's no matter, let's get ready to fight! To defend our home!" said Ilse. Thaddeus took the wolf-stance of martial arts, and Ilse and Alice drew their SNEER9 clubs, a potent weapon of my own invention.

They looked at us with surprise. It is often common for Demons to underestimate the benefactors of the cities. While they had "guns", exotic weapons that used fire magic to propel bullets at lethal speeds, I had worked to counter them.


A past "False!Ilse".

They fired their guns, a rapid barrage of thunderclaps.

"Administrator-sama!" Ilse and Alice both cried, as they jumped into the path of the projectiles. The bullets clattered uselessly against the Chesterton Fields of their SNEER clubs, though their nervous charge to defend me perturbed their voluptuous chests. Thaddeus had no fear, and charged ruthlessly through the hail of bullets. He jumped upon the demon that mimicked him, tearing out its throat.

The other two demons screamed and fired bullets into Thaddeus's back, but to no avail. He shrugged them off. I thanked my foresight in splicing Thaddeus with unicorn DNA to grant him enhanced durability and regeneration. (This was also why it was necessary to neuter him so that his masculine Yang force would not react negatively with the purity essence of the unicorn.) He jumped off of false!Thaddeus's corpse, and lunged at False!Alice. It fought back with its own claws, but he was much stronger and much more suited for paw-to-paw combat. It, too, died.

The False!Ilse swore again and slapped at its wrist. It vanished in another burst of violet light.

"Drat, mine got away!" said Ilse. "Administrator-sama, do you know where it went or when it's coming back?"

"Now who doesn't know what they're talking about?" Alice said. "There are some things that — oh, I'm so sorry, Administrator-sama!"

I released a sigh of tension. "It's alright, Alice."

The truth was that ΔT had long been a thorn in my side, and would do anything to bring down the perfect society I inhabited. I could stop their agents whenever they dared to show themselves before me, and yet I did not know where they came from or where they tried to escape to. I could not tear out the root — the only evil remaining in this perfect society.

SCP-8008-1.13: SCP-001

ΔT Orientation

Fixed Point ΔT.001


Item #: SCP-001

Object Class: Uncontained-Megiddo10

Description: SCP-001 is the temporal funnel trap that encompasses the entire observable multiverse. When traveling through time, regardless of multiversal or temporal origin, all time travelers will invariably encounter SCP-001. Once time travelers enter SCP-001, they can no longer escape. SCP-001 is also populated by the entirety of humanity, most of which is unaware of the current altered state of reality.

Other examples of temporal funnel traps known to the Foundation are believed to have been deliberately-created to prevent disruption of the present by parachronological material; SCP-001 is qualitatively and quantitatively different, as it is a natural occurrence.

Within SCP-001, the only non-SCP-001 history that meaningfully exists is that which leads to 18:43 PST August 23rd, 2023 of Timeline-001-ΑΩ. While this designation breaks from standard timeline naming practice, from the perspective of SCP-001, Timeline-001-ΑΩ is the only past that exists. Traveling to any point in the past of Timeline-001-ΑΩ allows access to divergent timestreams; however, currently all invariably converge to the present of SCP-001. Travel to the past of Timeline-001-ΑΩ is currently recommended solely for salvage of objects that cannot be obtained within SCP-001.

Travel to the future of Timeline-001-ΑΩ is not possible. To all traditional observational mechanisms, the future of Timeline-001-ΑΩ does not exist. Time progresses in Timeline-001-ΑΩ in direct proportion to the time progressed by SCP-001-1.

The "present" of SCP-001 is trapped within an iterative temporal loop. In intervals of twenty to eighty years, the entire observable universe will be reconfigured in response to the actions and stimuli experienced by SCP-001-1 in the "current" iteration. Nomenclature has not been formalized: personnel most commonly refer to the periods between these reconfigurations as "world cycles", "reboots", or "kalpas". This reconfiguration may be absolute; the entirety of the world can and has been reordered by the whims of SCP-001-1. No method of preventing this reconfiguration has been determined.

SCP-001-1 is a humanoid entity, the upper limit of whose anomalous capabilities are currently unknown. Known capabilities include heightened senses, ontokinesis ("reality warping"), and temporal manipulation. SCP-001-1 has survived every assassination attempt executed by ΔT.

ΔT ("Delta-T") is the Foundation Department responsible for containing and reversing SCP-001. It is formed primarily of Foundation personnel from other timelines trapped within SCP-001, including members of Research and Containment Team Δt and the Temporal Anomalies Department, though members of other groups with temporal transit capabilities (e.g. the Golden Horde) have also joined in the interest of eliminating SCP-001. ΔT is located in Fixed Point ΔT.001, an isolated temporal pocket that tracks the "present" of SCP-001 with a passage of time at a 1:1 ratio via Xyank/Anastasakos Constant Temporal Sink (XACTS).

No attempts to alter the past of SCP-001 from Fixed Point ΔT.001 have been successful. While alterations to Timeline-001-ΑΩ have been possible, none so far have prevented the inevitable occurrence of SCP-001.

Special Containment Procedures: Kill the fucker.


SCP-8008-1.35: "A Perfect World"

It is the duty of every Benefactor to maintain their society. To set forth the rule of law most conducive to eudaemonia,11 and to enforce it. To make the hard decisions of what to do for those who cannot belong.

The truth is that this is not my first life. I have lived untold lifetimes, and in my first life before this one, I lived in the world where there was an innovation known as a Credit Score. A Credit Score took aspects of someone's financial past — whether they paid off their loans on time, how much money they borrowed, and if they had been paying consistently — to predict their financial future. Whether they'd be a good customer, or a very risky one. And I thought — what if we could extend this Credit Score to the entirety of our lives? We could make not just a great society — but a perfect one.

This is how I use my Wisdom for the greatest benefit of the the Free City of Eluthertopia.


The Beautiful Streets of Eluthertopia.

These fond memories were on my mind as I walked with Thaddeus, Ilse, and Alice through Eluthertopia. While other Benefactors like Pethriel may have been satisfied with using their magical artifacts to maintain the order of their Free Cities, I liked to go out and get my hands dirty. Merely accompanying me gave Thaddeus, Ilse, and Alice significant boosts to their ESAS (Elutherian Social Assessment Scores), and the three of them were near the maximum value, with Thaddeus at 970, Ilse at 981, and Alice at 943.

I smiled and waved as I walked through the streets of Eluthertopia. Those who smiled and waved back received +1 to their ESAS for contributing to the eudaemonic atmosphere, while I made a note to investigate any who frowned or glared. It was possible they were just having a bad day, but it was also possible that they had designs against me or their fellow citizens. It was better to be safe than sorry, and the mere fact that they were targets of investigation counted as -50 to their ESAS.

There were hundreds of other micro-expressions that my Wisdom incorporated; the presence of alcohol on their breath, the presence of their body odor, how harshly their voices rang through the market square. All for the greater good. My Wisdom worked in the background, passively maintaining society as I enjoyed the fresh air.

There was a SNAP in the back of my brain. I stopped walking, and Thaddeus, Ilse, and Alice stopped and watched me with concern. Someone's ESAS had gone negative.

"Administrator-sama?" Ilse asked.

"We have a Breach," I said. Silently, Ilse and Alice drew their SNEER clubs. +5 ESAS points for vigilance.

I crept towards a dim alleyway cutting off from the street, and signaled to my entourage to stay back. They seemed upset, but they obeyed me, which earned them +5 ESAS points for obedience.

There was a disheveled boy sitting in the alleyway, sobbing into his arms. -1 point per sob.

"What's wrong? How might I help you?" I said. I was the Benefactor of Eluthertopia, the First Citizen, and the Administrator of its Foundation besides. No one should cry in my city.

The boy looked up at me. His eyes darkened. "You! You're the tyrant (-50 ESAS for slander)! You killed my parents (-50 ESAS for false accusation)! This is all your fault (-50 ESAS for blame) (+10 ESAS for respecting power)!"

He ineffectually stumbled towards me in rage and hunger, and raised his fists as if to strike me (-5000 ESAS). I caught his weak, starved hands easily.

I examined him. His parents had been soldiers who'd fallen in battle against the forces of another Free City to secure land that, in 500 years, would be a fruitful source of crude oil. The technology of this world had not yet advanced to the point where crude oil could be refined, but their sacrifices had not been in vain. Nevertheless, the ESAS he'd earned by being born to loyal citizens had been annihilated by his cursing my existence under his breath and his assault on my person. At over -5000 ESAS, there was no hope he would ever become a positive-ranked citizen ever again.



It was possible he could be redeemed and become a productive citizen, but I looked into his future with my Wisdom. I saw fire. My city burning. The contents of my skull scattered into the wind. I stumbled back, shocked. Horrified.

I grabbed him by the collar and dragged him into the light. "This one has breached."

Thaddeus made to grab him.

"No. I'll handle him myself. His life is forfeit to the Harvest."

My entourage nodded gravely. They knew that for making the sacrifices necessary to maintain Eluthertopia, I was to take full responsibility.

"I still shudder whenever you do this," Alice said, batting her eyelashes at me. "Why must you dirty your hands so?"

I adjusted her ESAS downward by 5 points for questioning me, but 10 points upward for doing it out of love.

"The beauty of this world is no coincidence. This is a perfect world. My perfect world, with my grand design. Every inch built with my blood, sweat and tears, and so it is my responsibility to maintain it."

"But why does it take this? Why must you sully your hands and your spirit with the Extraction of this soul?"

