🎵 Recommended Music: the REISNO cannon by 𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒉 / Music based on SCP-5956 by Harry Blank and PlaceholderMcD
SCP-7909 is considered uncontainable at the present moment.
The Department of Ontokinetics is to record the background daumal levels of reality, to predict when an SCP-7909 event is going to occur1, and to respond with the appropriate information suppression tactics.
The remaining Containment Procedures for SCP-7909 are to be focused on censoring civilian discussion about the anomaly. As such, disinformation efforts should be enacted as needed, the successful use of which has resulted in the continued protection of the Veil.2

The last picture taken of reality with a camera, approximately 0.016 seconds before its spontaneous demanifestation, photographer unknown, location unknown. Image found by Foundation webcrawlers and subsequently taken down. Note the screen slicing, a possible outcome of extreme ontological/informational degradation.
Personnel are obligated to read this table to gain a better understanding of SCP-7909. |
One Daumal is equal to the average topological complexity of narrative-space-time in 1-1-1-space (ie. a space possessing exactly 1 narrative dimension, 1 spatial dimension, 1 temporal dimension). |
Fictionality denotes the extent to which one reality can affect and/or be affected by universes to which it is pataphysically-linked, ie. it is imagined by a sapient entity as a non-real scenario. |
Our reality is possesses one fictional dimension and one real dimension, a.k.a 50% fictional and 50% real, i.e, our universe is narratively two-dimensional. This mean that (in average) 50% of all events are caused/influenced by pataphysical transmission (imagining), while the other 50% are governed by our universe's laws of physics (determinism). Free will does not exist. |
Universes are said to be pataphysically linked if one is represented in the other as a fictional narrative or scenario conceived of by a sapient entity. These universes are arranged along a specific pataphysical dimension. When an individual conceives of a non-real scenario, an information packet representing that scenario emanates out of their universe and travels downwards in the pataphysical dimension before attaching itself to a nascent universe with low information content, bringing about the imagined scenario in that universe. |
A nullspace void is a space in reality that measures 0-0-0 daumals, meaning it possesses no physical, causal or narrative potential. Though, infokinetic interactions continue to occur at the quantum level. Also of note; nullspaces are very effective in communication with pattern-based entities. |
For more information, read "Intro to Narrativics and General Relativity" by Dr. Placeholder McDoctorate. |
SCP-7909 is an ectoentropic3, ontokinetic4, both destructive and constructive event, in which all of baseline reality becomes a nullspace void, possessing 0 daumals a.k.a; possessing no physical, causal, or narrative potential.5
SCP-7909 happens at random times. Of note: no significant changes to reality have been noticed when an SCP-7909 event occurs.6
It has recently been discovered that entities affected by an SCP-7909 event will become unable to participate in narratives for two hours, making reality's narrative potential severely lower than standard for said amount of time. When this effect ends, all species suddenly become highly likely to enter one or more large narratives with multiple subnarrative layers. This increases this reality's narrative potential to higher than average for 2 weeks. This is caused by heavy pataphysical transmissions from sapient beings in a relatively higher universe.
As time goes on, more individuals will gain knowledge and engage in discussions about SCP-7909, especially if they've experienced its effects multiple times. Due to the range of SCP-7909 events, it is expected that the Foundation will have to enact ENNUI protocol or a similar global amnestization procedure ultimately to lessen the scope of civilian knowledge about the anomaly.
The cause, or the purpose, of SCP-7909, is unknown.
The following is a timed list of the occurrences of an SCP-7909 event:
Theorized Time (In seconds) | Actions |
0.1-0.3 | All entities in reality either become blind or lose sight completely. As well as being completely unable to move. In simpler terms, reality becomes effectively paused. |
0.3-0.4 | Simple atom structures will begin to demanifest from baseline reality. |
0.4-0.6 | More complicated atom structures will begin to de-manifest from baseline reality. |
0.6-0.9 | Reality at this point is theorized to measure extremely close to 0-0-0 daumals. |
0.9-1.0 | All atom-based structures will de-manifest from baseline reality. |
1.0-1.1 | Reality at this point is theorized to measure 0-0-0 daumals. |
1.1-4.7 | Nothing ocurrs. |
4.7-4.8 | All atom-based structures manifest in reality. Daumals are theorized to begin increasing at this stage. |
4.8-4.9 | Entities located in reality gain sight again. Daumals continue to increase, almost reaching the level of baseline reality. |
4.9-5.0 | Daumals measure levels consistent with baseline reality. |

The cause of SCP-7909. Image found by the Department of Pataphysical Optics and Noospheric Imaging.
The discovery of SCP-7909 took place on the date of 06/08/2028. Two minutes before the event occurred, background daumal readings of reality were lower than standard, rating 1.9582-3-0.99999 daumals at its lowest point. The first SCP-7909 event then ensued.
After the event concluded, personnel measured reality and it estimated the standard amount of daumals.7
Interview with a civilian affected by SCP-7909.
FOREWORD: Foundation doctor pretended to be a standard doctor after the interviewee was confirmed to have set an appointment 2 minutes after an SCP-7909 event. The interviewer was redacted.
Interviewer: Hello, I'm here for your check-up.
Interviewee: Ah, yes, come in.
Interviewee sets up a chair close to a table. He sits down on the opposite side. He is visibly worried.
Interviewer: Alright, so how do you feel now?
Interviewee: Uh… fine, I guess. Not really much of anything, if I'm honest.
Interviewer pretends to write on a notepad.
Interviewer: Mhm, so, try to explain what happened.
Interviewee sighs.
Interviewee: I was walking home at [16 hs], and my mind was not with me, I wasn't paying attention to anything. Then, uh, I just couldn't move, I tried to with all my strength, but I couldn't do anything, and then… Nothing.
Interviewee doesn't say anything for 12 seconds.
Interviewee: I couldn't see anything, just completely black, like I was swimming in miasmic darkness,8 if you could swim without moving, that is. The only thing left was my mind, but then…
Interviewee doesn't say anything for 29 seconds.
Interviewer: And then?
Interviewee: I don't know. Nothing, then something. It took my arms and my legs, it took my eyes, and it took my mind. And then everything was back to normal. I was back two blocks from my house, with my stuff, in the same place. Like nothing had ever happened. He pauses, life felt more… boring the next few hours, like a little bit of nothing was stuck inside me.
The rest of the interview was omitted for brevity.
AFTERWORD: The interviewee was given ineffective medications following the principle of the placebo effect, told a false story involving his mental health, and to: "take a break from the books."