SCP-705-FR passing in front of the Sun. (19/11/2022)
Object #: SCP-705-FR
Threat Level: Orange ●
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: As SCP-705-FR is very difficult to reach, the Foundation's interactions with the anomaly are limited to astronomical observation during its passage in front of the Sun. Civilian observations of SCP-705-FR are to be discredited and photographic evidence is to be described as edited.
A calendar of SCP-705-FR observation periods has been established until 2084 and is displayed in Site-Lamedh's Study Room 3.
Description: SCP-705-FR is a unit of eight biplanes in orbit around the Sun. The squadron is composed of four Nieuport 171 and four Fokker D.II2. The method in which these planes have attained their position and withstand constant solar exposure is unknown. SCP-705-FR appears to follow a regular circular trajectory around the Sun.
The status of the crew members is unknown, however, changes in the aircrafts' positions among themselves have been noticed over the years.
An investigation within the French Military Archives (FMA) led to the discovery of a document potentially linked to SCP-705-FR.
I dreamt of wings, the Army gave me some.
Wings of a canvas, and made me a soldier.We pointed to the sky and said "kill those people!"
And I killed flying men, like me.The sky is my country and my plane a wonder
Aviators without a country, let's fly toward the Sun.Émile D'Ovinmont, French Aviator3 ICARUS
The document was found in October 1916 in an uncultivated field in the Somme (80)4, in the pocket of a French aviator's jacket whose insignia had been torn off. Émile D'Ovinmont was a French aviator who was reported missing in 1916, along with three other pilots who were accompanying him. They were declared deserters with the discovery of this document.
Addendum: On 02/09/1994, during routine observation of the anomaly by Dr. Domitille, an additional silhouette was noticed in the proximity of SCP-705-FR for the first time. This silhouette has since been spotted with each observation of SCP-705-FR and seems to be attached to the leg of one of the planes. Its presence is to be considered normal.
Note: Although it's not established with certainty, it's possible that this silhouette is SCP-140-FR. A request to use Site Lamedh's radioscope was made for more advanced observation. - Dr. Domitille.