"Because his life, to my Wisdom, was not just worthless, but less than worthless. An active detriment to our perfect world. He would have destabilized it, created a ripple just small enough to risk turning into a wave that would crest over everything we've built — and wash it away. His life, you see, is nothing. I'll spare you the truth about his destiny, but he would have ended a hundred thousands lives if he lived to adulthood."

"Now, however, he will be useful. Through his suffering, I will extract enough mana to cast a powerful working, one that will reduce the suffering of good men for a thousand years. For a thousand years hence, no one in the Free City of Eleuthertopia will ever stub their big toes of their right foot — all thanks to his contribution."

"That trade, in my eyes, is worth it."

Excerpt: Global Occult Coalition PHYSICS Division Field Manual 13: Special Circumstances, Humanoid Threat Entities


PHASE 4: The Child-God: Sadly, the majority of Type Greens will eventually progress to Phase 4. During this phase, the reality bender becomes obsessed with the power it possesses and will attempt to utilize it for personal gain at the cost of others. This phase is marked by reduced empathy for other humans, inability to accept personal faults, and increased megalomania.

Although warning signs are numerous, the key aspect of a Phase 4 is the use of their abilities to manipulate other humans. Teenage and young adult Type Greens will typically use their abilities for sexual purposes, while children will attempt to make strangers their "friends." Older adults may attempt to manipulate others for love or financial gain. Although a few cases have resulted where the Type Green then reverts to Phase 3, 99% of them will remain at Phase 4 until eliminated. For this reason, Phase 4 Type Greens should be considered Threat Level 5 (Immediate Threat) and eliminated immediately, as they represent a major threat to all aspects of the Fivefold Mission.

PHASE 5: Unknown: There are no known Phase 5 Type Greens. It is theorized that a Type Green that reaches Phase 5 becomes indistinguishable from Type Black demi-deities or otherwise fully integrates or becomes indistinguishable from baseline reality. If such an entity is discovered in the process of escalating to Phase 5, they are to be considered at minimum Threat Level 5 (Immediate Threat) with the possibility of Threat Level 6 (Pizzicato) procedures being enacted. However, should this escalation succeed despite Coalition intervention, the entity will paradoxically fall to Threat Level 0 (No Threat), as their actions will have become indistinguishable from baseline reality.

Similar Anomalies

SCP-8008-2: "Science"

SCP-8008-2.03: "The Schema of Syllogism, Chapter 3: Homework"

Chapter 3:

Henry John Smith Glas12 had always wished to use magic. As an orphan, he had been found by the Sisters of Erudite Nox. Erudite Nox was the most primeval and traditional aspect of Inanna-Gaea-Mary, the Goddess that blessed the Kingdom of Metegian.13

Henry was not like others, for he had a secret. He had lived through many, many lives, and so he was far wiser beyond his years. In the earliest life he could remember, he had lived on a planet called Earth, where the science was far more advanced than the Kingdom of Metegian. On Earth, there was sanitation like indoor plumbing, the ability to refine crude oil, mayonnaise, and machines that could almost think. Earth had also discovered the deepest secrets of the universe: that of quantum physics.

In the Kingdom of Metegian, magic fulfilled the role that science did on Earth. It powered things like hyperloops and the internet, so it was essential that every person knew it, just as it was essential for all Earthlings to know how to code. However, just like evil programmers could become hackers and cause great evils like Stuxnet or the heist of Mt Gox, evil magic users could destroy society as well. For this reason the Ivory Tower of Woke Dei had been founded, to prevent the proliferation of evil magic. Legally, any common citizen who wished to use magic had to go through 20 years of schooling with Woke Dei. Those who did not adhere to orthodoxy were cast out as criminals, for they tampered with powers that could destroy the world.

So unfortunately, despite his millennia of wisdom, Henry had to go to school, under the Ivory Tower of the Woke Dei. He was far better at learning things on his own, without the rigid structure and social conditioning of Woke Dei.

"So, how was the first day of school?" said Sister Alice, as Henry lay in her lap. Alice was one of the Sisters of Erudite Nox.

"Simply mind-numbing, as it has been for the past fifteen years," Henry replied tersely. "They reiterated the Metegian system again."

The Metegian Standard Magic System was simple: All things in the world were composed of mana. Mana could be divided into three colors — red, green, and blue. Each mana could furthermore be tuned to six Charges— Up, Down, Charm, Strange, Top, and Bottom. This magic system just so happened to follow the rules of quantum physics from Henry's past life.


"Aw, again? But you've always known it. You picked it up so fast right after we found you. If only you could have learned from us forever," said Alice.

All magic was said to come from the Goddess, and so her priestesses were among the most powerful in the land who were not the Scholars of Woke Dei. While the Sisters of Erudite Nox were considered the clergy, and so not subject to the schooling system of the Woke Dei, young boys were almost never adopted by the nunneries, and so he, Henry, was just a common citizen. Despite his brilliance of many lifetimes, he had to go through a repressive, factory-like schooling system.

Alice stroked his hair. "You're such a bright boy, Henry," Alice cooed. "My bright and beautiful boy. You just have to be strong, just a bit longer. What did you daydream about in class?"

Alice was Henry's favorite of the Sisters of Erudite Nox. They were the holiest women in Metegian, even among the priestesses of Inanna-Gaea-Mary. The Sisters had been blessed with one of the rarest gifts of the goddess — the gifts of all three of her Aspects. The Blue of Inanna, Queen of Heaven; the Green of Gaea, Midwife of Earth; the Red of Mary, Mother of Blood. Together, when the lights of red, green, and blue came together, they made the White of the Goddess.


"I was thinking about time again," Henry said. He liked Alice's questions. They were never too hard for him to answer. He was preparing to enter a long speech when Alice groaned, cutting him off.

Normal women, and indeed most of the clergy, could only channel the White of the Goddess rarely, after childbirth. But the Sisters of Erudite Nox were so blessed that their breasts were always engorged with Her White as part of their holy burden. The White of the Goddess was prized by mages as a powerful potion to restore their strength, but even they could only sell so much of it, to the point where it hurt them to carry the excess. For that reason Henry had been raised on the excess ever since he had been found, and it had made him a very powerful wizard, beyond on his knowledge.

"I'm so sorry, Henry. It seems I… I failed to channel enough this morning. Would you care to… help me?"

"It's the least I can do for you, Sister Alice. After all you've done for me."

Sister Alice pulled up her tunic, revealing her breasts. They were engorged and veiny, blue and green tapering to a perky red point. Henry knew she must be hurting from channeling so much of the Goddess's power, and his heart yearned to relieve her. So he contented himself with silently relieving Alice's burdens — though she emitted great cries of relief — and thought over his day's revelation:

The Ivory Tower of Woke Dei, fundamentally, was holding back the true potential of magic; that, he had always known. They taught that all magic came from the goddess, and from his place at Sister Alice's side, he certainly understood why the primitive codifiers of magic might have believed that. But all the magic of the Goddess, the only magic that the Ivory Tower taught, was magic of creation, which had been integrated into all of society's infrastructure. Magic with the power to destroy — that was the domain of renegades and exiles and criminals. Anti-Magic, the evil opposite of creation magic, came from the Scarlet King.

That was the lie.

Henry could see through it to the truth.

The magic of Metegian was rooted in quantum chromodynamics. Magic, clearly, worked by manipulating the world on the quantum level using the power of thought — an ability of all humans — but with coordinated probabilistic macroscopic manifestations through ritualism. Metaphorically, it was like sending requests to an online storefront. You asked the storefront — magic — what to do using search terms and money — incantations and mana— and it responded by sending you a product — the results of your spell.

Sister Alice's breath grew faster and faster. She caressed him closer and pulled her tunic out of the way so she could meet his eyes. Even as their eyes met, thoughts raced through his head.

The Ivory Tower of Woke Dei was emasculating the population by preventing them from accessing half of the store — the dominating and masculine magic of the Scarlet King. It was like restricting the free market and stifling innovation. In fact, the schooling system was meant to stamp out curiosity and completely remove even the possibility of imagining how to access the Scarlet King's Anti-Magic.

But Henry had a very good guess. Henry knew from quantum physics that if matter went backwards in time, it became antimatter. If antimatter and normal matter met, they annihilated in a spectacular and destructive burst of energy. Therefore, the Anti-Magic of the Scarlet King was nothing more than the creation magic of the Goddess, but sent backwards in time — a message from the future trying to reach the distant past.


The White of the Goddess flowed freely from Sister Alice into Henry's mouth. He could feel the Goddess's mana flowing into his body and through his soul. Her holy power streamed into him as Sister Alice made great moans of relief. His body felt warm, and still harder and harder he accepted her gift. There was something there, wasn't there? The Scarlet King's power was the same as Inanna-Gaea-Mary's but from the future into the past. A reversal of the arrow of time. He was so close. He was so, so close.

Sister Alice let out a scream that suddenly hung in the air. Henry realized he had entered a trance. A great relief hung over him. It was as if time was standing still. And he remembered a gift from his previous life.

The power of time.14

From The Navigator's Handbook, Delta-T internal publication

"Altered Origin"

"Altered Origin" is a common problem for time travelers and multiverse travelers (further abbreviated travelers for brevity). The travelers' instruments often contain some navigation or coordinate system. They arrive at a place that their instruments tell them share the coordinates of their home multitemporalocale with reasonable variation. However, their supposed home is radically different from what they remember. How does the traveler distinguish between an ongoing CK-Class Restructuring scenario, butterfly effects from their own actions, non-anomalous transformations of society, or instrument error?

The nature of worship, religion, and godhood cannot be used as reliable tentpoles for multiversal and temporal navigation or as proof of an active CK-Class Restructuring Scenario or HK-Class Deific Subjugation Scenario (as opposed to having been passively affected by the butterfly effect from actions in the distant past). In short, human belief is fragile, and human society shifts in accordance.

