rating: +45+x
    Foxtrot Sigma-9 Theme
    [2022 Wikidot Theme]
    By Liryn
/* FONTS */
@import url(',wght@0,800;1,800&display=swap');
@import url(';800&display=swap');
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@import url(',wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap');
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:root {
    /* VARIABLES > Core */
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    --header-subtitle: "SECURE, CONTAIN, PROTECT";
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    --acc-slothspit: 27, 60, 133;
    --acc-vanguard: 0, 153, 75;
    --acc-threshold: 121, 113, 130;
    --acc-overwatch: 28, 37, 56;
    --acc-spc: 0, 165, 200;
    --acc-fishing: 67, 111, 145;
    --acc-nightfall: 151, 0, 2;
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/* VARIABLES > Info Bar */
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/* MAIN */
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/* Clicky links */
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a {
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/* patch for sidebar media, collapsibles, ACS, info button and ayers module so link doesn't override */
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#page-content .rate-box-with-credit-button .fa-info:hover,
#side-bar a:hover,
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/* MAIN > Header */
div#header {
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#header h2 span {
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/* MAIN > Header > Search Box */
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/* MAIN > Header > Top Bar */
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/* MAIN > Header > Login Info */
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#my-account {
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/* MAIN > Header > Side Bar */
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@media (min-width: 768px) {
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/* CONTENT > Blockquotes, Custom Divs */
blockquote {
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div.note {
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/* CONTENT > Headings, Titles */
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h2 {
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/* CONTENT > Rate Module */
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/* CONTENT > Rate Module > Author Label */
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/* CONTENT > Side Box */
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/* CONTENT > Image Block */
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/* CONTENT > Tables Base */
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/* CONTENT > Tables Customization (Table Coloring System) */
/* CONTENT > Tables Customization (Table Coloring System) > Table Headings, Image Captions */
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/* CONTENT > Tables Customization (Table Coloring System) > Other Colored Divs */
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.table1 blockquote,
.table1 .jotting,
.table1 .notation,
.table1 .modal,
.table1 .paper,
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.table2 .blockquote,
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.table2 .jotting,
.table2 .notation,
.table2 .modal,
.table2 .paper,
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.table3 .blockquote,
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.table3 blockquote,
.table3 .jotting,
.table3 .notation,
.table3 .modal,
.table3 .paper,
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.table4 .blockquote,
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.table4 blockquote,
.table4 .jotting,
.table4 .notation,
.table4 .modal,
.table4 .paper,
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.table5 .blockquote,
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.table5 blockquote,
.table5 .jotting,
.table5 .notation,
.table5 .modal,
.table5 .paper,
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.table6 .blockquote,
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.table6 .jotting,
.table6 .notation,
.table6 .modal,
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/* CONTENT > Tabs Base */
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/* CONTENT > Tabs Customization */
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/* CONTENT > WORDS NO BROKEY. CROQ HAS SPOKEY. and other things */
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#main-content .page-tags span {
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/* CONTENT > Dustjacket Assets */
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/* CONTENT > Collapsibles */
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/* CONTENT > ACS Adjustments */
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/* CONTENT > Woed Bar Adjustments */
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/* MISC */
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Item#: 7540
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:


SCP-7540 primary access shaft.

Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force
RPCF Site-515 Dr. Evaline Griers Dr. Kareem Laghmani ATF Delta-515-β ("Shut and Sealed")


Remote Provisional Containment Facility (RPCF) Site-515 has been established above SCP-7540 and is to monitor it for any deviations. All civilians within a 20km radius surrounding SCP-7540 are to be relocated under Cover Story ζ-3 ("Protected Government Facility") and motor traffic is to be redirected. ATF Delta-515-β ("Shut and Sealed") is to maintain Quiet Zone A6-53 and establish surveillance of SCP-7540. Access to SCP-7540 is restricted to authorized Site-515 personnel.

Use of Kreers-Thurnley Anomalous Field Inhibitors (KT-AFIs) is authorized in order to dampen SCP-7540's effects. See ADDENDUM 7540-2.

SCP-7540 is to remain sealed.



Recreation of a fragment of SCP-7540's third inscription.

SCP-7540 is a large, ornate marble tomb located at 13°30'09.6"N 16°00'35.0"E, approximately 2 kilometers northwest of Cheddra, Chad. SCP-7540 is submerged underground 133 meters beneath sea level and is therefore only accessible via a Foundation-dug shaft located in Site-515. The tomb itself is approximately 4.5 meters in length, 1 meter in width, and 1 meter in height. Inscriptions on SCP-7540's surface do not match any known historical art styles or languages, mundane or anomalous; instead, the surface of the tomb is split into six segments with a different image inscribed onto each segment:

  • a sunset, behind it, a moon rising over the horizon;
  • a night sky above the clouds, with a crescent moon and an enormous floating eye in the distance;
  • two unidentified armies at battle in a city;
  • unintelligible writing and unknown symbols;
  • an unidentified humanoid figure suspended above a mountain;
  • a single closed eye.

