Please note that some information contained within this file may be inaccurate, contradictory, or outdated due to recent events. RAISA is currently pending an updated version of this database entry. We apologise for any inconvenience.
— Maria Jones, Director, RAISA
Secondary Class:
Site Director
Dir Ozwald Woods
Research Head
Dr Jack Walzer
Assigned MTF
Gamma-44 ("Whistle in the Woods")
Site Director
Dir Ozwald Woods
Research Head
Dr Jack Walzer
Assigned MTF
Gamma-44 ("Whistle in the Woods")
Figure A: SCP-6644, circa 1987.
Special Containment Procedures: All reports or sightings of SCP-6644 are to be investigated by Mobile Task Force Gamma-44 ("Whistle in the Woods"). Civilian reports are to be discredited and presented as misidentifications or hoaxes and witnesses are to undergo the necessary amnestication protocols. Civilians entering SCP-6644 inhabited areas should be heavily discouraged from collecting wild mushrooms through the use of park/reserve guidelines and media campaigns.
Should SCP-6644 be sighted numerous times within a particular area, the nearest Foundation Site is tasked with the investigation, research, and containment efforts (currently of low priority) for SCP-6644.
Last Wild Sighting(s): Throughout Tennessee’s forests. Under Site-57's jurisdiction.
Description: SCP-6644 is a semi-bipedal humanoid entity known to inhabit woodland across North America. Its physical appearance varies with all sightings, ranging between two to five metres in height. Descriptions of SCP-6644's head vary across appearances, with it being described as resembling both human and non-human animals, suggesting partial shapeshifting abilities. In all cases, SCP-6644 possesses fur and plant matter growing throughout its limbs, shoulders and back, allowing it to effectively camouflage into its environment. The entity also situates itself in a manner causing its body to be obscured in a shadow, thus prompting witnesses to state that the entity possesses a shadowy silhouette-like figure. This mannerism has hindered Foundation efforts to properly document its physical appearance.
SCP-6644 can be identified from a distance due to its loud and distinct vocalisations, consisting of howls, shrieks, and clicks. Various videos and audio recordings of these vocalisations exist online where they have already been viewed by millions. At close ranges, SCP-6644 vocalisations have been known to cause distortion in audio and video recordings. Such recordings are, however, rare due to a lack of vocalisations during observation of the entity.
The entity’s diet is omnivorous, consuming local flora and fauna. Common sustenance includes berries, edible shrubbery, deer, moose and various fungi, however, the entity shows an overwhelming inclination towards mushrooms. This information has been accumulated via collected surveillance footage of forests, which have captured SCP-6644's foraging habits.
Figure B: Range of confirmed SCP-6644 sightings.
Approximately 90% of all human encounters and attacks are due to an individual being stalked and/or pursued by the entity after they had picked or been in possession of wild mushrooms from the local area. Aside from such occasions, SCP-6644 is known to avoid human contact. Since its recognition, SCP-6644 has been confirmed to be directly responsible for 152 total civilian injuries and 36 confirmed fatalities, in addition to an unknown and undetermined amount of disappearances.
SCP-6644 is believed to inhabit the forests of North America based on the locations supplied by civilian sightings and information collected by various task forces. SCP-6644 sightings have been recorded to occur in rapid succession across great distances. This is believed to be due to the undetermined speed at which the entity travels.
Addendum 6644.01
SCP-6644 was officially recognised by the Foundation on 19 August 1987. Prior to this, the entity had become established among native folklore, and anomalous classification had been pending since as early as the 1910s. In 1987, SCP-6644 was photographed by Joseph Andersson, a resident of Skamania, OR, USA.
A search party comprised of locals had found Mr Andersson unconscious in a nearby forest suffering from a severe cranial injury caused by blunt force trauma. His camera and backpack were found nearby, with the lens cracked and backpack torn. An opened tray seal package was found several meters away, with a label indicating that the package formerly held golden chanterelle mushrooms. He was diagnosed and treated with severe post-traumatic amnesia in addition to life-threatening cranial damage. He was recovered by authorities and hospitalised for his injuries.
The photograph of SCP-6644 (see Figure A) was found by his wife, Mrs Andersson, and was reported to the local authorities. It was quickly seized by embedded Foundation agents.
