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SCP-7191-A (Current Picture).

Item #: SCP-7191

Object Class: Euclid Thaumiel

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7191 is contained in a humanoid containment cell at Site-17 and is to be provided with a portable oxygen tank alongside standard amenities. All proposals concerning SCP-7191-B extraction are to be sent to Dr. Barrack for review.

SCP-7191 is held in a containment chamber installed with a built-in ventilation system at Site-17 and is medically restrained to their bed. Personnel must adorn respirators and flame-retardant coverings before entering the chamber. In the event that signs of leakage or ventilation breakdown are present, the attending supervisor is to be notified immediately.

Description: SCP-7191 is an 11-year-old male humanoid of Chinese-American descent (formerly known as Collin Tian). SCP-7191 possesses an extra-dimensional space in the form of SCP-7191-A, a marble cave-like structure superimposed on their nasopharynx. SCP-7191-A is host to tunnels, cenotes, speleothems in addition to various mining-based materials.1

SCP-7191 has a tangible effect on SCP-7191-A, as the entity's head movements or coughs result in the space temporarily changing gravity or be afflicted with tremors respectively. SCP-7191-A is not miniaturized and retains the actual corresponding size to that of non-anomalous caverns. Despite this, SCP-7191 is not weighed down by SCP-7191-A and has freedom of movement. SCP-7191 is overall not negatively affected by SCP-7191-A with the exception of indirectly causing its dyspnea, which can be alleviated via oxygen therapy.

History: Prior to containment, SCP-7191 was born with multiple nasal-related disorders that worsened during its development. On 09/22/2022, SCP-7191's mother had taken the entity for a scheduled doctor's appointment, during which attending physicians were astonished to witness SCP-7191-A. The Foundation was alerted to the situation and amnestized all relevant parties. SCP-7191 was then subsequently transferred to Site-17.

Addendum-01: Post-containment, an in-depth inspection of SCP-7191-A was performed through endoscopic technology. There, researchers discovered SCP-7191-B, a series of mineral deposits located throughout the anomaly. Individual SCP-7191-B instances not only hold native elements expected in underground mining, but also contain exceedingly excessive amounts of rare, artificial, and even anomalous metals such as Beryllium Bronze and Morgana Silver. However, SCP-7191-A is completely absent of fossil fuels such as natural gas and coal.

The revelation that SCP-7191-B-related material are identical to their original counterparts and carry zero risk of anomalous contamination, combined with the ongoing global chip crisis convinced Site Director Thomas Graham to assign Dr. Barrack to SCP-7191's case to see if the entity was suitable for potential thaumiel class status.

Although SCP-7191-B are capable of being mined, the diminutive size of SCP-7191-A's entrance and the impracticality of maneuvering the drill made extraction largely inefficient. Dissatisfied, Director Graham gave Dr. Barrack a strict deadline to bypass the 'obstacle' at hand or risk demotion. This issue was further exacerbated when SCP-7191 was beginning to reluctantly cooperate with staff, as extractions always caused the entity immense discomfort.

To amend this, Dr. Barrack attempted to regain SCP-7191's compliance through enticement as he continued the struggle finding an optimal solution for his predicament.

SCP-7191-A was inspected in the immediate aftermath, uncovering recently-drilled sections containing trace amounts of methane. Investigators deduced that prior to the events of Addendum-01, the entity was subjected to standard SCP-7191-B extraction that early morning. However, the research team had inadvertently perforated into a reservoir of natural gas, causing it to leak throughout SCP-7191-A. SCP-7191 didn't suffer the effects of the gas flooding into their respiratory tract due to the aforementioned small entrance to SCP-7191-A and the sufficient oxygen it was being supplied with.

The resulting explosion caused the irrevocable destruction of SCP-7191's facial muscles, bones, and organs. The entity was also afflicted with substantial brain damage, causing it to undergo a deep coma. As SCP-7191 was placed in its current containment chamber, Site Director Graham drafted disciplinary measures for Dr. Barrack. Resources were also allocated to SCP-7191 for experimental reconstruction surgery.

Addendum-02: Several days after, the combustion within SCP-7191 ceased completely. Another endoscopic exploration found that while SCP-7191-A was significantly damaged, a large portion of SCP-7191-B was not. The introduction of the enlarged opening on SCP-7191 allowed the application of drones to venture into and extract SCP-7191-B more efficiently and easier than prior attempts.

Furthermore, the explosion unearthed more tunnels, leading to more caverns containing a massive overabundance of SCP-7191-B instances, even more than those located by the entrance. Months later, it was concluded that SCP-7191-A has no measurable length or depth, and is presumed to be infinite. Site Director Graham congratulated the research team's endeavors on finding a workaround solution for the preliminary issue, granting them more permits and permissions.

Dr. Barrack was granted the opportunity for a promotion, but ultimately declined it. Dr. Barrack has drafted proposals citing up advocacy of siphon resources that are now primarily allocated to mining-based expenditures back to reconstruction surgery. The proposal was declined.

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