To all Site-32 staff, please remember that SCP-6892 should be placed in the open, preferably somewhere secluded, as day to day operations are not impeded.
For all Site-32 staff who may not have been informed, SCP-6892 is a silver urn with a heart design embossed on the front.
Please minimize all interactions with SCP-6892 to avoid damage or the spilling of its contents. The mess is not cleanable.
As of this memo, SCP-6892 is currently located in Research Room 3 of B-Wing. Do not remove SCP-6892, as I still have important work to finish.
If staff report sightings of an individual displaying paranormal properties, such as intangibility or levitation, do not be alarmed. These are simply the properties of SCP-6892-1.
To O'Hara and Director Roberts, I would like to extend a thank you for your constant attendance and prayers on the anniversary of my death; it means more than I could ever express.
- Snr. Researcher, Lucy Fergurson. †