The following is an interview with Mrs Andersson made several weeks later.
Interviewee: Mrs Agnes Andersson
Interviewer: Agent S. Pines
Foreword: The following log was conducted on 24/11/1987 within the Andersson residence. Mrs Andersson was told this interview is being conducted for a documentary on North American folklore and legends.
Agent Pines: Good evening Mrs Andersson.
Mrs Andersson: Good evening.
Agent Pines: Thank you for letting us come into this beautiful home. Now, let's get down to business, shall we? I’m here to talk to you about something we believe is in the woods, near your home. We’ve got some reports of a creature "screaming" and "howling" in the area. Do you have any knowledge of what the cause of these noises may be?
Mrs Andersson: Ah, we've, er, had a lot of strange things happen around this area, but yes, I think I do know what you want to hear about.
Agent Pines: Yes Mrs Andersson, the creature your husband encountered several months ago…
Mrs Andersson remains silent.
Agent Pines: Would you be willing to divulge any information into that matter?
Mrs Andersson: Yes, of course. We have lots of legends about that creature. It's said to have the power of five men, running all crazy-like in the woods, and never looking the same as the last time it was seen.
Agent Pines: Did you believe them? These tales of a monster, dwelling in the forests?
Mrs Andersson: Not at first, of course not. They were just local legends [pauses] We call it the Jipute.
Agent Pines: What more do they say about this, "Yipootay"?
Mrs Andersson: It can smell you from anywhere. Chases the ones who steal from the forest's riches, classic legend stuff.
Agent Pines: Would you like to elaborate on your own experiences.
Mrs Andersson: Well, it was my Joseph who was most fascinated about it. Would always go out looking for it in the summer. He, um, got a photo of the thing a year back.
Agent Pines: Do you have the photograph?
Mrs Andersson: Oh no, sadly. It was the last thing Joseph ever took a photograph of, he still hasn't recovered. He was so enthusiastic about photography… but, but after that… incident he won't be able to do it again. That thing was responsible, or whatever was pretending to be it. I, I… [begins crying]
Agent Pines: I'm… sorry. I really hope he gets better soon.
Mrs Andersson: Oh no, it's, um, I apologise for that tone. It's alright, thank you for your concern. Um, about that photograph, I, unfortunately, don't have a copy of it with me. The police took it for their "investigation." I've been asking to get it back, but all they say is that "it's not in their hands anymore." Damn liars, it's probably stuffed down in some cupboard.
Agent Pines: [chuckles lightly] Yes… have you shown the photo to anybody else?
Mrs Andersson: Oh no, Joseph hates it when people look at his photos. It's like when you don't wanna show others looking at your sketchbook. They're pretty personal to him, I'm probably the only one who gets to look at them. No one would believe some hairy monster did that to my husband even if I told them anyway…
Agent Pines: [nervously chuckles] Do you think it's the Jipute that he caught?
Mrs Andersson: Well… how could I not? That damned thing hurt my husband. Do you not believe me? Either that or someone wearing a fur suit of some sort.
Agent Pines: It's nothing of that sort, I was just curious.
Agent Pines looks at his papers.
Agent Pines: Is there anything you've heard, or know of it?
Mrs Andersson: You usually hear howls in the forest, very rarely, but I’ve never seen it. No one has from what I know. Everyone else just thinks it's probably some wolf that got caught in a trap, so no one really bothers to look into it. Oh, that reminds me, there's also the saying to not pick mushrooms when we go to the forest…
Agent Pines: Why's that?
Mrs Andersson: The Jipute really likes its mushrooms. Hoards them in large piles at their nests.
Agent Pines: Interesting, is there anything more you can tell us?
Mrs Andersson: Nothing else, really. This is a legend after all. Always unnecessarily vague about those damn things.
Agent Pines: Alright! Thank you for your time, Mrs Andersson. Again, I hope your husband gets better soon. [pauses] We'll try our best to put everything you said into the documentary, but there's still the risk of the whole project being scrapped [chuckles], I hope you don't mind…
Mrs Andersson: [chuckles] Of course… this wasn't much trouble anyway.
Afterword: Joseph Andersson later succumbed to his injury on 19 January, 1988.
