Exploration Video Log Transcript
March 7th 20█
Exploration Team:
MTF Eta-11 “Savage Beasts” Charlie-3
Team Members:
-Doctor K. Parker
Age: Unknown.
Doctor Parker was assigned as the overseer for the exploration. He was based outside SCP-7116-A in a temporary communications tent.
- Sergeant James “Sarge” Mcfoe
Age: 36
SGT. Mcfoe was assigned as the squad leader of Charlie-3, heading the operation.
- Corporal Danielle “Echo” Williams
Age: 31
CPL. Williams was assigned to assist with the operation due to her exceptional hearing and spacial awareness.
- Corporal Stacy “Ten” Brooks
Age: 30
CPL. Brooks was assigned to assist operation due to her precise accuracy with a rifle.
- Private Andrew “Rookie” Morrison
Age: 21
PVT. Morrison was assigned to assist the operation on his first field mission. He was chosen for his great memory capacity and quick thinking.
Shortly after obtaining SCP-7116, a small base of operations was established. Before the expedition into SCP-7116-A, all members of Charlie-3 were equipped with standard-issue M4 rifles set to semi-auto, a flashlight attachment equipped onto each rifle. The squad had a mounted camera on each shoulder, due to the nature of the mineshaft no live footage was projected to Dr. Parker, however, radio signals remained clear throughout the entirety of the expedition. Radio communication was the only way Charlie-3 stayed in contact with Doctor Parker.
07:13 | 3/7/█
Footage begins with PVT. Morrison adjusting the straps on his vest. Doctor K. Parker can be heard on the radio.
Dr. Parker “Are communications working?”
SGT. Mcfoe “Loud and clear Doc.”
Dr. Parker “Check equipment is functional.”
Mcfoe looks toward Morrison, he gives Morrison a gentle nod as he proceeds to check his flashlight and rifle. Morrison quickly looks down and checks his equipment, they appear to be functioning.
PVT. Morrison “Equipment functional sir!”
CPL. Williams “No need to be so stiff Rookie, this is your first operation, enjoy it.”
CPL. Brooks nods in agreement. SGT. Mcfoe tosses a make-shift strap to Morrison.
SGT. Mcfoe “Since you’ve been so eager for an operation, why don’t you strap that anomalous radio to your belt and take care of it?”
PVT. Morrison “Of course sir! I won’t let you down!”
Morrison fumbles with the strap before finally attaching it to his vest and firmly strapping in SCP-7116. He then salutes.
SGT. Mcfoe “That’s the spirit, Rookie!”
Mcfoe pats Morrison on his back as he activates his comms to Dr. Parker.
SGT. Mcfoe “Equipment is all up and running Doc, we’re heading in now”
Dr. Parker “Understood, proceed with caution, update me if you notice anything out of the ordinary.”
08:20 | 3/7/█
SGT. Mcfoe holds up his hand as they reach a diverting path in the tunnels.
SGT. Mcfoe "SGT Mcfoe to Parker, come in."
Dr. Parker "Loud and clear, give me an update."
SGT. Mcfoe "It's really dark down here, our flashlights are doing magic though. We've reached a split path, what's the plan?"
Dr. Parker "Split into groups of two, keep me updated on anything you find."
SGT. Mcfoe "Copy that, Mcfoe out."
Mcfoe turns around and points to Morrison.
SGT. Mcfoe "Rookie, you're with me we'll investigate the left. Echo, Ten, you two go right and keep me updated."
CPL. Williams "Understood Sarge."
Williams is seen motioning to Brooks as Morrison turns to face Mcfoe, Mcfoe takes the lead and cautiously walks into the left tunnel. Morrison follows closely behind. SCP-7116 continues to play its SOS message.
PVT. Morrison "Hey Sarge, do you think we're gonna find anything cool down here?"
SGT. Mcfoe "We can only hope Rookie, otherwise it makes all this effort a complete waste."