Deific Entities, Apex Tier Pluripotent Entities

The question of what makes a "god" remains a matter of debate among Foundation theologians, as the boundaries between a god, a reality warper, and other entities such as an egregore are liquid and culturally dependent. For example, the Irish Saint Brigid of Kildare shares a beyond coincidental number of traits and domains with the pagan goddess Brigid. The shifting status and presentation of the gods is not proof that some outside force has elevated or reduced them. The presence of "the gods" in daily life should only be viewed as proof of an adversely altered timeline if there is evidence of an ongoing HK-Class Deific Subjugation Scenario.

Multiversal Entities


The "Scarlet King"

Across domain of all possibility, the Scarlet King's recorded forms have included:

All of these are the Scarlet King. They may even be the same Scarlet King. Therefore, travelers commonly mistakenly assume that an unfamiliar manifestation of the Scarlet King is evidence that they are in a different timeline.

This is not so. The Scarlet King is an idea and a god and a pattern, but it is also multiversal in a way that other gods are not. One form of a multiversal entity in a timeline does not preclude alternate manifestations of that multiversal force in the same timeline.

Psychological archetypes15

Some fixations arise from deep within the human psyche. The most infamous manifestations of these fixations are the various fetish objects classed as SCP-597. Across the multiverse, SCP-597 most often manifests as a blob of flesh with thousands of teats, heavily associated with the psychological and conceptual perception of "motherhood".

It is unknown if the various objects classed as SCP-597 are the same anomaly. However, a statistical analysis has shown a significant likelihood that SCP-597 is intrinsically tied to the conceptual matrix of motherhood. In universes with less historical misogyny i.e. those ruled by the matriarchal Daeva, SCP-597 analogues possess greater agency and many instances are fully sentient. Yet in most universes where the predominant society descends from Mesopotamian agriculture, SCP-597 is an unthinking lump of flesh.

The presence or popular knowledge of an entity like SCP-597 does not suggest a total alteration of reality, but could merely suggest a containment failure on part of the local normalcy enforcement organization. A different form of SCP-597 might also suggest that attitudes towards mothers in society have shifted. In situ observation can support or disprove this possibility.

If: reality has been altered in the following ways simultaneously:

  • Prominent worship, but not presence of gods that already existed but have fallen out of favor;
  • Mainstream worship of a multiversal entity
  • Mainstream worship of an archetype of the human psyche

Then: the evidence is highly in favor that reality is being actively modified by an ontokinetic and its psychological hangups, but that the multiverse's natural ontological inertia is resisting highly drastic changes, allowing influence of multiversal entities upon the affected timeline.

SCP-8008-2.72: "The Schema of Syllogism, Chapter 65: For Love of Magic"

Chapter 65:
For Love of Magic

The villainous mafia known as DeiT (pronounced "Deity") was an atheist cult. They hated magic and society, and so would use Anti-Magic to destroy vital infrastructure like toll roads and also kill people. That was the party line of the Ivory Tower of Woke Dei, and the masses ate it all up now that DeiT had announced that they would stop at nothing to topple the Ivory Tower and everything it stood for.


The Ivory Tower of Woke Dei.

This was not enough to stop the Ivory Tower from holding its annual graduation ceremony. They were obsessed with signaling their power, which infuriated Henry. Of course they would place their best and brightest's lives on the line, just to prove that they didn't care. But if there was even a thousandths of a thousandths chance that something bad would happen, costing them an entire generation of the most brilliant young minds to grace the world, then holding a public event as a taunt was a terrible idea.

They would regret giving him the chance to speak, even though it was his right as top of the class. Never mind that the real challenge hadn't been doing well in the sanitized classes of the Ivory Tower of Woke Dei, but making sure that his true experiments never got him noticed and exiled — or worse, expelled.

His longtime rival, Ilse Reynders, scowled at him. She was the kind of girl to get 16 degrees of higher learning just to have more letters after her name. He could respect that kind of discipline to some extent, but it also struck him as arduously pointless. His was a mind that idled until it sprinted; it was far better to think well and be sharp than to study simply for the sake of credentials. And his method had paid off. He was at the top of class, despite spending so much time slacking off and thinking, while she was at a distant second.

She was too loyal to her coursework, too willing to believe the teachings of the Ivory Tower of Woke Dei. The Ivory Tower told obvious lies like "men and women are magically equivalent". Henry knew that was untrue simply from the gifts that Sister Alice granted him daily — women, obviously, were able to channel the power of the Goddess in a way that men were not. But the grand design of Woke Dei was to make unquestioning drones, not curious thinkers.

A terrible thing happened to zealots, Henry tended to feel. It was easy to be sucked into patterns of thought and behavior that became dogma and then truth, increasing spirals of incorrectitude that became utterly unassailable. This was how all cults, political parties, and well-meaning movements worked. They started off as something reasonable, with practical goals — prevent the destruction of society from the Scarlet King's Anti-Magic, in the case of the Ivory Tower of Woke Dei, but slowly, along the line, that original goal got corrupted. Eventually, the practical goal of preventing the destruction of society was lost, and now the Ivory Tower was more concerned with maintaining the perception that it was useful and enforcing purity tests on everyone who wished to engage with it on a practical level of society.

The ceremony dragged on, all of the professors saying the usual expected things — generic well wishes for students, and the usual lies about how each and every one of them had changed their lives — until it was finally Henry's turn to speak. Finally, he could set his fellow students free. Finally, he could start to change the world. Finally, he could start fighting the Ivory Tower.

There was an explosion.

From the smoke, a slender woman appeared. Though she was lithe, she was also quite shapely, and though she glared at him with murderous intent in her eyes, Henry couldn't help but appreciate her great beauty.

"A DeiT agent!" Ilse cried. "Everyone, run!"

"God, Reynders, what has he done to you?" said the DeiT agent. "It's me. Penelope. Penelope Panagiotopolous. 'Pataphysics."

"Get away from me!" cried Ilse girlishly.

"Jesus Christ," said Penelope. "So he's sunk his claws into you, hasn't he."

If Henry had one flaw, it would have been that he thought too much, but he viewed it as a necessary part of experiencing life to the fullest. He could dwell for hours to years on the exact nuances of a social interaction, deciphering exactly what everyone meant with the slightest turn of a phrase, the precise connotation conveyed by a microexpression and the delay of a release of breath. He had the advantage of a unique and singular power of time, which let him focus on these moments until he knew for certain what other people were thinking or doing at any given moment. With all of this time, he could achieve omniscience. Certitude. Through this repetitive and cyclic meditation, the contents of his mind had become far beyond the comprehension of any lesser beings.

"What awfully convenient timing," Henry said. "Right as I'm about to speak, a DeiT agent appears. And, right in the heart of the Ivory Tower, the base of your supposed enemy… It's clear what's going on. You've been in the employ of the Ivory Tower of Woke Dei all along. I should've known — even from the names. Woke Dei, DeiT… it's so obvious in retrospect."

"What the fuck? No, you're just delusional," said the woman. "You really made up a group just to oppress you and now think anyone else who thinks you're a fucking psychopath is acting on their behest. This has to end."

"The only one with a fucked up worldview is you," Henry said. "It's nothing personal, kid."

The magic of the Goddess was known as "creation" magic. The anti-magic of the Scarlet King was also known as "destruction" magic, because it permanently erased matter from reality, the greatest of taboos. Of course, Henry knew about Einstein's famous equation, E=mc2: Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. Energy and matter were equivalent. All the Scarlet King's "destruction" magic did was convert solid matter into pure, wild energy — another way that the teachings of the Ivory Tower of Woke Dei were utterly and totally wrong.


Nevertheless, due to the hegemony of the Ivory Tower, all combat magic was focused primarily on creating projectiles using mana — water and wind from the blue mana of Inanna, plant life from the green mana of Gaea, and animal parts from the red mana of Mary. Most people could only use one type of mana well, but Henry was an exception. Due to being raised on the White of the Goddess, he was a master of all three mana colors, which gave him an unmatched edge in combat by letting him use all the spells of the Goddess.

"Mary's Red: Lambce of God!" he shouted. An array of pikes, each of which had a bleating sheep's head on the tip, appeared before him in the air, before darting their way towards the DeiT agent.

But the DeiT agent had vanished. Harry felt a tiny pinprick of light on his skin and cast Inanna's Blue: Great Ice Wall to direct the incoming laser beam skyward. It blasted through the walls of the Ivory Tower of Woke Dei. Wreckage rained down, and the other students scrambled to safety.

"We've been watching you. I absolutely refuse to keep living in a reality that's a shitty sciencewank fanfiction with the original property absolutely sanitized, Harry James—"

"The only one twisting this world is you, by wielding that destruction magic — child of the Scarlet King."

He was counting on the fundamental attribution error — that everyone would think the laser weapon Penelope Panagiotopolous had used was the anti-magic of the Scarlet King instead of a light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, and so turn the crowd against her.

"The Scarlet King. I still can't believe that multiversal constant managed to leak its way into this delusion."

But Henry had said the magic words. Now the students had their resolve hardened, and they were willing to stand and fight.

"Dramatic final stands always do well," said Penelope Panagiotopolous. "But bad fanfic always uses conservation of ninjutsu to raise the stakes."

She pulled out another laser rifle and started blasting, her breasts jiggling ever so slightly with the recoil of each shot. Henry cursed under his breath as his fellow graduates started dropping like flies. Laser weapons were outside context problems. They weren't like the Anti-Magic of the Scarlet King, so the magical shields his fellow students were raising were worthless. The Native Americans of his old world had no way to deal with the Europeans from across the sea, relying on their own verbal forms of diplomacy and bow and arrow against invaders with gunpowder and lawyers. This was just like that.