Addendum 6644.02
Although SCP-6644 is extremely elusive, attempts to test the entity’s nature have been undertaken to some success. The following tests were conducted in the spring of 1988 within Jasper National Park, Canada by Site-52 due to numerous sightings in the area. It should be noted that SCP-6644’s appearance did not alter during the course of this investigation.
Test 6644-001
Stimuli: A raw chicken carcass is left in front of the hidden observation room overlooking a small clearing.
Results: No reaction elicited.
Test 6644-002
Stimuli: One live chicken was placed in front of the observation room.
Results: No reaction elicited.
Test 6644-006
Stimuli: 12 Oyster Mushrooms packaged in a tray seal was placed in front of the observation room. The packaging had a tracking chip attached to it.
Results: SCP-6644 was sighted 17 minutes after the stimulus was introduced. CCTV footage reveals that SCP-6644 had in fact appeared 5 minutes after introduction, but remained entirely stationary in the nearby tree line before being noticed by researchers. SCP-6644 walked towards the edge of the clearing slowly, in a quadrupedal crouch. Upon reaching the edge of the clearing, SCP-6644 dashed towards the packaging with an approximate speed of twenty metres per second and sprinted away.
MTF Gamma-44 later tracked the signal of the chip five kilometres away from the observation room to a den covered by thick foliage, deterring its discovery if not for the chip. Within the cave, Gamma-44 discovered a flattened pile of moss and other vegetation alongside a stone boulder. The packaging was found on the boulder besides eight Oyster Mushrooms and three Portobello Mushrooms. Objects resembling crude stone tools were also found racked beside the slab.
The area was given the classification LoI-6644-01 and investigated, but no trace of SCP-6644 was detected. All items found in the cave were confiscated for analysis and the area was under surveillance in the event of SCP-6644's reappearance.
Test 6644-009
Stimuli: One deer carcass was placed in front of the observation room.
Results: SCP-6644 was not noticed for six minutes before it was seen staring at the stimulus from a nearby tree line. It did not approach and left the area soon thereafter.
Test 6644-010
Stimuli: Identical to Test 6644-006
Results: SCP-6644 was visible behind the tree line and watching the stimuli. After ten minutes passed, SCP-6644 sprinted towards the stimuli at 25 metres per second and fled with it.
When MTF Gamma-44 tracked the packaging once more, it was found thrown into a nearby lake. The mushrooms within had been taken. No trace of its or SCP-6644's possible whereabouts was detected on the scene.
For note, SCP-6644 was not spotted or detected near LoI-6644-01.
Test 6644-0013
Stimuli: D-4406
Results: D-Class remained in place for 8 minutes. No reaction from SCP-6644 was elicited.
Test 6644-0016
Stimuli: D-4406
Results: D-Class was instructed to patrol the clearing and proceed towards a nearby tree, which had a cluster of Portobello Mushrooms. D-4406 was requested to pick several into a plastic bag and wait for further instructions. 3 minutes pass, and there is no sign of SCP-6644 activity. D-4406 was then instructed to walk away from the patch. When D-4406 begins to walk away with the bag, SCP-6644 rapidly descends from the tree canopy. It grabs the D-Class and pulls him into the leaf cover. Two seconds later D-4406 falls from the tree and fractures their clavicle. D-4406 was recovered without issue and provided amnestic and medical treatment.
The bag, empty, was found on top of the tree SCP-6644 descended from, pinned to a branch.
Addendum 6644.03
On 2 June 1989, a group of 11 hikers entered the Cherokee National Forest of Tennessee during a wilderness camping trip. During a search by park rangers, a derelict camping ground was discovered, belonging to the hikers. Unusual Incidents Unit agents implanted in local law enforcement recognised signs of "SCP-6644" involvement and Foundation assistance was requested. At this time, a total of 12 separate "Jipute" sightings were reported by locals. The report was handed to the SCP Foundation upon request and can be accessed below.
Said reports have been dealt with by Foundation personnel and an investigation with the UIU has also been concluded.
This file has been willingly given to the SCP Foundation by the United States Unusual Incidents Unit.
Electronic copy below as per Federal Records Act
UIU File 1985-012: Case File "Jipute" (Collaborative investigation with the SCP Foundation)
Summary: A humanoid entity currently loose within the forests of North America.
