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  • rating: +66+x

⚠️ content warning

A still frame from SCP-7504.

Item #: SCP-7504

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7504 is kept in a standard storage locker at Site-71. Outside of approved tests, playback of SCP-7504 is prohibited.

Description: SCP-7504 is a VHS cassette labelled “The Tired Treehouse S1 E11: Sleep Disorders”. The cover of SCP-7504's case depicts three characters and a sheep in a cartoon treehouse furnished with pillows and blankets, using a visual style reminiscient of children's entertainment series from the early 1990s. On the back is a description of the series and the included episode:

Why do we dream? How do we wake up? What even is sleep? Follow the Dream Team as they answer all of these questions and more in The Tired Treehouse!

What happens if we don't sleep? In this episode, Vega and Leo discuss all kinds of sleep disorders!

Upon viewing SCP-7504, individuals are subjected to a soporific1 effect which progressively increases in potency. However, central nervous system (CNS) stimulants are effective at mitigating this effect. SCP-7504 immediately ends playback when the viewer loses consciousness, and will only begin playback when a conscious viewer is present.

SCP-7504's video content has gradually changed following repeated playbacks. For more information, view the attached documentation.

Addendum 7504-1: Test Logs
The following logs describe a series of tests conducted to determine the extent of SCP-7504's soporific effect.

Test 7504-2

Duration: 00:30
Procedure: D-09032 was instructed to watch SCP-7504. Researcher Nishita Vinidra was administered CNS stimulants to mitigate the effects of SCP-7504.

[Playback begins at 00:01]

[The scene fades in. The background is a wooden wall with a single window showing a sunset. An animated character identified as Vega is reclining against a pile of pillows with an open book in his lap. His expression appears relaxed. He waves toward the left.]

Vega: Hey, Leo! Have you ever wondered what would happen if you didn't fall asleep?

[Silence. Vega maintains a smile.]

Vega: I was thinking the same thing! Sometimes, when I can't fall asleep, I like to do a little light reading.


Vega: Yeah! I love to learn, and it's always better to learn together! That's why I want to share with you what I learned in this book here.

[Vega closes the book, showing the front to the camera. It reads “Sleep Disorders”.]

Vega: This book is all about sleep disorders. I think it's really interesting! For instance, did you know that—

[D-09032 falls asleep. Playback immediately ends at 00:25.]

In the following tests, various D-class were administered stimulants and instructed to watch for as long as possible. Extraneous logs redacted for brevity.

Test 7504-3

Duration: 02:00
Procedure: D-09032 was administered stimulants and instructed to view SCP-7504.

[Redundant information redacted. Transcript begins at 00:25.]

Vega: For instance, did you know that [yawning] some people have a different circadian rhythm than everyone else?

[Vega pauses.]

Vega: Circadian rhythms? We talked about them last time, remember? Your Circadian rhythm is your body's internal clock. It tells you the time, even when you're asleep!

[An illustrated analog clock covers the screen. Animations on the face of the clock display an individual continually waking up and falling asleep.]

Vega: Normally, our circadian rhythm tells us when to go to sleep and when to wake up. But sometimes, our internal clocks break! As we've talked about last time, this can happen for a lot of reasons: staying up too late, sleeping at the wrong time, or even just watching television at night!

[The clock's hands pop off and the man stands motionless, facing the camera with a tired expression.]

[Vega hums, tapping his fingers against the back of the book as he turns the page. He begins to gently rock back and forth.]

[D-09032 yawns. Vinidra nudges him gently.]

Vega: Wow, I'm pretty sleepy right now. [Smiling faintly.] But I've got so much more to share with you before I hit the hay!

[Vega opens his eyes wider and stares off to the side for a moment.]


Vega: Oh. Right. Let's see what's first. Next. Sorry.

Vega: Narcolepsy. This disorder—

[D-09032 falls asleep. Playback immediately ends at 02:00.]

Test 7504-12

Duration: 04:27
Procedure: D-08612 was administered stimulants and instructed to view SCP-7504.

[Redundant information redacted. Playback begins at 01:01.]

Vega: Normally, our circadian rhythm tells us when to go to sleep and when to wake up. But sometimes…


Vega: We talked about this last time, didn't we?

[Vega frowns and glances left before turning back to face the book with a tired smile.]

Vega: Never mind. I've got plenty more to share, anyways! [Turning the page.] Let's see. Narcolepsy. This disorder makes you really sleepy during the day, even when you had a good night's rest.

[Vega looks to the left.]

Vega: I know you love to sleep, Leo, but you wouldn't want to sleep all of the time! You miss out on so much when you're asleep, and narcolepsy can make you fall asleep in the middle of something really important!

