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Please note that some information contained within this file may be inaccurate, contradictory, or outdated due to recent events. RAISA is currently pending an updated version of this database entry. We apologise for any inconvenience.

— Maria Jones, Director, RAISA

Item#: 6644
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

Assigned Site


Site Director

Dir Ozwald Woods

Research Head

Dr Jack Walzer

Assigned MTF

Gamma-44 ("Whistle in the Woods")

Assigned Site


Site Director

Dir Ozwald Woods

Research Head

Dr Jack Walzer

Assigned MTF

Gamma-44 ("Whistle in the Woods")

Figure A: SCP-6644, circa 1987.

Special Containment Procedures: All reports or sightings of SCP-6644 are to be investigated by Mobile Task Force Gamma-44 ("Whistle in the Woods").1 Civilian reports are to be discredited and presented as misidentifications or hoaxes and witnesses are to undergo the necessary amnestication protocols. Civilians entering SCP-6644 inhabited areas should be heavily discouraged from collecting wild mushrooms through the use of park/reserve guidelines and media campaigns.

Should SCP-6644 be sighted numerous times within a particular area, the nearest Foundation Site is tasked with the investigation, research, and containment efforts (currently of low priority) for SCP-6644.

Last Wild Sighting(s): Throughout Tennessee’s forests. Under Site-57's jurisdiction.

Description: SCP-6644 is a semi-bipedal humanoid entity known to inhabit woodland across North America. Its physical appearance varies with all sightings, ranging between two to five metres in height. Descriptions of SCP-6644's head vary across appearances, with it being described as resembling both human and non-human animals, suggesting partial shapeshifting abilities. In all cases, SCP-6644 possesses fur and plant matter growing throughout its limbs, shoulders and back, allowing it to effectively camouflage into its environment. The entity also situates itself in a manner causing its body to be obscured in a shadow, thus prompting witnesses to state that the entity possesses a shadowy silhouette-like figure. This mannerism has hindered Foundation efforts to properly document its physical appearance.

SCP-6644 can be identified from a distance due to its loud and distinct vocalisations, consisting of howls, shrieks, and clicks. Various videos and audio recordings of these vocalisations exist online where they have already been viewed by millions.2 At close ranges, SCP-6644 vocalisations have been known to cause distortion in audio and video recordings. Such recordings are, however, rare due to a lack of vocalisations during observation of the entity.

The entity’s diet is omnivorous, consuming local flora and fauna. Common sustenance includes berries, edible shrubbery, deer, moose and various fungi, however, the entity shows an overwhelming inclination towards mushrooms. This information has been accumulated via collected surveillance footage of forests, which have captured SCP-6644's foraging habits.


Figure B: Range of confirmed SCP-6644 sightings.

Approximately 90% of all human encounters and attacks are due to an individual being stalked and/or pursued by the entity after they had picked or been in possession of wild mushrooms from the local area. Aside from such occasions, SCP-6644 is known to avoid human contact. Since its recognition, SCP-6644 has been confirmed to be directly responsible for 152 total civilian injuries and 36 confirmed fatalities, in addition to an unknown and undetermined amount of disappearances.

SCP-6644 is believed to inhabit the forests of North America based on the locations supplied by civilian sightings and information collected by various task forces. SCP-6644 sightings have been recorded to occur in rapid succession across great distances. This is believed to be due to the undetermined speed at which the entity travels.

Addendum 6644.01


SCP-6644 was officially recognised by the Foundation on 19 August 1987. Prior to this, the entity had become established among native folklore, and anomalous classification had been pending since as early as the 1910s. In 1987, SCP-6644 was photographed by Joseph Andersson, a resident of Skamania, OR, USA.

A search party comprised of locals had found Mr Andersson unconscious in a nearby forest suffering from a severe cranial injury caused by blunt force trauma. His camera and backpack were found nearby, with the lens cracked and backpack torn. An opened tray seal package was found several meters away, with a label indicating that the package formerly held golden chanterelle mushrooms. He was diagnosed and treated with severe post-traumatic amnesia in addition to life-threatening cranial damage. He was recovered by authorities and hospitalised for his injuries.

The photograph of SCP-6644 (see Figure A) was found by his wife, Mrs Andersson, and was reported to the local authorities. It was quickly seized by embedded Foundation agents.

The following is an interview with Mrs Andersson made several weeks later.

Addendum 6644.02


Although SCP-6644 is extremely elusive, attempts to test the entity’s nature have been undertaken to some success. The following tests were conducted in the spring of 1988 within Jasper National Park, Canada by Site-52 due to numerous sightings in the area. It should be noted that SCP-6644’s appearance did not alter during the course of this investigation.

Addendum 6644.03


On 2 June 1989, a group of 11 hikers entered the Cherokee National Forest of Tennessee during a wilderness camping trip. During a search by park rangers, a derelict camping ground was discovered, belonging to the hikers. Unusual Incidents Unit4 agents implanted in local law enforcement recognised signs of "SCP-6644" involvement and Foundation assistance was requested. At this time, a total of 12 separate "Jipute" sightings were reported by locals. The report was handed to the SCP Foundation upon request and can be accessed below.

Said reports have been dealt with by Foundation personnel and an investigation with the UIU has also been concluded.

Addendum 6644.04


On 01/12/2020, following a mass of reports regarding SCP-6644 activity within Cherokee National Forest, MTF Gamma-44 was dispatched to investigate and SCP-6644 research was put into the hands of Site-57. On this occasion, the task force was supplied with additional resources in order to attempt capture of SCP-6644. This mission was unanimously agreed upon by Director Woods, Dr Walzer and the research team assigned to SCP-6644 due to the growing use of videography technology among civilians and the potential for widespread disruption.

