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Interior of the Horace City Hall ancillary building, prior to the boarding-off of its windows.

Item #: SCP-7161

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Entry to the ancillary building of the Horace City Hall is forbidden to all personnel without 4/7161 certification. No more than two people at a time may be granted 4/7161 certification. The door and surrounding fencing are both to be locked and the exterior of the facility is not to be maintained. Live surveillance footage of the exterior is to be continually tracked via hidden camera; a plainclothes guard is to be continually posted within 400 meters of the ancillary building. No cameras are to be placed in the interior or filming into it.

A Foundation bot (Collus.AIC) will continually monitor Horace social media accounts for mentions of certain stories; when a significant increase in their discussion is documented, five more plainclothes guards will be stationed in Horace for the next month.

Description: SCP-7161 refers to two wooden crates found in the first-floor supply closet of the ancillary building of the Horace, North Dakota city hall.

The smaller crate, SCP-7161-1, is cubic; each side measures approximately 23cm. A length of narrow rubber hose protrudes from a circular hole in the crate and through the wooden floorboards of the supply closet.

While attempting to discover where the hose led, a previously undocumented basement was discovered. The height of the basement’s walls are eight feet, and the floor is dirt. The hose protrudes through the ceiling of the basement and outputs about 10cc of fluid per hour, which drips into the soil. The source and content of this fluid is classified by O5 order.

Before entry to the ancillary building was restricted, occasional noises were reported from the interior of SCP-7161-1. The content of these reports is classified by O5 order.

The larger crate, SCP-7161-2, measures 2m×0.8m×0.6m. The sides of the crate are stained, consistent with a large amount of fluid accreting in its interior.

Occasionally, 1-2 civilians will attempt to breach the Horace City Hall ancillary building. Before these attempts, public discussion of certain stories tends to increase approximately threefold across Horace. These stories include, among others:

  • The Green Knight;
  • The Legend of Sleepy Hollow;
  • The Book of Judith;
  • The Green Ribbon;
  • David and Goliath;
  • The [REDACTED] of John the Baptist.

Both crates are stenciled on their sides with the words “SCP Foundation Department of Abnormalities”. No department by that name has ever existed.

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