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SCP-7323 in containment.

Item #: SCP-7323

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-7323 is housed in the small animal wing of the Carson Live Animal Research Facility (CLARF) in Research Sector 27. Its enclosure is a commercial 32x21x63 inch flight cage with 1/2 inch bar spacing. It is equipped with food and water bowls that can be removed and refilled without opening the enclosure. Bottlebrush and manzanita wood perches in various widths are provided and replaced as needed.

Area lighting mimics the day to night cycle with a minimum of 12 hours of darkness. A faint light source should be provided at night, to prevent accidental injury.

Food and water bowls are cleaned with F10 veterinary disinfectant once per day. No other cleaning products or chemicals may be used in the room containing SCP-7323's enclosure. Paper cage liners are changed daily, and droppings are handled in accordance with CLARF’s anomalous biowaste procedures.

SCP-7323's diet consists of 25% high-quality seed blend, 25% dandelion greens, and 50% pelleted supplement. SCP-7323 will not always accept pellets, and different brands should be introduced as necessary. Fresh water and a source of food should be maintained in the enclosure at all times.

SCP-7323 is supplied with no less than three enrichment items (raffia, paper, balsa wood, and stainless steel are acceptable materials) at all times. Mirrors, metals other than stainless steel, and cotton fibers should be avoided.

SCP-7323 is offered baths on a weekly basis in the form of a spray bottle with cool water. Caretakers should only proceed with spraying if a bathing response is observed.

Physical contact with SCP-7323 is not permitted outside of laboratory settings.

Staff assigned to SCP-7323 as caretakers follow a rotating schedule and standard CLARF distancing procedures to minimize the risk of attachment and psychological distress for both the animal and facility staff.

An avian veterinarian with Level 3 clearance must be in attendance when research is conducted with SCP-7323.

SCP-7323 has the appearance of an adult male budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) with the sky blue recessive pied morphology (retaining the black eyes and pink cere of a juvenile bird) that is found exclusively in domesticated budgerigars.

SCP-7323 has displayed no physical features, behaviors, or vocalizations that are atypical for this widely-studied species.

As of 07/03/2023, SCP-7323 has succumbed to undiagnosed afflictions and died on four occasions. Three of these deaths have been observed and recorded in a controlled setting. Its body has been observed progressing through the stages of algor mortis and rigor mortis. Before the onset of livor mortis, SCP-7323 returns to an undecayed, living, and active state.

Whether this transformation is a localized temporal reversal, a transmogrification, or an entirely different phenomenon is unknown at this time.

Postmortem recordings of SCP-7323 cut immediately from the image of a dead bird to the image of a living bird, creating the same visual effect as a deliberate edit. In-person observation does not alter this phenomenon in any way. All observers have reported the sight of a prone, dead bird instantaneously replaced by the sight of an active, living bird.

All iterations of SCP-7323 appear physically identical; however, SCP-7323's vocalizations and personality vary significantly in each iteration. Two iterations of SCP-7323 have been observed imitating human vocalizations that were not learned from interactions with its caretakers or research staff.

Iteration 1

Iteration 2

Iteration 3:

Iteration 4:

Iteration 5 (Current):

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