Mobile Task Force Gamma-44 was permitted to collaborate with MTF Nu-7 (“Hammer Down”)9 to attempt incarceration. The following is a log of the attempted containment operation.

The operation was promptly ended at this point due to the casualties incurred. SCP-6644 was tracked heading northwest but 3,100 kilometres into the journey the tracking device implanted into SCP-6644 remained unusually stationary, most likely indicating that the SCP-6644 instance had successfully dislodged it from its body. Their whereabouts are unknown but their presumed destination appears to be North Cascades National Park, 3,444 kilometres away from the Smoky Mountains,10 based on the entity's direction of movement.

Researchers have now noted the possibility of SCP-6644 being a group of sapient organisms spread throughout North America. This theory explains many of the unknown aspects currently involved with the means of its travel throughout the continent, its presumed shapeshifting abilities and other anomalous traits. These developments are currently being investigated.

The following is a transcript of Mobile Task Force Gamma-44 and Nu-7 approaching the site for investigation and a second attempt to capture SCP-6644. This time, the use of lethal force was permitted if necessary.

Analysis of this mural reveals it to be made of natural paints. It depicts the following:

  • A drawn icon of the logo for a late 1800s company, “Curley's Truffles, Mushrooms and Assorted Fungi” (now defunct, entering bankruptcy in 1916), and now known as GoI-7755.
  • Humanoids resembling SCP-6644 instances, apparently deceased.
  • Humanoids wielding sticks, presumably rifles as their ends are depicted to having a bright burst.

Reading the artwork from left to right seems to detail a potential point of origin for the species’ behaviour. The Department of Anomalous Archaeology, joined with the investigation of GoI-7755’s business files and other sources of information, were able to give the following interpretation of the mural:

[ … ]

The Jipute had been a species thriving in the North American wilderness for numerous millennia, having developed a nomadic lifestyle, travelling separately or in small groups. Living primarily on foraging, their main food source was fungi and this became an inherent part of their diet and culture. Native Americans were aware of their existence, though they both maintained neutral respect and mostly avoided contact with one another. When European settlers first discovered the Americas, they likely heard stories of the beasts in the forests and wanted to hunt them as trophies, though their weapons and rifles were not strong enough to harm a Jipute. Over the years, the species’ existence was disregarded and circulated as myth or fiction, thus going unnoticed.

In the late 1800s, Curley's Truffles, Mushrooms and Assorted Fungi was founded and soon experienced rapid growth due to the vast resources available in America’s woodland. It took a few years before they encountered the first SCP-6644 instance. While the exact details of this event are unknown, it is presumed that the incident resulted in a conflict between the two groups. The business soon saw a drop in income as they approached Jipute territory due to their inhabitation of many damper forests, thus being active in areas with high fungal stimulation. Curley's Truffles realised this and commissioned assistance from a newly developing arms dealer for access to more powerful weaponry. This marked the downfall of the Jipute’s dominion over the North American wilds.

High-ranking members of Curley's Truffles would often organise hunting and extermination parties, operating secretly from authorities and the public. The company efficiently hunted the species and fought for the forest’s valuable resources.

In about 18 months, the Jiputes’ population had been reduced to just a few tribes in the North of the continent and some coastal areas. Fearing further purging, one tribe began to forfeit their collected mushrooms to Curley's Truffles, a practice later adopted by all remaining tribes. This would be undertaken by one tribe in what would eventually become part of North Cascades National Park. A trough outside a cave would be filled in order to signal that their annual harvest was complete. Once a year, the company would come to the location and all Jipute tribes would turn over collected resources. If the harvest was unsatisfactory, the tribe would be culled. Jiputes that refused to give up their harvests were either killed or used as manual labour.

One year, Curley's Truffles failed to arrive and collect their assets, presumed to be around 1916, following the introduction of the National Park Service which would have made the company’s business activities unviable. They now worship the late company as if it were a deity.

[ … ]

Although the mural ends at this point, the entities still assumedly hoard and bring mushrooms in fear of GoI-7755’s return.

This cave was labelled LoI-6644-03 as the hub for a Jipute tribe. The captured SCP-6644 instances, transferred to Site-38, were treated for any injuries, though they initially displayed great distrust towards the Foundation, and kept in their containment area while Site-57 deliberates over the next course of action to be taken moving forward.

Addendum 6644.05

UPDATES — 2021

Following the capture of an entire tribe, the Cryptozoology Division classified the species with the binomial nomenclature Foundationi yiputius and kept all instances contained in their designated indoor containment area. However, an alteration to this containment procedure was requested by the Ethics Committee. Committee member William Curley proposed that the cave and surrounding area be converted to a large outdoors containment zone for the SCP-6644 population. This proposal won with a majority vote and the necessary approaches were undertaken to facilitate it.

The Foundation managed to earn the tribe's trust and establish good relations while cryptozoologists and linguists worked in tandem to decipher the language utilised by the species and to teach them sign language. With their success, an agreement was made that all remaining SCP-6644 instances would live exclusively within an allotted area with no limitations, provided they keep their existence allusive.

Figure E: An aerial shot of Howling Woods Nature Reserve.

The sanctuary for the remaining SCP-6644 instances finished development on 15 November 2021. It consists of a 300 square kilometre exclusion zone around LoI-6644-03, now known as the Howling Woods Nature Reserve, and all captured instances were released into the park. Civilians are not permitted within and guards patrol its surroundings.

Bimonthly investigations of the tribe will be taken to ensure their growing health and signs of a growing population. Supplies will be delivered to the population until they become self-sufficient with their farming efforts and any additional assistance requested may be granted to the population.

Presently, Howling Woods Reserve is home to 38 individual members of the species. Efforts to locate other tribes and SCP-6644 instances to direct them towards the exclusion zone built or establish another are currently ongoing.

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