Your profile registers Clearance Level (CL) 3/6781 for this file. Significant portions of this file require CL 4/6781. As a result of insufficient clearance, you are viewing a limited detail version of this file. If you believe this is in error, please contact your on-site RAISA officer.
Item #: SCP-6781
Object Class: Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: Site-7B and SCP-6781 are within restricted-access federal land, naturally discouraging accidental discovery by unauthorized personnel. Site-7B personnel are only allowed to descend into SCP-6781 past Site-7B's end during designated expeditions.
Description — Limited Detail: SCP-6781 is a cave system of indeterminate depth and complexity located in Seward Peninsula, Alaska, United States. It contains Site-7B: support facility for the main Site-7, located offshore ~43 miles into Norton Bay.
SCP-6781 exhibits natural resistance to ontokinetic and reality-shifting events and phenomena. Ontokinetic abilities diminish in effectiveness in the area immediately surrounding the entrance; completely ineffectual 5m past the threshold. Site-7B was constructed inside one of the cave's branches in order to exploit the anomalous effect.
O5 Council Vote approved the conversion of SCP-6781 into Site-7B as a location for the planned RAISA Vault (See Addendum 6781.1) in 1984. Preexisting infrastructure discovered midway into construction in 1985; Site-7B delimited to its current boundaries in response, with plans for the eventual expansion of Site-7B Archives cancelled.
Addendum 6781.1: Secure Facility Dossier Excerpt, Site-7B/RAISA Vault
Location: Seward Peninsula, Alaska, United States.
Staff: 41 RAISA archivists and technicians; 12 Site Security officers (detachment from Site-7, CO Pierre Gauthier, XO Priya Kareem)
History: Following the rollout of SCiPnet to all Foundation sites in 1971, RAISA Director Maria Jones proposed a seven-point plan for the gradual digitization of 4.5 million textual, microfilm, and other analog records into SCiPnet, compounded by the commissioning of a facility designed to store these records and protect them from damage, anomalous or otherwise. Due to its anomalous properties, SCP-6781 was selected as the location for the project, named the RAISA Vault, and reinforced with additional damage prevention mechanisms. The codename for the systems used to upgrade SCP-6781 was derived from the cave's original name among the Native Inuit people; "ᐃᑎᔪᖅ ᐃᒪᖅ ᐊᖕᒪᔪᖅ", translating approximately to "Deep Well".
Following numerous tests, RAISA technical specialists confirmed that documents retained in the RAISA Vault remain in their original, preserved state, regardless of consensus reality shifts or extensive time periods that would otherwise result in data loss or document destruction.
Addendum 6781.2: O5 Command Memo
TO: RAISA Director Maria Jones; Site-7 Command
Per majority Council vote, construction of Site-7B was temporarily halted due to the discovery of possibly-anomalous materials within the previously-unknown sections of SCP-6781. At the urging of RAISA Director Maria Jones, construction has resumed but is now delimited to the initial, unoccupied main branch of the cave.
Additionally, the purview of Site-7B is to be expanded beyond cataloguing current Foundation records as they are digitized. Site-7B personnel will now also examine records recovered from SCP-6781 and attempt to ascertain:
- their age.
- an explanation for the presence of prototype, newly-designed DEEPWELL system technology within SCP-6781.
- the endpoint of SCP-6781, should it exist.
- the origin of the documents recovered from each branch.
- the significance of Site-7B occupying the only remaining empty cave branch.