Name: "Jipute"
Irregularity Cross-reference: humanoid, sapient, unsecured, semi-hostile, fast, shapeshifter, omnivorous, predator
Physical Description and Capabilities: A large humanoid creature covered with thick fur and moss with varying appearances. Said reports place the irregularity at a varying height of 5-15 ft. Its weight is undetermined but the creature is noted to be large with long limbs, covered with fur/hair and other plant/moss-like matter. It has been said to have a scream-like howl.
It is believed to have the ability to shapeshift, noted to run at speeds of 35 mph, and distort footage on recording devices when vocalising with howls and other noises.
Purpose/Motive: Unknown/survival.
Modus Operandi: Unknown.
Behavior: A proper analysis of its behaviour could not be conducted as of yet due to the speed at which it moves. It is noted however to be highly alert while foraging.
Joint "Jipute" Investigation:
At approximately 02:00 hours on 05/06/1989, the first of several Jipute sightings would be reported by residents of rural Tennessee. These reports occurred up to winter of the same year and consisted of "terrible screeching" from the park’s woodland. The UIU and SCP Foundation's investigations confirmed signs of Jipute (known to the SCP Foundation as "SCP-6644") activity including, but not limited to:
- Traces of carcasses of medium/large fauna; deer, elk, etc.
- Humanoid footprints with a depth and size indicating running speed surpassing that of an average human.
- Significant decrease in local fungus populations.
Among other concerns, reports of a camping group consisting of 11 semi-professional hikers disappearing prompted a search and investigation by UIU agents. Foundation involvement was soon requested to maintain "Jipute" secrecy with their resources. The hikers’ campsite was located, derelict, on 06/19/1989.
The following is an abridged description of video footage found on a camcorder at the scene, recovered upon investigation of their camp.
<June 2>
Primary subject, yet to be identified, is seen introducing the camera to their camp. All 11 members of the trip greet the camera. The subject seems to be recording with the intent of documenting the trip.
<June 4>
Footage opens in what is presumably morning.
Subject: Well dang, we’ve been raided.
The camp seems to be covered in toppled bags. The camera cuts to the screen of a laptop displaying the recorded footage of a trail camera. It depicts a group of raccoons scavenging food from the hikers’ bags at night. The subject remarks on Joey’s good decision to bring trail cams.
Subject: [chuckles] Gotta watch out for the wildlife here.
<June 8>
Camera opens to the subject crouched down at a deer carcass.
Subject: Hi! Just thought I’d show off this kill, took down this thing with my rifle, it’ll taste good on the barbecue tonight. Um, we’ve…
The subject pauses and glares towards something off-camera. The subject takes the camera and his rifle into a nearby clearing.
Subject: Hmm, I swear I saw something move. Oh? Well lookie here, guess someone else has caught their dinner too! [points towards the ground, a large stain of blood is visible on the forest floor] I’d guess maybe a bear got to it or something.
Nearby Colleague: Er, but there aren't any bears in this part of the forest?
<June 10>
A video of the subject heating water and placing his colleague’s left hand into it.
<June 11>
Subject is in the forest and notably euphoric.
Subject: Look what I found! [displays a mushroom with a blue cap to the camera] There’s a ton of these mushrooms around our camp, they’ll go real nice with that deer I caught yester— [a violent screaming is audible from the nearby woods and slight camera distortion is evident on the footage]
Screeching continues for 40 seconds.
Subject: [chuckles] Oh man… I must've had too much. [laughs]
The subject throws the mushroom towards a tree before running back towards camp]
<June 13>
Footage of a helicopter flying overhead. All campers wave at the craft happily as it flies past. "G-44" is visible on its fuselage. At this time, SCP Foundation Task Force Gamma-44 was surveying the area due to "SCP-6644" reports.
<June 14>
The subject is crouched over the forest floor, wherein they discover a small, heavily rusted, brooch depicting the letters "CTMAF" with an illustration of an mushroom. The subject remarks on it being "at least decades old" and throws it into the distance.
<June 15>
Subject: [groans heavily] Guess what I’ve woken up to again.
Subject turns the camera to the centre of camp, which has a torn bag present.