SCP-7540 possesses a strong óneiro-kinetic1 effect to those within a ~15km radius surrounding it. This effect is steadily declining in strength; for more information, see ADDENDUM 7540-1. Subjects under this effect also report the absence of a moon in the night sky. The significance of this is unknown.

SCP-7540-1 refers to the entity, phenomenon, or object located within SCP-7540.2 Further information is not available at this time.


SCP-7540 was discovered on 01/11/2022 by the Department of Global Surveillance after reports began circulating of strange dreams and visions in civilians located in and around Cheddra, Chad. Suspecting anomalous involvement, the closest Foundation facility, African Regional Command (ARC) Site-901 requested a research team from Western Regional Command (WRC) Site-19, and SCP-7540 was immediately located after ground scans showed abnormal topology around it. Soon after, a provisional containment site was established above the anomaly and its primary access shaft was dug.

SCP-7540's age or how it came to be buried underground are still unknown.3 Further investigation is underway.


The following interviews were conducted by Dr. Kareem Laghmani to ascertain the effects of SCP-7540 on human subjects.

Interview with Agent Traxler Jones (Initial Investigation Team)


LAGHMANI: Agent Jones. Thank you for meeting me on such short notice.

JONES: Oh, it's no problem. I'm… not as busy around here anymore anyways.

LAGHMANI: So. [Clears throat.] What can you tell me about the SCP-7540 anomaly? What was your experience like with it?

JONES: Well, I was a part of the initial recon team, but you probably already know that. I think what I remember most of was the visit, though. It was standard stuff. We were flown out to African command, sorry, Site-901, and then briefed on our mission there. They told us pretty much what we already knew: villagers with strange dreams, possible memetic influence, etcetera. We were supposed to figure out the source of the anomalous activity and put a stop to it. Somehow. [Laughs.]

LAGHMANI: When was your first encounter with the object's anomalous effects?

JONES: I had… a dream on our way there. We took a helicopter to the Cheddra site. As we started to get closer and closer to the main location, I think at some point I definitely began feeling the tomb's effects. Yeah, Chicago4 and I both dozed off around halfway, which was fine since we weren't on any duties yet or anything. But man, I don't think I've ever felt so lucid while dreaming before. I knew I was asleep, I could tell I was dreaming, but I also still felt like I had full control, like I could still think and make decisions, you know? [Pauses.] I don't know if I was even dreaming about anything for that beginning part, I just felt… alive. And I could feel something too, not like physically feeling something but more like sensing something else was there, just kinda… watching me. Something dimly glowing, something… old? It wasn't right. I don't know, it just felt wrong.

JONES: After a bit of time though, I think I started to actually see something in the dream. Yeah. I- I don't know how to explain… imagine a mountain, right? And you're almost at the top of the mountain, even though you can't really see the peak. And you're climbing bit by bit, little by little, until you start to get to the clouds. That's what I was seeing. But I could never quite reach the clouds for some reason, they kept getting higher and the mountain kept growing taller and so I kept climbing higher and higher and higher until the clouds just… [Smiles.] the clouds opened up for me.

LAGHMANI: Opened up?

JONES: Yeah, like they were, I don't know, revealing something to me. Once I was through the layer of clouds I could finally see that it was nighttime and there were no stars in the sky, just me and the big, bright full moon. And so I— I kneeled down on the mountaintop, and I think I… I screamed up at the moon. I don't know what made me do it. Something about the moon just felt so… wrong, you know? I don't know what happened. I don't know why I did it. But I remember that afterwards it— it smiled.

LAGHMANI: Smiled? How could the moon smile?

JONES: I— don't know. It was a dream, remember? [Pauses.] But still, even now, whenever I look up and see the moon I can kind of hear it. Laughing at me. Like its still smiling, even when I'm not dreaming. [Shivers.] And before you ask, yeah, I'm on amnestics, Doc, but I don't think they're helping much. [Laughs nervously.] Just— oh, god. I asked to be sent back to nineteen the moment we landed.


JONES: I don't want to ever go back.


Interview with Researcher Alonzo Quires (Initial Investigation Team)


QUIRES: Oh! Kareem. I didn't know when I'd be meeting you again.

