
Despite regarding the possibility of itself violating any laws with existential terror, SCP-7416 has been noted to remain largely unbothered by illegal actions taken by other beings, provided said actions do not involve it in any way.

rating: +138+x

SCP-7416 in a temporary containment facility, while Site-47 undergoes construction.

Item #: SCP-7416

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7416 is to be kept in a standard biological containment chamber, with a lift frame installed into the center of the floor that can be used to hydraulically elevate SCP-7416 for cleaning. Standard mid-capacity drainage features are to be included in the chamber.

SCP-7416 is to be fed a primary meal once per day. The meal consists of a 5-liter solution composed of 60% high-fructose corn syrup, 25% sodium borate, 13% water, and 2% PVA glue. Additional food items1 may be provided upon request or as a reward for providing useful information. Once per week, SCP-7416 is also to be provided with a physical copy of the compiled rulebook of any board game, tabletop game, card game, or sport that it does not yet have complete knowledge of. When it has finished cataloguing the information, if the rulebooks are sufficiently intact they may be sanitized and added to the on-site recreation room.

SCP-7416 is to be rinsed once every three days to prevent lesions. Its secretions are to be disposed of following standard non-anomalous biological matter disposal procedures.

The following statements have been integrated into the Foundation Code of Conduct and the associated legislation supporting it, in the Specialized Legal Containment Protocols section L-44b:

  • SCP-7416 is to comply with all orders given by Foundation personnel of C-Class or above.
  • SCP-7416 is forbidden from taking actions or inactions that would reveal information to non-Foundation personnel that violates the defined consensus reality. B-Class personnel and above may permit an exemption to this rule strictly for the purposes of preventing greater damages.
  • SCP-7416 is forbidden from killing and/or inflicting severe bodily, mental, spiritual, and/or emotional damage to any Foundation personnel or other sentient beings through action or inaction. B-Class personnel and above may permit an exemption to this rule strictly for the purposes of preventing greater damages. In such cases, SCP-7416 may use non-lethal force to disable offending parties.
  • SCP-7416 is forbidden from exiting any Foundation site and aiding other anomalous items and/or entities from doing so. B-Class personnel and above may permit an exemption to this rule for evacuation or relocation purposes. It is also forbidden to aid non-Foundation personnel in the removal of anomalous items and/or entities from any Foundation site.
  • SCP-7416 is forbidden from revealing any confidential information within the Foundation Code of Conduct and the associated legislature and/or any other Foundation database to persons with insufficient clearance.

SCP-7416 is to be given access to a physical copy of the Foundation Code of Conduct to ensure compliance.

It is permitted for Foundation personnel to converse with SCP-7416 for interviews, recreational purposes, or legal advice. However, hearing protection is encouraged, and any personnel responsible for instigating a computation cycle with a duration greater than 48 hours may be subject to disciplinary action. Any information yielded by SCP-7416 regarding other potential anomalies is to be recorded.

Description: SCP-7416 is an anomalous organism of unknown origin. It appears as a large, grub-like creature coated in a thick layer of pinkish blubber. It has a complex mouth structure on its head, bearing four large pedipalps it uses to manipulate objects and aid in ingestion, and three eyes are located on either side of its head. Its body excretes a mucus-like substance that, while not anomalous, causes severe migraines when ingested. Its body is approximately 6.3m long and 2.7m high, and it weighs roughly 6 metric tons. It is capable of gastropodal locomotion at a top speed of 0.14 m/s.

SCP-7416 is intelligent and fully sapient. It is capable of complex vocalizations and is fluent in a wide variety of languages,2 both mundane and alien. SCP-7416 identifies itself under the name "Lawbert", but will respond to its numerical SCP designation without complaint.

When conversing, SCP-7416 frequently speaks with no regard for sentence flow and instead continues speaking in rapid run-on sentences containing its entire statement. It uses an abnormal grammatical structure and vocabulary, as well as near-constant references to various legal systems it has knowledge of. SCP-7416 speaks in a hoarse, screeching, nasal tone. When agitated, it can reach volumes in excess of 112 dB.

SCP-7416 displays an extreme fixation with laws, legal systems, and legality in general. It has the stated goal of identifying, cataloguing, and following all laws currently in existence across the universe and any extant dimensions attached to such. The anomaly bears extensive knowledge of an unknown quantity of these legal systems, many of which are anomalous and/or alien in origin. Current figures provided by SCP-7416 are that it has completely catalogued 28,031 different legal systems, ranging widely in scale and complexity.

SCP-7416 completely refuses to take any action defined as illegal by any of the systems it has knowledge of at any time, for any reason. Despite regarding the possibility of itself violating any laws with existential terror, SCP-7416 has been noted to remain largely unbothered by illegal actions taken by other beings, provided said actions do not involve it in any way. It may still complain when witnessing the aforementioned infractions. If SCP-7416 holds a positive opinion of another being, it may warn of potential legal infractions more softly, or interject with legal advice that it deems potentially useful.

Due to the amount and complexity of the legal systems SCP-7416 has knowledge of, cases where multiple laws contradict each other are unavoidable. When this occurs, SCP-7416 immediately enters a dormant "computation" state where it does not respond to outside stimuli and is completely unaware of the outside world. During this time its entire body pulsates at various frequencies and significant mental activity can be observed via MRI. This state lasts until SCP-7416 is able to formulate a logical interpretation of the laws in question or establish a hierarchy between them that resolves the paradox. At this point SCP-7416 resumes normal activity, usually by loudly proclaiming its conclusions, and the computation cycle is resolved. To date, the duration of SCP-7416's computation cycles have ranged from a recorded minimum of 43 seconds to a recorded maximum of 219 days.3 The average duration of a cycle is 13.7 hours.

SCP-7416 is capable of anomalously copying information into its brain structure, the process of which involves the placement of any physical medium of information4 into the mouth using the pedipalps, followed by an aggressive sucking action that is maintained for an extended period of time. The duration of this period varies depending on the size and density of the media given, but typically ranges from 3-28 hours. Once catalogued, there are currently no known methods of removing legal information from SCP-7416, as it has demonstrated selective immunity to amnestics.5

SCP-7416 has demonstrated potent telekinetic abilities on multiple occasions, as well as the ability to alter aspects of its physiology through sheer mental exertion. Both abilities are used by SCP-7416 exclusively for the purposes of ensuring that it at no time takes any action viewed as illegal by any of the legal systems it has knowledge of.

Addendum 6/7/2018: As of this date, the SCP-7416 Anomalous Legislature Decompilation Initiative has been approved and enacted. The 7416-ALDI consists of SCP-7416 being given access to dictation equipment for the purposes of transcribing unknown legal information relevant to the Foundation's interests and maintained operation, under supervision of Foundation personnel to ensure coherence and relevance. Any relevant portions of material transcribed in this way are to be stored and catalogued accordingly.

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