Subject: The raccoon strikes back. Joey says he’s gonna kill them rats next time they come.
<June 16>
Miscellaneous compilation of an individual picking various fungi species. With an enhanced version of the footage, the "Jipute" can be seen stalking the subject in the distance at numerous points in the footage. It is seen in the background on at least 12 occasions.
Subject: Woah, hey, um, you see that Joe? [points towards the entity]
Nearby Colleague: Hmm?
The entity is observed in the distant shrubbery. It hides behind a tree when pointed at.
Subject: What the h—
Nearby Colleague: Did you bring the rifle?
Subject: Er, no.
Nearby Colleague: Go get it, or the spray, maybe it’s a bear.
The subject runs back to camp.
<June 17>
Subject: Joey's missing. We don’t know where he went yesterday. Hopefully, he’s just joking around but we’re getting concerned. He’s already been gone for like, three hours.
<June 17>
The subject is in the middle of the forest.
Subject: [shouting] JOEY! JOEEEY!
Other voices are also audible in the background. A still frame of the footage during this search is added below.
[Figure C:] Still frame of the footage showing the entity.
<June 17>
Subject: Hey guys, I think I found Joey’s—
The entity is seen in the distance.
Nearby Colleagues: [Pause]
Subject: Is that a person?
Nearby Colleague: But their arms…
Nearby Colleague: Gimme the gun.
A single gunshot is heard and loud screeching is audible in the distance.
This was the last recording on the recovered device.
[Figure D:] The unknown symbol found on the stone slab.
The hikers’ remains were not recovered from the site, though a recently inhabited den was found nearby the campsite. It was well hidden from view and detection, only found by Foundation Mobile Task Force Gamma-44 upon their sweep of the area. Within the den were many man-made objects and items, presumably from the camp, alongside other items such as mushrooms. Among these items was a stone slab with an unknown glyph painted upon it.
Current Status: The UIU is currently not holding the irregularity.
Crimes: N/A
Sentencing: N/A
History of UIU Action: No action against the irregularity is currently possible due to its nature. The SCP Foundation is currently in-charge of dealing with the disruption it causes among civilians.
Addendum 6644.04
On 01/12/2020, following a mass of reports regarding SCP-6644 activity within Cherokee National Forest, MTF Gamma-44 was dispatched to investigate and SCP-6644 research was put into the hands of Site-57. On this occasion, the task force was supplied with additional resources in order to attempt capture of SCP-6644. This mission was unanimously agreed upon by Director Woods, Dr Walzer and the research team assigned to SCP-6644 due to the growing use of videography technology among civilians and the potential for widespread disruption.
Mobile Task Force Gamma-44 was permitted to collaborate with MTF Nu-7 (“Hammer Down”) to attempt incarceration. The following is a log of the attempted containment operation.
Date: 01-12-2020 Tue
Task Force(s): Mobile Task Force Gamma-44 ("Whistle in the Woods") and Nu-7 (“Hammer Down”).
Objective: Capture and contain SCP-6644.
12:00: Gamma-44 scouts the forest from the ground while Nu-7 observes the forest aerially with helicopters. 51 operatives, 5 armoured vehicles and 3 helicopter units are mobilised and prepared to apprehend SCP-6644.
13:05: Nu-7 gains visual contact of SCP-6644 traversing above the upper tree canopy. It observes the helicopters and dives down below the emergent foliage. Gamma-44 is notified and heads towards the location.
13:40: Gamma-44 notices SCP-6644 concealing itself among the foliage and fires taser rifle rounds at it. One hits successfully and SCP-6644 vocalises in distress. It climbs away in the opposite direction at speeds surpassing 25 m/s. Nu-7 follows it southwest.
13:45: SCP-6644 notices the aircraft and descends. Nu-7 loses sight.
13:47: Gamma-44, following behind Nu-7, is ambushed by SCP-6644. The entity throws three boulders at the approaching Gamma-44 and six operatives are wounded. Gamma-44 engages the entity but lose sight of it shortly thereafter. Medical personnel stationed at a distance extract the wounded.
13:50: Nu-7 begins firing on the forest below to elicit a reaction from SCP-6644. A boulder is thrown at a helicopter but was avoided by its premature fall. Gamma-44 is informed of the entity's location. The suspected area is surrounded.
