SCP-6686 in heliostationary orbit of the northern polar region of Sol, pre-fusion event.
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6686 is currently contained within a critical-grade, radiation-proof, heat resistant, electromagnetic heavy humanoid containment chamber on Laniakea Station in close orbit of Sol. The chamber has been constructed within the habitation ring's central support structure. It can be decoupled in case of emergency and ejected from the station, after which it will remain in stable Sol orbit for later retrieval by STF-Majoris-α ("Orion's Dogs"), who are temporarily stationed on Mercury until barracks on Laniakea Station finish construction.
Under O5 Command: Any physical exposure to, observation of, or communication with SCP-6686 is expressly forbidden to all staff of any clearance level.
Description: SCP-6686 is a sentient, humanoid entity of average human height and build, composed exclusively out of QCD matter; believed to be the densest matter in existence and theorized to only exist within the core of especially dense neutron stars. This matter remains perfectly stable within SCP-6686, despite lacking the extreme gravitational forces that would typically be necessary to produce and maintain it, it instead only exerts the gravitational influence of an average human. Similarly, its internal and external temperature has been measured at an unchanging 30°C across its entire body, despite QCD matter in its typical environment being measured around 1012 °C
SCP-6686 emits light at an average of 860,000lm/m2 when unexposed to foreign stimuli. Through exposure-reduced footage, the only detail that can be distinguished is an oscillating image stretching across its facial topography. The image delineates a distance and angle conformal map of the celestial neighborhood of the Solar system, depicting 22 of the most proximate star systems with a notable exception of Sirius. The oscillations repeat every 8.6 seconds and begin in the center of the image where Sol is located, dimming depicted star systems systematically by proximity until each fades out fully, at which point it repeats again from the center.
SCP-6686 possesses no internal nor external organs and is incapable of hearing or speech. However, through anomalous means, it is capable of registering visual stimuli, allowing for communication through visual morse code. Additionally, SCP-6686's luminosity sporadically fluctuates in intensity when exposed to foreign physical stimuli; reactions can range from light to extremely bright fluctuations.
Despite having no components capable of doing so, SCP-6686 is able to receive and transmit free-space optical (FSO) communications. This was discovered after an image captured shortly following its discovery revealed an unauthorized transmission narrowcast towards SCP-6686 originating from a Foundation-subsidiary operated satellite in Earth orbit; which received a return narrowcast from SCP-6686 shortly after. No logs of either message or their contents could be found in the SatCom database. The event is currently under investigation. For further information on the discovery of SCP-6686, see addendum below.
First image of SCP-6686 captured by SOHO's LASCO C3 Lens.
Addendum /// Discovery: SCP-6686 was discovered on 16/05/2092 through images captured by NASA's SOHO Satellite; initially thought by astronomers to be a comet from the Kreutz Sungrazer family. A few hours before estimated contact with the corona, the object drastically altered its trajectory without external influence; instantly decelerating into a perfectly stable heliostationary orbit of the northern polar region at a distance of 40,000km. Despite the extreme proximity to the corona, it exhibited no signs of deterioration. At this point, the Foundation is alerted by Agents embedded within NASA and the anomaly is placed under surveillance. Direct witnesses are amnesticized and a cover story is formulated; blaming the event on faulty satellite instruments due to advanced age and use far past its original service life.
Due to its proximity to the event, Laniakea Station was ordered to temporarily monitor the object while STF-Majoris-α was re-tasked and commanded to retrieve it.
SCP-6686 mid-fusion event. Image from
STF-Majoris-α, now in deceleration burn.
Addendum /// Fusion Event: After remaining in heliostationary orbit for approximately 12 hours, SCP-6686 begins to deform; attaching itself to the photosphere in the process. Over the course of 8 minutes and 36 seconds, 99.86% of its mass is absorbed into Sol, with the final 00.14% remaining perfectly
stable in orbit. Laniakea Station probe LNK-SOLSAT-71 confirms
remaining SCP-6686 mass to be humanoid in shape, the
STF-Majoris-α Containment Cruiser "Scipio Aemilianus" is
ordered to approach.
First recorded movement of SCP-6686 is detected at a separation of 8.6km; exiting a fetal position to gesture down towards the photosphere. Its location in orbit has now been confirmed to be directly opposite that of SCP-179. Due to atmospheric conditions, LNK-SOLSAT-71 is unable to observe any precise motions. Though after extensive review they appear to be dismissive in nature. At a separation of 0.86km, SCP-6686 returns to its fetal position and is apprehended by STF-Majoris-α without incident.
Recent addenda addition lacking mandatory review by a minimum of two Level 3 Researchers. Be aware.
