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by Cydhra

2/6528 LEVEL 2/6528
Item #: SCP-6528

Special Containment Procedures


Reconstruction of dig site Nebelivka, destroyed multiple times by SCP-6528 events.

Foundation programs within the mundane scientific community should watch for emerging explanations about SCP-6528 events. Evidence and information regarding it are to be suppressed under Level 01 suppression guidelines. Since incomplete information regarding SCP-6528 is already widespread among the general public1, only the suppression of information that could lead to new mundane theories about SCP-6528 events, as well as information regarding the scientific advances of Nebelivka culture and SCP-6528-1 is necessitated. While it is considered unlikely that SCP-6528 events will reemerge, mundane research into genetic engineering is to be monitored and evaluated, so discoveries leading towards the engineering of species conforming to SCP-6528-1 characteristics can be impeded.

Update 17/04/2021
The internal temperature of the biological containment chamber designated for remains of SCP-6528-1 is to be kept above 800°C. Currently, this is achieved through coupling with the on-site nuclear reactor, though different mechanisms may be used if sufficient heating can be guaranteed. The chamber is to be monitored for sudden drops in local reality levels. Declining reality is to be combated using standard reality stabilization measures and by increasing the internal temperature of the chamber.

The city of Leipzig and surrounding countryside is subject to a large-scale Hume measurement program. Drops in Hume levels around Leipzig must be reported to Site Command 54 immediately and all instances of SCP-6528-1 discovered by the program must be contained or destroyed forthwith. Populations of SCP-6528-1 must not be allowed to survive in the wilderness for periods exceeding 6 months.


SCP-6528 collectively describes a series of anomalous extinction events during the neolithic and chalcolithic time period in south-eastern Europe. The events targeted very specific organic forms of plant life, hereinafter called SCP-6528-1. Foundation archaeologists theorize that they were specifically aimed to exterminate their entire species. By no means were the events precisely targeted at individual specimens of SCP-6528-1, but rather directed towards the entire region inhabited by them. Due to the prehistoric nature of the phenomenon, precise characterization of the events, as well as an accurate account of number and frequency of SCP-6528 events is near impossible. All documented events took place in large human settlements in the south-eastern regions of Europe, between Ukraine and western Hungary over a time span of approximately 4000 years.

All known events manifested in a presumably sudden outbreak of anomalously hot fire2 that devastated large areas, annihilating organic life within, melting metallic substances (though rarely present), and vitrifying clay and sand. Aside from calcium-based incombustible structures, no organic substances remained after an extinction event. The extensive amount of archaeological findings from human settlements attesting to those events initially sparked the research into SCP-6528.

SCP-6528-1 is an anomalous vegetable species described by records of the Nebelivka culture which co-inhabited the settlements affected by SCP-6528 events. It was discovered later after the Foundation had begun research into the SCP-6528 events. Whether or not specimens of SCP-6528-1 were created using anomalous means or discovered in another way is hard to determine and remains subject of research. The nature of now-extinct SCP-6528-1 is described in extensive documentation left by the Nebelivka culture (see Addenda).



Transcription of exemplary Nebelivka tablet by Foundation archaeologist

Well ahead of the first writing systems (like the Sumerian cuneiform), the aforementioned Nebelivka culture produced large quantities of a previously unknown writing system. Like the Sumerian system, it used mnemonics instead of symbols to convey ideas. The subculture is exclusively characterized through their use of the writing system and otherwise seamlessly integrated into surrounding populations.

Despite advantages of their writing system, it was never introduced to outsiders and is utterly disconnected from other emerging proto-writing systems. Apparently, the script was exclusively used by Nebelivka culture and was adamantly concealed from surrounding societies. Due to the alien nature of the script with respect to other contemporary proto-writing systems, translating surviving artifacts has proven difficult.

A collection of script samples was recovered from archaeological dig site 6528-Nebelivka3 in a subterranean building complex of unknown function. It was destroyed through at least one SCP-6528 event, subsequent structural collapse, and afterwards buried under new Trypillian structures. During excavations, 57 baked clay tablets of differing sizes were recovered by the Foundation, displaying texts in the writing system attributed to the Nebelivka society. Only a few could be translated so far, but those led to the discovery of SCP-6528-1.

SCP-6528-1 Documentation

The tablets recovered from dig site 6528-Nebelivka describe SCP-6528-1 as a vine with long, reed-like leaves. It occasionally grows small blossoms that expel spores at the end of blooming. According to sketches, it clings to walls and to other plants. More assessments about SCP-6528-1's taxonomy were not possible due to missing translations.

Much of the remaining tablets apparently explain methods of genetic modification of SCP-6528-1 using biochemical agents obtained from itself. Another set of tablets display complex shapes and conjectures of fractal geometry along with more untranslatable texts. The accuracy and complexity of shapes displayed on several tablets suggest an unusually high level of abstract analytical thinking, not typical for artifacts from this time period.4 Of note are multiple tablets that combine the fractal conjectures and the genetic methodology. They describe a process in which SCP-6528-1 is used to solve problems in fractal geometry, by encoding the patterns into its genetic structure. SCP-6528-1 then produces results of encoded fractal functions. Calculations of this magnitude should have been impossible during the neolithic, even with the mathematical advancements shown before and especially without electrical computers.

SCP-6528 Events

The first successful translation was a collection of tablets containing an inventory list of multiple storehouses, along with orders given in both Nebelivka writing and the proto-writing system of the surrounding Cucuteni–Trypillia culture. Most translations contain an abridged version of the orders without much argumentation. This has led Foundation researchers to believe that the original translation was withheld from the Cucuteni–Trypillia city and kept secret. The original text strongly suggests that the SCP-6528 events were purposefully conjured by members of the Nebelivka society which further emphasizes their key role in the events due to their apparent thaumaturgical skill set.

A potential translation of the text next to the storage list is listed below. The first four lines were propagated to the orders given to the storehouses and thus shared with the Trypillian city. The last seven lines were withheld.

You must assemble the food.
The food has a <disease / pest / illness / bad touch>
The food will be destroyed.
We hate the destruction but the food will kill us.
We will conjure the sun.
The plant fears the sun.
We speak with the sun.
The sun agrees to destruction of the plant.
The plant will break the world.
The plant must be destroyed.
We must fear <intranslatable>

Incident 6528/A
Incident 6528/B
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