Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6299 is to be stored in a 10 by 10 meter animal containment cell at Site-104. SCP-6299 is not to be outside the influence of a Scranton Reality Anchor at any time save for testing purposes. SCP-6299 is to be fed 2 servings of 6299-Designated Dog Food daily (See Researcher Tailor for details). Playing with SCP-6299 is to be carried out daily to ensure that it is in healthy physical and mental condition.
Description: SCP-6299 is a male Australian Cattle Dog weighing approximately 15 kilograms. SCP-6299 is an avid reality bender and experiences an internal Hume reading of approximately 160 Humes. When not bound by a Scranton Reality Anchor, SCP-6299 expresses the ability to instantaneously teleport to nearby locations, manifest objects seemingly at random, and perform other anomalous actions such as levitation and material manipulation. SCP-6299's range of influence appears to be about 100 meters.
SCP-6299 has an amiable and playful demeanor and often requires interaction from personnel. It is unclear if SCP-6299 has active control over its reality bending abilities. Training to potentially harness SCP-6299's abilities is pending.
The documentation for SCP-6299 has been superseded by a revised entry as of June 20, 2017.