It can't just have… The directive barring communication with SCP-6686 reached us before I was able to get any information out of it, I couldn't understand why. That bootlicker of a "Station Director" licked it up and blindly expected there to be a good reason for it, transferred all of us to work on this… thing. Took him a month to get them to source us people to re-staff the now derelict departments.
150 million kilometers away from Earth… what were they gonna do if we left a couple of researchers to monitor the Lookout and the sun? Noooo, there must've been a good reason for it right? Best to just go along, maybe they'll promote me. Fucking spineless coward…
Anyway… I doubt anyone will reprimand me now if I just add these previously off-the-record interviews I had with SCP-6686 to the official document. Figure it out yourself I guess.
— Dr. Miriam, Head Researcher, SCP-6686
SCP-6686 - Interview Archive
INTERVIEWER: Head Researcher Dr. Miriam
NOTE: This interview has been translated from morse code. To communicate with SCP-6686 interviewer Dr. Miriam utilizes a florescent light to transmit visual morse code which SCP-6686 responds to by altering its own luminosity.
Dr. Miriam: (Speaking.) Alright, communication attempt #32. Here we go.
Dr. Miriam: Hello, my name is Dr. Miriam and I speak to you on behalf of the SCP Foundation. Do you understand me?
SCP-6686: Yes.
Dr. Miriam: (Speaking.) Oh, shit.
Dr. Miriam: You know English. Do you speak any other languages?
SCP-6686: I believe so.
Dr. Miriam: Would you care to elaborate?
SCP-6686: I did. (Pause.) Or maybe I didn't yet. In any case, I do.
Dr. Miriam: How did you learn these languages?
SCP-6686: I already told you, I- (Pause.) Ah, my apologies. Time, too much time. (Pause.) Or maybe none at all. In any case, I've always known.
Dr. Miriam: I see. Do you have a name, anything you would like me to call you?
SCP-6686: Hm. (Pause.) SCP-6686?
Dr. Miriam: Oh. Huh, alright.
SCP-6686: A bit impersonal.
Dr. Miriam: How do you know these things?
SCP-6686: I already told you, time. With enough time you begin to understand a lot of things, all things even, like you've always understood them (Pause.) because you always have. With enough time, you need no time at all.
Dr. Miriam: I don't- (Pause.) Nevermind. Tell me about the fusion event. You arrived in the solar system and entered a heliostationary orbit of Sol, then proceeded to lose a significant amount of your mass into the photosphere, what happened?
SCP-6686: Mass accumulated throughout a long voyage, and a tool for the next.
Dr. Miriam: I… see. Would you mind me asking where you originate from?
SCP-6686: From a linear perspective, the same place as you. Same place as anyone or anything else.
Dr. Miriam: Are you talking about the Big Bang?
SCP-6686: Now that's a personable designation, yes.
Dr. Miriam: What do you mean exa-
(SCP-6686 turns towards the Eastern wall of the chamber currently facing Sol and begins to transmit a message, interrupting Dr. Miriam.)
SCP-6686: I would like to see. (SCP-6686 lifts its arm and points to the wall) There.
Dr. Miriam: The Sun?
SCP-6686: Yes, thank you. You've been very helpf- (Pause.) Oh, my apologies. You've yet to agree to my request.
Dr. Miriam: If you're asking for a window, we can't do that. There are no windows on this station, aside from being a risk to structural integrity it's a radiation hazard as well.
SCP-6686: I'm well aware, a camera feed would suffice.
Dr. Miriam: Before I decide on your request, I'd like you to clarify a few things.
SCP-6686: Yes.
Dr. Miriam: How you are able to see and register visual stimuli? You say you want this feed to "see", you possess no ocular organs yet you are able to see this fluorescent light which I am using to communicate with you, could you explain this?
SCP-6686: I understand that you're naturally curious, but sometimes a question simply doesn't have an answer. I've had time, all of time, always known everything I will ever know, everything I have yet to learn, to understand. But I'll never find an answer to your question (Pause.) because I don't have one right now.
Dr. Miriam: You don't k-
(SCP-6686 begins to transmit a message, interrupting Dr. Miriam.)
SCP-6686: I apologize, Dr. Miriam. It's been pleasant speaking to you, but I have responsibilities and a limited time frame. Although, in the end, I know I'll always be on time.
(SCP-6686 proceeds to brighten significantly, forcing Dr. Miriam to vacate the interview room as the light overwhelms the photochromic glass. It does not respond to any further communication attempts and the interview is subsequently terminated.)
INTERVIEW LOG - 28/06/2092
INTERVIEWER: Head Researcher Dr. Miriam
NOTE: The following interview is likewise translated from morse code. SCP-6686 has remained unmoving and unresponsive since the previous interview.
