Gravitational wave data received in binary from SCP-7732 reading '123'.
Item #: SCP-7732
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Due to the size, distance, and possible immaterial nature of SCP-7732, containment procedures are not so much oriented around containment of the entity itself as they are about keeping its existence from public knowledge. Any form of containment of SCP-7732 itself has been deemed impossible, and, as far as its intentions are currently understood, possibly unnecessary.
Foundation agents have been planted among many of the world’s leading observatories to survey for individuals with suspicion or knowledge of SCP-7732’s existence. Amnestics have largely proved irrelevant in containing information surrounding SCP-7732, as the entity has often become so idolised by those with knowledge of it that erasing it from their memory would require the erasure of most of their minds. Nevertheless, data acquired by non-Foundation observatories that point to the existence of SCP-7732 are to be expunged and replaced with unremarkable false data where possible. Professional astronomers who refuse to abandon research into SCP-7732 are to be framed with any variety of misconduct allegations sufficient to have them removed from their research post. Additionally, if any of these individuals continue to attempt to spread public awareness of SCP-7732, they are to be framed with any variety of serious crimes and taken permanently into Foundation custody. Such individuals can then be assigned either tightly restricted assistant researcher positions surrounding the study of SCP-7732, or janitorial positions.
An ongoing dialogue with SCP-7732 is being conducted by Dr. Felix Isherl and assistant researcher Benjamin Millar to further ascertain its nature, intentions, and any additional protocols that may need to be applied to its containment (see interview log).
Description: SCP-7732 first came to the Foundation’s attention in November of 2009 after Professor ███████ █████, a researcher at the LIGO Gravitational-Wave Observatory in California, openly claimed that he believed a higher being was attempting to communicate with his research team through gravitational waves. Two high ranking Foundation scientists were then planted at the observatory and assigned the task of reviewing all new and prior data collected. Many short sentences were subsequently deciphered in the form of morse code from gravitational wave data dating as far back as when the dual observatories began operating in 2002, and consisted of phrases such as ‘respond if heard’, ‘hello human people’, and ‘now you have many eyes like me’. Many of the messages, when deciphered, read in Spanish. It is important to note that from 2002 to 2011, over 25% of high-ranking staff at both observatories spoke Spanish as their first language. All signals were found to have originated from whatever direction the planet Jupiter was from Earth at the time they were received.
Initially, SCP-7732 was assumed to have been sent by an unknown alien civilization residing somewhere in the Jovian System. Why said hypothetical civilization elected to send signals in the form of gravitational waves rather than electromagnetic ones, or how they achieved this, was unknown. Any research regarding SCP-7732, aside from the continuous monitoring of its gravitational waves, was deemed impractical due to its distance, and research stagnated for a period of 3 months. On the 3rd of April 2010, a new message was received from SCP-7732 reading ‘now you see me’ in the languages English, Spanish, and Mandarin. Notably, head researcher Dr ███ ████, who was assigned to SCP-7732 at the time, was born in Beijing, and spoke Mandarin as his first language. Dr ███ ████ was documented to have been considerably unnerved by this event and requested transfer to another project. Signals in numerous wavelengths were then sent in the direction of the Jovian System in response to SCP-7732’s message, including one containing the message from former US President Jimmy Carter that was attached to space probes Voyager 1 and 2 in the 1970s. No response relevant to these signals was detected.
A further three messages from the Jovian System were received by the LIGO Observatory in June, September, and December of that same year, reading ‘no electro’, ‘big eyes, see much’ and ‘write me’ respectively. Assistant researcher Benjamin Millar, who had recently been assigned to SCP-7732, proposed the idea that SCP-7732 either possessed some level of omniscience, or could observe Earth on the human scale through unknown means. Millar then left a whiteboard on a lawn outside Site █ on a clear night while Jupiter was in the sky, with text reading ‘Say 123 if you can read this. - Ben’ written in marker. The following night, which was overcast, he left a similar message on the same lawn that read ‘Say 456 if you can read this. - Ben’. Four days later on the 25th of December 2010, the dual LIGO observatories detected gravitational waves emanating from Jupiter, and, as Millar had requested, they simply read ‘123’. However, the response ‘456’ was never received. Millar then suggested that this indicated it was overwhelmingly likely that SCP-7732 did not possess omniscience, and instead was somehow viewing Earth in extreme detail directly from its location. A dialogue with SCP-7732 was subsequently established, and is ongoing to present (see interview log).
