Item #: SCP-7231
Object Class: Keter Explained
Special Containment Procedures: Provisional Site-007 has been established to aid in the containment of SCP-7231. None of the personnel assigned to SCP-7231 are to have experienced the death of their brother.
SCP-7231 is entombed within the lowest sub-level of Provisional Site-007, approximately 77km below the surface of northern Maine. It is bound in iron chains inscribed with the Daevite glyph of "wye". SCP-7231's containment area is to be routinely inspected by trained personnel for any evidence of spatial distortion or other major alterations to the area.
Additionally, SCP-7231 is contained by the daily enactment of Procedure-111-MONTAUK.
Procedure-111-MONTAUK: The procedure consists of the flooding of SCP-7231's containment area with holy water as precisely seven priests of the Christian faith bless the area. During this time, personnel are cease all non-essential activities and recite Document-7231-A. pray for his soul. Document-7231-A is a ritualistic text derived from Daevite funeral customs and sermons given by members of the Christian Ministries of America.
Dr. Robert Montauk is to be kept unaware of the existence of SCP-7231. No longer valid.
Description: SCP-7231 is the corpse of Foundation Researcher Jacob Montauk. SCP-7231 Jacob has shown no signs of decay or damage ever since its initial containment burial on ██/██/████.
SCP-7231 Jacob perpetually bleeds from its hands, feet, and torso, producing approximately 7 liters of blood each day. The accumulation of this blood has been linked to several phenomena, particularly in the opening of portals to pocket dimensions as well as damage to the local integrity of space-time.
In addition to blood, SCP-7231's Jacob's body naturally produces extremely large amounts of Akiva Radiation grief. This energy corrupts the environment around it in highly esoteric and dangerous rituals, often causing the existence of hostile anomalous pathogens, entities, and concepts. These sub-anomalies will often attempt to breach SCP-7231's Jacob's containment for an unknown, possibly ritualistic purpose. Although such an effect points to the existence of a greater intelligence, SCP-7231 Jacob has been empirically proven to not be conscious. be deceased.
Although containment of these effects has been largely successful with the advent of Procedure-111-MONTAUK, the efficacy of the containment rituals have been decreasing ever since ██/██/████. Containment of SCP-7231 Jacob has caused increasingly more casualties and expense for the Foundation. Efforts to find alternate containment methods are ongoing.
SCP-7231 Jacob gained its anomalous properties following its death on ██/██/████. The exact manner of SCP-7231 Jacob's death is unknown, but it is believed to have been non-anomalous in nature. However, notably, the containment of SCP-7231 Jacob coincided with the discovery of SCP-231 and GoI-586 ("Children of the Scarlet King"). It is unknown if this is significant in any way.
We warned you what you'd find here.
I expected something horrifying, but … this.
It's not too late for me to requisition amnestics for you. Should I?
No. I deserve this pain. Append a text file to the main document.
ATTACHMENT TXT_A07231_M7777777: Memorandum
It's been a while ever since that day. Since I cradled your broken body as your warm blood mingled with the cold concrete and I howled my grief to the uncaring skies. You were the one that died that day, but so did I, in a way.
So, I threw myself into work. I contained doomsday cults, horrific monsters, and … yes, even that poor girl. I poured all my hatred and vehemence at a world that allowed you to be killed into the Scarlet King. This disgusting, twisted God that must have been responsible for the cruelty that took you away from me. I hated Him with every fiber of my being and endowed Him with all the evil in the world. I made Him my Devil. I swore to hurt Him however I could. I became as monstrous as I believed Him to be. All because I couldn't accept that my brother was really dead.
But now that I see this monster they've made of you, this thing that needs to be contained and locked up like some common aberration, I know that I was wrong. It was not the King that killed you. It was life. It was the meaningless twisting of fate that broke my heart. And what I've been doing isn't right. The King is a mindless thing, not even capable of consciousness, but when I blamed Him for you, I gave Him shape within your body. I gave Him form. I made you into the monster.
I need to let you go. To give you rest. I'll come back one day to put some red flowers on your grave.
Your big brother loves you.
~ Robert Montauk