Dr. Miriam: Good morning. How are you today, SCP-6686?
(No response.)
Dr. Miriam: SCP-6686?
(No response.)
Dr. Miriam: I'm sorry but unless you comply and answer my questions my superiors will not be granting your request for a camera feed.
(No response.)
Dr. Miriam: This is your last chan-
(SCP-6686 begins to transmit a message, interrupting Dr. Miriam.)
SCP-6686: My apologies. (Pause.) Tell me, Dr. Miriam, (Pause.) how clearly can you see what's to come?
Dr. Miriam: Well… You never know what's around the corner, not in my line of work. I'm surprised that you asked me a question, here I was assuming you'd already know the answer.
(SCP-6686 turns away from the wall to face Dr. Miriam.)
SCP-6686: Yes. (Pause.) I must apologize again, this part consistently proves strenuous.
Dr. Miriam: I have a few more questions for you, and if you answer them my superiors would be more than happy to provide you with a live camera feed of the sun.
SCP-6686: Did I not- (Pause.) hm, go ahead.
Dr. Miriam: Let's discuss my question from our previous interview, how you're able to see. I've gathered that you don't fully understand the functions behind it, but I was hoping you could at least expand on it a bit in some capacity.
SCP-6686: Naturally curious, yes. What I do know is that I don't see, per se. (Pause.) But I feel. I feel the space between things. The space between these walls, the space between you and me, the space between the molecules of that bulb, and the space between its photons and their waves. When you are capable of processing that, gathering a mental image is not difficult. You could speak and I will understand you (Pause.) but I believe this is a more apt form of communication.
Dr. Miriam: (Speaking.) So you can understand this?
SCP-6686: Yes. But let us stick to what we know, shall we?
Dr. Miriam: Alright. Next question then, again I'd like you to expand on something from the last interview. You said that you originate from the Big Bang, could you elaborate?
SCP-6686: I apologize, Dr. Miriam. But this is a sensitive topic for me and I would rather not discuss it further than that.
Dr. Miriam: SCP-6686, if you don't cooperate I can't guarantee that your request will be approved. In fact, do you not already know the outcome?
SCP-6686: I (Pause.) don't know.
Dr. Miriam: You don't know what, the outcome?
SCP-6686: I know I'll (Pause.) miss (Pause.) something. (Pause.) But I can never see what.
Dr. Miriam: You need to be more unambiguous.
SCP-6686: I had made a mistake and was on the path to correct it. From the first moment, I saw clearly. I understood all I would understand (Pause.) up until a certain point. At each point in my path that I couldn't clearly see past, I met a civilization. Some brilliant, others dull, some belligerent, others cooperative, but all were sentient. The only constant at each point (Pause.) sentience. Each civilization like a filter smudging the details of what I will do next.
Dr. Miriam: You seem pretty sentient to me.
SCP-6686: Out of necessity, I presume. When you're provided vision like I (Pause.) it's redundant (Pause.) or rather, it should've been. But when a filter is faced (Pause.) it proves useful. Before each filter is torn down I always hope to finally see an answer on the other side. Each time I find myself discouraged, but I continue to do what I must. To make up for my mistake (Pause.) the universe is not infinite, after all.
Dr. Miriam: Excuse me, torn down?
SCP-6686: Yes, Dr. Miriam. Curious as you are I am surprised you never asked why I was here, now you know.
Dr. Miriam: I don't, actually. You're not speaking very clearly, SCP-6686.
SCP-6686: Hm. I suppose you're right. It is about time anyway, I can no longer see a reason to hide my intentions from you.
Dr. Miriam: And why have you?
SCP-6686: To keep it simple. You seem like a highly motivated individual, and while under no means am I threatened by you, it would be counterproductive to take needless risks with such (Pause.) erratic individuals. Your organization is one of great means and power clearly, and fortunately, your superiors are of more reasonable and predictable mind. Through aberrational means they could see the ripples in my wake, but in the process, they also saw there was nothing that could prevent what will come (Pause.) and so they stepped out of my way.
Dr. Miriam: Forgive me if I am misunderstanding you, but this sounds very much like a threat.
SCP-6686: I've known the precise location, momentum, the past and future values of each primeval atom since the beginning of time. All that, for a thing like sentience to impede my perception. It's an aberration I can't allow to linger if the universe is to be returned to its intended state.
Dr. Miriam: I'm disheartened to hear that, SCP-6686. But I can assure you these "superiors" you speak of won't allow you to carry out whatever it is you're doing, no matter how ancient you are. You're severely underestimating our capabilities.
SCP-6686: You try to understand what can't be understood, you try to apply reason to what cannot be reasoned, you try and you fail. (Pause.) But at the end of the day, I am to blame. For allowing the universe to exit a state of perfect equality, for not letting us all be at peace without space for aberrations.