14:18: Nu-7 spots SCP-6644. Gamma-44 and Nu-7 are currently in a position wherein they are able to intercept the entity.
14:25: As Gamma-44 advances, SCP-6644 runs towards the southwestern flank and charges the line of operatives, three are wounded. Both forces open fire with rubber bullets and tranquilliser darts, with many striking the entity directly. SCP-6644 stumbles multiple times, though continues moving at a steady speed of 30 m/s southwest and is forced to exit the forest. Its velocity rapidly increased to exceed 60 m/s soon after, a speed previously undisplayed by the entity.
14:30: All assets focus fire on the entity in an attempt to slow or hinder its movement, though its velocity and erratic movements make this challenging. Helicopter and vehicular units are utilised in order to force SCP-6644 away from populated areas.
14:35: A ranger's cabin is in SCP-6644's path. Due to being flanked on both sides, SCP-6644 rams into the building, destroying it in the process. It briefly stumbles but grabs two logs while colliding with the cabin. One is thrown at the helicopter flying the lowest to the ground. It misses its target and SCP-6644 throws the other. The second log hits the primary rotors and the helicopter unit plummets. One pilot was killed in the fall and five more operatives onboard were severely wounded.
14:40: SCP-6644 was driven towards the Smoky Mountains and is rounded into a horseshoe-shaped rock formation wherein all agents and aerial units can prevent the entity’s escape. SCP-6644 stops in the centre of the large empty clearing. All remaining operatives have firearms drawn to the entity, the rock formation’s entrance is blocked by five heavy vehicles and the two remaining helicopters hover just above the clearing. SCP-6644 releases a vocalisation upon being surrounded before it falls silent. Agents move in and prepare to sedate the entity when a violent scream is heard from the mountains.
Two entities, with a great resemblance to SCP-6644, break the above treeline at 65 m/s and collide with the helicopters, devastating their fuselages and causing both to plummet and crash a distance away. Five out of eleven personnel on board are killed in the fall. All operatives open fire on the new instances. The larger of the pair quickly flips one of the armoured vehicles and drags it towards the entrance of the formation to shield the original instance. The other assists SCP-6644 to stand, who stumbles and falls. It then picks SCP-6644 up and puts it over its shoulders before signalling to the other instance. It promptly responds by lifting the armoured vehicle and throwing it in the agents' direction and quickly scale the rock formation. Agent Lee, later awarded for her actions, took the initiative and fired a GPS tracking bullet at SCP-6644, which was embedded into its lower abdomen. All three instances successfully escape into the woodland and evade capture.
The operation was promptly ended at this point due to the casualties incurred. SCP-6644 was tracked heading northwest but 3,100 kilometres into the journey the tracking device implanted into SCP-6644 remained unusually stationary, most likely indicating that the SCP-6644 instance had successfully dislodged it from its body. Their whereabouts are unknown but their presumed destination appears to be North Cascades National Park, 3,444 kilometres away from the Smoky Mountains, based on the entity's direction of movement.
Researchers have now noted the possibility of SCP-6644 being a group of sapient organisms spread throughout North America. This theory explains many of the unknown aspects currently involved with the means of its travel throughout the continent, its presumed shapeshifting abilities and other anomalous traits. These developments are currently being investigated.
The following is a transcript of Mobile Task Force Gamma-44 and Nu-7 approaching the site for investigation and a second attempt to capture SCP-6644. This time, the use of lethal force was permitted if necessary.
Date: 06-12-2020 Sun
Task Force(s): Mobile Task Force Gamma-44 ("Whistle in the Woods") and Nu-7 (“Hammer Down”).
Objective: Capture and contain SCP-6644.
14:00: All ground squads mobilise throughout the southern region of the North Cascades National Park and it is closed to civilians. Aerial surveillance is kept to a minimum as not to alert the SCP-6644 entities. All forces take defensive positions whilst concealed from view to detect and ambush the SCP-6644 instances.
14:30: The three entities arrive at the national park. The largest was carrying the original SCP-6644 instance, which seemed to have healed slightly and possessed a crudely constructed medical splint around its lower left leg. They head further into the forest in a straight path, possibly indicating that they are travelling to a predetermined location.
