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The following document was discovered within the Foundation database following a complaint issued by Site-42's Director Smith regarding a suspected falsified file. Questioning of personnel within Site-42 as well as thorough searches of database archives reveal that at no point has an SCP-6304 has ever been found or logged. Furthermore, no D-Class subject by the name of "Jackson Iut" has ever been attained by the Foundation.

Further investigation is currently underway. SCP-6304's file and any derivative documents thereof have been moved to the Supplemental Files Record, pending further classification.

— Maria Jones, Director, RAISA

Item#: 6304
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:



Special Containment Procedures: The remains of SCP-6304 are to be kept in Site-42's morgue for further medical study. Should no additional anomalous characteristics be discovered, Class A Biohazardous Material Disposal Procedures are to be enacted.

Description: SCP-6304 was a temporal anomaly that manifested within the presumably deceased body of D-38121; while a clinical examination could not be conducted due to SCP-6304's previously intangible state, exposure to external stimuli had been met with no response. The body was located on the top bunker of the far-left wing of Site-42's dormitory and since discovery, had displayed no signs of movement. SCP-6304 constantly exhibits a green glow of approximately 6 lux. (See Addendum 6304-A).

Relocation of SCP-6304 could not be made as the body appeared to be completely intangible. Though SCP-6304 appeared to be able to rest atop D-3812's designated bunk bed, attempts at moving the bed revealed that SCP-6304 was simply hovering in place.

Subjects within close proximity of SCP-6304 experienced a minor distortion in their perception of time, reporting slightly accelerated behavior from interactions for twenty-four hours after contact. Repeated contact halves the duration of this effect in half for each subsequent interaction. Although extended length of contact has led to a strong sense of déjà vu, no other side-effects appear to manifest.

SCP-6304 was discovered and reported by several D-Class personnel following a large commotion at Site-42's D-Class dormitories during the early morning hours of September 23, 2032. According to video surveillance footage and testimony from D-Class personnel, SCP-6304 had manifested on the bed previously belonging to D-3812. Following intervention by Security Officer ██████, D-Class personnel were evacuated and SCP-6304 was cataloged.

During a regularly scheduled review of security tape footage, 63,082,981 video files dated for September 23, 2032 were discovered within system files, amounting to 24 hours of footage. Following review, the footage was found to possibly be a byproduct of SCP-6304 and was thus designated as SCP-6304-1. Those who appear in the footage claim to have no recollection of the events depicted and administration of retrograde Class X amnestics revealed no evidence of memory tampering. An edited transcript of the compiled footage has been recorded below; an uncut version is available upon request (See Addendum 6304-B). It should be noted that with each recurring instance of SCP-6304-1, video and audio quality decreased by a significant margin, thus rendering a large majority of the videos unplayable.

Due to increasingly poor quality, no further information could be deduced from other iterations of SCP-6304-1. However, it should be noted that with each instance of SCP-6304-1, the duration of each video is decreased by 50%. Video files #149 and above were unable to be rendered, being measured as having a duration of zero seconds.

Addendum 6304-A: Three days after the initial discovery of SCP-6304, Researcher ███████ discovered that the light produced by SCP-6304 had decreased from 6 to 5 lux for unknown reasons; further analysis reveals that SCP-6304's light levels were slowly decreasing as time passes. Item description updated to reflect this change.

Addendum 6304-B: On October 29, 2032, SCP-6304 became inert and lost its anomalous properties; it no longer produced light, and could be interacted with as with any other non-anomalous object without side-effects. SCP-6304 showed no signs of decomposition, though it's likely that this was a result of its previous anomalous properties. Additionally, all instances of SCP-6304-1 were expunged from the site database. Attempts at file recovery were met with failure. Reclassification from Euclid to Neutralised approved by Site Director Smith on November 29, 2032.

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