"Gaea's Green: Fairy Tale Thicket!" he shouted, and an old growth forest erupted, sweeping all of his classmates to the walls of the Ivory Tower, to safety. Now it was just him and Penelope Panagiotopolous.

"Getting me alone, you sick bastard?"

She lobbed some hand grenades his way, and he sniped them out of the air with Inanna's Blue: Wind Arrows. He tried to tie her down with Gaea's Green: Root of All Evil, but she deftly flipped through the air, her lithe and slender figure beautiful in silhouette. From above, she dropped poison gas grenades, which he easily contained with Inanna's Blue: Vortex; she avoided being caught in the field by using a grappling hook to the nearest wall. She pulled out gadget after gadget, contraption after contraption, and he used a spell to counter each one. It was clear they were at a standstill.

It was clear that she had an almost unlimited arsenal of bizarre science fiction weaponry, which he hungered to examine, and she would be able to hold him off in a war of attrition.

There was no more time to waste. He activated his time trance.16

The world stood still.

Penelope Panagiotopolous had seen it coming — her face was locked in a rictus of terror.

He walked up to her.


Henry had access to all the magic of the Goddess, and he had long theorized that the magic of the Scarlet King was the time-reversal of her powers. The Goddess's power included spells like healing through the laying on of hands.

He laid his hands on the DeiT agent and began the spell, and then he twisted his time trance to not only slow time, but reverse it. He had never tested this power on a living being before, and so instead he expected the DeiT agent to simply decay.

She began glowing with the light of a quasar until she exploded in a spectacular burst of antimatter annihilation, as the antimana of the Scarlet King annihilated the mana of the Goddess that made up her body.

He was blown back by the force, though he directed it most of it skyward at the last second with Gaea's Green: Parabowlic.

He collapsed to the floor, spent. He would need to return to Sister Alice and restore his mana.

A shadow fell over him. He looked up, expecting to be congratulated for saving the Ivory Tower, but instead felt the cold steel of handcuffs around his wrists.

"Henry John Smith Glas. Under the authority of the Ivory Tower of Woke Dei, you are under arrest for murder, destruction of property, and the use of Anti-Magic."

From Site-120's Archives: Level 5 Documentation

Author and provenance unknown.


A trend that has proven true time and time again is that a reality warper is constrained only by their own mind — and so through education we can chain them.


UV lamps.

Class-III Reality Benders have violet ocular emissions — purple eyes when they use their powers. A most poetic visual. "Science" tells us the cause is "humic bleed resulting in redshifting of ambient ultraviolet frequencies." This is a spurious explanation for multiple reasons; however, because we say this is true, it becomes true. This is as close to empirically proven as facts about ontokinesis can get, in stark contrast with the traditional folklorish explanation: those who can bend the world bear a tiny fragment of the shattered soul of the Good Faerie Queen, and the glowing eyes are the touch of Mab's Madness — an infection of the good soul with the poison of her Evil Twin.

Scientifically-literate reality warpers who have read this explanation about humic bleed reduce the effectiveness of germicidal ultraviolet lamps by 3% when they use their powers. Reality warpers who have not read this explanation, or otherwise do not understand it, do not affect the time it takes for a UV lamp to kill 99.99% of all bacteria — and go mad almost five times as often as their scientifically literate peers.

Past a certain level of power, both have glowing purple eyes. As if by instinct.

If a reality warper challenges you to a game, do not accept. They will show you a fair coin, but once it flies through the air both its sides will be heads. They'll show you a dice with six sides and roll one with twenty. They align the world to the one they believe in, no matter how contradictory it might be.

This is why Site-120 of the Foundation adopted a policy of recruit-and-assimilate regarding Reality Benders in Eastern Europe, and why the Coalition deployed its own Type Greens in the ill-fated Ichabod Campaign. Tell a god that it is but a man for long enough, and it shall play by your rules until death.

Woe betide you when a god walks free.

SCP-8008-2.305: "The Schema of Syllogism", Unsorted Excerpts — Full Text pending

Chapter 85:
For Closing Arguments

"The presumption that the Scarlet King is evil is a flawed one. Absolute good and absolute evil do not exist. If I exterminate a deadly disease, I might think it is good, but that disease might have conferred a survival advantage on its sufferers.

Of course there are primitive cultural vestiges that must be cast away in the transition to a civilized society.

If the Goddess didn't want me to use this power, she would have struck me down for it long before now.

Yes. I swear that I shall serve Metegian Society until the end of this world."

And with those closing words, he knew that the power of the Ivory Tower of Woke Dei would be broken forever.

Everyone clapped.

Chapter 140:
For A Better World

With Henry John Smith Glas at the helm of one of the Empirical Institute, the first great think tank of Metegian, the crippling regulations of the Ivory Tower of Woke Dei were expediently reversed, one by one. Metegian civilization finally left its long ice age of stagnation.

With the new availability of the Scarlet King's magic, business and industry underwent major revolutions. Industries like construction, transport, and sanitation were revolutionized by the "Reverse-Magic" of the Scarlet King, as Henry thought the words "Anti-Magic" had too many unfortunate implications. With great productivity came great wealth, and society became an engine of progress. Crime increased slightly, but the Empirical Institute had a solution for all of that pent up masculine rage:

The untamed frontier was soon conquered. The primitives there had no chance against the newly refined Reverse-Magic of the Empirical Institute, and soon they were integrated into the new Metegian civilization. Civilization ruled the world.

Chapter 246:
A Life of Brilliance, Epilogue

"Save her! You must save her!" Sister Alice cried in tears, as Ilse's breath grew ragged, the light in her eyes fading, as she lost the breath to even scream.

"I— I— "

Time slowed down for Henry, a million years passing in the blink of an eye.

"You were always so brilliant. You always knew exactly what to do. Exactly what to say. So why. Why couldn't you do this?" Alice spat. There was no trace left of her once unbounded kindness.

As brilliant as he was, so much of his knowledge was from his first life. And in that life, he simply had never had cause to care about childbirth and women's issues.

It was no matter; he could not save her, but she had given him a son. That much made her sacrifice worthy.

He picked up his son from the blood and viscera. The boy reminded him of himself.

"Please, Alice. Take care of him," he said. All of this grisly horror and failure had disheartened him. He handed the child to Sister Alice.

The baby let out a loud wail. He had turned away to avoid facing it, so he did not see Sister Alice's face twist in disgust. She glared down at the child.

"He looks like you," she said. It would only be natural, of course. The child was his son. Because genetics, it made perfect sense for children to look like their parents.

"Exactly like you. The color of the eyes. The wrinkles on the brow. The facial hair."

Henry turned backwards. Alice had drawn a gun and was holding it to his son's head.

"I remember, you monster," Sister Alice said. "What you've been doing all this time."

Time stood still. He walked up to Alice, who remained completely and utterly frozen. He would miss her, but she had gone truly and irretrievably mad.

See you in the next life, he thought as he cast Scarlet Magic: Reverse on her molecules.

And then the world went white.

SCP-8008-3: "Biology"

SCP-8008-3.572: Goblin Reaper, Chapter 209: "Dawn of the Final Battle"


Armor of the Golden General.

Society was under siege from the Goblin Horde, and the Golden General17 was the best hope for preventing the fall of human civilization to the forces of primitive barbarity. He surveyed his soldiers. The best and brightest warriors of a generation, sick and tired of the Capitol's appeasement and calls for peace, ready to strike out on their own to make the hard decisions necessary for survival.

The Goblin Horde lingered just over the horizon. It was those few dark moments before dawn, and the Golden General knew this would be the day of the final battle.

"Gentlemen. Soldiers. Men of honor," said the Golden General. "Today, we go to the biggest, most important fight of our generation. Today, we become legends."

No one knew where the goblins had come from. A few decades ago, they had simply appeared as if from a hole in the ground. While they had seemed benign at first, settling in inhospitable lands, soon they revealed themselves to be monstrous creatures:

In his prior life, he had once played a game called "Starcraft" with a race known as the Zerg. They were a nonsentient insect species, fast breeders which mutated at high rates and spread like wildfire through the cosmos, consuming everything in their wake. The goblins were like that. They worked together in perfect harmony. Their sick and dying would gladly work themselves to death, and the survivors would consume their corpses for sustenance. They didn't care for preserving natural resources and treated other living beings, including elves and humans, like raw material. Although they were capable of mimicking the civilized races, they were vermin that had to be exterminated, for if they were not, they would consume all the resources of the world and use it to propagate their own kind.

What was worse, some of the humans had turned traitor. The Goblin Horde was an alliance between the Goblins, and the Horde, a tribe of warlike horse archers who hated society so much that they would rather ally with the goblins than their fellow man.

Most people were like non-player characters from a video game. They went through life following the patterns that had been programmed into them by society. It was easy to get the responses you wanted out of people if you knew the flags for their behaviors.

"The cowards in the Capitol think coexistence with the Goblin Horde is possible. Out here, we know the truth. They come into our cities and our homes with their civil words and cries for coexistence, but once they're here, what do they do?"

His soldiers, all clad in gleaming silvery armor, stood at rapt, murderous attention.

"They see the wealth of our cities and lie their way in, and once there the mask comes off and they show themselves as the savage beasts they truly are. They import their crimes and their alien ways, they corrupt our youth, and what's worse, they breed and spread so rapidly that in just a few decades, our way of life will be extinct! And what do we say to that!"

"Never!" the soldiers cried. Their lust for blood had been fully stirred.

