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SCP-7476's current container

Item #: SCP-7476

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7476 is contained within a standard safe-class SCP item locker. The cap of SCP-7476 must not be removed, and if it is removed, personnel must not look inside. If the inside of SCP-7476's container is viewed, it is recommended that on-site personnel check all of their opaque containers by emptying them without looking inside. If SCP-7476 is discovered through this method, it is to be returned to its locker, and its previous container may be disposed of.

Description: SCP-7476 is an unobservable phenomenon that can affect one container at a time, causing the container to have an infinite supply of its contents until the inside is observed in any way. Upon observation of the container's interior, all of its contents will disappear, completely emptying the container. At the same time, SCP-7476's effects will transfer to a different container. No evidence of SCP-7476's presence remains with a container after SCP-7476 leaves it. Currently, SCP-7476 is affecting a green 750 mL bottle of women's shampoo, but it has affected several other containers prior (see list below).

Due to SCP-7476's unobservable nature, it can only affect opaque containers. The only way to confirm SCP-7476's presence within a container (without transferring SCP-7476 to another container) is to begin emptying it; if more contents than could realistically fit inside the container are observed, it can be deduced that SCP-7476 is present. The largest container SCP-7476 has affected had a volume of 7 liters, and the smallest container had a volume of 0.5 mL. It is unknown if SCP-7476 can affect containers of volumes outside of these bounds, but it is possible that it has, just without notice.

As it is difficult to determine SCP-7476's new container after a transfer has occurred, it is recommended to all Foundation staff that important substances/items be contained in clear containers if possible, so that SCP-7476 may not affect (and subsequently deplete) those substances/items in the case that it affects those containers.

The following methods of observing SCP-7476 are confirmed to be ineffective, and will initiate SCP-7476's transfer:

  • Viewing the container's inside with the naked eye or mirrors
  • Weighing the container to determine the contents by their weight
  • Candling the container to view the silhouette of the contents
  • Feeling the contents through the lid without looking inside
  • Photographing or videoing the inside
  • Utilizing soundwaves, light rays, and x-rays to image the contents (including CT scans and MRIs)
  • Shaking the container over and over (typical rattling made by handling the container does not initiate SCP-7476's transfer)
  • Melting, dissolving, or otherwise breaking open the container
  • Any and all variants of the above actions, including those performed by animals or pre-programmed machines

When comparing the weights of a container affected by SCP-7476 and an identical container of the same product, SCP-7476's container will feel around the same weight as the unaffected container (but when measured with any type of weighing device, SCP-7476 will empty its container and transfer its effects to a different container).

SCP-7476 was initially discovered during a routine restocking of the bathroom soap dispensers within the site. The janitor in charge of the restocking noted that he had not restocked one of the dispensers in months. The janitor claimed that he never checked the inside of the soap dispenser because "peeking would ruin it". (It is unlikely that this feeling is a result of SCP-7476 and is rather a natural human inclination). Upon observation of the inside, the dispenser was completely empty, despite producing a normal quantity of soap (with no evidence of it being close to empty) prior. After several more instances, SCP-7476's presence was confirmed.

After its initial discovery, SCP-7476 has only affected containers within this site. Tests to determine its origin have been indefinitely postponed due to a lack of urgency.

Addendum 7476-1:
Addendum 7476-2:
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