Addendum: SCP-7732 was originally thought to have been an unknown civilization native to Jupiter or its moons. However, it is now thought to be a spiritual or otherwise poorly understood entity that claims to be the consciousness associated with the planet Jupiter itself. SCP-7732 communicates via spontaneous increases and decreases in Jupiter’s mass, which result in gravitational waves sufficient to be detected by Earth-based observatories. These fluctuations have been observed to consist of up to 0.1% of Jupiter’s total mass (approximately equal to a third the mass of Earth) over a period of less than 5 hours, with the mass either being added or subtracted through unknown means. SCP-7732 communicates in morse code, as well as binary that can be deciphered into characters in the ASCII data set, with a reduction in mass signaling a 0, and an increase in mass signaling a 1. A change in mass over a period of more than 5 hours is to be disregarded, as it is believed that these are performed so that SCP-7732 can return to its baseline mass after communication is terminated. SCP-7732 also claims to have used its mass-altering capability (and thus the ability to alter the gravitational force it exerts) to tweak the trajectories of various minor objects in our Solar System, thus playing a major role in the evolution of life on Earth (see interview log).
An interview between SCP-7732 and the Foundation has been ongoing since 2010, with the latest message at the time of writing having been sent on the 7th of September 2017 and is currently awaiting a response. Due to the extensive delay between and thus value of each message sent to SCP-7732, a small board has been established to review message proposals, with Dr Felix Isherl at its head. As SCP-7732 appears to have developed a special liking for assistant researcher Millar, he continues to leave messages chosen on the lawn outside Site █, though now an A3-sized white canvas with red paint is used. For brevity, Millar will represent SCP-7732’s research board in the following interview log.
Interviewed: SCP-7732
Interviewer: The SCP-7732 interview board, represented by Researcher Millar.
Foreword: SCP-7732 is thought to be at least as intelligent as humans. Its brief messages and poor grammar are instead to be attributed to its need for brevity, as it requires an extensive amount of time for the entity to transmit any meaningful data. As it takes SCP-7732 up to 5 hours to transmit a single bit of data (that is, a 1 or a 0), as well its long hiatuses between individual words lasting up to 2 weeks (theorized to either be for calibration or rest purposes), it can take SCP-7732 months to send a single sentence to Earth. Nevertheless, SCP-7732 exhibits at least rudimentary knowledge of numerous human languages, slangs, and codes.
<Begin Log>
Sent Dec 31, 2010
Hello on behalf of humanity. What would you like us to call you?
Received Feb 5, 2011
Jupiter, Marduk, Brihaspati, Sui-Sing, Zeus, Erentüz.
Sent Feb 6, 2011
Very well. We'll go with Jupiter, if that's okay with you. How do you know our languages, and these names? Some names you reference have been out of common use for thousands of years.
Received Feb 27, 2011
Long I've watched & learned.
Sent Feb 27, 2011
I see. How long have you been watching us?
Received Mar 15, 2011
~380,000,000 periods.
Note: It is believed that ‘period’ refers to Jupiter’s orbital period about the Sun, which is 11.8 times longer than Earth’s. 380 million orbital periods for Jupiter would be equivalent to 4.5 billion Earth years, approximately equal to the length of time the two planets have been in existence.
Sent Mar 17, 2011
You've been watching us since our planet formed?
Received May 9, 2011
Yes. I C U spring up from soil. My friend.
Sent May 10, 2011
Who is your friend?
Received Jun 25, 2011
U & Earth.
Sent Jun 26, 2011
Earth is your friend?
Note: Four weeks transpired between the above question and the termination of SCP-7732's response, unusually long for the length of the message sent.
Received Jul 29, 2011
Sent Jul 29, 2011
I see. How exactly can you see us?
Received Oct 1, 2011
Many eyes. Storms.
Sent Oct 2, 2011
Are you referring to the cyclones that appear in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter?
Received Nov 25, 2011
I am Jupiter.
Sent Nov 26, 2011
Are you the planet Jupiter or someone living there?
Received Dec 21, 2011
I am Jupiter.
Sent Dec 21, 2011
Do you mean to say that you are a living planet?
Received Jan 9, 2012
Sent Jan 12, 2012
How can a planet be alive?
Received Mar 23, 2012
How can flesh be alive?
Sent Mar 25, 2012
Good question. Where did you come from? (Researcher Millar painted a smiley face on the canvas above the message to reference the possible humorous intent in SCP-7732’s response, in order to foster a friendly bond with the entity.)
Received Jun 4, 2012
Sun. Remain here always.
Sent Jun 5, 2012
In regards to our earlier question, are you meaning to say that the storms in your upper atmosphere are your eyes?
Received Aug 10, 2012
No. Beneath.
