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Image of SCP-753 taken from Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd. records.

Item #: SCP-753

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-753 is currently contained at Sector-28, located on █████████ ██████ SCP-753 is to be contained in a 6m x 6m holding cell, monitored by surveillance cameras at all times. SCP-753 is to be provided with five (5) litres of each primary color of paint each day, along with twenty-four (24) standard painting canvases. All paintings created by SCP-753 are to be recorded by research staff.

In the event that SCP-753 attempts to destroy itself, security personnel are to restrain SCP-753 and await further orders from Research Staff present.

Description: SCP-753 is a highly advanced automaton approximately ten (10) centimeters across, six (6) centimeters wide and eight (8) centimeters tall. SCP-753 possesses two (2) pincer-like limbs protruding from its main circular body, which it uses to slowly move itself across the ground. This is likely due to SCP-753's locomotive functions having been damaged at an unknown point in its history.

At the center of SCP-753's body is a red sensory organ similar in structure to that of the human eye. SCP-753's eye appears to be organic, but it is likely artificially produced. This eye is also damaged, leaving SCP-753 partially blind. A 'Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd.' logo has been engraved on SCP-753's back.

Interior analysis of SCP-753 shows that it moves using a rudimentary nervous system, coordinated by an extremely small spherical 'brain'. Above SCP-753's body is a small 'receiver', the purpose of which is currently unknown. SCP-753 appears ignorant of its surroundings, and does not recognize the presence of personnel.

SCP-753's primary purpose appears to be the creation of paintings. Paintings produced by SCP-753 are highly realistic and often do not correspond to real locations. Recently, paintings created by SCP-753 have mostly involved, in some way, SCP-753's death. SCP-753 was initially returned to Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd by one of their clients, who complained that it was 'broken'. ██████ ██████, a Foundation mole within the organisation, was able to retrieve SCP-753 before incineration.

SCP-753 usually produces one (1) painting per hour. When SCP-753 is not provided with adequate paint or painting canvas, it appears to enter a dormant state, shutting down for a minimum time length of one (1) week. As this heavily impedes research, SCP-753 is to be kept stocked with paint and canvases at all times. SCP-753 does not appear to be concerned about completed paintings, and generally ignores them after they are finished.

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