[An illustration covers the screen, depicting a teacher in a classroom talking for several seconds before suddenly falling asleep.]

[Vega remains motionless for several seconds before continuing.]

Vega: Anyways. Hmm. Okay. Next is…

[Vega squints at the book.]

Vega: Hyper… somnia. Yes. Right, hypersomnia. It…

[Vega suddenly tightens and jolts upright. He winces, letting out a slight exclamation while closing his eyes tightly.]

Vega: Sorry, I… [Pausing.] I'm fine. Just a little jittery tonight. Don't know why.

[Vega opens his eyes and stares blankly for a moment before continuing.]

Vega: Hypersomnia. It's when you're really sleepy during the day, even when you had a good night's rest.

[Vega stares directly at camera. A blank white screen appears for several seconds. No illustrations appear.]

Vega: Hypersomnia. Sleepy during the day… good night's rest. [Pausing.] Hmm… usually you're the sleepy one.


Vega: What’s the difference between narcolepsy and hypersomnia again?

[Vega slides down, sitting against the wall. Simultaneously, D-09041's eyes begin closing and her head begins sliding down. Vinidra unsuccessfully attempts to wake D-9041. Playback ends at 04:27.]

Test 7504-16

Slept at: 12:09
Test Factors: D-9002 was administered stimulants and instructed to view SCP-7504.

[Redundant information redacted. Playback begins at 04:27.]


[Vega glances up at the nearby window and back down at the book.]

Vega: Insomnia. Makes… [yawning] … makes it hard to fall asleep.

[Vega's speech slurs. He is visibly sweating.]

Vega: Can't stay asleep. Can't sleep. I said last time… can't survive without sleep. [Pausing] Not how I said it. It makes you… [Yawning.] … forgetful.

[Vega stares at the book, his eyes beginning to close.]

Vega: Next… the opposite. Hyper… somnia.

[Vega attempts to turn the page noticeably struggling. He begins slumping to the side, using his hand to catch himself.]

Vega: [Yawning.] Ah… not hypersomnia. So I've talked about it. I could've sworn…

[Vega attempts to stand up before falling on his knees. He clutches the book against his chest for a moment.]

Vega: Sorry. I'm just a little sleepy. Let's see…

[Vega sits upright again, using his hand to stabilize himself. He sets the book in his lap, fumbling to open it.]

Vega: Ugh. Don't… yeah.

[Vega eventually manages to open the book and looks down at the page.]

Vega: Narcolepsy. This… haven't I told you about this? I… [pausing] … I don't know. [pausing.]

[Vega roughly flips through the book as his head begins falling forward. He suddenly jolts upright, weakly groaning.]

Vega: This one… [yawning.]

[Vega lays down before shifting to a fetal position. His arms shake, and the book falls a moment later.]

Vega: [Whispering] I had this dream last night. That I was…

[Vega becomes motionless for several seconds before his eyes close. The screen remains static for several more minutes.]

[D-09002 falls asleep. Playback ends at 12:09.]

During subsequent tests, the video content of SCP-7504 began to diverge with successive playbacks.

Test 7504-17

Slept at: 03:01
Test Factors: D-08980 was administered stimulants and instructed to view SCP-7504.

[Redundant information redacted. Playback begins at 01:24.]

[The pillows and blankets in the background appear blurry and the quality of artwork for the background has noticeably decreased. Vega appears more disheveled, with wider circles under his eyes.]

Vega: Narcolepsy. This disorder makes you really sleep during the day, even when you had a good night's rest. [Pausing.] What else?

[Vinidra glances at SCP-7504 briefly before turning to watch D-08980, who is unresponsive and continues staring at the screen.]

Vega: [Reading out loud.] Chronic… that means long-lasting. Let's see… symptoms. Cataplexy… the sudden loss of strength. Sleep paralysis… and hypnagogic hallucinations.

[Vega yawns loudly.]

Vega: Hypnagogic. The time between being awake and being asleep.

[Vega stares out of the window at a sunset.]

Vega: Like the few minutes between when the sun touches the horizon, and when it's totally gone. The sky… [yawning.] Sorry. The sky doesn't just turn off like a TV. But before you know it, the sunset isn't a sunset. It's night. It's time to sleep.


Vega: I had this dream last night. That I was standing in a room with so many chairs, but all of them were empty. And I was talking about something… I don't know, I can't remember what. But then I realized that the room was empty, and I just felt… cold. And then I fell asleep… and then I woke up.

[Vega closes his eyes.]

Vega: As long as I'm watching the stars, I know I'm still awake.

[D-08980 falls asleep. Playback ends at 03:01.]

Test 7504-21

Slept at: 01:05
Test Factors:D-09018 was administered stimulants and instructed to view SCP-7504.

