
Take a break. Breathe in slowly. Find your escape.


rating: +18+x
Item#: 7748
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

Special Containment Procedures: As Pseudogenesis Productions is aware of Foundation operating procedures and has so far counteracted all containment efforts, access to SCP-7748 cannot be prevented. However, due to the perceived artistic meaning of SCP-7748, containment is focused on reinforcing the belief that said experience is entirely mundane.1

Description: SCP-7748 is an artistic experience presented by GOI-478, Pseudogenesis Productions, that has no consistent location. SCP-7748 will appear within a number of different spaces, including but not limited to: art galleries, office buildings, courthouses and warehouses. Upon appearance, signage will be modified to guide a potential participant to the entrance to SCP-7748, clearly marked as 'The Quiet Room.' An artist statement will appear on a placard beside the doors, the text of which is included below:

Every once in a while, when the hustle of city living overtakes your spirit, when the never-ending stream of obligations and mountain of to dos threatens to overwhelm you, what we need most of all is a break. Society tells us that taking a break is a weakness; growing up, I was told that giving up meant that others were better than me. The constant nagging voice saying that I didn't need to rest, I was just lazy; that I didn't care about my future, how I spat in the face of all of the blood, sweat and tears that she had put into giving me a chance that she never had.

The never-ending march of capitalism swallowed me whole, a Sisyphean effort to just get up in the morning and get back to it. I drowned, waiting to be rescued; but that help never came. Not for me.

All I needed was a moment to relax; just a minute to catch my breath. The Quiet Room does just that.

— Vivienne Chen, Pseudogenesis Productions

SCP-7748 can appear anywhere throughout the continental United States, but seems to be biased towards large cities, especially those with high levels of urban density. Each new instance will operate for an unknown duration, ranging from one day, to two months — SCP-7748 disappears at the end of the 'performance dates', and all signage is reverted to its initial state.

Any individual is able to take part in SCP-7748, which is advertised as a 'fully contained sensory artistic experience', comparable to Yayoi Kusama's Infinity Mirror Rooms — participants enter a queue leading to SCP-7748, and a single individual is allowed into SCP-7748 at once. This is enforced through an anomalous compulsion, with all attendants claiming that 'it is not my turn yet', and refusing to attempt entry with another.

After an individual enters SCP-7748, the room will remain closed for 59 seconds, before opening exactly at the one minute mark. Attempts to capture the interior of SCP-7748 have failed, as all footage has been corrupted through anomalous means. Based on interviews with former participants, the full SCP-7748 experience consists of the following:

SCP-7748 Timeline:

Time Description of Experience
-5.000s Subjects report an androgynous voice speaking to them telepathically, asking 'When was the last time you truly relaxed?' Subjects will immediately recall the exact date and time, down to the second, that they last felt truly relaxed.2
-2.000s The door to SCP-7748 will open, and subjects will be compelled to enter the room. Subjects report feeling comforted, and nostalgic towards SCP-7748.
0.000s The door to SCP-7748 closes, and the subject begins the experience.
59.000s The door to SCP-7748 reopens, and the subject exits the room. All instances report feeling refreshed, and are unaware of SCP-7748's anomalous effects.
60.000s The door to SCP-7748 closes, and the next subject's experience begins.

Interviews with subjects regarding the interior of SCP-7748 are consistent between all instances, and is assumed by the Foundation to be accurate. Subjects report that following the door closing to SCP-7748, they find themselves in a large empty white void. There are no notable seams indicating where the door is, nor is there a visible source of light — subjects appear to be in a fully contained non-Euclidian space devoid of walls, color or objects. No other notable features of the room have been noted by any participant.

Following exposure to SCP-7748, participants express feeling 'revitalized', as if they had 'just woken from a nap'. Participants report increased satisfaction with their lives, and psychological testing has revealed a reduction in symptoms of depression and anxiety. Due to the beneficial nature of SCP-7748, and the belief that it is entirely mundane, amnesticization has been deemed unnecessary.

Addendum 1: SCP-7748 Timeline Inconsistency

The primary anomalous effect of SCP-7748 manifests during the 60 second period of time when the doors are closed — subjects report experiencing time dilation, with subjects claiming that the experience ranged in duration, from ~10 seconds total, to multiple hours. To verify these claims, the Foundation utilized agents and other Foundation staff to confirm the information. Researchers theorized the duration of each SCP-7748 experience was linked to the individual's mental state; to validate that, the following table includes the participant's mental state, as well as the duration of their SCP-7748 experience:

Subject Mental State Perceived Duration Firsthand Account
Dr. Elizabeth Brown Dr. Brown had recently returned from sabbatical the day before entering SCP-7748. 15.320s "It was like I blinked, and it was over. Like a warm cup of tea."
Dr. Irving Kushner Dr. Kushner entered SCP-7748 following back-to-back shifts at Foundation Medical Site-49 35m 22.20s "I spent the entire time staring at the void, but it was like I slept for hours. I could easily work another 3 shifts in a row."
Agent Taylor Rhodes Agent Rhodes was en route to a debrief following a month-long undercover investigation of AWCY?, when an SCP-7748 instance appeared nearby. They were diverted to investigate. 3d 18h 42m 21.205s "I spent the entire time meditating — I was in a trance, just floating on the edge of consciousness. Years of Foundation therapy is nothing compared to a minute in SCP-7748."
Dr. Megan Elken Dr. Elken was specifically chosen for her prior experience with Pseudogenesis Productions. Dr. Elken's last mandatory Foundation Mental Health panel found that they were significantly overworked by their supervisor, and were experiencing moderate to severe levels of depression. 37w 22d 7h 14m 13.354s "I'm fine. We don't have to talk about this. Can I get back to work?"

Following the end of Dr. Elken's experience with SCP-7748, their supervisor, Dr. Erryn Chen, Lead Foundation Researcher on Pseudogenesis Productions, received the following correspondence:


Seriously? I figured after you saw what happened to me, you might have become more conscientious, started being a better boss. You can try to blame us, call us monsters, torturers, and dangerous anartists all you want; but all we did was given Megan the break she deserved. Do you really think that an empty fucking room that relaxes people is dangerous?

Thanks mom, I appreciate the fucking support.

— Vivienne

Due to the inherent stress levels of Foundation staff, all further testing has been halted. Dr. Chen's behavior was reviewed by the Foundation Ethics Committee, and was determined to be aligned with standard Foundation operating procedures. Further research into how Pseudogenesis Productions member and former Foundation Intern Vivienne Chen was able to bypass Site Security is still underway.

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