Humans were simply genetically disadvantaged. They were tied to estrus, and so the female half of the species was only in heat a few times a year.18 Breeding season, as it was called, triggered annually the battle of the sexes. In the old days, men were able to control their urges, but in the hyperstimulation of the new age, where goblin vendors hawked pheromonal perfumes to make their products irresistible, men became insatiable monsters. A pointless, wasteful lust, for outside of the cycles of estrus, women were infertile. Thus the eternal battle of the sexes raged on.

The goblins knew this, so they sold pheromone-laced products in human cities, taunting the men and destabilizing human society from within. Some men became homo-sexuals to cope, but that was only a solution on the individual level, and would lead to the extinction of the human race.

The elves of course fared little better. They were a long-lived race, so they reproduced on century scales, and so they were all slowly dying.

Even on top of that, rich and intelligent humans and elves were able to delay reproduction. It was inevitable that those who were desperate, who needed more hands to work the farms and store tills, would see more value in more children than those who had wealth and wished to concentrate the power of their families in one place. It was the luxury of long term planning. And just as the poor would replace the rich and the stupid replace the smart, so too would the goblins replace humanity and the elves.

He would not let that happen. He alone would lead the human race through the thin needle of time into its glorious future. Even if he had to father it himself.

"Today, we end Goblinkind!" he shouted. "Today, we save man's future!"

ETHCOM guideline 13017045: Guidelines for Species-Wide Genetic Modification

Reproductive strategies: K vs r

In the field of ecology, there exists the concept of r/K selection. Without delving into technical details, the evolutionary survival strategies of species can be broadly divided into r-selecting or k-selecting. r-selecting species survive by producing many offspring, each one of which has a low chance of surviving to adulthood, but in aggregate are likely to have at least a few individuals survive. K-selecting species have few offspring and invest substantial resources into ensuring those individual offspring survive to adulthood.

r/K selection is generally not accepted in literature as applicable within the human species. The idea that different countries and cultures within the human species have different socioeconomic outcomes because of r/K selection has been debunked as scientific racism akin to phrenology. Despite this, it is common for amateur anomalous social engineers19 to view r/K selection and other forms of scientific racism as viable paradigms or blueprints for their experiments.

SCP-752-1 is an attempt to genetically engineer a "perfect" form of humanity by an organization of 19th century scientists and philosophers calling themselves 'Eudaimon'. The subspecies was designed to be cooperative, having almost no competitive instinct, to the extent where populations in the millions could be sustained with 19th-century technology — in essence, SCP-752-1 was designed to have the reproductive rate of r-strategists and the individual investment of K-strategists. In facilitating this survival, the society developed by SCP-752-1 had no cannibalism taboo and a utilitarian approach to overwork and reproduction.

Any design of a perfected humanity requires a normative judgment of what "perfect" means, in the context of human beings. The Foundation's mandate is to determine and enforce "normal", and even that is a topic of ongoing debate. The Foundation cannot become an authority on what is to be considered perfect.

Acceptable Circumstances for Alteration

Even lesser well-meaning intentioned alterations can have severe ethical ramifications: SCP-3031 is a neural symbiote that is integral to the current baseline strain of humanity. It is hypothesized to have been created to ensure the survival of the human species beyond unspecified K-Class apocalyptic events in 2400 A.D. by a Foundation analogue. Its primary purpose is to amplify signals associated with fear within the human brain, including paranoia or fear against non-existent threats. Additionally, it incentivizes creativity as a defense mechanism against nonexistent threats.

In attempting to preserve the survival of humanity, a Foundation analogue significantly magnified the human capacity for racism and other bigotries, the susceptibility of human minds to memetic effects, and the risk of self-inflicted nuclear annihilation.

Genetic modification of humanity, temporal or otherwise, is an absolute last resort.

SCP-8008-3.575: Recovered writings of Möngke Khan


I am Möngke, grandson of Temujin.20 I have journeyed over one thousand years from my grandfather's death, and over nine hundred from when his loyal soldiers came to me at Diaoyu Fortress and called me to honor his memory and join in the forever war. I have fought here ever since my failure at Diaoyu, and once my people are free to journey even further I shall return to my death.

They told me they sought to honor the Great Khan's last wish — that of an unmarked grave — and would do so by delving ever deeper into the future until he had been forgotten by the winds of time. They had come to a world torn by war, a world with no true history, and thought perhaps that this might be his proper resting spot — until they were beset upon by the Mad God.

The Mad God. The Golden General. The Shifter. The Secret King. The Time Pervert. Known by many names, he had constructed an entire false world. This place and its history were entirely false, beyond even the illusion of Maya. It was not a proper resting place for the Great Khan.

And so they had fought to destroy him, and been utterly crushed underfoot, either to be slain or used as puppets in his endless game alongside the rest of mankind—

The Foundation woke us from the nightmare. This was a war fought within time, and they had built a fortress beyond his reach.

It has always been the Mongol way to use the talents of those we conquer. There is no shame in embracing a superior weapon. There is no shame in allying with a superior power. Those who we spared knew that well. It has been humbling to learn this lesson myself. It is preferable to dying at the hands of a Mad God.

We could dip into and out of his illusions, though only sparsely. My forces had sought to understand this "Goblinkind", determine if it was truly a threat to this false world, only to be disappointed in our entirety. They were puppets under the control of a distant puppetmaster. They followed clear, repeatable patterns and rules. In our conquests, the unpredictability of the conquered had been a source of refreshing intrigue — but here there was no true menace.

So we armed them, gave them weapons they would never forge themselves, and set them on a path to collide with the Mad God.

I watched the fruit of my plans from a cliff overlooking the field of battle, where the Golden General led his forces to clash against the goblins. Another was with me — the scholar Montauk, who had been sucked into this world of nightmare upon trying to hear the howling upon the winds from the distant past.

"Do you ever feel like a coward, watching from up here instead of going down there? If I remember my history, you were hardly one to shirk from battle," said the scholar Montauk.

"I have fled a thousand years from my inevitable death," said I. "When I have done my duty, I shall go to die in my place. This is part of my duty."

The Golden General met the goblins head first. He swung his ridiculous, oversized sword and hit 5 goblins at once. The weapon was blunt; they did not bleed but were flung through the air.

"You and I have seen true brutality. Bloody war. The concrete that chains it. The howling that follows," said Montauk. "You and I, we understand it. But does he?"

"Surely he does."

"Have you seen the letters that he sends to his imagined Capitol?"

"I have. I did not care for them."

Now the rest of his army had met the goblin horde. The goblins were far more numerous — at least five for every soldier — and it was beyond obvious that the forces of the Golden General would be overwhelmed. Still, they fought on — and though many soldiers fell, it was clear that the Golden General stood unscathed. Proof of his "godhood".

"You are a man of two worlds, more than I. The blood of the battlefield, the concrete of the royal court," said the scholar Montauk. "Which are his thoughts?"

"Concrete," said I. "He speaks like a sophist of the court. He gives reasons in multitude, interlocking with each other so that they might be an unassailable wall."

"And with that logic and reasons he justifies a primal hatred," said the scholar Montauk. "That's all his sophistry comes to. That primal race hatred, transposed onto 'goblins'. Whatever they are, whoever they might be in the real world outside of this delusion, they're acceptable targets when on his puppet strings. The rules of this world that he has constructed make it acceptable to kill him. Does that seem like the concrete to you?"

"Through concrete, he calls for blood. And so it is the howling."

"Perhaps," said the scholar Montauk. "He's rather obsessed with the idea of progeny. Perhaps it's only blood after all."

The Golden General's forces had almost been completely overwhelmed, buried under a sea of writhing goblin bodies, yet still he fought on. His armor gleamed as the sun rose. He pulled off his helmet, exposing the sweat of his brow, and raised his sword to catch the gleam of the sky. It was bad tactics, frankly, to fight by charging into the sunrise. I suppose there was an aesthetic appeal to it.


A new day.

"'What is he but the cry for a forgotten age?'" said the scholar Montauk. "That's all this tawdry fantasy amounts to. The lost era when being good at killing made you a great man. I am no stranger to the lust for blood, justified through scientific objectivity, but this is baser. The delusions of a world where murderous strength led to reproductive success. The world your grandfather knew."

"I will never understand you future men," I said. "I much prefer the comforts of my palace to that of the war camp."

"Easy to say for a man with four wives."

The Golden General opened his mouth as if to give a speech. I drew my bow and shot him in the head.


"I do not wish to hear more of these words."

"I don't either. He knows we're here now."

"My aim is true. He will not last the hour."

We watched him collapse upon that field, his blood spilling below him as goblins tore off his chestplate and began stabbing at his flesh.

"What do you think shall happen, once he is ended? Will we continue on as we are, or shall we be restored to our proper times as if this had never occurred?"

There was a flash of purple light from the Golden General. The goblins stabbing at him fell still. His power had activated, now that his fantasy had been shattered, and the world began to change. He would survive this, as he had a thousand times before.

"Question for another time," said the scholar Montauk.

I apologize, honorary Khan Reynders, for my insolence in slaying him. In my defense, the "SCP-001" file you showed me when I first arrived stated that we were to "kill the fucker", though the honor rightfully belongs to you.

And for that reason, honorary Khan Reynders, Administrator of the Foundation, defender of the righteous future, we beseech you for your blessing in the extermination of this foul and wretched man for good. You, who has mastered the flow of time and carved an island of survival in this wretched maelstrom we cannot navigate. He must end. It is beyond my power to do so, but he must end.

DEEPWELL Data Request

To preserve continuity between CK-Class Restructuring Scenarios, the Foundation Deepwell Network contains qualitative and genetic information on all known species. HANAZONO.AIC requested information on the alterations to humanity post-SCP-8008.

