
Welcome to The Foundation’s main hospital. Please check in before you burn.

rating: +359+x

Torres: The bird’s still dead for what, months yet? Years? We don’t need to worry.

Sams: We don’t know that. And even if it is, that just leaves us with a ticking time bomb right beneath our feet.

Torres: They’ll come up with something. They’re in the hurt business.

[The intercom buzzes.]

Intercom: Director Torres, critical patients inbound from Site-17.

Torres: Thank you. I’ll be out shortly.

Sams: They are just going to keep shooting it. We need to come up with something. The tests, the injuries. Nothing’s doing it.

[Sams points to a printout paper on Torres’ desk. On it is the photo of a small, stout woman with cropped gray hair.]

Sams: She’s our ticket.

Torres: You can’t know that. What do you want to me do?

Sams: Just fund a basic inquiry. Let us pull her vitals and her history, get a plan together. If we need to move, we can have it ready.

[Torres sighs.]

Torres: All right, I’ll fund it, a bit. But we don’t need to do anything yet. The bird’s still steady, and she’s likely… Under our influence. We can sit on it for the time being.

[The two stand, putting on their coats. They move to the door and look out, checking wearily up and down the yellowing, linoleum hall.]

[Elsewhere in the hospital, something is catching fire.]



Welcome to Aeonian Health! This document describes a core infrastructural element of the SCP Foundation. You are encouraged to read it. However, in light of rapidly-evolving circumstances, some information may be limited to those with level 4-8002 clearance.

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