LAGHMANI: I told you, I'd be sooner than you thought. [Laughs.] You mentioned a recurring dream that you had at the Cheddra site before being transferred back to Site-19. Can you tell me a little more about that?

QUIRES: Ah yes. The dream. After we had finally found SCP-7540 and gotten settled at the campsite for a little while, I started having a series of notably… intense dreams. Well, sort of. Intense, vivid, you know. They felt so… real, like I could never wake up. Like I was never sleeping.

LAGHMANI: Noted. Tell me more. What do you recall from the dreams?

QUIRES: If I remember correctly… yes. They were all the same, they all went like this: it is dark and cloudy and I am standing on an impossibly tall hill, extending upwards through the sky. I cannot see the bottom of the hill, it's as if it keeps going down and down until all that's visible is just blackness.

QUIRES: In the dreams, I had nowhere to go and nothing to do, so I just started climbing up. I climbed for… what felt like hours. After an eternity, though, I remember looking back behind me and seeing that the bottom of the hill had changed. Instead of the infinite darkness that was there before there was now a— a bottom. And at the bottom was a city.


QUIRES: Yes, a city. I could see it as clear as day now that the darkness had gone— it was enormous. Thousands of little houses and buildings and towers everywhere, all walled in by these magnificent stone walls. Oh, and it was on fire.

LAGHMANI: On fire?

QUIRES: Of course, what else could burn so bright and make those people scream like that? Yes, the whole thing was ablaze, glowing gold and yellow as I saw these tiny men surrounding it with flaming bows and arrows and cannons, all firing into the blazing city. It was.. oddly beautiful.

LAGHMANI: I see. What did you do next?

QUIRES: I didn't want to get troubled with whatever war was happening there, you see, and I was already so far up so I… I continued to climb. After what I think felt like another eternity I at last made it through the clouds at the top of the hill. Through the clouds, there I could finally see the sky. It was… completely empty, save for the moon. It glowed so brightly, it felt so beautiful and at the same time… so wrong.


QUIRES: I don't know how to describe it. Some part of me, something deep within me saw that glowing orb in the sky and… panicked. Like it was scared. The rational part of my brain was absent then, and so I turned and I ran. I started sprinting down the hill, I recall tripping on my way down several times but I didn't stop— every part of my body now held a single desire: to get away from the moon.

LAGHMANI: What happened next?

QUIRES: The moon started following me, laughing and screaming on its way down, and so I started screaming too, and… and… well that's when I'd wake up.

LAGHMANI: I see. I do remember your bunkmates telling me about that… screaming. Were those dreams why you decided to leave?

QUIRES: Oh, Kareem. You should have seen the way it looked at me, its eyes, I—

LAGHMANI: It's okay, Alonzo. Thank you for your time.


Interview with Agent Amy Navarra (Initial Investigation Team)


LAGHMANI: Agent Navarra. Please, sit down.

NAVARRA: Thank you.

LAGHMANI: What do you remember from the Cheddra investigation? Anything… unusual?

NAVARRA: [Smiles.] I work for the Foundation, Doctor, I think you're forgetting.

LAGHMANI: Yes, I'm sure you saw your fair share of odd occurrences during that mission. But did anything in particular stand out to you?

NAVARRA: I… remember having a dream. I don't generally remember dreams very well so I guess this sort of… "stands out to me", like you say. In the dream, I was standing in a small, ceiling-less tower in a large walled-in city. The floor was made of stone and hay, and the walls were weak like paper. Outside the tower I could hear screaming and chaos and people fighting, so I concentrate and try to focus on what I am doing.

NAVARRA: In the dream, I pull out a knife. I— I don't remember where from, but I do remember it being sharp, exceptionally sharp. And then… ah yes. I look up. Directly above my tower I see a pale, glowing, full moon. I'm not sure why, but something abhorrent resides there, I can feel it. I squint up at the surface of the moon and I see hundreds of small, beady human eyes, all blinking down at me. They tell me… something, that's all I can remember. And so I lift the blade to my face and carve out my eyes.

LAGHMANI: I'm sorry, you—

NAVARRA: Please don't interrupt.

LAGHMANI: My apologies. Continue.

NAVARRA: I carve out my eyes. I don't feel any pain or anything, in fact, I distinctly recall it feeling quite comfortable. And so I let my eyeballs carefully slide into my palm as I call out to the moon, offering them up as sacrifice. And I know this sounds odd, but I swear I could feel the moon smiling down at me as it accepted my gift. Before it leaves, however, I asked it that in return, the moon should save my town. Protect my city, save my friends. And it… agrees. And after that… I don't know. It all becomes foggy. And then I wake up.