14:40: The instances are tracked further into the forest using satellites and are noted to have slowed down considerably since entering the national park. The two entities attempt to help the other limp on its own, though it simply collapses upon letting go of the larger entity. They continue moving northwest.
14:55: All instances reach the Western boundary of North Cascades National Park. They stop approximately fifteen kilometres away from the town of Maple Falls. No activity is detected by satellites due to the forested nature of the area for ten minutes and the task forces prepare to converge on their location.
15:05: Teams reach the area. It is a small clearing, surrounded by dense forest and small boulders. There is a large overhanging rock to its northern side that is coated in a thick layer of moss. The ground was now considerably eroded over a large area indicating that the area is walked over often, though it does not fall on any public footpaths. Teams watch from the tree line as the three instances stand in front of an unnaturally shaped stone underneath the overhang. For investigational purposes, the task forces are informed not to engage and only observe the entities.
Leaving the original and larger SCP-6644 instance behind, the entity walks towards the boulder and makes a series of unsynced knocks on the boulder. It then stood in front of the rock for approximately a minute before turning towards the larger instance and making an unidentified gesture. The large instance made a complex groan-like noise and placed the original on the floor before heading towards the rock. Methodically, it made a series of knocks on the boulder and ran back to pick up the first instance. With a small yelp, it walks towards the rock with the assistance of the other instance.
A few minutes pass and a grinding noise is heard from the inside of the boulder. It then starts shifting to the right, opening up to a crevice. The interior is not visible but the three instances manage to fit through. The boulder begins to move back to the left but suddenly stops with a loud creaking noice. A loud groan is heard from within the cave and an SCP-6644 instance, distinctly dissimilar to the first three, walks out of the hole and begins to inspect the rock from its right. It presses down to the floor and investigates the bottom of the boulder with its arms.
Task forces are given the order to head forward and sedate the new entity. Snipers ready themselves to fire tranquilliser darts at the instance and a squad of Gamma-44 operatives quietly approach the entity. They are noticed and snipers fire at it, preventing the instance from alerting any others within the cave. It yelps and in a sluggish motion and attempts to attack the approaching agents. They knock it down to the floor and restrain the entity. Emergency extraction personnel retrieve the SCP-6644 instance and additional bounds are placed as a safety measure. It is quickly transported to Site-38, escorted by several Nu-7 vehicles.
15:20: The task forces are given the green to head into the cave and they equip their night vision gear. Immediately following entry, the advance team note a complex, though crudely built, pulley system behind the boulder, possibly the means used to close and open the entrance to the cave. It appears old as much of the materials used to build the mechanism were visibly rotting and had moss growing on their surface. They head forward through a small cramped tunnel.
After two minutes of travel, noises indicating a large commotion is caught by the force. With defensive positions to engage multiple entities, the task force moves into the expansive interior of the cave. More than a dozen of these instances are seen through the body cameras, alongside the three original instances, and they scream and howl after seeing the operatives. In a panic, they fire upon the entities who run and limp deeper into the cave. The task force is advised to not engage unless explicitly attacked. They follow behind the running instances.
The largest area of the cave is reached and all the instances are huddled near the walls, kneeling and pounding their arms on the floor, while throwing mushrooms, of which there were mounds throughout the cave, at the task force operatives. Containment specialists immediately deploy an incapacitating aerosol agent in the enclosed cave and the 32 sedated entities are quickly transported to a pre-developed indoor containment area at Site-38.
It was noted by the operatives that a mural was located on the wall and ceiling next to which the SCP-6644 instances were huddled next to.
Analysis of this mural reveals it to be made of natural paints. It depicts the following:
- A drawn icon of the logo for a late 1800s company, “Curley's Truffles, Mushrooms and Assorted Fungi” (now defunct, entering bankruptcy in 1916), and now known as GoI-7755.
- Humanoids resembling SCP-6644 instances, apparently deceased.
- Humanoids wielding sticks, presumably rifles as their ends are depicted to having a bright burst.