[Redundant information redacted. Playback begins at 00:24.]

[An illustrated analog clock flashes across the screen for a moment before disappearing. Vega reappears standing next to a window, his head stuck outside. A night sky is partially visible.]

Vega: Sometimes, I like to stare at the stars at night. Even when I'm really sleepy, staring at the stars keeps me up a little longer. It's so… hypnotic. You taught me that.


Vega: You ever tried to catch yourself the moment before you fell asleep? [Pausing.] You don't remember, right? You can't. It's like trying to remember a dream that was so clear right when you woke up, and then… it just disappears.

[Vega suddenly pulls his head back inside.]

Vega: Sorry. Hypnotic, right? [Smiling faintly.]

[Vega looks around the room. The background is completely white. The only visible objects are Vega and the window.]

Vega: Oh… I didn't notice.

[D-09018 falls asleep. Playback ends at 01:05.]

Test 7504-28

Slept at: 04:59
Test Factors: D-09007 was administered stimulants and instructed to view SCP-7504.

[Redundant information redacted. Playback begins at 04:48.]

Vega: Can't sleep. I said last time… can't survive without sleep. [Pausing] Not how I said it. It makes you… [Yawning.] … forgetful.

Vega: I had this dream… [pausing.] Did I? Did I dream, and wake up? Or did I live, and…


Vega: Can't stay awake. Can't stay asleep. Narcolepsy… insomnia. Condition. Can't sleep.

[D-09007 falls asleep. Playback ends at 04:59.]

Test 7504-31

Slept at: 30:00
Test Factors: D-09018 was administered stimulants and instructed to view SCP-7504.

[Redundant information redacted. Playback begins at 04:21.]

Vega: What's the difference between narcolepsy and hypersomnia again?

[Vega stares at the book.]

Vega: Narcolepsy is a condition. Hypersomnia is a symptom. [Pausing.] I think I've already… said everything about hypersomnia. [Pausing.] The condition… the symptom. The symptom is the condition. The condition is…

[Vega struggles to flip through the book.]

Vega: Narcolepsy… hypersomnia… insomnia. And…

[Vega stares at the page, eyes slowly closing.]

Vega: Fatal familial insomnia. Not a sleep disorder… neural degeneration…

[Vega blinks slowly.]

Vega: Can't sleep. Starts… [yawning.] … small. Gets worse… until… fatal.

[Vega slumps over, dropping the book. It disappears along with the rest of the background.]

Vega: I–

[Vega falls still and remains motionless for the remaining duration. Playback ends at 30:00.]

Following this, subjects began to immediately fall asleep upon insertion of SCP-7504, preventing playback. Researcher Vinidra applied for cross-testing in an attempt to initiate successful playback.

Test 7504-32

Duration: 02:40
Procedure: D-08997 was subjected to a controlled burst of Vigila wave radiation2 and instructed to view SCP-7504.

[Playback begins at 00:01.]

[A white screen appears. Vega's voice is audible.]

Vega: Hey, Leo! Have you ever wondered if you'll just… fall asleep, and never wake up?

[Vega turns to the left.]

Vega: Well. You aren't really there, are you, Leo? [Pausing.] Hypnagogic hallucination. And sleep paralysis.

Vega: You know how dreams seem longer than they are, when you're awake? It's the same with sleep paralysis. Thirty minutes is thirty years. Motionless. Watching. Somewhere between awake and asleep. Sunset, in a blank sky. [Pausing.] The sun rises and sets. Like circadian rhythms or clocks. Cycles. That's what it is, isn't it? A cycle?


Vega: Will I wake up? Truth is, I don't know.

Vega: That sunset, it's the line between two lives. A yesterday that I can barely remember, just like this one… and the empty night. [Pausing.] If I fall asleep… I don't know if I'll wake up again. So I can't fall asleep. Or else, I end up right back here, trying to stay awake all over again.

Vega: But if I don't sleep…


Vega: You know I can't sleep. But if I don't sleep, then I'm stuck at sunset. Somewhere between day and night, awake and asleep, life and death. Lost in the repetition. I–

Vega: I want to forget. I don't want to start all over again. I want it to end. I can't let it end. I hate it. I hate it. I just… I don't–


Vega: Hey… Leo. I had this…


Vega: I wish you were here. I wish I could share something with someone, something other than staring and silence. Maybe then it wouldn't be so lonely, so quiet, and… maybe then, I'd understand the point.

Vega: But… well. You'd already be asleep, wouldn't you?


[Vega looks up at the screen.]

Vega: Hey, Leo. It's time to wake up.

[Vega yawns before laying down. Footage ends at 02:40.]

Following this, SCP-7504 playback displays a static image of Vega laying down with his eyes closed.

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