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Threat Level: Orange


Aftermath of an SCP-6979 attack. Victim blurred.

Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-6979’s nature, full containment has yet to be achieved. Assigned task force STF Chi-18 ("Idai-na-Aniki"1) is to monitor its designated area for sudden, short-lived spikes of Hume levels2, Akiva radiation3 and Landa particles4, dispatching an assigned team if readings match those of SCP-6979 to carry out clean-up duties. The cover story of a serial killer is to be disseminated through the public, with survivors interrogated then amnesticized.

Description: SCP-6979 is a selectively corporeal humanoid entity that periodically manifests within the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan Area. SCP-6979 appears as a tall, pale woman with long, black hair dressed in a uniform characteristic of Japanese office women. It wears a surgical mask covering its mouth, and is regularly seen carrying a red umbrella, regardless of the weather.

SCP-6979 manifests during the night, following a set pattern of actions:

  1. SCP-6979 will manifest near a subject and walk toward them so its encounter will occur in an area with no direct witnesses.5 If SCP-6979 is carrying an umbrella, it will always be carrying it in its right hand.
  2. SCP-6979 will ask the subject "Am I pretty?". If the subject replies in the negative or reacts negatively to its presence, SCP-6979's left hand will grow into sharp claws, eviscerating the subject before demanifesting within the next 5 to 10 seconds. The attack always results in the subject's death, and the demanifestation causes sharp fluctuations in local Hume levels, the release of Akiva radiation, as well as Landa particles.
  3. If the subject replies in the affirmative, SCP-6979 will use its left hand to remove its surgical mask, revealing injuries to the corners of its mouth that reach up to its ears. SCP-6979 will then ask "Am I still pretty?". If the subject replies in the negative or reacts negatively, they will be killed in the same way as described in step 2, with SCP-6979 demanifesting shortly afterwards.
  4. If the subject replies affirmatively a second time instead, SCP-6979 will instead smile, thanking the subject before using its claws to cut the subject's cheeks, giving them similar injuries to its own. It will then demanifest as usual.

No change has ever been documented from this set of actions, except in step 4; when thanking a subject, different phrases have been documented. Whether this demonstrates sentience is still under consideration.


Earliest known depiction of SCP-6979 by illustrator Hayami Shungyōsai, dating back to 1801.

Discovery: The first recorded attack attributed to SCP-6979 occurred in July of 1979. However, information compiled by the defunct Imperial Japanese Anomalous Matters Examination Agency (IJAMEA) describes a similar entity manifesting as far back as the 17th century. The description of its appearance indicates changes in clothing to reflect the era, and that its attacks seemed to only frighten people before demanifesting.

SCP-6979 events were first believed to be the work of a serial killer, sensationalized by the media as part of Japan’s urban legend surge during the decades of 1970 and 1980. It wasn’t until 1982 that emerging detection technology allowed for proper classification as an anomalous entity. By then, SCP-6979 had become a popular urban legend, the entity being known as the "Kuchisake-onna" (口裂け女, "Slit-Mouthed Woman"), different iterations of its legend spreading across Japan. These were allowed to propagate, as they obscured SCP-6979’s authenticity. This measure was taken after several failed attempts at containing SCP-6979: Due to its erratic nature, it’s impossible to predict the time and location of its manifestations. Research into means of containment continued until 1992, freezing after the 1991 Japanese economic bubble burst.

Research resumed in 2013 as part of Project Kakurenbo.6 To circumvent SCP-6979’s unpredictable nature, GoI-551 ("Shūshū-In")7 was contacted to arrange a precognition ritual to ascertain the entity’s next appearance. The process was successfully carried out in 2014/04/18, and the resulting information was quickly taken into account to formulate the following plan:

SCP-6979 is set to appear in 3-chōme-25 Sakura, Setagaya, Tokyo (35°38'26.9"N 139°38'22.5"E) on the 25th of June at 3:38 AM, 68 days from now. While ample time, the unknown physical capabilities of the entity point that care must be taken while carrying out the following plan, applying the knowledge acquired through previous failed attempts at capture. While the Shūshū-In ritual has been effective in the past, the Administrative Committee would prefer not to rely on outsider methods. This, coupled with the necessity of the Ethics Committee approving its usage would mean failure would most likely freeze the operation for a considerable amount of time.
The main issue with SCP-6979 itself is its immaterial nature, which allows it to manifest and demanifest in short periods of time. This, mixed with the difficulty of reaching it in time makes the anomaly extremely difficult to contain.

During previous attempts, it was discovered SCP-6979 is susceptible to reality alterations, through the use of reality absorbing ammunition.8 While ineffective, the ammunition’s trajectory changed by several degrees, showing refractive properties. At the time, reality stabilizing technology was limited to machinery requiring previous assembly; due to SCP-6979’s traits, this couldn’t be relied on. Now that the location and time of its next attack is known, an array of no less than 3 Lang-Scranton Reality Stabilizers (LSRS) will be positioned around the perimeter, and will be activated upon contact with SCP-6979.
Regarding contact with the entity, the street will be closed earlier during the day, and a D-class employee will be taken to the area to become the subject of the attack. No less than three members of Rho-12 ("Yōkai Batch") will be positioned around the perimeter, with an operator coordinating the process.
The D-class will be equipped with a PPI9 stimulating collar, and will be given a series of questions to ask SCP-6979, to keep it engaged, and to test the entity’s sentience if possible. Must be discouraged from replying to any question it may arise in the affirmative or negative.10
Rho-12 members will be equipped with Type-96 prosopagnosic goggles11, which have proven somewhat effective in delaying SCP-6979’s response to outside intervention, and rifles with three types of ammunition:

  • Tranquilizing darts, as primary ammunition.
  • Reality dispersing rounds, to be used if LSRS and/or darts prove ineffective.
  • Purifying rounds, to be used as a last resort.12

There is a considerable chance that the plan delineated here ends up in failure, due to the many unknown traits possessed by SCP-6979. Were it to go awry, the primary goal of the mission will be to minimize damage, with the secondary goal of gathering as much information as possible with the assets at hand.

Letisya Çağlayan, Head of Engineering, Project Kakurenbo

Addendum SCP-6979.1: The plan described on the previous proposal was confirmed to be able to be carried out, and went into effect on the day of the manifestation, at 3:00 AM. A log of the operation through D-41210's feed can be accessed below:

Through other cameras available, D-41210 was confirmed to have been impacted by the round, the round going through them, similar to the shots taken at the entity. D-41210 vanishes in similar fashion to SCP-6979, despite the 3 LSRS in operation.

The operation was considered a failure, and D-41210 was assumed MIA until 46 minutes later when the feed returned, showing D-41210 having manifested 2 km south from their previous location. They were taken to Site-50's infirmary where it was confirmed they were uninjured, their PPI collar missing. During a post-mission investigation, it was noticed that D-41210's camera had been recording after their disappearance due to a redundant system installed into it. Notable fragments from this feed have been transcribed below:

Following this event, it was decided that information regarding SCP-6979 was incomplete, making this document outdated. A proposal was submitted to the Classification Committee, and a new revision of the document was produced.

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