Reading the artwork from left to right seems to detail a potential point of origin for the species’ behaviour. The Department of Anomalous Archaeology, joined with the investigation of GoI-7755’s business files and other sources of information, were able to give the following interpretation of the mural:
[ … ]
The Jipute had been a species thriving in the North American wilderness for numerous millennia, having developed a nomadic lifestyle, travelling separately or in small groups. Living primarily on foraging, their main food source was fungi and this became an inherent part of their diet and culture. Native Americans were aware of their existence, though they both maintained neutral respect and mostly avoided contact with one another. When European settlers first discovered the Americas, they likely heard stories of the beasts in the forests and wanted to hunt them as trophies, though their weapons and rifles were not strong enough to harm a Jipute. Over the years, the species’ existence was disregarded and circulated as myth or fiction, thus going unnoticed.
In the late 1800s, Curley's Truffles, Mushrooms and Assorted Fungi was founded and soon experienced rapid growth due to the vast resources available in America’s woodland. It took a few years before they encountered the first SCP-6644 instance. While the exact details of this event are unknown, it is presumed that the incident resulted in a conflict between the two groups. The business soon saw a drop in income as they approached Jipute territory due to their inhabitation of many damper forests, thus being active in areas with high fungal stimulation. Curley's Truffles realised this and commissioned assistance from a newly developing arms dealer for access to more powerful weaponry. This marked the downfall of the Jipute’s dominion over the North American wilds.
High-ranking members of Curley's Truffles would often organise hunting and extermination parties, operating secretly from authorities and the public. The company efficiently hunted the species and fought for the forest’s valuable resources.
In about 18 months, the Jiputes’ population had been reduced to just a few tribes in the North of the continent and some coastal areas. Fearing further purging, one tribe began to forfeit their collected mushrooms to Curley's Truffles, a practice later adopted by all remaining tribes. This would be undertaken by one tribe in what would eventually become part of North Cascades National Park. A trough outside a cave would be filled in order to signal that their annual harvest was complete. Once a year, the company would come to the location and all Jipute tribes would turn over collected resources. If the harvest was unsatisfactory, the tribe would be culled. Jiputes that refused to give up their harvests were either killed or used as manual labour.
One year, Curley's Truffles failed to arrive and collect their assets, presumed to be around 1916, following the introduction of the National Park Service which would have made the company’s business activities unviable. They now worship the late company as if it were a deity.
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Although the mural ends at this point, the entities still assumedly hoard and bring mushrooms in fear of GoI-7755’s return.
This cave was labelled LoI-6644-03 as the hub for a Jipute tribe. The captured SCP-6644 instances, transferred to Site-38, were treated for any injuries, though they initially displayed great distrust towards the Foundation, and kept in their containment area while Site-57 deliberates over the next course of action to be taken moving forward.
Addendum 6644.05
UPDATES — 2021
Following the capture of an entire tribe, the Cryptozoology Division classified the species with the binomial nomenclature Foundationi yiputius and kept all instances contained in their designated indoor containment area. However, an alteration to this containment procedure was requested by the Ethics Committee. Committee member William Curley proposed that the cave and surrounding area be converted to a large outdoors containment zone for the SCP-6644 population. This proposal won with a majority vote and the necessary approaches were undertaken to facilitate it.
The Foundation managed to earn the tribe's trust and establish good relations while cryptozoologists and linguists worked in tandem to decipher the language utilised by the species and to teach them sign language. With their success, an agreement was made that all remaining SCP-6644 instances would live exclusively within an allotted area with no limitations, provided they keep their existence allusive.
Figure E: An aerial shot of Howling Woods Nature Reserve.
The sanctuary for the remaining SCP-6644 instances finished development on 15 November 2021. It consists of a 300 square kilometre exclusion zone around LoI-6644-03, now known as the Howling Woods Nature Reserve, and all captured instances were released into the park. Civilians are not permitted within and guards patrol its surroundings.
Bimonthly investigations of the tribe will be taken to ensure their growing health and signs of a growing population. Supplies will be delivered to the population until they become self-sufficient with their farming efforts and any additional assistance requested may be granted to the population.
Presently, Howling Woods Reserve is home to 38 individual members of the species. Efforts to locate other tribes and SCP-6644 instances to direct them towards the exclusion zone built or establish another are currently ongoing.
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"SCP-6644" by OzzyLizard and Jack Waltz, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
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