PVT. Morrison "I wouldn't say it's waste, an adventure is still an adventure yeah, Sarge?"
Mcfoe pauses. Morrison leans over to see the reason for the sudden halt.
SGT. Mcfoe "SGT. Mcfoe to Parker. How copy?"
Dr. Parker "Good signal, send traffic."
SGT. Mcfoe "I got some writing on the wall of this mineshaft."
Dr. Parker "What does it say?"
SGT. Mcfoe "It's hard to make out, it seems really old."
Morrison steps up to the wall to inspect it, the large words written in feces stains across it.
PVT. Morrison "Fear that which watches…"
Morrison turns to Mcfoe, Mcfoe shoots Morrison a look of confusion.
SGT. Mcfoe "You got that Doc?"
Dr. Parker "Yeah I got it. Keep looking around, maybe you can find more to this place."
SGT. Mcfoe "Copy that. Mcfoe out"
Mcfoe taps Morrison on the shoulder and motions for him to continue following. Morrison looks back at the writing on the wall and then follows Mcfoe. As they continue forward, the pair come across two open tunnels on the left and right of the main hallway they are walking down. Mcfoe motions for Morrison to investigate the right. Morrison holds his rifle at the ready. He approaches the large open room on the other side of the tunnel. In front of him is an urban homestead, seemingly abandoned and unkempt for years. Morrison shudders upon seeing the building.
SGT. Mcfoe "Rookie, how copy?"
Morrison stares at the building, seemingly in shock.
SGT. Mcfoe "Respond Morrison, how copy?"
PVT. Morrison "Sorry Sarge, I'm here"
SGT. Mcfoe "What did ya find in there Rookie?"
PVT. Morrison "It's… My childhood home sir, I'd recognize that house anywhere."
SGT. Mcfoe "You sure Rookie?"
PVT. Morrison "I can't make it up Sarge, should I investigate?"
SGT. Mcfoe "Hold on, I'll make my way back to you."
Mcfoe's footsteps are heard growing louder as he approaches. SCP-7116's broadcast is suddenly interrupted by white noise. Morrison looks down at SCP-7116 and pulls the object out from its straps. Mcfoe appears shortly after.
SGT. Mcfoe "What's up with the object Rookie?"
PVT. Morrison "I'm not sure, it just stopped working."
SGT. Mcfoe "Doc, you getting this?"
Dr. Parker "Loud and clear, stay where you are, let me know if the anomaly's state changes"
Mcfoe gently takes SCP-7116 from Morrison, he plays around with the various switches and dials to no avail. Morrison watches on. in the corner of the video movement is shown. Morrison turns to where he thought the motion was, he finds himself staring at the rocky corner of the open room. Morrison displays partial confusion before SCP-7116 roars back to life, he turns to face Mcfoe.
SGT. Mcfoe "It's working again Doc."
Dr. Parker "Continue to monitor it, are there any changes?"
Mcfoe puts the speaker of SCP-7116 up to his ear, the radio can be heard through Morrison's camera. The voice of Corporal Williams can be heard through the radio
CPL. Williams "Hey, can anyone hear me? I'm trapped underground in a mineshaft at Mt. ████ in Siberia, please send help!"
PVT. Morrison "Is that Echo?"
Mcfoe's expression drops as he listens to his corporal repeat the same script Dr. █████ had been repeating previously. He hands SCP-7116 back to Morrison and pulls up his radio and speaks with panic in his voice.
SGT. Mcfoe "Echo, Ten! How copy?"
There is no response.
SGT. Mcfoe "Echo, Ten! Come in!"
Silence. Mcfoe seems distressed now.
SGT. Mcfoe "Corporal Williams, Brooks, do you copy?!"
Mcfoe's radio clicks as Brooks responds. Brooks sounds like she has been running, panting heavily, and speaking in a hushed whisper.
CPL. Brooks "This is Corporal Brooks, they got Williams…"
Mcfoe and Morrison exchange looks of concern.