DEEPWELL report: Homo sapiens antiquus centesimus


Request Output
Base Species Homo sapiens sapiens
Iteration -1 (most recent archived)
Anomaly Code SCP-8008

Additional notes: The prior iterations of humanity have been deemed irrelevant to this investigation.

For record-keeping purposes, this prior instance has been labeled Homo sapiens antiquus centesimus.


H. sapiens antiquus centesimus is humanity prior to direct and brute-force evolutionary tampering on the part of SCP-8008-B. Investigators are cautioned that the features of H. sapiens antiquus centesiums may appear more similar to relatives of human beings in the animal kingdom.

The following features were present in H. sapiens antiquus centesiums. A brief speculation of the effects of some of the features is included:

  • Estrus cycles in all female primates, including reflexive lordosis and cyclical engorgement of the breasts;
  • Baculum in human assigned-male-at-birth individuals;
  • Average adult lifespan of 60 years, with the ability to produce offspring until death;
  • Complete loss of neotenous features (i.e. childlike features retained into adulthood) by 10 years of age;
  • Start of a two-year puberty at roughly 8 years of age;
  • Prevalent female hirsutism.

SCP-8008-4: "Want"

SCP-8008-4.01: "I was Reborn in Another World and my Cheat Skill is an Overpowered Time Stop?!?", Chapter 1

How did I get here?

Well, it was through no power of a megami…22

I was enjoying some fine culture in the privacy of my own home in front of my computer. This is the kind of fine culture that is 18+, so I will not describe it much further. Suddenly, I realized that time had stopped moving. What? I thought to myself that this was quite a conundrum. I waited, perhaps, for time to start moving again — but the smiling face of the AV star flickered on my screen as time jumped — two seconds forward, then back two seconds to do it all again, forever and ever…

I could describe the endless cycles of eternity I suffered through, and the boredom and genius ideas I came up with. I wondered if I was dead, and if this was my punishment. However, I realized I could think, and therefore the power of my mind was absolute. I realized that it was my mind that was creating the perception that I was trapped in these two endless seconds. And then, I realized that if this was my "perception", it was also my "reality." If my mind was so powerful to create this "reality" for me, I could create another "reality."

After ten million years of waiting, I thought, "What if I stood up," and I was able to stand up. That is how I broke free. I thought I wanted to move, and so I did. There was no megami but the woman on the screen before me.

But the world looked nothing like it had when I had begun. My beloved apartment was now in the middle of vast, green rolling plains.23

It is as if I died and was reincarnated in a new world.

This is how I awakened my "cheat skill." As a reincarnator to this world, I have mastery of the power of "time stop", which lets me slow down my perception of time to the point where it seems I can come up with any plans instantly. Using the power of infinite time, I can rearrange the world in what seems like instantly to anyone outside of my "time stop", although I have no other special powers.24 Although there is an activation condition, I can do it on command, due to my mastery of kegel exercises.

Related Anomalous Phemonenon: SCP-6969

DESCRIPTION: SCP-6969 is the designation for a thaumaturgic biological process which occurs during ejaculation.

When approximately 0.006% of the human population attempts to discharge — whether during the process of intercourse or, more commonly, not — a series of internal thaumaturgic processes occur within the individual's genitalia, affecting the entire body. Over the duration of approximately two seconds, the affected subject will enter and experience a causal time loop, repeatedly beginning at the moment of ejaculation and lasting a short period of time. No changes to the subject's physiology are preserved between time loops, save for one factor: the activity of the nervous system.

Upon conclusion of an unknown number of repetitions, the causal time loop ceases, and a secondary thaumaturgic effect activates. The secondary effect resets the nervous system to the state it was when the time loop began, allowing for the seamless transition between pre- and post-orgasm states by resetting memory. Following this, anomalous activity relating to SCP-6969 ceases.

Research suggests that affected subjects may experience a subjective time of anywhere from sixteen days to roughly seventy-three quintillion years every ejaculation.

SCP-8008-4.02: "I was Reborn in Another World and my Cheat Skill is an Overpowered Time Stop?!?", Chapter 2

These are my first steps in another world.

I see black smoke in the distance. I walk towards it, but I hear screams, so I start running. Suddenly, I'm out of breath. I need a break. In my previous life, I was a computer programmer. Then I realize, what if I use my cheat skill to slow down time, so I can walk there comfortably but arrive quickly? So I take off my pants and activate my cheat skill.

When I arrive, a group of bandits are assaulting the townspeople. They are the usual sort of fantasy bandits, as they are ugly and dirty and wear stained brown leather.

"Another one," says the bandit leader. "Where did you come from? Well, you look too old to reeducate, so we will kill you."

The bandits approach me. Many of them point sharp swords at me. They are human. But there is one dog man and two cat girls, who are unarmed. The dog man lunges at me.

I activate my cheat skill. I take all the swords from their hands, and put them in a pile. Then, I break the dog man's neck, as his teeth are sharp and I cannot disarm him. I don't hurt the cat girls since they are hanging back. They are cute, too.

The bandit leader seems surprised at what I have done.

"I will give you a chance," I say. "Leave these good people be, and I will let you live. Otherwise, if you face me, you will perish."

"No! Thaddeus!" says one of the cat girls.

"Silence, slave!" says one of the bandits. She immediately falls silent, choking on her tongue.

I crack my knuckles.

"I was going to let you live, but I see now you are a slaver. Those who would impinge upon the inherent liberty of others do not deserve to live."

I activate my cheat skill and kill them all.

"What have you done?" says the same cat girl once she sees. She yowls in despair.

"I freed you, did I not? You're welcome."

She pulls down her blouse to reveal a collar around her neck.

"This is a Bostrom Alignment Collar, created by the dark wizard Nakamoto Bostrom. It removes the ability of the wearer to conceive of actions against the interests of their master, nya. It was originally created to prevent golems from rising up and destroying humanity, but now humans have used it to enslave all the other races of the world!"


A Bostrom Alignment Collar.

"But the slaver is dead," I say. "Doesn't that mean you are free?"

"Unfortunately, the Alignment Collars were forged by Blocked Chain enchantments. Even with the death of m… master, I cannot act against his wishes in life, nya… The only way I can be free now is if someone does the impossible and breaks the Blocked Chain. Otherwise, the Collars will Burn us, and then we will die…"

"May I see it?" I ask.

"If you try to take it off of me, I will be Burned, nya. I can't imagine you will be able to do anything. The Blocked Chain was enchanted by inscrutable and powerful lost magics — forbidden powers called calculus and statistics."

I had known calculus and statistics since I started teaching myself in middle school. I activate my cheat skill.

My first order of business is to examine one of the collars. I do not want to hurt the cat girls, so I take it off of the corpse of the dog man, Thaddeus. His flesh bursts into flames and crumbles into ashes as soon as I remove it.

I know nothing about magic, but I have infinite time. After a hundred years of analyzing the collar using my cheat skill, I fully understand the magic of this world. Now, I can see the enchantments that define the Bostrom Alignment Collars. I can see the Ledger, the huge list of master-slave relationships defined by the Collars, and how they enforce their orders. Over the course of a decade, I look through the Ledger until I find the names of masters who had just gone dark — because they had died very recently, in the past few minutes.

I do not know the cat girls' names. Also, I realize that the Ledger was enchanted in an odd manner. If I were to delete the slavers' names from the Ledger, all of it would become invalidated, and might corrupt the system or worse, Burn all of the wearers to death. The most efficient way would be to delete the Ledger entirely, and so make the Bostrom Alignment Collars useless.

But then I remember what the cat girl said. The Bostrom Alignment Collars were originally created to prevent human society from being destroyed. They were doing a net utility, a net good, and I had no idea what consequences might happen if I destroyed them all. I might destroy society just to help two cat girls. What to do?

The answer is obvious. I must simply replace the names of all the dead masters with my own. This way, all of the slaves doomed to Burn would live. I make the change and end my cheat skill.

"I cannot free you," I say, "But I've made it so you won't die. I've replaced his name in the Blocked Chain's ledger with my own. I promise you, I'll be a good master until I can free you for good."

"Thank you, hero…" says the cat girl. "My name is Alice, nya. And this is Ilse. Let's try to get along, now."

"What's your name, master?"

I had been reborn, so it feels right to choose a new name. "My family name is Tengoku (天国). My given name is Tensai (天才).26" No longer was I the person I had used to be.

SCP-8008-4.09: "I was Reborn in Another World and my Cheat Skill is an Overpowered Time Stop?!?", Chapter 7

The dark wizard Nakamoto Bostrom falls to his knees as I throw him out of his magical floating chair. He is a frail old man, the usual kind that is short and has little muscle from sitting all the time.

"Please, Tengoku-sama. I had no choice. I was forced to do it!"

He is not wearing an Alignment Collar, so how can that be?

"How were you forced to do it?"

"The Good Wizard Pethriel-sama! The Good Wizard Pethriel-sama of the Sea, Holding of the All Seeing Stones, told me to do it! He said that I was brilliant and that there was no one else he could count on for such a task!"

"But why did you do it?"

Nakamoto Bostrom does not answer me. His study has a lot of gold and crystals, many of which were magical, since I can detect their mana. However, he also has fine furs from exotic animals like tigers, and fine perfumes that smell like they were from the Far East. I wait another fifteen and a half seconds.

I activate my cheat skill and punch him, over and over again, until he is nothing more than red blood and meat on the floor.

"You weren't forced to do it. You did it because he gave you everything you wanted."