Note: No previous observations of Jupiter have detected any biological signatures from beneath its atmosphere, and observations conducted since have returned inconclusive. It remains possible that SCP-7732 was referring to potential structures too deep in its atmosphere for us to observe. However, reviews of data collected by various space telescopes and probes, including the hubble space telescope and Juno space probe, have shown a higher than average count of small storms in Jupiter’s upper atmosphere on the side of the planet facing space probes sent into the outer Solar System during their closest approaches to Jupiter, indicating that the planet was possibly ‘watching’ them. The earliest known instance of this occurring was in 1973, when the space probe Pioneer 10 conducted the first flyby of Jupiter. It has not struck many as surprising that these storms, which are sometimes thousands of kilometers wide, would be able to make out incredible detail across interplanetary distances if they were analogous to eyes.
Note 2: Due to the fact that the interview up until this point had already spanned nearly 2 years, further enquiry on the topic was postponed in favour of other lines of questioning.
Sent Aug 15, 2012
How can you control how much mass you have?
Received Oct 8, 2012
Don’t know, just can.
Sent Oct 9, 2012
I see. Our models suggest that these fluctuations in gravitational strength would have an effect on some of the Solar System’s smaller objects. Are you aware of this?
Received Dec 10, 2012
Yes. Control moons & asteroids.
Sent Dec 10, 2012
Are you aware of SCP-2399?
Received Mar 7, 2013
Yes. Hold it. Io struck it. Can’t hold for long.
Sent Mar 7, 2013
I know, we’re working on it too. Was the collision by your design?
Received Mar 15, 2013
Sent Mar 15, 2013
Why did you cause a collision between Io and SCP-2399?
Received May 2, 2013
Human people R friend. Earth is friend.
Sent May 2, 2013
So you protected us?
Received Aug 11, 2013
Yes. Asteroids & comets too. Move them.
Sent Aug 11, 2013
How many times have you done this?
Received Dec 30, 2013
656. No human people otherwise. Created Luna too.
Note: It is likely that SCP-7732 was referring to its possible influence in the collision between Earth and the small planet dubbed ‘Theia’ during the early Solar System's formation, which resulted in the formation of Earth’s moon. The Moon is notable for being instrumental to many of Earth’s ecosystems, as well as playing a vital role in the evolution of life.
Sent Jan 10, 2014
Are you aware of the K-T impact event that occurred 66 million years ago that wiped out 75% of species on Earth? If so, why didn’t you stop it?
Received Jan 29, 2014
Sent Jan 29, 2014
Necessary for what?
Received Mar 16, 2014
U & Earth. & all friends. Await message.
Sent Mar 16, 2014
We’ll be waiting.
Received Jan 3, 2015
13,000,000 periods of reptiles, not smart. Ended them, so humans can be smart.
Sent Jan 6, 2015
Do you mean to say you simply allowed the K-T impact to occur or you directly caused it?
Received Feb 1, 2015
Caused it.
Note: All communications were temporarily halted between SCP-7732 and the SCP Foundation, and the existing interview logs forwarded to a member of the O5 council. Dr Isherl issued a request to have SCP-7732 reclassified as keter, due to its complete inability to be contained and its possibility of bringing about an XK-Class end of the world scenario. There have been numerous requests that, due to its alleged assistance in the containment of SCP-2399, SCP-7732 should instead be classified as a Thaumiel item. All requests currently under review.
Sent Mar 12, 2015
Are we in danger of you?
Received Mar 13, 2015
Note: Message was received unusually quickly, with the associated mass fluctuations taking place in under 20 minutes each as opposed to their usual time of up to 5 hours.
Received Apr 21, 2015
I love U. I need U.
Sent Apr 22, 2015
Received May 19, 2015
Sent May 20, 2015
Are there others like you?
Note: Average wait times between messages more than quintupled from this point forward. Due to the topics at hand during these ‘bursts’ and ‘withdrawals’, it has been theorised that the speed in which SCP-7732 communicates can be at least somewhat linked to its emotional state.
Sent Aug 20, 2015
Are you still receiving us?
Received Nov 8, 2015
7. More children too. No more. Asleep.
Sent Nov 9, 2015
What happened to them?
Received Nov 21, 2016
Cold inside.
Sent Nov 21, 2016
And why do you need us?
Received Sep 6, 2017
To wake them up.
Closing Statement: The interview board subsequently requested elaboration from SCP-7732 on the 7th of September 2017, and is currently awaiting a response.
<End Log>
Testing for similar messages in the form of gravitational waves from other planets in the Solar System, including our own, is ongoing.