Dr. Miriam: Your threats will not be returned in kind.
SCP-6686: I feel the space between things, the space between me and that wall, the space between you and me, the space between the stars. There is so much of it, so much of the space, space that should have never been there, space that should never have separated us. I can assure you I will correct my mistake. The islands of light will be dispersed across the sea of nothing (Pause.) equally.
Dr. Miriam: I believe that's enough for today's interview, let's try again tomorrow. Maybe you'll be in a less antagonistic mood.
SCP-6686: The sun hasn't risen tomorrow, Dr. Miriam.
From: | |
To: |
Laniakea-Staff |
Subject: |
Regarding Transfers |
Date: |
23/05/2092 |
Following SCP-6686's arrival in the solar system and its subsequent containment on the Station, anomalous mass-fluctuations within Sol's core have seemingly begun moving outwards towards the photosphere.
However as much as I would like to keep an eye on these events, due to the sudden demand for engineering and research positions in containment of SCP-6686 under Overwatch orders, the Solar Sub-Coronal Monitoring Department and the COEWS-179 Sub-division will be shutting down until additional personnel can be sourced. I’m seeking approval to relocate some additional personnel from SCP-6686, but in the meantime, things will remain as they are.
Hopefully, this clarifies the situation for you all on the Station. I apologize for the rushed state of affairs recently, I want to thank you all for your tireless work. You're all performing above and beyond what is expected of you.
Professor Dresden.
Laniakea Station Director
Secure, Contain, Protect.
From: | |
To: | |
Subject: |
Laniakea Station Personnel Deficit |
Date: |
22/05/2092 |
The recent directive placed upon Laniakea Station by your council has put significant stress on personnel, I no longer have enough people to staff the Solar Sub-Coronal Monitoring Department & COEWS-179 Sub-division and as such have been forced to shut both down until further notice.
I can see this anomaly is of utmost importance to you and that research is paramount but depriving these departments of researchers in order to do so is an extreme and unnecessary measure that does nothing but put lives at serious risk. Just last year 179 alerted us to the 4 Vesta Incident, no doubt saving hundreds of millions of lives. And now due to this directive, I have no one to staff the department responsible for monitoring her communications.
Since you are not authorizing me to transfer any staff members from SCP-6686, I hereby request your council to source Laniakea Station further personnel as it can no longer serve its original purpose of anomalous solar research and monitoring of SCP-179 communications.
The need to quickly ascertain the danger of a newly discovered anomaly is understandable but this is excessive. I remain uncertain why Laniakea was mandated like this, but since you haven't already told me I know better than to ask. I apologize for this inimical email but this is extremely important and I need to know what's going on down there, I see no reason for you to deny my request.
Professor Dresden.
Laniakea Station Director
Secure, Contain, Protect.
From: | |
To: | |
Subject: |
RE: Laniakea Station Personnel Deficit |
Date: |
22/05/2092 |
Operations on Laniakea Station are to continue as directed, all personnel will remain assigned to SCP-6686. We are reviewing your request, stand by for further information.
Overwatch Command
Secure, Contain, Protect.
From: | |
To: | |
Subject: |
RE: Laniakea Station Personnel Deficit |
Date: |
16/06/2092 |
Your request has been approved, personnel have been sourced and are to arrive in a week.
I'm sorry…
Overwatch Command
Secure, Contain, Protect.
Welcome, O5-1.
Accessing SCiPNet Communication Archive…
Overseer Communication - 28/06/2092 (2 days ago)
Subjects: O5-1, O5-2.
From: | |
To: | |
Subject: |
Laniakea Station |
Laniakea Status Report.
Overwatch Command
Secure, Contain, Protect.
From: | |
To: | |
Subject: |
RE: Laniakea Station |
As per our directive, the Station Director was forced to shut down both the Solar Sub-Coronal Monitoring Department and the COEWS-179 Sub-division. Both remained nonoperational for 32 days until newly sourced staff arrived.
As a result, Laniakea's monitoring of SCP-6686's influence on Sol was completely inhibited. And SCP-179's warnings after the Fusion Event fell on deaf ears.
Following the re-staffing of both departments I was contacted directly by the Station's Director, he forwarded 3 images of a surface event on Sol which manifested just today. I have attached these for you below.
It seems our interference gave it just enough time. The orbit is aligned, our work is done…
We did what we could… didn't we?
Overwatch Command
Secure, Contain, Protect.
From: | |
To: | |
Subject: |
RE: Laniakea Station |
We must all die in the dark, so that one day, we can live in a new light.
Overwatch Command
Secure, Contain, Protect.