LAGHMANI: That's… something. If I'm being completely honest, that was quite confusing.

NAVARRA: I wouldn't think about it too much, Doctor. It was really just a dream. And if you think about it too much, you'll start seeing her, and well, [Chuckles.] that means she can see you, too.

LAGHMANI: I— yes. Thank you. That will be all.

NAVARRA: Keep her dreaming. Don't wake her up.


Interview with Affected Civilian Subject (Translated)


LAGHMANI: Good morning, elder.

SUBJECT: Ahh, good morning to you, too, child. I don't see men like you around here often.

LAGHMANI: No, I wouldn't expect so. I am here on behalf of the… government. I am sure you know, we will need to relocate you, eventually.

SUBJECT: So I have heard. May I ask why?

LAGHMANI: Unfortunately, that's entirely confidential. I am here today to ask you about something entirely different, however. I'd like to know… have you been having any strange dreams, lately?

SUBJECT: Strange? No. Nothing out of the ordinary, that is for sure.

LAGHMANI: Hmm. Well, could you tell me about your latest dream, perhaps? Lat us start there.

SUBJECT: If you'd really like to know… alright. In my latest dream, I am standing in front of a mountain of immense proportions; I can just barely see it's peak shooting through the clouds. Behind me, I can see my village, although it is… changed.

LAGHMANI: Changed? In what way?

SUBJECT: It is much larger now, far more houses. And I no longer recognize any of the men or women or children who I've grown accustomed to knowing. The people are different.


SUBJECT: All of a sudden, I hear screaming and I can smell smoke. In the distance, I see raiders and strange men running into our village with swords and arrows and fire. As they close in I quickly run into a home and hide myself there, under a table.

LAGHMANI: Interesting. What do you do next?

SUBJECT: I pray. I pray to God, to the sky gods, to the sun gods, to every god I know. And I pray to the moon, the old taboo god. And I know she hears me. And so I offer up my life in exchange for my village's protection—

LAGHMANI: But is it your village? You said that it looked, well, different. The people had changed.

SUBJECT: But I am an elder nonetheless. Should I not continue my duty to protect my people's land, even if I do not recognize them? No. I will still protect them. And so I plead to the moon god for protection, for my people's protection, and she so graciously responds. And at last I can feel my body being pulled up, through the table I am hiding under, through the sky, into salvation… and then I wake up. And that's what I dreamed of. That's how it has always happened before.

LAGHMANI: I see. Did you say "before"? Do you have this dream often? Is this something you… commonly fear?

SUBJECT: Fear? No, because I know she is always watching us. She may be sleeping, yes, but still watching.

LAGHMANI: I'm sorry, "she"? Who—

SUBJECT: She's watching you, too. Just look into her tomb and you'll see. She's waiting.


Following the Foundation's initial discovery of SCP-7540, the anomaly's óneiro-kinetic effects have been observed to gradually drop at a rate of approximately 9.3% per day. Site-515 researchers believe this to be a result of the Foundation's efforts to contain SCP-7540's effects (notably with KT-AFIs), although this is still uncertain. Research is underway.


Imaging and standard non-anomalous testing has proved ineffective on SCP-7540-1. Through intensive anomalous testing, the following information has been gathered about the nature of SCP-7540-1:

  • it is not an anomalous phenomenon;
  • it is not an inert anomalous object;
  • it is not human;
  • it is not alive;
  • it does not possess a soul;
  • it is not dead;
  • it is not awake;
  • it does show signs of advanced noögenesis;
  • it is not mortal;
  • it is not an angel;
  • it is not (actively) worshipped;
  • it may or may not be deific (type-Ψ/LUNA);
  • it may or may not be related to a celestial body;
  • it is of unknown origin;
  • it is waking up (determined by the Department of Tactical Theology).


The following dream logs were recorded by Researcher Nathanial Kocsis while directly under the óneiro-kinetic effects of SCP-7540.

Dream Log 01 - Researcher Nathanial Kocsis

I close my eyes and I begin to feel the familiar warm lull of sleep pulling me in. And as I fall into a gentle slumber I feel a presence of something watching me, something I have never felt before. Something eerie. But I relax and I allow this presence to take me away, and it does so gladly.

I now see myself atop a mountain, the presence having taken me above the clouds. As I regain my footing, here I can finally see the true identity of the presence for myself. It is the moon, and it shines so brightly in the sky. As I look up into the starless, empty black void where the moon resides, I see a single large eye forming on the surface of the moon itself. As I watch in horror, the eye opens up and smiles at me. It tells me something, something arcane, and I feel the weight of this knowledge pushing down on me so powerfully.