SGT. Mcfoe "Who got Williams? Brook?"
There's silence on the other end before Brooks replies again.
CPL. Brooks "I don't know, we had just found Dr. █████'s body, then from nowhere these pale skinny bi-pedals start charging at us. William's stayed back to hold them off, I went to find you."
PVT. Morrison "So what happened to her?"
CPL. Brooks "There were just too many of them, they completely infest this place. Williams was overwhelmed… [Brooks takes a deep breath.] I'm currently hiding, I can hear them though… I can see one too… Oh god, it's looking straight at me…"
SGT. Mcfoe "Brooks? Brooks, what's going on?"
CPL. Brooks "Oh god there are more of them, they're everywhere…"
SGT. Mcfoe "Brooks, run for it!"
Gunshots can be heard through the radio before abruptly cutting off. Mcfoe and Morrison stare at each other in horror, their focus turns to SCP-7116 as the white noise returns, shortly after the voice of Corporal Brooks speaks through SCP-7116.
CPL. Brooks "Hey, can anyone hear me? I'm trapped underground in a mineshaft at Mt. ████ in Siberia, please send help!"
PVT. Morrison "Oh no…"
Mcfoe regains his composure as he begins heading to the main tunnel once more.
SGT. Mcfoe "We're leaving right now Private."
PVT. Morrison "What? We have to go find Brooks and Williams!"
CPL. Brooks "Hey, can anyone hear me? I'm trapped underground in a mineshaft at Mt. ████ in Siberia, please send help!"
SGT. Mcfoe "I don't have time to argue with you Morrison, we need to get out now!."
PVT. Morrison "I can't just leave my teammates."
CPL. Brooks "Hey, can you hear me, Morrison? I'm trapped underground in a mineshaft at Mt. ████ in Siberia, please send help!"
Dr. Parker "Private Morrison, you are facing entities we currently have no information about, vacate the mineshaft now, that is an order!"
SGT. Mcfoe "Rookie, we need to go now!"
What sounds like a stampede approaching the pair grows in the distance. Morrison looks down the tunnel to where the noise is coming from, he can't see anything. Suddenly Morrison falls to the ground. Laughter fills the tunnel as an instance of SCP-7116-B attempts to rip apart Morrison. The camera only captures its legs, skinny and gaunt. The radio continues to play its message as Morrison struggles against the SCP-7116-B instance
CPL. Brooks "You aren't going to abandon us are you Rookie? You said you were going to be a team player!"
The SCP-7116-B instance giggles, sounding like a creature attempting to imitate human laughter. A large force impacts the SCP-7116-B instance. Mcfoe grabs Morrison and brings him to his feet, pushing him toward the exit.
PVT. Morrison "Sarge..?"
SGT. Mcfoe "You're the one with the anomaly, that's all that matters, so get the fuck out of here now!
PVT. Morrison "But-"
SGT. Mcfoe "That is an order Private! Follow your duties!"
Mcfoe pulls the pin on a frag grenade. He begins charging toward the stunned SCP-7116-B instance. Morrison clutches on SCP-7116 as he sprints toward the exit of SCP-7116-A. A few seconds later a loud explosion fills the tunnels behind him. The radio emits white noise before switching voices once more.
SGT. Mcfoe "What are you doing? Turn around and come help me out!"
Morrison tosses his rifle to the side and wraps his arms around SCP-7116 tightly, muffling the voice of Mcfoe.
SGT. Mcfoe "Why-… Leave-… Please-.."
Morrison sobs quietly as he continues to run. He passes through the original diverging path, and through the other tunnel, Morrison sees the legs of an SCP-7116-B instance. He continues to run as the instance chases after him. After a few minutes of running the SCP-7116-B instance seems to give up. In front of him is the light of the entrance to SCP-7116-A. He leaps out of SCP-7116-A and rolls down the slope. Dr. Parker is seen approaching an unconscious Private Morrison.