SCP-8008-4.10: "I was Reborn in Another World and my Cheat Skill is an Overpowered Time Stop?!?", Chapter 7 Omake27

"Oh, thank you, Tensai-kun! How can we ever repay you?"

"Don't hog him all to yourself! Let me repay Tensai-kun too!"

"But the collars!"

"I know that even without the collars… You would deserve our thanks. Our hero."

SCP-8008-4.17: Recovered Usenet Newsgroup "" Thread — archived on SCP-8008-C

SCP-8008-4.25: "I was Reborn in Another World and my Cheat Skill is an Overpowered Time Stop?!?", Chapter 12

Finally, we have come to the Seastead of the Dark Lord Pethriel. Our long quest is almost over and it is now time to end the reign of the Dark Lord and free the land from tyranny!



Smoke wisps gently away from the M134 Minigun of the Good Wizard Pethriel. He has gunned down everyone in my volunteer slave army to death.

"No! You have killed everyone!" I say. "You'll pay for this, Pethriel! I swear you'll pay!"

"Pal, what are they to you?" he says with a wicked dark lord laugh.

"They were my friends! They were my army! And you killed them! I swear I'll bring them back and reverse death!"

The Dark Lord lets out a loud and wicked Dark Lord laugh. "Friends? Because they followed you and fought for you? You are truly delusional. For you see, they wore the Alignment Collars of Nakamoto Bostrom. So long as they wore the collars, they could never have the volition to go against their master, not even able to start to think of anything that could possibly reduce your happiness even the slightest amount. I can see their names, all written in here."

The Dark Lord takes out a big magical book that is as wide as my body. I know that it is the Blocked Chain Ledger.

He must be lying, for he is a Dark Lord. He surely is not telling the truth. They were my friends that followed me out of their free will. Everything they did was out of their free will. He is lying, because he is an ontologically evil villain!

The Dark Lord takes out a very large weapon that resembles a tuning fork and holds it above the Blocked Chain Ledger.

"Yes. I can see everyone you controlled through the Alignment Collars. I can see everyone and everything. And now a reincarnated hero has come to slay me. But if you slay me, I shall fork the Blocked Chain Ledger and shatter its power. The land shall fall into chaos as all the relationships it defines are shattered. So what will you do, Tensai Tengoku?"

I know the Dark Lord Pethriel is a net evil to the world. However, his order to create the Bostrom Alignment Collars has ushered in an age of great economic prosperity and law and order. It is possible that his ability to innovate will one day lead to further improvements that will save many more lives than the ones he had taken. However, I have hesitated too long.

"True power is having a belief in your mind and making it true for the world. You have no power at all," says the Wizard Pethriel. "All you have is stolen magic that you did not properly understand. So now you die, Reincarnated Hero."

He raises his machine gun again.

I am about to die, so I activate my cheat skill.

I try to think of a way out of this. However, I can think of nothing. Every path from here leads to death.

So I remake the world.

Excerpt: Global Occult Coalition PHYSICS Division Field Manual 13: Special Circumstances, Humanoid Threat Entities



Any attempt to eliminate a Type Green must take into consideration the three factors for Dynamic Entry in close quarter battle.

Speed: Type Greens are able to quickly react to any threat. In order to ensure a successful kill, the operation must take no longer than one second from initiation of hostilities to termination of subject. This is the average time it takes for a human being to reflexively react to an unexpected threat or event.

Surprise: Type Greens are able to quickly adapt to known threats. It is recommended that a bluff play be carried out: an overt threat is to be presented to the subject for them to fixate upon, while the actual kill is carried out from an unexpected direction.

Violence of Action: The kill method chosen to eliminate a Type Green must ensure a successful termination on the first shot.

SCP-8008-5: PROJECT TIMEGELD Recovered Files


  • Use nothing that he invented: Everything used to kill him must have some evidence of origin outside of SCP-001. Any weapon or magic or deity he created is tainted because he believes he fully controls the rules of it.
  • Strike hard, strike fast: Following GOC STRIKE principles, if we don't kill him hard enough and fast enough, he can and will incorporate whatever we use against him into his world. He's brainwashed so many of our comrades and alternates. Whatever we do has to work.
  • Any sacrifice is acceptable: We've seen thousands of iterations of his worlds. All of them bear the same similarities and biases, magnified a thousand times through solipsism. Remember, the entire human race is caught in his fantasies. Unless we end him, this is all there will ever be.

Transit in and out of SCP-001 is, effectively, completely locked down. Any changes to the upstream timeline so far converge to SCP-001. We don't know the exact mechanism of this, though we theorize that SCP-001-1 might be acting as a tachyonic singularity, drawing all of history into his present. We need to alter the timeline drastically in a way that still allows for humanity's existence while simultaneously stopping any active alterations he's doing for long enough that it's possible.

To reiterate, we can't do it from "the future" and we didn't do it from "the past", which is why we have to do it "now." — Dr. Anastasia Anastasakos 12, Temporal Anomalies Department (TAD)


We assume:

  • Some vestiges of the previous multiverse still exist.
  • The Scarlet King continues to manifest within SCP-001 at varying intervals, as do the manifestations of a "mother goddess" concept.

Component BOOTSTRAP aims to use this to reestablish the previous framework of the multiverse.

The Scarlet King

For the purpose of this working, the Scarlet King is a multiversal complex of ideas that has subsumed multiple deities associated with those ideas. The most pertinent component ideas are: cruelty, masculinity, primality, evil.

The deific aspect of the Scarlet King is assumed to exist above and throughout the wider multiverse despite our inability to fully conceptualize it. The act of evoking the Scarlet King into SCP-001 in its entirety will then also "chain" our reality to the potentials of the multiverse. Although the Scarlet King is the devourer of universes, it paradoxically also contains those multiversal potentials; its manifestation would align this timeline with the prior order.

This shall be achieved by:

  • The forging of seven chains, which will be ejected into 4-Dimensional spacetime from Fixed Point ΔT.001,
  • Strategic raiding of expendable human settlements within SCP-001 for sacrifices,
  • Prayer.

I have ethical concerns about kidnapping and human sacrifice. — Jeremiah Cimmerian 649, Ethics Committee (EC)

All of this shall be wiped away. — Dr. Robert Montauk 77, Child of the Scarlet King (CotSK)

That's not reassuring. — Jeremiah Cimmerian 649 (EC)

We have no other options. — Dr. Ilse Reynders 1, Administrator

The Rite of Solomon? An artificial dimensional gate? Literally anything else that can kill a god or summon a stronger one?

I just would prefer not to endorse any plan that involves large scale ritualistic sacrifice. — Jeremiah Cimmerian 649 (EC)

Tried Solomon 40,000 years ago. Gave SCP-001-1 a power-up. No idea how. Tried the gate 65,000 years ago. The only thing outside, in multiversal spacetime, is a howling.

I don't like mass murder any more than you do, but if it goes right, none of this will have ever happened. — Dr. Ilse Reynders 1, Administrator

Indeed. It shall not.

I need you all to understand what you are asking. The soft worlds that spawned you will not survive should the Scarlet King grace them at the dawn of time. — Dr. Robert Montauk 77, CotSK

Would those worlds be worse than this? — Dr. Ilse Reynders 1, Administrator

The Scarlet King is a whisper on the wind that becomes a howling. He is the tension between the modern and the premodern made manifest. A world with its soul tied to the Scarlet King will always, always, always be one step from that glorious antiquity: cold, hungry, and afraid.

No, I would not say they would be worse than this. — Dr. Robert Montauk 77, CotSK

The "Mother Goddess"

For the purpose of this working, a "Mother Goddess" is assumed to exist. This "Mother Goddess" is theorized to encompass the ideas of: the womb, motherhood, breasts, universal compassion.

An instance of SCP-597 was retrieved from the history of Timeline-001-ΑΩ to be used as the focal point of this working. SCP-597 is a fetish object that represents motherhood. It is a blob of flesh with thousands of nipples. When the nipples are sucked, it produces the milk of the drinker's mother. It has an effect that compels worship.

Through the redirection of faith across SCP-001 by exposure to SCP-597's compulsive effect, SCP-597 will be temporarily elevated to divinity for the duration of the invocation of the Scarlet King.

This apotheosis will counterbalance the destructive presence of the Scarlet King — the Scarlet King will induce a desire to return to a primal state of being, but "the Mother Goddess" will induce interpretation of that state of being as infancy. The Scarlet King will exert its destructive nature, but the wellspring of primal material energy sourced from SCP-597 will maintain the existence of humanity.

I am skeptical "the Mother Goddess" is a deity in a meaningful sense. It's far more likely that it's an archetype arising from shared human experience — the complicated relationship one has with one's mother. I also worry about what will happen if we use these two conceptual forces as a sociomultiversal blueprint for human existence. A god of bloody conquest and spoil, and the return to the womb. Hierarchies and gender norms might be frankly unrecognizable. — Dr. Simon Glass 1, Psychology

My specialty is Abrahamics. That said, I second this concern. Furthermore, I don't think it serves as an appropriate conceptual balance for the Scarlet King — it all but reduces women to their organs. That cannot be reasonably stated in any way to be a counterbalance for a "god" of primal survival. — Dr. Yossarian Leiner 12, Department of Tactical Theology (DoTT)

I have been here for millennia. The hierarchies and gender norms I view as normal have long since been lost. Giving all of humanity "mommy issues, forever and always" is a choice I never wanted to make, but we're desperate. — Dr. Ilse Reynders 1, Administrator

The bigger concern is what this might do to the societal role of women, but in the greater scope almost anything would be preferable to the current state of affairs. — Dr. Alice Forth 6213, Ethics Committee (EthCom)


It is highly likely that a latent potential in SCP-6969 led to the creation of SCP-001.
Component GENESEED aims to retroactively remove this potential of SCP-6969 across humanity.