And so I begin to descend the mountain. I am panicking now, and all I want to do is to escape the sight of the moon's eye. I run down the mountain for ages until I at last reach the bottom. At the base of the mountain I see an enormous, beautiful city. To my horror, the city is being lit ablaze. Thousands of men surround the city's immense walls and begin to set fire to it, some even firing blazing arrows into the heart of the city itself!

The men do not notice me, and so I freeze and turn around. The moon has caught up with me, and so without thinking, I drop down to my knees and begin to pray to it. I pray and ask it to protect the city, the beautiful pristine city. It smiles wider and wider and I feel something unnatural washing around me before the moon screams. Its scream is like a shrill laugh, and I feel shivers running down every cell of my body. As the moon continues to scream, I watch as, to my amazement and horror, the men destroying the city begin to levitate and writhe in pain. Their bodies rise unnaturally as the moon only continues to scream and laugh.

This continues for what feels like an eternity as the men continue to scream in pain while the moon continues to scream in what sounds like amusement until at last it stops. The men fall to the ground, while the moon begins to descend from the heavens until it too falls to the ground. It is exhausted, that much is obvious, and so it lies down in a marble tomb and begins to dream. And I wake up.

Dream Log 02 - Researcher Nathanial Kocsis

I fall asleep. As I do, I see again the city of which I dreamed of the night before, now beautiful and whole again. It is night, and the moon shines brightly in the sky. Seeing this fills me with an odd indescribable joy, something I find… difficult to explain. Nonetheless, I enter the city but I find it seemingly deserted. I stroll around until I hear a quiet whispering in a tongue I do not recognize, coming from a small church near the center of the city. I walk towards it, and as I do, I realize that it oddly sounds familiar— I cannot place it.

I approach the church and I find the doors are open, so I step inside. It appears that the entire town is here, each one of them bowed down in prayer, whispering something I do not understand. In the front of the church I see, carved into marble, an enormous sculpture of the moon. As I gaze in awe, I realize that a presence is now standing behind me. Without even turning to know, I feel it— it is the moon. I hear it smile.

And so I, too, kneel down and pray.

Dream Log 03 - Researcher Nathanial Kocsis

I did not sleep much last night— nonetheless, I still managed to dream for about three hours. In my dream, I am standing in Site-515 and it is completely empty— I am the only one there. Night has fallen— it is a moonless night. It is quiet, yet something makes me feel uneasy— I cannot quite place it. It is as if something in the bowels of the site is stirring, and so I enter the containment chamber for SCP-7540.

I need walk for only seconds, the length of the access tunnel for the anomaly having seemingly shrunk— until I see it. The tomb. It is basked in a pearly white glow despite no lights being on in the chamber, and I feel a prickling chill emanating from the marble itself. And as I stand and watch, the lid of the tomb— so meticulously sealed by the finest containment specialists the Foundation has to offer— begins to slowly detach and rise into the air. A horrible white light leaks through the top of the tomb and I start to step away, before breaking into a full sprint back down the access tunnel. But before I can make it all the way to the door and seal the chamber, I feel my body being lifted by an invisible force and I see a flash of white light— before I wake up.

I haven't slept since.


On 05/02/2023, OVERSEER Site-01 received the following message from RPCF Site-515.


Remote Provisional Containment Facility Site-515 is experiencing an AMIDA-class containment breach of unknown origin (type-Ψ/LUNA). Personnel life signs are reporting: 0.0%. Seismic disturbances of unknown magnitude have been noted. Akiva radiation levels are ABNORMALLY HIGH. Oneiric radiation levels are ABNORMALLY HIGH. The status of ATF Delta-515-β is: COMPROMISED. Under Foundation Emergency Protocol 834-REVALATION, this message will repeat until an ALL-CLEAR is received from Site-01 or new information is available.


Following this, a video transcript was received as well, despite no personnel being alive or responsive at Site-515.



[Feed begins. The exterior of RPCF Site-515 is visible against a moonless night sky. No activity noted for two hours.]

[The facility is suddenly basked in a faint white glow as the moon begins to rise over the horizon anomalously quickly.]

[The footage degrades as the moon continues to come into view. Notable audio and video distortions are present.]

[The exterior of the facility begins to shift and distort. The landscape surrounding the facility begins to bulge at the edges.]

[The moon continues to rise as the audio/video distortions increase in intensity.]




The significance of this is unknown. The Department of Tactical Theology is currently considering PROTOCOL 999-SERAPH; investigation is underway.

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