Special Containment Procedures: As all information within this document is the most closely related to SCP-6804, it is to be used to feed SCP-6804 characters as to prevent it from affecting other SCP documentation. An automated system is to copy this entire document into Addendum-6804/C every hour without teal coloration.
Additional writing made to this document outside of Addendum-6804/C is to be written in teal colored text as to prevent SCP-6804 from consuming it.
Description: SCP-6804 is a digital infohazardous phenomenon that is currently affecting the entire Foundation online database, including all SCP documentation, which causes written characters to be 'consumed' by SCP-6804.
SCP-6804's consumption is a process in which characters affected by SCP-6804 will be spontaneously removed from their related documentation and source code, inevitably leading to the destruction of the affected information. After continuous testing, it has been determined that SCP-6804 has a higher probability of consuming certain characters in texts with a higher relation to itself, and that are in certain colors.
SCP-6804 was consequently discovered after it had already consumed characters from multiple SCP documents, including sections of important information that constituted descriptions and Special Containment Procedures.
Addendum-6804/B: Testing Log
Addendum-6804/C: SCP-6804 Containment Text