GENESEED is as follows:

  • Variants of Joseph Tamlin affiliated with the Foundation all possess genes related to the SCP-6969 phenomenon.
  • By studying these genes, the various components — perceptual alteration and temporal manipulation — can be isolated.
  • We will create an alternate genome of SCP-6969 — denoted SCP-6969-Beta — with significantly reduced (ideally 0) potential for ontokinetic and temporal abilities.
  • In order to facilitate the spread of SCP-6969-Beta, it will also provide a significant reproductive fitness benefit for its carriers.
  • We will create a retrovirus carrying the SCP-6969-Beta, and infect the early hominid population across the multiverse via Enhanced Xyank-Palanez Real-Temporal Shift Equalizer, following the model of SCP-3031. SCP-3031 was a previous success in altering the extinction date of humanity through retroactive biological modification.
  • If successful, SCP-6969-Beta will be endemic in all of humanity, displacing the current SCP-6969. SCP-6969 as a whole will no longer have the potential to lead to SCP-001.

I thought the multiverse no longer existed. That's why we need BOOTSTRAP — to restore it. — Alice Forth 6045, Department of Temporal Anomalies (DTA)

That's up for debate. Since variants of us keep showing up, sometimes multiple in one of his "world cycles", often with very different features, something must be progressing out there. — Trevor Bailey 2013, Multi-U Department (MUD)

If something still exists out there, what gives us the right to override it using a pandemic to escape our own fate? Closed temporal loops exist. We should consider seriously the possibility that it's only us in this dead end. — Alice Forth 6045 (DTA)

There's a strong possibility that the continued existence of SCP-001 is already affecting the "normal" timeline. It's equally possible that our intervention in the past is the only reason that a multiverse still exists in our relative present. This isn't falsifiable, but under the 1e6 generations of humanity under his reign we've already started to see some genetic drift. Thaddeus 5065 seems human, as human as I am, but there are some noticeable differences — he doesn't have a baculum and he looks a quarter my age even though we've both stopped aging at around 40 years. The Sisters of Erudite Nox were, as far as I can tell, also subject to some level of genetic drift. Ideally, our changes will override everything. But I'm skeptical they will; for those less technically inclined, the mechanism of tachyon backpropagation allows the future to affect the past. Our actions will cause the SCP-001 "time tumor" to break, which will cause its effects to spill outwards into the multiverse. Despite the repetition and stagnation of this all, this nightmare contains a lot of "future", which needs to go somewhere. When we succeed — or perhaps because our attempts so far have been failing — we create a set of metastable timelines and timeplanes, which are able to exist only because we will have acted, which feed into SCP-001. As little right as we have to decide the destiny of humanity, we will have already done so. — Thaddeus Xyank 65 (TAD)

This sounds like bullshit. If we're wrong, we're no better than him. — Alice Forth 6045 (DTA)

Every "you" I've known has lacked a sense of perspective. And even if we haven't already done it then they'll never know anyways. From their perspective all they'll see from this temporal pimple popping is a tachyon burst traveling all ways in space and time. — Thaddeus Xyank 65 (TAD)

I think of it as the difference between having a complete and total iron fist on the destinies of humanity across the multiverse as opposed to the opposite. — Dr. Danica Azzopardi 1, Chronometrics


We assume that to some level SCP-001-1 is actively maintaining SCP-001. If he wasn't, the ripple effect from changing the past would've wiped this time bubble away. One way or another, we need to disrupt his will to do so, either in the past or the present.

That leads to the coup de grace: killing the fucker. I want every idea you have. Doesn't matter if it's smart, stupid, you think you've already tried it, just lay it all out here. Whatever guilt you have, crush it. It's not human. You're killing the devil. You're killing God. — Dr. Alto Clef 18, Administrative Staff

If you can kill it, it's not a god. — Dr. Yossarian Leiner 12, DoTT

We can't, though. — Dr. Robert Montauk 77, CotSK

Yet. — Möngke Khan 3, Golden Horde affiliate (GHa)

PROPOSED VECTOR: Berryman-Langford Memetic Kill Agents. Images that cause various level of neural shutdown of human beings.

I must veto this. He's spent a literal eternity emotionally ruminating. He's experienced the extremes of every human emotion from having far too much time while being surrounded by only puppets. SILKWORM-class Berryman-Langfords kill agents just inspire him to think his way out of the emotions. He is no longer human, but puppets others — a time puppeteer. — Dr. Simon Glass, Psychology

No one is going to call him the "time puppeteer". Stop trying. — Dr. Alto Clef 18, Admin Staff

No. I will describe his role, not some pejorative. — Dr. Simon Glass, Psychology

I still do not understand the nuances of your language. Does he not pervert time? — Möngke Khan 3, GHa

PROPOSED VECTOR: Cross-temporal physical assault. Jumping to various points along his timeline and killing him there.

Ill-advised. Across several thousand iterations, the Foundation has tried every possible variant of grievous physical harm. The only possibility remaining is the complete annihilation of electrical synapse activity at once in such a way that also destroys his soul, or whatever equivalent model for disembodied mind you prefer. Even the slightest remnant of activity is enough for him to react because of his unique mix of temporal and ontokinetic powers. — "Goldbaker", allied local anomalous entity

What about a nuke? Instant death. — Dr. Alto Clef 18, Admin Staff

We tried that in the Americana iteration. It didn't work because he saw the flash and was able to use his power before the blast wave got him. Turned the next iteration into Fallout: Equestria too, which was… something. — Dr. Ilse Reynders 1, Administrator

Does he have any defenses against SCP-4583? What if we could attack him across time simultaneously? — Thaddeus Xyank 20451 (TAD)

It will only work once. If he gets exposed to 4583, then he might incorporate it into his fantasies and use it to become fully decoupled from his own personal timelines. Could you imagine how dangerous it would be to give a guy whose power is "thinking fast" the ability to travel backwards through time by knowing the right equations? We might screw ourselves over to disorient him once. — Dr. Ilse Reynders 1, Administrator

Why haven't we killed him (in the past) before he becomes SCP-001? — Dr. Alto Clef 18, Admin Staff

Here's what we've tried:

  • Killing him in 1 history: This never works because a different version of him in a parallel history creates SCP-001.
  • Killing him across all observable histories: In theory, this should work, but we always seem to miss one, which is enough — or, it turns out we've got the wrong guy all along. Look at how often he changes his name and face.
  • Killing him across all observable histories and then evacuating to that history: After he dies, even while we're there, the timeline ceases to exist. Things stop flowing, and we wake up back here. As best as we can tell, he's exerting a force through time that draws the timelines he's in towards his inevitability — what Anastasakos calls a tachyonic singularity. Killing him stops the force, but the momentum of the timeline remains on a trajectory to Null Space — nonexistence. It's not a way to restore the multiverse.

— Dr. Ilse Reynders 1, Administrator

I hate time bullshit. — Dr. Alto Clef 18, Admin Staff

PROPOSED VECTOR: Distraction/misinformation.

We've already tried attacking his existence across his personal timeline, but the mistake there is physical assault. We can escalate. We can humiliate him in adolescence. We can traumatize him in childhood. We can ruin his employment prospects. When he's talking to a girl he likes, we can put spaghetti in his pockets and waft butyric acid underneath her nose. We can ruin him psychologically so that he can't even dream about ruling the world. We can turn his destiny into being a nervous wreck who can't even think about opposing us. — Thaddeus Xyank 19673 (TAD)

This is the most psychopathic thing you've ever said. And if it worked, who's to say that it wouldn't make things worse? — Alice Forth 1256 (DTA)

I'm with Thad. Look at all the shit he's done to all of my variants. — Thaddeus Xyank 2087 (TAD)

What if we did the opposite? Gave him a fulfilling life, so he doesn't spend 18 hours a day jerking it to hentai and awakening his power? Make it so he has something to lose if he wakes up his powers, he's never tempted to do this?

With everything else, it might just work. — Dr. Alto Clef 18, Admin Staff












Additional Foundation Files

Foundation Standard Info Pamphlet

Automatically retrieved by HANAZONO.AIC


To be distributed to: personnel who have discovered proof of CK-Class Restructuring Event, personal memory modification, other trigger of existential crisis

So everything you know is a lie: Coming to terms with the nature of our work

So, you woke up today and noticed something off. One thing led to another, and you've come to the unfortunate conclusion that everything you know is a lie. Maybe a false god inserted itself into our reality and you're the only one who remembers the truth. Maybe the English language is missing a letter. Maybe an entire species has vanished from the earth.

Whatever it is, you're likely understandably distraught. Here are some tips on coming to terms with this new reality:

  • Change what you can change, accept what you cannot: It's possible that you aren't crazy, and this new reality is a genuine aberration. You owe it to yourself to determine which reality is actually true. However, even if you end up completely certain that this reality is a new construct, you may lack the ability to actually do something about it.
  • Consider amnestics: A Foundation-provided course of amnestic therapy can help you align with consensus reality. However, pharmaceutical solutions are often rightfully considered a last resort.
  • If you can't tell, does it matter?: In the course of everyday life, our lives have been shaped by non-anomalous forces that define who we are and what we believe. The circumstances of our birth, the availability of resources and education, and ripple effects from the rich, the powerful, and the long-dead elite. We are all traumatized by our parents, just as they were traumatized by theirs. French King Louis XIV was insecure over being short, and as a result, centuries later, high heels are part of the uniform of femininity. Coming to terms with the inherent incongruity of human agency is a necessary step to thriving in a malleable world.

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